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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 13, 1998
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Publication Date: 
September 5, 1989
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R001700020004-8.pdf164.22 KB
Approved For Rele s'e2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROQ1700020004-8 !r/Nt::)FC:)I: N (;..I.. f:3 t.J ICI 1:3 "1"1::z 1::.:, 1-::: AND E : L... L...:C c?:; is:i c:aiii: f:3 (::) t..l l::i (: ! is #3 l (l l::i: I L I E::J I) fia :L I\.I V (::) l.... V I:..:, I,} ................... ................ -....................... ......... ...... ................ ...........................................,.............................,....,........................,....,,................................... ................. ................... ............................. ................................... I:::' is t:0 1:ii: (:; `i" IV 1..J lvi 1 t l:f t::) 04. f:i; 1:3 f:ii I (::)1\1 I\I1.J l" I I;? t 1::::1R:: t) ;L :!:(::)I'd:: X:}F..1.l:E: (::)I::. (::41:1 (::111 e, fnJf:::f?' f::)t: ?...,.,, I'll f::: "I" PI (::) X:? C) I.... t::l (:?:)'Y ;; ...r (..) I.... t::) :L? (f:allr(I:::'/faili:i. cu.) J. t..l r't t::: h ) I"' :1. s { J I"t ti. ! r,:i t"t d a:t t:>'1::i. v :i. '(:.:i t::a ssi t::! t,.t r?" :i. r't c:; 1.9/1-2 't:. to :I. t: J i'i? W to r?t a I'"t})I::k(::ar''t:.E.t:a {>ty t:.I"tEr;) v:i.E:i`WE:{?r"? r'1 31..tinttyli:ikr y In c.1 tt::k { f:3 / 1\1I::? V (1 L...1..J i 1..1..:I. (::)!\I riiiMl!!!rlM4 ~ Iq C) F'. (:J I::* 1\I BY: T}:1:6.1 (D"I") z:}i::::C.,L...61f:3(:3 :i 1:::'Y (06",)(}rt Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001700020004-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001700020004-8 Proj. nag Dates .:`.`; Sep 8''? Viewer: t)c?}::`.'; Sessions 001 Summary of Information Individual involved is light c::c::}fnI::} 1. e::'rt:::"t:'.t:;zri ,, with white/grayisl--t white h a i r , s a slightly high-pitched v o i c e , and generally dresses okay but is not r'.a person overly concerned with fashion. He's in late middle age or early old age, has somewhat of a double chin or receding chin, receding or thinning h a i r , and l i k e s to wci? a t t- 't.:"i:I,t"i c;:iiiis !::7!"} his s head. Subject i s wearing shoes, i i i , tie, and i t light- colored s u i t , seemingly light b l u e . He is manipulative, but ~S' otherwise l y esail:iiiy going. His interests are ti:(.? r "a:i. ~'s::l:i.I"'.ai. ai`"ei:: own first priority, and w i l l seem to help other people to get e;:t.: them to facilitate his own ends,, There is a sense that this person is not where he's supposed to be, and :i. ; s consciously aware of ' that fact. He doesn't, :i ii Fast:::'t::, want to be known as to where he is, as that would hamper what he is about. He presently seems to be haggling or otherwise negotiating or arranging an exchange of some service :I. f1 i'" e't:. Gx r" ri s.t-}