9006 SESSION 02, SOLO. VIEWER # 032

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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
June 29, 1998
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Publication Date: 
February 28, 1990
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R000700820001-4.pdf168.86 KB
, Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700820001-4 P'E:':isi7l...:Ci .a1...1N f:;r RIi:::i I-,: SG1A SG1A SG1A SG1A lzli'.:-WI`':I[:'; I.i{:1..1..:1: i. i, l..I..l::. l....1....:1: i: I'~I ........................................................... !:: 1lJ:i1:::1:::: i"iI``?IS:? r11:::: iFIi::1X:);:3a: I'.!'J(::1I....'w'I::::J:i ............................... ..................... ...................... ......._................_................................................... l::'!=t(::1y:1' l...:C::'1?? r.Jt..1!"Iiy IEI:..; 900{ } :E::: aiiiir:I:l:at'tl Nf..11"IX:E:::E:t;! i::i;''. DATE OF SESSIONg 26 r ... ~:::. s 90 1 DATE OF :: I::'' i... ,.., ..,. 28 9(,) FEB STARTi 130(::) 1`'i;:::...l..l...I(...li.;t..i L...i..ii."1Yii SOLO VIEWER ?I L' i1:31::::1'.1'?.?.1:1=?:L,. i? ~:E::~~g i:i:::i:;:' . ,.., .:a i i..: NI 1 } t...! I ;iii ;: Determine the i... t :.. i'!:: location of target vessel identified ,?'iit kii the is } , ...a determine where it w i l l unload contraband in the form of drugs, and determine its current location,. .::} :::} I D3 VIEWER ..L.A :iK:I.NGri:; Utilizing Encrypted Coordinates 957440/195347, determine the current location of 1::hi?:?i vessel i. .. f'i Determine the J. i::1 i::: i a'l:::i. i:: n r.:iii. where the drugs will be unloaded. Determine the type of drugs being transported, how the i::Ir"ui:: 7ci "" .1 i::i rkE:y 's^J I'" aC:) i::i if::' i:a .. and i`I they are ?kiP ira aboard ship,, (S / E; D ) COMMENTS: No .. ! information !"t i::: i. 4'r:i i'ittr:d i"t i::: a. iir1 Siii noted. A Summary is attached to t h i s report.. 4. f S / t:...l..1? :i l:ii::.=' i=''i 1.... i..i i':a ..I.. Si: (::1Q SEARCH EVALUATIO0 E; `II:IADi....l:. 'w'.I:c ;.1 '?:....E::. I..1!'4l1....`Y .............. ............................ ................ ......................_~...................._.. CLASSIFIED B Y : : I '! C.Li A (1:.3 (?`?l M .I...... i:::? (., ) DECLASSIFY ON g !::1 Ai:3 i:,: Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700820001-4 SG1A Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700820001-4 START-. 1300 END: 1420 900:226, V: 032 S : 01 P. 9006' SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The target ship is 4:t masted vessel with a dark green almost blac:k hull. The rigging on the vessel is whiter with white sails and a white band around the ship .just bellow the hand railing. The ship was in for repairs recently and during that time the contraband was positioned. I perceived the contraband being positioned i n i de the masts ---- they are hollow and appear to made s:sf metal. The drUgli are not wrapped to offer plastic. any '::'Dns::ealme"ant they are The ship is prCesently located in tracing sk:etch). The ship has a simply in clear the Atlantic: (See control wheel (wheel of the vessel. It looks like an older wheel but the vessel reminds me of a more modern type. The design of the vessel's hull looks sleG.F::, and looks .~ like it is made of fiberglass. The vessel looks like it is 5 or 6 meters wide, with a fairly d* p draft di..te to the keel. HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700820001-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700820001-4 4 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700820001-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700820001-4 3 IV 4J-( H 3 w Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700820001-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : 41A-RQP16-00789R000700820001-4 Approved For Release 200O18/08 : CI/J-RDP96-00789R000700820001-4 Approved For Releas5000/0 -tI mFt'w6-00789R000.700820001-4 * ~~zu vptCKti iu2r~ Arw~.nJV~ ~A.S1~-a-TtQN d7 ado (.::, Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-pDP96-00779R000700820001-4