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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R001700510001-7.pdf283.79 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001 L0510001-7 NAT::, 0 F;11\1 : T h! ..I' (::::!....!.._:!: !`,1i.1(::!!....V1:::I"} ............... ..................... _.... .,............................... ....................................... _......................... _--- AL)C:7 S::?ti ! C) F: i ll..l( tci4::i :7 X:? :) I.... (::) t o 4` w F"', V V :I: w I::::l :I:::; I:::: !,I..!..:!: :(: .::,. (:' A. J. i 's:: i !,[ L.. f (... ! ?-. J I"! !. i l`,! n rr1 i::: i::: (::?? ?:i; d7c, t i::! i:a iri. tii i::: ,'.. a. I::} i;i. ... r: t,'.. (::.I e '1.= 1 1. (J ., CA, J. C:: ; ;::, , i ~(L.r r .... ? , l .1. I:::: W l:: F., )' C.,2! S i::? r.'a 1"i (A i:i? I::} !?i i:;?i t : L:1 i::? C: C: i. 't:1"i I::i ;?a ?::i :I. r" i::i i::j w : ci1't.::l. t:a?"; 'r" i tii'; vi 1"ii;:;I..i l:al.i(::I .) .i. I t i.:..t. t[,:.: ,"i i::::i. i:?:'?iii . ,... > ,_k:.. ,. i?::, r . }: L'i i::i't:: fi ' C:I :, ; ? : i.:i (:: iii? (.:! [..! 1 d....:1 J. i.... ( ? r i !_i?iii ? (:.I J. I?i 't:.... (::?i i::: o ;?i (::I kA C: 't:: (::} li GJ F ) e,.::, s :!. (::} r1:::; C. C:; I"i i::l I_(i::: (::i I i..,r t..Jv:I.(::I:I.I") (::? t::i'ii?? !"1;a't.:l..lI i:ii ."ii:! (::I!..!a:I.:I.t'.'J i::}?; ro?ii;l..l.1.'t".?ii; 1..1 c} w ki? 1r i? } ;... c? (?:?:?; ?oo;a :t :!. t c?} ?F Z ;:ra t:i (?:; 1=~ t_t't' !?i ; } i::} :i. r 1 t:.:i. r1 c:) t:. i::i .t? ..... is r..: i:; t?i 4'.: t:a r r::i. i(?:} a. i:a h; 1. i;:?i < (::: l.... (:?.r I`? t.:i..i(ii:' J1. oi:::(:?r;'ii?::iI...i't". o ... hor't1(?:r?. r'.l..1~'i ho:1.:1. whit , .:iJt (:::op"t::!.:i t i( 'L a:I. 't'. ..I.. 'i :!. i :!. i::} I...i w a ? (::I ii}? v c) t... t?:';.::! T... (::} (::! i:. (?:?!, r'!i :i f'I :I. I. -I .i I;.. C:} (::: C:I l..i I,.. e,..:. ? ... 1 .!. . ... . .... .... .... ,... .... .., a.. .... C- ' :'. i..i r" I"i i::, i..t J. fri 7. {..J J. I--) (::)1 I"i (::) 4 J t: i:::, j..J r i..J i.:: c:?:r i:::~ (:.I ,: r .i i..? r [::?-r (? ~. i::f ~~ i.:J i'.. i.1 .I.:I. ~_ i..J .. c ... ...... i ... . n .. ... i .. .I. GW:I. t !?i i::;I?:.;:a'y wI}a:a'i'i r'iii!;:ai:a?r [:.i::; )'t!`{T:?I....s':: '?1 :!:(i :::;F::I::::I::::..!.. i:::1 I t::1`d!....`Y' .......... . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . .......................... . . . . .............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... .... . . . . . . . . . . . ................... ,.., I...., Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001700510001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001700510001-7 SES510N SUMMARY VIEWER: 011 SESSION, 30AUG88 START: 1015 STOP: I 1 10 INTERVIEWER: G METHODOLOGY: COMBINED TARGET CUE! PERSON CUE, DESCRIBE LOCATION. RESPONSE: I /ind myself' s/amY;ny onfhc edge of d high bank or cliff, ever/ooklay c7 large body of water. 11 is Coo/ dad breezy. The s17orc/i gc aapears to be rather ruyyed. Behind rye the /and is rether /'/ai` and grassy, CUE: DESCR)BE THE PERSON. WHAT IS HE VUE4RING? RESPONSE: 1he-~,versen is wcarin9 J7c3vy woo/, or /'/ar7ne/ sh%rf ~~s Shirf has a pJc id design of red, grey, b/eck and whl%e. He is wearirl9 v pair d heavy, /o.xJ joants, dark in color, /%kc b/ucjeans. t/c has on heavy hl h too shoes, or boots, and is t, ring 7`h~ck, brown-{~rarr~c 9/asses(cec skelcl,,Paye 1 d scss~o.~). CUE: IS Tk11S PERS4N WEARING ANYTI?,IING ON 141S HEAT)? RESPONSE: NOT AT T4I S TIME, But ;t would not be outoS place AS sec hirr7 wearing a hunler style hat, or a dark Co/Once/ stcc/%np cyp (see sketches A gnc/8,, Pa9 e 2 of sess.,o,) CUE; DESCRIBE THE, BOTTOM Or T IG PERSONS S1,40 ES, RI SPoK(SE; Thick, heavy, rubber Clcd/S. Like an cxpcns%vc Pdif- ol hikii7 shoes Cr boots ( see sfelch , Pdyr Z art YMSIon), Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001700510001-7 rn ce / OF 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001700510001-7 CUE: DESCRIBE THIS PERSONS SOCKS. RESPONSE; He Is wcerinrg a Pair of heavy,9rcy, woo/, or C0#00 socks tha/ have t.Jh to 1ocs and heels (coMM ,vr,? 7'h4 ir~d v~cdva/ de)on,fc/y z)ccds a ehimyc of sacks dl thy, fi rsc). CUE. THIS PERSON IS ENGAGED IN SOME FORM OF ACTIVITY. DESCRIBE THE ACT IV ITY RESPONSE', //c ,'s stcW7O /9, wif4 his back 1o me, acting, cclin9 , or doin j somethIn Yea//y crazy, f/tv arras arc {/cXeal away rom hg's body. qc seems tb be shawirty-o1vor act;-but t-or someone bchnrlhi:"ilsCe ske7`cJ A., /aye 3 of sessio.,). /'/owcmr, than ihdivldua/ seems almost csbsesscd w,# the idea al 1~~d of the Sarne71rno, In h/s ry,,:oc/ he has an /rragc of someonc knce/in9 over in ope i fie wrth a in one hand dr'd e J0ork ;n the 6;0C.,, (sec sketch $., pagc 3 of scssian,~. S'- i// have 1;7c1,`vidua/ wltA his back toward e, hands clasped heh,nc/his bank, and ,S'/i/J ca/' food (see sk&`a4, page4 a/scss,,). CUE.' DESCRIBE` PERSO/VS CWAR,4crER/ST/Cs; REcpC/VSe'; This aerso7s yrcatest asset is his irYiayinalior, anal kocn rniird, CuE ' PNyS1CAL Cf/.q~4crC215T/CS,' A55POWSE' This persori is vcry average lookinj it crery way. ,plc q,/ O(n ,s 7o be 3~aU7' 7", /65--/7o 1,6s.1 brownish,, 9rcyis7y hair, /c7/`e and has dh avera-9c build. there is ndthin~ teal really Stands -oztor' -its i/Y./i0cloal, with -shc, possible e xc epyie ) fhy/he ors rathcj- 7X-,Uy/asses mist the 7i;V7C, CUE; T//ERE ARC TWo /.ETTE12S 4ssocu-9r&o Wiry/ 77-//5 11wiV1D0A1. CAS! You P1014 TIVEm QUT ,7 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001700510001-7 pAc 2 oF' 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001700510001-7 RE9PONSU The first lc~ r has a Vcrf'icd/ Zinc w,/J d docunwarc/ CU/'V~/?9 W{c7chmcnf, /ike possib/y e b, ara.D lseaskc%h A.,~.a9c. oflccss