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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 ~a~.ir?re IVo. V T Dates TalF? ~)citE"~ ~ ~ {,~' 4ar~ ~~ i~,~ 7"asla/Targeting lua.: "' ~_._`u./_..`._. G?/ ~'roject Type: ~- J ~ ~/`~?C~( ._ Tar etin hlethad/Techni ue: ~ Sflf~' _~!a.~~ g 9 q --------__......_.___.---_...__....._ _. . _ /..... Target Data Desired: ~~~cE=S~ :~~.Z~lC-~- 1. DESCRIBE KEY TARGET FEATURES (include farms, shapes, spatial aspects, color, motion/dynamics)> - Cmphasize the fallawing> - Do the fallowing perspectives: -- Ground-level - Overview - Other: 2. IDENTIFY KEY TARGET CONTENT (include meaning, purpose, function, nature of activity,.type/nature of people, if present): - Emphasise the fallowing; 3. IF PERSONALITY, DESCRIBE: OTHER: (ar see attached) $ ~ ~ d1`+ ~~~~~+'Y' ~~~ - -1"~ -- . _----___..._._.~--...__....-------__ ----- 5 ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE> (see attached) r~j~~Iar"1~...~ C'U~r'`CErt1Gc~"'.~ ~D-' ~~'"lr'~, .~~~(~,~~~ ~~~~~'~ Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 Approved For Release 200.1/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 ~~,~~ 1 C~I~ ~tJ~I'''fE`"1~~`rr A. SESSION DAT/A~: l 1'asl~:/Targr~t No. I ~`' 1 5'" Q ~aurce Flo. F~ro,ject Type ___~~ zyt~~~S l~arget Desi gnatnr ____.~~(__~._`~_isz~(......_.__....__. 1"argeting Method/Technique Deccan/gender iVo. N ~la Session Type (M)onitored, (5)010~~ Monitor No. (if any) ,4J : -=>- Data SG.~mmK-~ry I;~tturned ~ `J Session Date $ od 91 ~ !U d ~h 91 '. ! ( O gal- l Session Start 1'i.me Vi~ !45'`S ~ O2 ; (d2Z ~a3.`/'aoo __."...__._........_..._...._~....._,...____._._._....._ J Session Stop Ti, me D! : !5"3~` ' a2 : (l ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ; ((/ 5y 5essi on Methad _C-!Q (C~tV, EI~V, WRV, etc. ) (High, Medium, L.ow) .,r..~~.~, ~~.~ . ~. SESSION SUh'IMAt;Y: (Below, or see summary and worksheets attached) ~ ~,t~,G~ Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 Summary of Information There are several recurring concepts/perceptions from the three sessions conducted involving this project. These are: 1) some sort of wooden platform or walkway above water. 2) an "L" shaped object either floating in the water or washed up on shore. 3) the concept that the operation was either a set-up, a coverup or somebody's "cover" was blown; a general feeling of deception. SGFOIA: 4) the feeling that the woman, is no longer alive and disappeared due to suspicious activities. SG1A 5) the boat, the ~ is in shallow water between the islands of Isle Santa Margari a and Isle Creciente on the western coast of Baja California. It feels as if the vessel was purposefully scuddled. It has its mast missing and this may have floated towards/to share. The boat is lying on its right side and can be seen from the surface when the water is calm. The geographical SGF0IA3 c?ordinates are: 24 15 N 111 45 W. 6) the were involved with something they couldn't/can't ge ou o . The credit card purchase was done by an older man with gray/black hair. His eyes appear "glazed" over. He is associated somehow with a dragon: either a tatoo ar he lives/works near a sign with a dragon. There was a rainy night in particular where someone is standing on the curb. There is a tearing of something open (clothes or a bag or pouch). Someone is thrusting an object out towards the curb. There is a very shiny object ar point of brilliant light sitting by itself somewhere. A small truck.is associated with this scene. There are objects left behind, including a single shoe. Elsewhere is a large truck pulling an open trailer with 4 or 5 large blue rectangular objects. There are a number of small, blue bags. Some are broken open. It is hard to breath in this vicinity due to the dust in the air from these bags. There is talking and arguing between two people about a "return trip". One of the individuals has a sadistic grin on their face. Only one of them returns. There is a feeling and expression of shock and disbelief. This individual is standing there with their mouth gaping open At this point, there was only one life sign (that of the male SGF0IA3 There is an object reminiscent of a purse with its contents spilled out on the floor under a chair or table. A man sits down at the table. A woman is already seated. The man says "Turtle Tea". A group of two other men approach the table. A confrontation ensues with pushing and shoving. Something falls to the floor [the purse?] and spills out. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 SGFOIA3 The male is sitting, looking at "the blood on his hands'" so to spea a keeps attempting to rub it [the blood] off of his fingers . There is a long, narrow structure which is open on one end. It is very dark inside with a oily/greasy feel and smell. There is a collection of oily and greasy objects present. There is a SGFOIA3 dark green barrel just inside of the door. It is filled with a dark liquid. contains pieces of something that once belonged to the female An "L" shaped object is either leaning against or is attached to the side of this structure. There is a "L" shaped table or work bench sitting in the rear left corner of the structure. It is very dark, dirty and oily around the table/bench. It feels as if this place was used to disassemble large metal objects. There is a trench or recess which occurs in the floor running down the middle of the structure. There is a male with thin, brown hair. He is gaunt and unshaven. He has pale, but weathered, skin. He continues to stare at himself in a mirror. He has on pants which resemble pajama bottoms. He is in a run down room or building. He is nervous and twitchy. He is jumpy and easily startled by insignificant noises. There is a black, flexible tube or cylinder with ribs. This man is very concerned over the status and/or condition of this object. Another individual is writing something on a clipboard. This person is a woman and has the mannerisms of being a lab worker or doctor. She has short, dark brown or auburn hair; large nostrils and is angry and disgusted. She complains alot about everything. She says she wants two things: "Natural quality and an unhampered (or uninhibited) life style". There is a glass box or container with a cross on it missing. It contains items which are "important". Overwhelming sense that something has been cut up or disassembled and then disposed of. There is the name BORIS. BORIS is associated with a turtle skull which sits sideways within a yellowish circle. Other words perceived were BUENA VISTA and ROJO DE _ _ _. 2) Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 SGFOIA3 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 s ~*~?~ ~a` ~ ~-; ~ ~ t ~~ ~; :~ ;~~,~- c~~~~.-P Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA=RDP96-007898001000540001-1 L Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 (, C Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 / ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~?~" l~e G~J~o_?a~(~an~.~ ~/~~wa~ `?-17"", (~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 (Y 4 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 ~... (~.~ ~ .a ,~, ~. ~- ~,,~-~-~ Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : GIADP96-007898001000540001-1 l,ll' Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 ~g /GAG 7% ~, /e~"r? Q ~6'"`_ ~w~ , ~s w U w~~ ~.. n ~`_ / `I"" " W Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 IV'" Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 d~ ~ `',~ ~~ r n ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Q,~~.o -~ -~ ~~ ~ ~ ,~`~ ~- ~ ~. ~~ ~~~ /'~"~`. . ~' ~ ~~-~ ~ ~~ Approved For Release~2001/03/07 y~d.~[3~'96-f~.A~RO~I~f~5 0001=1 r ~ . ~Z ~cti?c ~___. __. ~f a ~f -~ C.~ r ~- ~,,~,7~-p-~ fi~ Approved For Release~001/03/07 : GIA-RDP96~9R001000540001-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-0078980010005400 --- wow (~~1~ c~ '~-'r r ~ Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 SG1A Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898001000540001-1