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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 19, 2002
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Publication Date: 
April 9, 1990
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Approved For Release 2003/04/18: CIA-RP96-007898000900290001-1 WNOFORN/STD PROJECT SUN STREAK WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED PROJECT NUMBER: 9015 SESSION NUMBER: 1 DATE OF SESSION: 900409 DATE OF REPORT: 900409 START: 0900 END: 1000 METHODOLOGY: SOLO 1. (S/NF/STD) MISSION: Target is the probable narcotics mother-ship known by call sign last known to be located south of Haiti at 12 06' N 73 07' W at 0800-1100 on 5 April 1990. It is believed to be heading to rendezvous with U/I associates to engage in a surface transfer and/or unload provisions. Provide the following information concerning the vessel: a. Identify (name and description) the mothership. b. Is mothership carrying contraband? c. If so, where on-board? d. Determine the date, time and location of the contraband transfer/off-loading point. e. Identify (name and description) associated vessel (s). f. What is the route and speed of advance of the mothership? 2. (S/NF/STD) VIEWER TASKING: Encrypted coordinates, all background information listed in MISSION above, the list of questions outlined in MISSION above, a map of the area of interest, and grids representing top and side views of a notional vessel. After 079 identified a second ship, she was asked to go back and determine location of contraband on board and unloading/transfer location and time of this vessel. 3. (S/NF/STD) COMMENTS: No physical inclemencies. 4. (S/NF/STD) EVALUATION: HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Referral Review, NIMA DoD CLASSIFIED BY: HQDA DECLASSIFY: OADR Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900290001-1 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900290001-1 STIPPLED NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED REPORT OF REQUESTED INFORMATION SG1A Requestor Task # 5'_' qra? ?(O__a ACSI Task # q d 15 Source # c~I710 Rcvd. by Source Returned to P.O. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED IN ORDER OF PRIORITY 2. Is the vessel carrying contraband? SG1A SG1A RESPONSE:. c~F Few C'',`n-c`b o "b c,)S) cJ c~~~c Sc\\Cc V ~.? 3. If so, where on the vessel is it located? -_ Identify (name and description the probable narcotics smuggliny_motherhip knownby call sign RESPONSE: RESPONSE: sm, 4. Identify (name and description) any associated vessel or vessels. PROJECT OFFICER'S COMMENTS TIPPLED NOFORN Approved For Relea Of, AMR: NWA 5-Iffigm O^Ad d`0d-Lo00 k.S . C