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Approved For Release 1A4 DP96-007898002000150001-3 REPLY TO ATTN OF, 27 October 1986 DT-S (Ops) memorandum 518509/DT-S SUN STREAK Utility Assessment Report Project "I"-! (U) TO: DT-5A n response to a request for information N SG1A 1 (S/SK/WNINTEL) SG1A STREAK sources were tasked prior four separate SU to 11 Oct 86. 2. (S/SK/WNINTEL) The following is provided as raw, unevaluated information. These sources have provided reliable information in the past but the veracity of this data cannot be established by this office due to the lack of sufficient target background data. a. (S/SK/WNINTEL) Source #003 stated substantially as follows: .., Site was a fenced complex group of structures with one tall, large structure heavily made up of metal. Inside this one structure was a large empty open space with vertical lines to one-side passing through it, perhaps like cables; or conduits. There was an elevator involved (not further identified) with this structure. The entire outside of the structure had a smooth rounded feel. Inside (the walls?) there was "intersticing" or "honey combed" metal construction. The structure had an industrial quality about it (not further identified). A silvery, amorphus form was associated with the site (not further identified) which caused source to recall memories of a nuclear test and a barium cloud experiment. WARNING NOTICE: SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED CLASSIFIED BY: DIA-DT DECLASSIFY: OADR Approved For Release 200 . OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 ~6-00789 R0020001 50(R (41 CFR) 101-11.6 5010-114 Approved For Release 200 e , ? AAirR1]P196-00789R002000150001-3 SG1A SG1A During the course of the interview source provided no further amplifying information concerning After the formal (controlled) interview source was asked if, in his opinion, the silvery, amorphus form he perceived was something which was going to occur at this site. Source felt that it was probably more appropriate to think of the silvery, amorphus form as having to do with the purpose or mission of the site rather than as a specific event. No further information provided. b. (S/SK/WNINTEL) Source #018 stated substantially as follows: SG1A SG1A The site had a number of "propped-up" flat, circular, thick, smooth things (not further identified) which seemed to be the main attributes of the site. Also associated with the site was the concept of two way curved trajectory lines (not further identified). The site had both an offensive and defensive purpose like a SAM site (not further identified), but was being used for training and VIP demonstrations, "hi- tech show off" (not further identified). During the course of the interview source provided no further amplif in information concerning After the formal (controlled) interview source was asked if, in his opinion, the perceptions he had represented something which was going to occur'at the site. Source felt he had described an overall purpose or function of the site as opposed to a specific event and that he had not detected nor described any specific event. Source then volunteered the following experiential explanation of his comments about two way curved trajectory lines: If one were to imagine a semi-spherical dome over the site, these trajectory lines would come up (from the site) to the surface of the dome. But at this point the concept of the trajectory lines changes; as if they (the trajectory lines) were also coming from the other direction (outside the dome). When the trajectory lines coming from the outside meet the dome., an imaginary depression is made in the dome, as if one were to poke their finger into an inflated balloon. No further information was provided. c. (S/SK/WNINTEL) Source #021 was interviewed twice and stated substantially as follows: Source's first opinion of the site was that it was a large, cavernous, tall structure with a slanted top which may open and close. There was an underground component to the Approved For Release 218 CI4-RpP96-00789R002000150001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/ IA-RDP9 00789R002000150001-3 SG1A SG1A structure which seemed to be occupied by personnel (not further identified). The site was a combination work place and exhibition hall (not further identified). Source thought the site must be some sort of satellite PHOTINT/intercept facility but added that it also had some sort of strike capability (not further identified). Source's second opinion of the site was that there was a large room below ground with a tall ceiling, exposed struts and a scaffolding-type frame. The people in this lower structure controlled a piece of sophisticated weaponry, perhaps a laser weapon (not further identified), which could be directed away from the earth to an object in the atmosphere that deflected it (presumably a laser beam) back to the earth in a different location (not further identified). Source felt that this was the strike capability related in the first interview. Above the ground there was what looked like an antenna with smooth, shiny, silvery convex panels (not further identified). During the course of the interview source provided no further amplifying information concerning After the formal (controlled) interview source was as a if the perceptions related above represented something which was going to occur at the site. Source was of the opinion that the perceptions related were of an actual event but was unable to determine when the event was observed. No further information provided. OPS NOTE: The descriptions provided by source #021 appear clear, concise, and conclusive. Such resolute clarity is unusual for SUN STREAK sources. Although source #021 has provided reliable information in the past, information which has been related with equal resolute clarity, caution is advised. Some of source's perceptions may be the result of analytical overlay based on false assumptions of targeting. d. (S/SK/WNINTEL) Source #101 stated substantially as follows: At the site was a very large, white colored, angular structure. The interior of the structure contained at least one large open area with a high ceiling. The rear of the structure appeared to extend into a hill (underground?). The upper level of the structure was smaller in total space than the lower level, giving an impression of one large box with a smaller box stacked on top. The interior of the building was well lit. Within the building there were areas partitioned off by glass. In one area there was a device which spins around like a lazy susan or a potter's wheel. The overall impression of this device was circular but there was a second impression of something coiling around like a Approved For Release 20q 'CIA7ftll 96-00789R002000150001-3 SG1A SG1A SG1A Approved For Release 2000/ RF~DP94-00789R002000150001-3 burner on a stove: There were numerous cables leading to and from this device (not further identified). People at this site were well dressed and gave the impression of being upper class elitist. They seemed like diplomats because they are very careful of what they say and/or they don't always say what they mean. The people at the site seemed to be preparing for something (not further identified). Later, when the preparation is completed, this all will amount to only a single step (not further identified) with no big changes; bureaucratic small steps, small change, business as expected. There was no sense of panic, urgency, crisis, or, danger. During the course of the interview source provided no further amplifying information concerning He did not connect the concept o preparation wi he device he described and did not report any "technically oriented" special event. No further information provided. 3. (S/SK/WNINTEL) The above SUN STREAK sources do not appear to have confirmed the anticipated occurrence of a "special technical event" but have provided descriptions which may be related to 4. (S/SK/WNINTEL) Direct access to raw transcript information is limited to personnel with SKEET access only. If access to this information is necessary, contact DT-S (Ops) directly to arrange for an appointment to review appropriate transcripts. SKEET documents are not releasable outside the confines of the SUN STREAK office. 5. (S/SK/WNINTEL) Enclosed herewith is a Intelligence Evaluation Sheet. Please annotate one appropriately for each source (make necessary copies) and return the sheets to DT-S (Ops) within 30 days of receipt of this report. Care and diligence in annotating this Intelligence Evaluation Sheet will aid in the refinement of SUN STREAK assets and thereby enhance SUN STREAK's ability to provide further information of intelligence value. SG1J 1 Enclosure Summary Evaluation Sheet Operations Officer Approved For Release 200 0 :+ G~IA-RFDl 96-007898002000150001-3