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Approved For Release 2000/08/0 0789R001100020010-7 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT memorandum REPLY TO ATTN OF: 6 July 1989 DT-S SUN STREAK Report - Second Quarter CY 89 (U) Chief Scientist, DIA 520,013/DT-S/89 1. (S/SK/WNINTEL) In pursuance of SUN STREAK's operational intelligence mission, the following reports reflect the results of activity pursued by the Prototype Operational Group (POG) for the reporting period: a. (U) At TAB A is the Quarterly Production Report as sorted by viewer. b. (U) At TAB B is the Quarterly Production Report as sorted by project. c. (U) At TAB C is the Quarterly Production Report as' sorted by remote viewing operational methodology. SG1J SG1J 2. (S/SK/WNINTEL) being considered for assignment to the POG. appears to have the willingness, poise, and objectivity that would make him a desirable candidate. This effort is being pursued to fill one of the two (03) vacancy requirements reflected on the POG TDA. SG1J 3. (S/SK/WNINTEL) For all intents and purposes, both CPT have completed available courses of training at the POG. Intermittent advanced training will be pursued as the need arises. Training to become adept in search problems is also being pursued. A beacon is dispatched to a target site and returns within a predetermined period of time with photographs of the target site. The participating remote viewers then gather in conference to share and compare results. WARNING NOTICE: SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED CLASSIFIED BY: DT,.DIA DECLASSIFY BY: OADR OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 (REV. 1-80) GSA FPMR (41 CFR) 101-11.6 5010-114 * U. S. GPO: 1985-4!91-248/20552 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789RO01100020010-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 SG1J SG1J are currently enrolled at the Defense Intelligence College in pursuit of career related training. is projected for attendance on Wednesday afternoons while will attend courses on Tuesday SG1J mornings. 4. (S/SK/WNINT.EL) Available feedback obtained during the current reporting period indicates that 011 and 079 provided relevant data on current or proposed Soviet marine technology (Project 8907). During the conduct of search (Project 8916) conducted on a worldwide basis to locate a fugitive from justice, Viewer 079 came within eighty miles from location where the fugitive was apprehended. Anticipated, future feedback should indicate if the fugitive was at the exact location pinpointed by 079 on the date and time the search was conducted. 5. (S/SK/WNINTEL) At TAB D is an example of how the recently established POG data bank is being used in the assessment of our effort. The data bank was primarily established to determine how POG is coping with training, operations, and search problems, either individually or as a group. The data can be retrieved by Project Number, Session Number, Date of Session, Numerical Evaluation Designator, Methodology, and Remote Viewer Number. 6. (U) POC for this action is the undersigned at AV 923- 7829/2656 or Commercial (301) 677-7829/2656. SG1J 4 ENCLOSURES TABS A - D GS-14 QUARTERLY FIGURES Branch Chief Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001100020010-7