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App Ef Release 2001/11/19: Cl RDP78 0 0600001001 0-1 to NO FOREIGN DISSEM RECENTLY NAMED CHINESE COMMUNIST VESSELS GROUP 7 EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION Approved For Relea-%:@Rf T1/19 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA006 NO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved For Release 2001/11/19 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA006000010010-1 WARNING This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States, within the meaning of Title 18, sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved For Release 2001/11/19 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA006000010010-1 SECRET NPIC/R-135/67 Approved For Releaseg098~114V ?igAfMRDP78B04560A006000010010-1 PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION REPORT RECENTLY NAMED CHINESE COMMUNIST VESSELS NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER Approved For Release 2001/15~;'9 A-RDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NPTC:/R-135/67 Approved For ReleasRO2%lJ i/a9E;1 RDP78B04560A006000010010-1 On 27 April 1967 representatives from US intelli- gence agencies concerned with the identification of Chi- nese Communist naval vessels established a procedure for naming these classes/units. On 2 May 1967 a com- mittee convened at NPIC and selected names for 18 vessel classes/units. This report presents photography and descriptive data to assist NPIC product users and other interested Table 1. Names, Types, and Dimensions of Vessels agencies in associating the new names with the ves- sels. Also included herein is similar material for 7 recently named vessels which have not yet been in- corporated into Naval Ships of Eastern Asia. 1J The functional designations of the vessels are based on their apparent intended employment and are sub- ject to revision. All dimensions given herein are ap- proximate. Functional designations and dimensions rep- resent concurrence among analysts and are not the position of a specific agency. LOA Beam Page in This Report 25X1 D 25X1 D 3 Haikou PGM 5 Shantung PGM 7 Peihai PGM 9 Fukien PGM 11 Yingkou YP 13 Yulin YP 15 Taku YP 17 Ichang YP 19 Antung AK 21 Fuchou AO 23 Leichou AO 25 Yentai AG 27 Yunnan LCM 29 G rom ovoy ATA 31 Tinghai AG 33 Chunghua ASL (possible) YAG (possible) YAG (possible) RECENTLY NAMED VESSELS NOT IN NAVAL SHIPS OF EASTERN ASIA 39 G-class SSB 41 Kiangnan DE 43 Hainan PC 45 Shanghai PTF 47 Huchwan PTH 49 Tung Fang Hung AGS 51 Lienyun MSM Approved For Release 2001/' W.UIIA-RDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NPIC/R-135/67 Approved For Release 3X1j8jtj9tq (;4Qs- jj,pP78B04560A006000010010-1 NAME: Haikou TYPE: PGM 25X1 D LOA: BEAM: ls of this class have been photographed in all 3 Chinese Communist Fleet areas. V esse 25X1 D The configuration resembles that of the - Shanghai PTF. The Haikou PGM has 2 single-barrel probable 37-mm mounts, one forward and one aft, and 2 twin-barrel probable 25-mm antiaircraft weapons athwartships immediately aft of the superstructure. Electronics observed include a masthead-mounted SKIN HEAD radar. Although the entire vessel is larger than the Shanghai PTF, which would indicate a slightly greater freeboard, the fore- castle is considerably higher, probably making the Haikou PGM a more seaworthy unit. Approved For Release 2001/11/ cgFTRDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NPTC:/R-135/67 Approved For Release 21 /F'j pNC, -JPP78B04560A006000010010-1 REMARKS This unit appears to be designed for a function similar to that assigned to the Swatow PGM. The probable armament of the Shantung is two 37-mm mounts, one forward and one aft. No secondary armament appears to be fitted. A SKIN HEAD radar is positioned on the masthead. A gratelike structure suggesting a spray deflector/catwalk sponson is positioned abeam both the forward and aft mounts. A small poorly defined object reminiscent of the Huchwan-class PTH foil strut extends from the forward edge of the forward sponson down to the water. The object has a downward backsweep of about 15 degrees. No similar object was observed at the aft sponson. Photographic Reference NAME: Shantung TYPE: PGM LOA: 85 feet (approximate) BEAM: Approved For Release 2001/1149X-RDP781304560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NP[C/R-135/67 Approved For Release 2%1/1 8 J9GNC -FQP781304560A006000010010-1 NAME: Peihai TYPE: PGM LOA: 85 feet (approximate) BEAM: Unknown REMARKS This unit is armed with 2 twin-barrel 25-mm mounts, one forward and one aft. The hull design, gun mount placement, and superstructure placement indicate that the Peihai PGM is a new design and not a modification of the Swatow PGM or the Whampoa PGM. The number and spacing of the portholes in the hull indicate efforts at improved habitability and suggest the intended use of the vessel in warm climates. The unit shown has been observed only in the South Sea Fleet area, near Macao Island. Photographic Reference Approved For Release 2001/11/ CRFATRDP78BO456OA006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NPK:/R-135/67 Approved For Release 29,p.1 /118~l%i C FtckP78B04560A006000010010-1 NAME: Fukien TYPE: PGM LOA: 90 feet (approximate) BEAM: Unknown REMARKS This vessel has one 37-mm mount aft, a possible 37-mm mount forward, and a light machine gun atop the deckhouse. No identifiable radar is installed on the vessel. Photographic Reference Approved For Release 2001/14.-W,:1`(51A-RDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NP1C/R-135/67 Approved For Release 29/141%~P RP78B04560A006000010010-1 NAME: Yingkou TYPE: YP LOA: 70 feet (approximate) BEAM: Unknown These units are armed with 2 light machine guns, one forward and one aft. No elec- tronics appear to be fitted on the Yingkou. These vessels have been observed only in the South Sea Fleet area. Approved For Release 2001/11,S,9 P&I-RDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NPIC/R-135/67 Approved For Release 20hylFl~lpliGr9l6-R 78BO456OA006000010010-1 NAME: Yulin TYPE: YP LOA: 45 feet (approximate) BEAM: Vessels of this class were serially produced at Shang-hai Shipyard Chiu-hsin during 1966. Their configuration resembles that of the US Swift-class PCF. The armament consists of 2 machine guns, one forward and one aft. Units of the Yulin have been photographed on the Huang-pu-chiang (river), in the South Sea Fleet area, at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and at Ream Naval Base, Cambodia. Photographic References Approved For Release 2001/11/ J c ILRDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NPIC/R-135/67 Approved For Release 20N1 ~6~1IGRIAOi g78B04560A006000010010-1 NAME: Taku TYPE: YP LOA: 55 feet (approximate) BEAM: This class of vessel is the US LCC YP. The armament consists of a heavy-caliber auto- matic weapon forward and 2 light machine guns mounted athwartships immediately aft of the deckhouse. Electronics appear to be limited to communications, as only wire an- tennas are fitted on the vessel. Approved For Release 2001/1 1$9:R A-RDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NPI(:/R-12S/67 Approved For Release 200u811tjEI& 4- PJ8B04560A006000010010-1 NAME: Ichang TYPE: YP LOA: 40 feet (approximate) BEAM: Unknown No armament is observed on this vessel. It appears to be fitted with a wire antenna. Approved For Release 2001/11/9'0!? c& IRDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NPIC/R-135/67 Approved For Release 200J/1' 8 i AbfJW78B04560A006000010010-1 NAME: Antung TYPE: AK 25X1 D LOA: BEAM: Only I of 5 similar vessels has been observed to have a naval pendant number. The Antung probably is a sister to merchant ships Hoping 59, 60, 62, and 63. YARD Approved For Release 2001/11/4 c8 TRDP78B0456OA006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NP I(--// R-135/67 Approved For Release 20041j1/8PEiQA P 8B04560A006000010010-1 NAME: Fuchou TYPE: AO LOA: 195 feet (approximate) BEAM: 30 feet (approximate) The armament on the Fuchou includes 2 twin-barrel 25-mm mounts, one on the fore- castle and one on the aft end of the superstructure. Two slightly different versions of this vessel have been constructed. The later version is shown below. The earlier version lacked the "goal post" ventilators located just forward of the bridge and had a slightly different bridge configuration. An identification feature unique to the Fuchou is the catwalk which is angled to starboard to clear the foremast. Photographic References Approved For Release 2001/11 /'N .C8RTRDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved For Release 20911 A NAME: Leichou TYPE: AO LOA: 175 feet a roximate) BEAM: CDET N R 135/67 A-, RR78B04560A006000010010-1 The armament on these units consists of 2 possible 25-mm mounts positioned athwart- ships on the forecastle. Electronics include a surface search radar and communications antennas. At least 2 of these vessels probably were constructed at the Ching-tao Naval Dockyard. Photographic References Approved For Release 2001/11h6C IUA-RDP78BO456OA00600001 NO FOREIGN DISSEM NP IC/R-135/67 Approved For Release 20 %1 I RP78B04560A006000010010-1 1 A 1~ RNC - NAME: Yentai TYPE: AG LOA: 220 feet (approximate) BEAM: 35 feet (approximate) REMARKS The single unit observed to date is armed with 3 dual 37-mm mounts. There is a cargo hatch on the well deck serviced by a crane on the forecastle. Electronics include a surface search radar and normal communications antennas. Photographic References Approved For Release 2001/11RA-RDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM SS NPIC/R-135/67 Approved For Release 20001/ O1 ~ RIGG NCTA?RP78B04560A006000010010-1 NAME: Yunnan TYPE: LCM LOA: 90 feet (approximate) -25X1 D BEAM: REMARKS Units of this type were serially produced at Shang-hai Shipyard Chung-hua during 1966. They have been observed at bases in all 3 Fleet areas. Photographic References 27- n CT Approved For Release 2001/111 bC UA-RDP78BO456OA00600001 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ~ lJ~R~j NPIC /R-135/67 Approved For Release 2001 /1 A-RDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM NAME: Gromovoy TYPE: ATA LOA: 150 feet (approximate) BEAM: 30 feet (approximate) REMARKS These units are of a class of Soviet ATA apparently transferred to or built by the Chinese Communists. Four units have been identified by pendant number in the Shang- hai area. This class has been previously reported by NPIC as the Golovnyy-class ATA. Photographic References Approved For Release 2001/11/$fCBIRTRDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM N pIC/R-135/67 Approved For Release 2088/1 A-78B04560A006000010010-1 NAME: Tinghai TYPE: AG 25X1 D LOA: BEAM: REMARKS This class of AG has forward and aft mounts, probably for twin-barrel 25-mm weapons. The configuration of the vessel is distinguished by the forward placement of the super- structure and by a king post and boom on the afterdeck. No radar appears to be fitted. Normal communications antennas can be seen on the mast. Photographic Reference Approved For Release 2001/11/$iC8I~TRDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NPIC/R-135/67 Approved For Release 2%001/18/RlI?GNC NP78B04560A006000010010-1 NAME: Chunghua TYPE: ASL (possible) LOA: 285 feet (approximate) --25X1D BEAM: REMARKS The single unit observed to date was seen at the fitting-out wharf at Shang-hai Ship- yard Chung-hua and operating with R/W-class submarines off Lu-shun. The relatively large block superstructure and the clear afterdeck serviced by a heavy king post and boom indicate that this vessel has a repair function. No armament or electronics have been observed. CHUNGHUA ASL. (POSSIBLE) Photographic References Approved For Release 2001/11/5bCRERDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NPIC/R-135/67 Approved For Release 2gpj/1YRaciI, ~s 78604560A006000010010-1 NAME: Lungmen TYPE: YAG (possible) LOA: 90 feet (approximate) BEAM: Unknown REMARKS The single unit observed to date was seen at Shang-hai Naval Base Wu-sung. The function of the vessel has not been determined. NPIC L-3589 Photographic Reference Approved For Release 2001/11/CRFAZRDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM T NPIC/R-135/67 Approved For Release 2008/' MM 6' bT\78B04560A006000010010-1 NAME: Shensi TYPE: YAG (possible) LOA: 60 feet (approximate) BEAM: Unknown REMARKS A single unit has been observed to date. The function of the vessel has not yet been determined; however, the cabin size and window arrangement suggest VIP and senior officer transport. Photographic Reference Approved For Release 2001/11 /1 c&~TRDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved For Release 2001/11/19 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA006000010010-1 The following are recently named vessels which have not yet been incorporated into Naval Ships of Eastern Asia I/ Approved For Release 2001/11/19 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA006000010010-1 SECRET NPIC/R-135/67 Approved For Release 2Q1 /iUkIPNC PP78B04560A006000010010-1 REMARKS A single Chinese Communist unit of this class was constructed/ assembled at Lu-ta Shipyard and is based at Hsiao-ping Tao Naval Base. Its recognition features are essen- tially the same as those of the Soviet G-SSB. Photographic References NAME: G-class TYPE: SSB LOA: 320 feet (approximate) BEAM: DET Approved For Release 2001/11 M9 RAA-RDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NPIC/R-135/67 Approved For Release 291/O6Al%i4Cb P78B04560A006000010010-1 REMARKS The lead ship of this class was constructed at Shang-hai Shipyard Chiang-nan. At least 4 additional units have been built or are under construction at Kuang-chou Shipyard Tung- lang. The main battery of the Kiangnan DE is three 3.9 inch/56 dual-purpose guns, one mounted forward and 2 mounted aft. Secondary armament is comprised of four 37-mm AA mounts, one on the 0-1 level forward of the bridge, 2 mounted athwart- ships forward of the stack, and one atop the after deckhouse. To date, no ahead-thrown ASW weapons have been observed on the Kiongnan. Fire control includes a director sim- ilar to the WASP HEAD series of Soviet fire control directors. Electronics include a surface search radar similar to the NEPTUNE radar and a possible fire control radar which appears similar to the LONG BOW fire control radar. The presence of whip antennas, wire an- tennas, and other mast rigging suggests the vessel has the shipboard communications normal for its size and function. Photographic References NAME: Kiangnan TYPE: DE LOA: BEAM: Approved For Release 2001/11S[?9C-:91-RDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET N PIC/R-135/67 Approved For Release 2Q01 M lI;NQk4 P78B04560A006000010010-1 NAME: Hainan 'TYPE: PC LOA: 195 feet (approximate) BEAM: REMARKS At least 2 units of the Hainan class were constructed at Huang-pu Naval Base and Shipyard. The armament on the vessel includes forward and aft probable 37-mm main mounts and forward and aft 25-mm twin-barrel AA mounts atop the after deckhouse. ASW weapons include depth charge racks and, with the exception of 1 unit, probable MBU-1800-type rocket launchers on the bow. The vessel is fitted with a SKIN HEAD radar. The quality of the photography to date precludes identification of other electronics gear. Photographic References DET Approved For Release 2001/111?9C'ti, A-RDP78BO456OA006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NPIC/R 135/67 Approved For Release 20N1 M1 iocl OTF 78B04560A006000010010-1 NAME: Shanghai TYPE: PTF LOA: BEAM: REMARKS 25X1 D Twelve units of a shorter version of the Shanghai were built prior to mass production of the version shown below. The shorter vessel does not have the two 25-mm AA mounts athwartships aft of the bridge and has been observed with several types of weapons, including a 57-mm main mount forward and torpedo tubes amidships. Thus far no unusual armament arrangements have been observed on the longer version, although more recent photographs show that some of the units are fitted with a slightly modified deckhouse. Electronics include a SKIN HEAD radar and communications antenna. Photographic References Approved For Release 2001/11 /!W cel TRDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM A(~ RI NPIC/R-135/67 Approved For Release 2001/1 t.~ A-RDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM NAME: Huchwan TYPE: PTH LOA: BEAM: REMARKS The Huchwan PTH is Communist China's first operational hydrofoil combatant. Ob- served in serial production at Shang-hai Shipyard Hu-tung, vessels of this class have been deployed to operating bases in the East and South Sea Fleet areas. The foil arrangement on these units is as follows: A small foil is positioned under the bow, probably to ac- celerate lifting of the hull, and appears to ride clear of the water once the boat reaches foiling speeds; a larger (main) foil supports the forward portion of the vessel while it is foiling; the stern of the boat planes on the water. Although at least 1 other foil arrange- ment has been observed, the system described above and shown in the ground photograph is representative of recently photographed units. The armament on the vessel consists of 2 probable 21-inch-diameter torpedo tubes and a possible machine gun turret on the afterdeck. Electronics include a whip antenna and a possible small surface search radar antenna. Approved For Release 2001/11/SbCRFA ZRDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved For Release 2001/11/19 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA006000010010-1 Approved For Release 2001/11/19 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA006000010010-1 ECRET NPIC/R-135/67 Approved For Release 20pa/'~ya6~l8-78B04560A006000010010-1 NAME: Tung Fang Hung TYPE: AGS LOA: 280 feet (approximate) BEAM: 45 feet (approximate) The single unit that has been observed was built at Shang-hai Shipyard Hu-tung. The vessel has recently been operating from Ching-tao Submarine Base. Approved For Release 2001/1 1$ R A-RDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM NPIC/R-135/67 Approved For Release 200N1 1 ~It,I 411,RoB04560A006000010010-1 NAME: Lienyun TYPE: MSM LOA: 105 feet (approximate) BEAM: This vessel was serially produced at Shang-hai Shipyard Hu-tung during 1964. It was formerly called the J-class MSA. Photographic References Approved For Release 2001/11/3C&RIRDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NPIC/R-135/67 Approved For Release 2qpo1/1a/Rlodl,C P78BO456OA006000010010-1 Selected DOD, CIA, an 1. DIA. AP-1-230-2-3-INT, Naval Ships of Eastern Asia (U), 1 Jul 65 (SECRET) 2. Jane's Fighting Ships,1966-1967, page 416, Jane's Fighting Ships Publishing Co., Ltd., London (UNCLASSI- FIED) 11428/67 Approved For Release 2001/11/ iCRFATRDP78BO456OA006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved For Release 2001/11 /%C TRDP78B04560A006000010010-1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved For Release 2001/11 1tjt.0t-RDP78B04560A006000 NO FOREIGN DISSEM