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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
April 16, 1990
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700870008-2 W/STIPPLED/NOFORN UNITE1 STATES GOVERNMENT SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED memorandum DATE: 16 Apr 90 REPLY TO ATTNOF: DT-S SUBJECT: SUN STREAK Report - 9015 Part II TO: DCSINT - PO 1. (S/STD/NF) On 16 April 1990, remote viewer #032 was tasked SG1 B 2. (S/STD/NF) 032 reported that the vessel (probable mothership) continues to sail for the unloading point determined to be 48 09'N 61 05'W (off the coast of Newfoundland). the time when the contraband will be offloaded may be postponed 24 hours from the original date of 17 Apr 90. due to delays inherent to this vessel. The current (16 1015-1100L Apr 90) location of the vessel is 42 O1'N 65 O1'W, travellign at 18 knots on a heading of HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY CLASSIFIED BY: DCSINT - PO DECLASSIFY BY: OADR JMOR" /STIPPLED/NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 (REV. 1-80) Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700Q=O 2''?'-"?? Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700870008-2 ALP/STIPPLED/NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED 050. The ship may try to increase speeed in the next several hours to try to make the original drop time. The drop will be made under cover of darkness and will be heavily guarded. The contraband consists of approximately 150-200 plastic bags that change several times to throw off "enforcement listeners." Some of the callsigns listerners can expect are: "Magic," "Downer," "Crazy Eight," and Carmen." 3. (SA/STD/NF) Attached is a sheet and map showing the location he identified. SG1J 1 ENCLOSURE MAP Branch Chief /STIPPLED/NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700870008-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700870008-2 STIPPLES NOFORN Special Access Required Start Time: 1015 Date: 041690' End Time: 1100 V: 032 S: 02 Proj: 9015-11 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION (Pr363\L-,maths ?y The vesse11identified in session #1 (DTD 09 APR 90) continues to sail for the unloading point determined to be 48 09' N / 61 05' W. The time for the exchange is not clear -- there is some discussion between the principals about postponing it 24 hours because of delays inherent to the mother ship.40 The current location for0`the mother ship is 42 01' N / 65 01' W, traveling at 18 knots on a heading of 050'. The ship may try to increase speed in the next several hours to try and make the drop time (if time is not changed). The drop will be made under the cover of darkness (exact time undetermined) and the drop will be heavily guarded. I perceive the amount of contraband exchanged on the drop to be approximately 150 - 200 plastic bags that are about 2" H x 6" W x 12 " long. Callsigns used by the mother ship will change several times to throw off "enforcement listeners". Some of the callsigns listeners can expect to hear are: "Magic", "Downer", "Crazy eight", "Carmen". HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700870008-2 SG1 B Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700870008-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700870008-2 Approved For Release 200 j ~. ?JNITED STATES MEXICO Great Lakes Bermuda (UX-) ~+~ Nassau Mexico . ~.~ - H aT s HAMAS --------- ---av---- - >' - C Turks and Calcos Is4a ds ? . t (Van.) o INICAN British Virgin Islands Cayman blends -- TI RE Puerto Rico (U.K.) (U.K.) (U.S?) Anguilla Kingston _ omin SAWT Cr -,D anto N p1i . /~ ANTN If Priqnce Dg Ostend* e JAMAICA o * .. {t~tentf (U.Sa Monts" l~ ? Gu UZE, (us l (V.KJ o Da ONOU.- o M *Te ciga Caribbean Sea o s. * Aruba Neth Antilles SAINT VINCENT AND. (METH.) . t Ema THE GRENADINES I c - NICA GUA r .. ' GRE "Quito ECUADOR Approved For Ftelease 2000/08/0, *Bogotfi OLOMBIA 96-0078 VENEZUELA 000700870008-2 NT LUCIA "BARBADOS AOA NIDAD AND TOB' SURINAM