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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
October 10, 1986
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000160001-2 SECRET/NOFORN-SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED CONTROL NUMBER: NICKNAME: OTHER "I" DATE OF SESSION " 10 OCT 86 TARGET COUNTRY: UNKNOWN REFERENCES: NONE SESSION NUMBER: 01 DATE OF REPORT; 16 OCT 86 MISSION STATUS: INITIAL (CLOSED) TECHNIQUE UTILIZED: ERV SOURCE IDENTIFIER: 101 1. ( ) TASKING: The Interviewer was provided with a cryptic handwritten note on a piece of lined notebook paper as follows: The coordinates provided were encrypted as per Extended emote Viewing (ERV) protocols to read 028801/306142, thus preventing inadvertent geographic cuing. Source was provided only these encrypted coordinates during the session with no other cuing or descriptive data. 2. ( ) SESSION: There were no unusual occurrences, inclemencies or external environmental conditions known to the interviewer which may have influenced the results of this session. The session was conducted utilizing only standard ERV protocols. .3. ( ) The following narrative contained within quotation marks is an abridged copy of Source's post-session written summary. This summary has been editorialized, (as indicated), by the undersigned for clarity, grammar and structure. The actual unabridged summary is maintained in the mission field dossier at this location along with any other material produced during this session, e..g, sketches, notes, etc. "(there is a )( large white (multi-leveled) structure, (possibly) built into the side of a hill. On the left side of this structure ere are things" sloping down (from the structure) to the ground which look like guide ropes on a circus tent. (Around the Structure) there is a new chain link fence (which may ) be symbolic (ornamental rather than functional). (At one point there is) a portal (entryway) in the fence but no Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000160001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000160001-2 guard force (or guard house) visible. (upon entering ) the building, I (come into) a recessed area which feels like an (apartment house) stairwell (with reception anti-way). It (gives the impression) of letting you be (only partially) inside the building. (To the right) another door leads to the (actual interior of the building). Inside it is possible to go left or right (but not indirectly straight ahead because of a divider of some sort (shaped like the bow of a boat)). To the left there are a row of devices resembling video cassette recorders. ,(These machines) have coated cables (coming from them). There is also another device that rota c o-i7 e cI everyone knows they mean something else. (These people) are intelligent but quite boring. They (seem to be ) in the process of preparing or preparing for something, (but what it is could not be discerned). Later in time when the preparation is completed it will (really only amount) to a single step with no big changes. (There) may be documents (white papers) associated (with this preparation). I sense no danger, no crisis, n~o urgency, no pan3.c and no major ch ngP4. I receive (a symbolic) visual impression of a volcanic rock, with a dome shape on top of a hill. Additionally (I receive) a visual impression of brown leaves falling from trees (and a final) image of a row of people sitting in tiers(of seats) similar to the (British) House of Commons very careful c h a t they say. They can say one thing but pl Zpper c ass el is .1 ey seem) like diplomats in that they are le (at this facility) are we > dressed and (appear to fie) PP op b. ( ) During the actual session, Source reported other data which may impact on the final assessment of this target. That data is listed below in raw unevaluated form: (1) ( ) The white colored structure had a very angular (squared) shape and was very large. The interior contained at least one large open area with a high ceiling. The rear of the structure extends into a hill. The upper level is smaller in total space than the lower level giving an impression of one large box with a smaller box stacked on top. The interior is well lit and there is an impression of the light being received from large windows as opposed to manmade lighting although no windows were apparent. The overall impression was of a very large train station type building with a high roof. (2) ( ) Within the building there are areas partitioned off by glass. In one area there is a device which spins around like a lazy Susan or a potter's wheel. The overall impression is circular ut there is a second impression of something coiling around like the burner on a stove. There are numerous cables leading to and from this device. Some of these cables lead to devices described as similar to VCR's; square and boxlike in various colors (grey and silver predominantly) made of Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000160001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000160001-2 hardened metal. (3) ( ) There is another device resembling a console associated with a radio disc jockey. It is curved and contains numerous controls and dials. There are two men working with this device. 4. ( ) OPS FEEDBACK: The overall description of the site is congruent with the known data of this site however the Source failed to provide information which would positively describe the known or suspected activity of this site. It should be noted that Source is deeply involved in another long term (multiple session) project of great interest to him. This session was imposed over that previous project causing Source to "change horses in mid-stream." Given an additional one or two session, the nature of Source's responses to date are indicative of a high expectation that he would have successfully fulfilled this mission however, time constraints will not permit this type of follow-on activity. Special Activity Officer Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000160001-2