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Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-00789R002000320001-4 SECRET/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROjECT SUN STREAK (U) ERV SESSION PROCEDURES REPORT WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED CONTROL NUMBER: 1 ..... 3 DATE OF SESSION: 8 May 87 REFERENCES: None DATE OF REPORT: 11 May 87 TECHNIQUE UTILIZED: ERV NICKNAME: None SG1A TARGET COUNTRY: SESSION NUMBER: 01 MISSION STATUS: Continuing SOURCE IDENTIFIER: SG1A (S/NF/SK) SESSION: This was the first formal ERV session conducted with this Source in approximately one month. Additionally, Source is at, to negotiate an early transfer overseas to allay family hardships which would arise from a later transfer. /Source is also in the process of finally gaining some definitive insight into a lI ngering medical problem. All of the above factors may have had some affect on Source's reporting during this session although the affect, if any, was not readily apparent. During the actual session there were no reportable anomalies or incidents which may have affected or influenced the data provided by Source except that which is cited above. This session was conducted in its entirety utilizing ERV protocols. (S/NF/SK) SUMMARY: Approved FoEIReldift41213091B8708: CIADREIP(9V660660?ociAtib620001-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000320001-4 SECRET/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY a. (S/NE/SK) The following narrative, contained within quotation marks, is an abridged copy of Source's post-session written summary. This summary has been editorialized, (as indicated), by the undersigned +or clarity, grammar and structure. The actUal unabridged summary is maintained in the mission field dossier at this location along with any other material produced during the session, i.e., sketches, notes, etc. BEGIN SUMMARY "(The) site is in an open area. It is a large "Christmas tree" (shaped?) structure setting on top of or related to a large blockhouse, reinforced, low (built?), 100% functional (unadorned) structure. The "Christmas (shaped)" structure is tall and metallic. At a (distance) from (the) at. are trees. The at: itself Sits in a manmade crater. (In reference to the incident, there is) some kind of .poni.,tor)._ng_going on (and) also a test.. There is a monitor(ing) area7hUt fhat is not considered too important. Inside the at. (Christmas tree or blockhouse?) it 0.1:0 like (the) hangar inside (an) aircraft carrier (with) metal catwalks, mechanical devices and well oiled precision machine sounds. Inside (this) at. (it.) is also very deep. (At the moment of the occurrence), there is a buckling .and a collaps(ing) then the ? ? - ? . . . . (Christmas tree) structure falls. There .are'two .eXtYlesions. (The Christmas tree) at:: breaks in twe near the ground. (This is followed by) large clouds of black smoke, +ire, brown clouds of heavier than air particulates. Also small white clouds emitting at periodic intervals, like smoke signals. After (the) collapse, people are running back and forth, but it is not panic running but more like fire drill running. I do not sense panic now, but later some of the people I talk to are in ....... (Source underline) shock and (seem to) give pre programmed an sense no sabotage here. At one time I thought there might (have been) a single incoming object from the sky that caused this (explosion) but after going through the event (sequence) 'four' or five times, I do not think that was the case. This "Christmas tree shaped) structure has a tremendous amount of potential energy (like) mechanical tension. It was like a boxer's clenched muscle. After (the) incident scene is lit, cranes or crane like objects are present, probably (men in) silver a.....1 'La and masks are going through (the) area searching +or certain things. (The) area (contains much) rubble and is covered with a white ash (which reminds me of burnt) magnesium". END SUMMARY b. (S/NF/SK) During the actual 0055,1 Source reported other data which may impact on the final assessment of this target. That data is listed below in raw unevaluated formv. (1) (S/NF/SK) At the location of the event, Source perceived two chains of responsibility which never meet at a single point of responsibility. Approved Fotefeltiatel2006/08108*: AbPtfid Vii4 At) di blbov3 2 001-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000320001-4 SECRET/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY (2) (S/NF/Ii*0 The actual destruction of the "Christmas tree shaped" object was further described by Source, "like a big hand drove it down, buckled it two explosions, one right after the other...the structure falls inward on itself...looks almost like a (grain) silo in Iowa being blown :1. I?? a rapid chain of events, like it begins to buckle first then an explosion. Its an explc then an upward thrust from the opposite side of buckling, the force of the explosion it up(wards) pushing falls away from the exploion, then drops,?falls and buckles...". (S/NF/SK) The results of the explosion were addressed separately and were reported by Source as, "inside the structure, high mechanical legs, like tripods...I can't find an external cause of the explosion...a lot of lights go on (right after the explosion) a lot of smoke, a lot of rubble, concrete, twisted steel, the (Christmas tree shaped) structure is destroyed...a crew in asbestos suits seem to be searching for things as opposed to cleaning up, they are looking for things, not bodies...". (4) (S/NF/S() In addition to the "Christmas tree shaped" object, Source also reported briefly on two other objects, a large white domed shaped object in the far distance as well as a, "mirror, something that reflects back, reflects light back", also located, "in the distance". The connection o+ these two other objects was described by Source as, "linos of communication, linked in, inter- connected, related people (utilizing them). OPS FEEDBACK: Source's data is in many ways quite similar to many of the descriptions supplied by other Source's who have also targeted this problem. Although there seems to be some confusion as the cause and effect of the explosion and the actual location of many of the major components at this site, the reporting was concise and ordered. It is proposed to utilize Source on another session concerning this target in an at: to clarify some of the perceptions recorded in this report. SG1J Approved FoiMeRfaid12010616V08-: tai:ki5P?WeldlYikib0ibleroY320001 -4