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Document Release Date: 
June 11, 2003
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Publication Date: 
May 24, 1990
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Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900120010-9 24 MAY 1990 DT-S SUBJECT: SUN STREAK Report - 903 BRANCH CHIEF, DT-S 1. (S/STD/NF) On 23 April 1990, four remote viewers (# 018, 025, 079, and 095) conducted one SOLO session each, for a total of four RV sessions to determine: a. If one or more airdrops would occur in conjunction with a projected narcotics smuggling operation. If so, when and where. b. If the fishing vessel was involved in the operation, and if so, how. c. If an additional vessel, a 45-foot cigarette boat, was involved as well, and describe salient/identifying features. d. Determine if the island identified as would be used as a cache site, and if so, what location on tie island would be used. e. Describe how narcotics would be packaged and stored. 2. (S/STD/NF) 018 reported that two shipments would occur, one the night of 23 May, followed by a second early morning 24 May 1990. The would be involved in the operation, with the crew members pulling in the "packages, using a large net with red reflectors on its floats. The cigarette boat would not be used unless an emergency occurred. Source concluded that =would not be used as a cache site, but that an alternate location would be approx 2332N/8021W, where the contraband will remain for only "about an hour." (Source did search map of I land reported a tentative location at the northwest he island) Narcotics will be "in large rectangular SG1 A SG1A corner packages of plasticized cloth with some kind of 'painted' sealant used to close them." 3. (S/STD/NF) 025 reported that "air drop activities" were ""ongoing" (source meant perhaps that preparations were underway) at the time of the session, but would "take place" by May 25, at which time a parcel of cocaine was "be delivered to the air SG1A drop off point" vie 25N/73W. The and the cigarette boat were both directly involved, the latter transporting "a limited amount of cocaine to 23N/74W," from where it would continue "around several of the islands." The drugs would not be cached on Contraband was wrapped in some sort of green material. Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900120010-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900120010-9 4. (S/STD/NF) 079 reported airdrop would take place at two locations--vic 23N/74W and vic 22N/73W--during the "next two da s," presumably 23-25 May 1990. Source reported that SG1A I would indeed be used to store the contraband on its "eas SG1A coast near water." Contraband was "under white plastic." 5. (S/STD/NF) 095 reported airdrop would Iace on 24 ay 1990 between 0130 and 0430L vic 2340N/7312W SG1A SG1A I Iwould be involved in the airdrop as t e pickup vessel. Plastic buoys would be employed in some fashion. Cigarette boat was involved but in some other U/I capacity. Contraband would be SG1A stashed on on the eastern tip of the island. Operation could "be halted/diverted at a moment's notice" in event of anything suspicious. A location in the vicinity of the Dominican Republic was designated as an alternate landing/refueling point, though would not be used for offloading. 6. (S/STD/NF) SUMMARY: Three sources agreed that SG1A would be used to cache contraband (25, 79, 95), two ot em specifying locations on the eastern side of the island (79 & 95). One said the island would not be used (18). Two sources reported airdrop would occur early morning 24 May (18, 95); one of these also specified late night 23 May for a separate drop (18). One source reported sometime during 23-25 May as the window (79), while a different source reported 25 May (25). Three sources SG1A reported drop points within the general area of (25, 79, 95), while one reported a drop point far to the west 8) (See individual summaries and composite maps for specific locations). 7. (S/STD/NF) Located at TAB A is a m howing all the points provided by the viewers. Session su arie are loc,4ted at TAB B. SG1J 2 Enclosures TABS A and B Project Officer HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY CLASSIFIED BY HQDA DECLASSIFY ON OADR S E C R E T STIPPLED NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900120010-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900120010-9 TAB Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900120010-9 Walkers Cay G ? - e Great Sdk ay o _ '~?v~lLay _ ~'est Palm Beach Grand Bahama ps 'ow Palm Beach West Island C t C eWorth H' o a Delray Beach Mite Rocici .LUcaya ?. _ \ ` Marsh HarS !HX e ToW ?Boca Raton r0 'eppo Y `~ ! f z ;7i1ks Cay Pompano Beach `r west oores1.: ?z, x okdeSound Fort Lauderdale `go GofaaC ;.Abaco fandC Hollywood Great Isaac zce CIa B Rocks East Isaac w"el - ?Sandy;Point pro d F7or Release 2003/09~03 : CIA-RDOO Mi Beach Little Stirrup Cay the Wall liaini a1C6TOTA Bimini; A&ert`Harhou CharureL Gun Islands 'We" avne Bav C8Y Cat Cap n 8erry7t: ys sQis4+ BISCAYNE N.M. Ocean Cay Bo ds Cay , or Dunmore own sot Key frown 's Ca Chub Ca u nt. y .Iootter Whale Cy - - ~3 Rid ng Rocks go Lowe Cn Sourid. r' yr s Bluff p~!Ke Town. org tNickhotli xeos T ' Govemars Harbou??~Ne ? Y Nicholls, sa - Na'I - yov ??...y`?,ay Staniard Cree~e -..Providence ~T~~~n~~Y~?Aeck ~ Wi%lams Coakley Town.. veep t Ceek a r sxox ro .AnBror~Town Wemyss Bight* 9aaM_., .. , ?s ~oint Shroud, eWS ?r. . 9oodCayCaY. '> M Salvador _ t lslan Br9 ~' D ro_wR ARK_, na rL 9t t*'' Moze o CAY SEAP Yellow v low Cay ~', .n Hanks hk .w I 1'G~S'ail Southern Bri~se-_ Cistern -Sj k s '~ little E N 9" 1 - '31 a - i.Gaibatieti Y"pr c+xrx~ ~?r