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Approved For Release 2002/14/ NT STU- ? PeoBo6ieRoopoo29 9,72 - Bureau of Intelligence and Research External Research Staff State Dept. review completed Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 POLITICAL BEHAVIOR pring 1963 Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 External Research Lists Published in the Social Science Series 1.19 USSR and Eastern Europe 2.19 East Asia 3.19 Southeast Asia and Southwest Pacific 4.19 South Asia 5.19 Western Europe 6.19 Middle East 7.19 Africa 8.10 American Republics 9.19 Great Britain and Canada 10.19 International Affairs Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 POLITICAL BEHAVIOR TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword CHANGE Cultural, Developmental, Migratory, Political, Social, Social Mobility 1-5 COGNITION Attitudes, Learning, Perception, Public Opinion, Values 6-8 COMMUNICATION Cross -Cultural, Interaction, Interpersonal, Inter-Group, International 9-12 CONFLICT Analysis, Cold War, Deterrence, Insurgency, Management, War 13-18 DECISION-MAKING Individual, Corporate, Executive, Organizational . 19-20 GROUPS INDIVIDUAL LEADERSHIP METHODOLOGY Communities, Ethnic, Families, Small Groups, Societies, Tribes 21-22 Acculturation, Behavior, Role Playing, Socialization, Stress 23-27 Elites, Power Structures, Styles 28-30 Evaluation, Theory, Research Design 31-34 MOTIVATION Coercion, External, Influence, Internal, Persuasion, Suggestibility 35-36 NEGOTIATION Interperson, Inter-Group, International, Simulation 37 SIMULATION Human, Machine, Mathematical 38-39 SYSTEMS Authoritarian, Organizational, Political, Religious 40-44 Indices AUTHOR INDEX 45-52 GEOGRAPHIC AREA INDEX 53-56 ORGANIZATION AND ABBREVIATION INDEX 57-60 Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 Selection Criteria Contributors to this list and those who use it may be interested in knowing the general criteria which guided decisions to include items. A number of otherwise valuable studies were excluded because they did not fit the specifications which have been evolved: 1. IS IT BEHAVIORAL? Only those projects were accepted which are primarily com- parative, analytical, empirical, experimental, evaluative, and holistic in nature. Some excellent studies were excluded because they were judged to be mainly de- scriptive, historical, or normative in approach. They will be included in the Social Science Research lists. 2. DOES IT RELATE TO POLITICAL PROCESSES AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS? Judgments based on this criterion were sometimes very difficult to make and a num- ber of decisions were necessarily arbitrary. This was particularly the case with experimental research. Some exceptions were made for anthropological and so- ciological studies which are not directly related to political processes but still ap- peared to be of immediate interest to specialists concentrating on particular countries or regions. 3. IS IT CURRENT? The large majority of studies listed here are either in progress or were completed and published in 1963. A small number of papers and books completed since July 1962 were included because of their obvious relevance. Articles and short papers with an estimated completion date later than the end of 1963 were excluded, but longer deadlines were permitted for monographs, books, and continuing studies. 4. IS IT ANNOTATED? Some projects were omitted because it was virtually impossible to determine from the title alone whether they were pertinent to the study of political dynamics and international relations. Recipients of this second edition of POLITICAL BEHAVIOR will perceive that it is now extensively annotated and that cross indexing locates each study by author, nature of research, and country or region studied. The organization index also includes the names of behavioral science research centers cited. Most of the annotations are based on information provided by the authors. The External Research Staff assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of state- ments of fact or the conclusions expressed. The initials ECD stand for the ',es- timated completion date" suggested by the author. In the few cases where the completion date is uncertain, the notation "indef." follows the title. Items preceded by an asterisk are in the External Research Staff library and can be obtained on loan BY GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS. Requests should be addressed to the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, External Research Staff, Department of State, or telephoned to Code 182, Ext. 2137. Requesters are reminded that authors' rights to their texts should be strictly honored. NON-GOVERNMENTAL REQUESTERS should address their inquiries directly to the author at the address given in the text. Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 CHANGE Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 1.01?ARENSBERG, Conrad M. (Professor, Depart- ment of Anthropology, Columbia University) THE EUROPEAN CULTURE PATTERN: OVER- VIEW, VARIATION, AND DIFFUSION (Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Ameri- can Anthropological Association (AAA), Chicago, November 1962) For a more precise understanding of what is involved in the world-wide trends of "westerniza- tion", urbanization, industrialization, and national integration, it is necessary to identify and classify those elements of European, Mediterranean and Middle-Eastern culture which are being exported to extra-European cultures around the world. 1.02--ASHFORD, Douglas E. (Professor, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hop- kins University, Washington, D. C.) THE POLITICS OF DEVELOPMENT: LOCAL RE- FORM IN MOROCCO, TUNISIA, AND PAKISTAN (Research, ECD January 1964) A comparison of how efforts to develop local government and popular understanding of govern- ment relates to the political process in Morocco, Tunisia, and Pakistan. The character of the three regimes is interpreted in terms of the initial conceptualization and implementation of local re- forms, economic planning, agrarian reform, ad- ministrative reorganization, and institutional in- novation. 1.03--BEARDSLEY, Richard K. (University of Mich- igan) JAPAN IS NOT "WESTERNIZED" (Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AAA, Chicago, November 1962) The term "Westernization" is unsuited to the analysis of change in Japan. Elements of Western culture such as religion, philosophy, arts, or alphabetic script, if adopted at all, have tended to be alternatives to Japanese equivalents, not substitutes for them. Japan may abandon its cul- tural tradition by advancing beyond it, not by moving laterally toward the Western style. 1.04--BENSON, Oliver (ed.) (Chairman, Graduate International Studies Program, University of Okla- homa) THE EMERGENT NATIONS (Book, published March 1963) A collection of articles on the emergent nations, dealing with the legacy of imperialism, social tensions, economic development, political via- bility, Soviet policy of uneven development, U.S. economic policies, and geographic considerations. 1.05--BIESANZ, John B. (Professor, Department of Sociology-Anthropology, Wayne State University) SOCIAL PATTERNS IN COSTA RICA (Book, ECD 1963) A general study of Costa Rica, somewhat along the lines of Costa Rican Life, by John and Mavis Biesanz, Columbia University Press, 1944. Field research initiated January-February 1963. Fur- ther research in Costa Rica is contemplated. 1.06?CARTER, Gwendolen M. (Professor, Depart- ment of Government, Smith College) SEPARATE DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH AFRICA (Book, ECD Indef.) 1.07?CONVERSE, Philip E. (Senior Study Direc- tor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research (SRC/ISR) University of Michigan) A STUDY OF POLITICAL STABILITY AND CHANGE (Book, ECD September 1964) Study based on a time analysis of a four-year, five-wave panel of interviews with a probability sample of the national electorate over the period 1956-1960. It will focus on patterns of stability and change in public attitudes relevant to voting behavior. 1.08--COOK, Robert C. (President, Population Ref- erence Bureau, Inc., Washington, D. C.) THE POPULATION EXPLOSION AS A HUMAN ARTIFACT (Paper presented at annual meeting 9f the American Orthopsychiatric Association (AOA) Washington, D. C., March 1963) Current unprecedented rates of population increase have a profound impact on the social, economic and political organization of the countries caught in these population explosions. This paper outlines the impact and interaction between the cultural moves of the human species today and the rate of population increase which is engendered es- sentially by a cultural lag in one area (birth). 1.09--DE FLEUR, Melvin L. (Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Indiana University) THE SOCIAL BYPRODUCTS OF RAPID INDUSTRI- ALIZATION (Continuing research) A series of studies of social problems which have resulted from rapid social, economic, population, and industrial change. Specifically, delinquency and school dropouts were studied in Cordoba, Argen- tina. Other studies are incomplete or in the plan- ning stage. 1.10--DE GRAZIA, Alfred (Professor, Department of Government, New York University (NYU) THE NEW POLITICAL ORDER (Book, ECD 1964) Common elements in human behavior upon which an international order can be built. 1.11--DUNN, Stephen P. (NYU) THE GREAT RUSSIAN PEASANT: CULTURE CHANGE OR CULTURAL EXPANSION (Continuing research) Ethnographic studies of the Great Russians before and since 1917 indicate that rural folk societies are developing in classic fashion. Therefore, it is not proper to speak of directed culture change in the European USSR, as can be done in the Asiatic and Far Northern areas. 1.12--FELDMESSER, Robert A. (Research Fellow, Russian Research Center (RRC), Harvard Uni- versity) SOCIAL MOBILITY IN THE SOVIET UNION (Book, ECD December 1963) An historical study of the rates and mechanisms of vertical social mobility. Particular emphasis placed upon the effects of ideology and of polit- Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 2 Approved For Release 2002/11/22: ical decisions, and upon the role of the educational system. Insofar as possible, comparisons are made with corresponding processes in another society. 1.13--FRIEDL, Ernestine (Assistant Professor, De- partment of Sociology and Anthropology, Queens College) URBANIZATION OF RURAL MIGRANTS TO ATHENS (Book, ECD 1965) Project is planned for academic year 1963-64 when field work will be done in Greece. 1.14?GERLACH, Luther P. (Lafayette College) *TRADERS ON BICYCLES; A STUDY OF ENTRE- PRENEURSHIP AND CULTURE CHANGE AMONG THE DIGO OF KENYA, EAST AFRICA (Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AAA, Chica- go, November 1962) Bicycle-mounted Digo traders have brought about desirable dietary changes by distributing fish, milk and agricultural produce in places where these items were previously unavailable. These traders are simultaneously capitalists, managers, planners, in- novators, agents of culture change and economic development, and often proponents of political sta- bility. Government of fic ials have sometimes initiated programs which hindered such entre- preneurship. 1.15--GERSCHENKRON, Alexander (Professor, De- partment of Economics, Harvard University) THE CHANGEABILITY OF A DICTATORSHIP (Ar- ticle, published in World Politics, July 1962) I.16--GOODNOW, Henry F. (Assistant Professor, De- partment of Political Science, University of Colo- rado) THE NEW BUREAUCRACIES (Book, ECD August 1963) A theoretical, comparative and prescriptive analysis of political power in the "developing" countries. 1 17--GUTTMACHER, Alan (President, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, New York, New York) THE EMOTIONAL THREAT OF TOO MANY PEO- PLE (Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AOA Washington, D.C., March 1963) Man is an adaptable organism, but what would a completely tenanted planet do to his sense of the aesthetic and the beautiful? Would this change human personality? What are the effects of polu- lation density on social behavior? Examples of re- search with rat populations are presented. Data indicate that a world universally overpopulated presents a risk to the human animal. Consideration is given to the range of the problem and to potential measures for its solution. 1.18--HALPERN, Manfred (Assistant Professor, De- partment of Politics, Princeton University) THE POLITICS OF SOCIAL CHANGE IN THE MID- DLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA (Bookto be pub- lished in Fall of 1963 by Princeton University Press) Approved For Release 2002/11/22 CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-ZHANGE 1.19--HAMILTON, James W. (University of Michigan) *EFFECTS OF THE THAI MARKET ON KAREN LIFE (Pate presented at the annual meeting of the AAA, Cl icago, November 1962) Seventeen mo Ills of field investigation among the Pwo Karen in Northern Thailand reveals that the social order )f this group is breaking down. The Karen are bec rming peasants. 1.20?HEATH, Dwight B. (Assistant Professor, De- partment of iociology and Anthropology, Brown University) PROFILES 01. CHANGE IN INTERNATIONAL DE- VELOPME1 T (Article completed; to be published in 1963) Most situatio -.s of economic development involve significant crn,tacts among members of several cul- tures. In an such situation, one may fruitfully analyze chance in terms of how each group affects and is affected by each of the others, and how each aspect of cult -ire is affected within each of the sys- tems. 1.21?HICKMAD , John M. (Cornell University) PERUVIAN AYMARA AND THEIR DIALECTIC OF PROGRESS (Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AAA, Chicago, November 1962) For both the .,,ymara and the Peruvian government, "progress" f the process of integration into the national life. This paper summarizes ten months of field inveat 2gation to determine the extent to which this integration has occurred. 1.22?HINTON, Thomas B. (University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) THE VILLAGE HIERARCHY ASA FACTOR IN C OR.A ACC ULTUYATION (Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AAA, Chicago, November 1962) The Cora, ar Indian group of Western Mexico, live in a strongl-, integrated society which is hostile toward outsic-ers and resistant to change. Formal authority is based on a civil-religious hierarchy. 1.23?HUANG, Lucy Jen (Assistant Professor, De- partment of Social Studies, Lake Erie College) THE CHANGING PARENT-YOUTH RELATIONSHIP AND NEW IN-LAW PROBLEMS IN COMMUNIST CHINA (Ar-icle completed. Fall 1962) A paper traciog the change in parent-youth relation- ship from pre-communist days to the present time. The status of the mother-in-law has been demoted while that of -_he daughter-in-law has been promoted to the key position, due to gainful employment of married wornen in the communist regime. 1.24-- HUANG, Lucy Jen (Assistant Profes sor, Depart- ment of Social. Studies, Lake Erie College) NOVEL PAT TERNS OF COURTSHIP AND MAR- RIAGE IN THE COMMUNIST CHINESE COM- MUNES rtecle, ECD June 1963, for Human Ecology Ft? ad) This paper discusses the novel improvisations among Cornnoune youth in their courtship practices and marriage patterns, combining the traditional and the new in nrder to adjust to the drastic change in China under the new regime. Conflicts between the : CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 CHANGE old and the new values and attitudes are observed and discussed, presenting both the regime leaders' views as well as those of the Commune members themselves. 1.25--INKELES, Alex (Professor of Sociology, Center for International Affairs (CIAF), Harvard Uni- versity) SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ASPECTS OF MODERNI- ZATION (Book, ECD September 1965) A study of changes in attitudes, values, and world view produced by change from traditional occu- pations to industrial work. It is being carried out by survey procedures using the same instrument in three different underdeveloped countries. Dr. Inkeles is in charge of field work in Chile, Dr. Howard Shuman is field director in Pakistan, and Dr. Edward Ryan is conducting the work in Nigeria. 1.26--KENNY, Michael (Associate Professor, De- partment of Anthropology, Catholic University of America) ASSIMILATION AND INTEGRATION OF 20th CEN- TURY SPANISH EXPATRIATES IN CUBA AND MEXICO (Book, ECD Fall 1963) 1.27--KENNY, Michael (Associate Professor, De- partment of Anthropology, Catholic University of America) THE CURRENT IMPACT OF CUBAN REFUGEES IN SPAIN (Article, ECD October 1963) A controlled experimental study of a Spanish-born group who have spent many years in Cuba and who have now fled that country and face the problem of re-integration into their Spanish societies as "re- turned immigrants". Consideration will be given to the study of their group affiliations, voluntary as- sociations, and realignment with original kinship groups. It will also assess the degree of their social disorganization consequent with their re- turn and the degree to which theymay be innovators of cultural change. 1.28--KLASS, Morton (Bennington College) THE WORSHIP OF KALI IN TRINIDAD (Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AAA, Chicago, November 1962) East Indian Kali worship is fitted into the larger religious life of a 1.11age in Trinidad and sheds light on processes of culture change. 1.29--KNOX, John B. (Professor) and HILL, Vicki (Department of Sociology, University of Tennessee) FAMILY SIZE, STATUS AND MOBILITY: SOME AR- GENTINE AND AMERICAN DATA (Paper, ECD April 1963) 1.30--KUNSTADTER, Peter (Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Prince- ton University) TRIBAL INTEGRATION AND CONTRASTING ECO- NOMIC TYPES IN NORTHERN THAILAND (Re- search ECD 1965) Fourteen months of anthropological field work will be done among the Lawa tribe in Northern Thailand. Two communities, one with shifting cultivation, and one with settled, irrigated agriculture, will be studied intensively in or_der _to deterrnibe...th r Approved For Kelease z 3 lationship of economic activities to other aspects of social organization and to the integration of the communities into the national society. 1.31--LANG, Gottfried 0. (Associate Professor, De- partment of Anthropology, Catholic University of America) SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CHANGE AMONG THE SUKUMA OF TANGANYIKA (continuing research) This long-range project focusses on social and cultural change, the influence of chiefs, education, medical personnel, indigenous and non-indigenous trade, and the missionary. Primary emphasis is placed on changing locality groups, political struc- tures on a local and regional level, and on newly developing patterns of cooperative groups. 1.32--LERNER, Daniel (Professor of Sociology, De- partment of Economics and Social Science, Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, (MIT)) THE REVOLUTION OF RISING FRUSTRATIONS (Article, ECD 1963) Empirical and statistical analyses of the failure of the "revolution of rising expectations" in the 1950's 1.33--LEVY, Marion J., Jr. (Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Princeton University) INTERNATIONAL VARIATIONS IN SOCIETIES (Book, completed March 1963) Three comparative analyses: 1) The comparison of relatively modernized and relatively non-modern- ized societies; 2) The comparison of those things which all societies have in common with the vari- ations which overlie these common features; and(3) The problems of modernization for relatively non- modernized societies as compared with the prob- lems of stability for the relatively highly modernized societies. 1.34--LEVY, Marion J. Jr., (Professor, Department of Sociology?Anthropology, Princeton University) THE SOCIAL BASIS OF MODERNIZATION OF JA- PAN (Books, ECD indef.) A study of the basis from which change took place in Japan. It attempts to isolate the constants and variables in the historical basis of change by con- trasting the features of the Tokugawa society in the period of Iyeyasu with that of Yoshimune. 1.35-- LIEBERMAN, E. James (School of Public Health, Harvard University) NON-VIOLENT AGGRESSION: AN APPROACH TO SOCIAL CHANGE (Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AOA, Washington, D.C., March 1963) Mankind must develop the ability to cope with? not avoid or suppress?social change and conflict. The mental health professions have had much ex- perience with constructively agressive, i.e., non- violent, approaches to conflict in individuals and groups. Behavioral sciences can contribute to the sound development of large-scale non-violent tech- niques by elucidating unconscious assets and lia- bilities of social movements, cultural factors, and : ciAn2g5151666691876140061193-lon? Approved For Release 2002/11/22 4 1.36?LIPSET, Seymour M. (Director, Institute of International Studies, (lIST) University of Cali- fornia - Berkeley), GLOCK, Charles Y. (Director), and MITCHELL, Robert E. (Survey Research Center (SRC-Calif.) University of California, Berkeley) TNT E R NATIONAL COMPARATIVE DEVELOP- MENT (Articles, ECD July 1964) A study of university students' attitudes toward national development, based on the analysis of both existing and new survey data. Also, research based on documents concerning educational systems of American and overseas universities. 1.37- -MELADY, Thomas P. (President, Africa Service Institute, New York, N. Y.) THE WHITE MAN'S FUTURE IN BLACK AFRICA (Book, published November 1962 by MacFadden- Bartell Corporation) 1.38--MOERMAN, Michael (Assistant Professor, School of International Service (SIS) American University) WESTERN CULTURE AND THE THAI WAY OF LIFE (Paper, ECD February 1963; to be published by Asia Foundation) Thailand's borrowings from the West are intellgible only through the Thai social system which trans- forms them. Examples of borrowed traits: ciga- rettes, milk, toilets, tractors, community develop- ment, and public education. Examples of Thai social principles; reciprocity, merit-making, hierarchy, residence rules, and nationalism. 1.39--MOSEL, James N. (Associate Professor, De- partment of Psychology, George Washington Uni- versity) COMMUNICATIONS BEHAVIOR AND POLITICAL SOCIALIZATION IN TRANSITIONAL THAILAND (Monograph, completed; to be published in a book edited by Lucian Pye of MIT in Spring 1963 by the Princeton University Press) 1.40?MOSS, Leonard W. (Chairman, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Wayne State University) and CAPPANNARI, Stephen C. (Vanderbilt Univer- sity) ITALIAN ETHNOGRAPHY & CULTURAL CHANGE IN SOUTHERN ITALY (Book, ECD June 1964) Continuing study of emigrants from villages, in Rome, the United States, and Canada. In situ ethno- graphic analyses of the social organization of villages. Bibliography available from co-authors. 1.41--MYERS, Charles A. (Professor, Department of Economics, (MIT) and HARBISON, Frederick (Princeton University) HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT AND ECO- NOMIC GROWTH (Book, ECD June 1963; to be published by McGraw-Hill Book Co., N.Y., Fall or Winter 1963) A study of seventy-five countries at four different stages of human resource development, and strate- gies that should be adopted to meet human resource needs for economic and political modernization. 1.42--PITTS, Jesse R. (Associate Professor, Depart- ment of Sociology-Anthropology, Wayne State Uni- versity) Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : : CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 CHANGE CONTINUITY AND CHANGE IN BOURGEOIS FRANCE (Monograph, published in book titled In Search of France by Harvard University Press, February 19',3) 1.43--SCALAPINO, Robert A. (Professor, Department of Politics, University of California - Berkeley) KOREA; THE POLITICS OF CHANGE (Article, pub- lished in Asian Survey Vol. III, No. 1, January 1963) An analysis of the major 1962 political activities in South Korea, and to a lesser extent North Korea, and an assessment of the direction the two Koreas' future economic and political policies will take. 1.44--SCHWARZ, Henry G. (Assistant Professor, De- partment of Political Science, University of Wis- consin-Racine) CHINESE MIGRATION TO THE NORTHWEST AND INNER MONGOLIA (Artilce, ECD 1963; to be published by China Quarterly). 1.45--SEWELL, Granville H. (Instructor, Department of Economics and Social Science, MIT) MUSHROOM CITIES?IMPLICATIONS OF VILLAGE CITY MIGRATIONS IN TURKEY (Ph.D. dis- sertation, ECD May 1963) Description and analysis of the present social and political dilemmas and the potential impact of recent large-scale migrations to Turkish cities by villagers. Focuses mainly on the transitional villager, his personality and characteristics. Based on interviews conducted in Turkish cities and villages and on observations of author. 1.46?SINDER, Leon (Long Island University) SOME NOTES ON CHANGING GENERATIONAL LEVEL ATTITUDES IN KOREA (Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AAA, Chicago, No- vember 1962) Korean attitudes towards age have long been based upon respect, obedience and veneration. The enormous social displacements since World War II have been accompanied by inauguration of a western oriented educational system and a government-di- rected community development program to encom- pass 1000 villages. The results have been a revo- lution of vast proportions in attitudes toward seniors and the attitudes of women toward their former role. 1.47--SMELSER, Neil J. (Professor, Department of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley) COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL MOVE- MENTS IN THE DEVELOPING AREAS (Book. ECD Fall 1964) An attempt to account for the differential occur- rence of various types of social disturbances? riots, social movements, religious movements, etc.?in the developing areas of the world. The approach is systematic and comparative. 1.48--SMITH, T. Lynn (Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Florida) SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF COMMUNITY DE- CIA-M319861S6AMOV26151:92M)19-2 CHANGEAPProved For Release 2002/11/22: 1.49--SMITH, T. Lynn (Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Florida) URBANIZATION IN LATIN AMERICA (Article, ECD 1963) 1.50--SOARES, Glaucio A. D. (Lecturer, Department of Sociology-Anthropology, Washington University at St. Louis, Missouri) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND POLITICAL RADICALISM (Ph.D. dissertation, ECD March 1964) Correlation, regression, and factor analysis are the techniques used. Census data and electoral statistics in several countries are used and econ- omic development data correlated with percentage of the total vote given to communist, socialist and labor parties or candidates, using states or provinces as units. 1.51--SUTTON, Willis A., Jr., Associate Professor, DUBEY, D. C., and GALLUP, Gladys (Department of Sociology, University of Kentucky) VILLAGE LEVEL WORKERS, THEIR WORK AND RESULT DEMONSTRATIONS (Study made for the National Institute of Community Development, Government of India and published by the Govern- ment of India Press, New Delhi, 1962) Fifteen case studies based on field interviews. 1.52--SWEARER, Howard R. (Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, UCLA) CHANGING ROLES OF THE CPSU UNDER FIRST SECRETARY KHRUSHCHEV (Article published in World Politics October 1962) 1.53? TALBERT, Robert H. (Professor, Department of Sociology) and HALTOM, John F. (Professor, Department of Government) (Texas Christian Uni- versity (TCU)) POLITICAL CHANGE IN TEXAS: PATTERNS AND POTENTIALS AS REVEALED IN ONE METRO- POLITAN COUNTY (Article, Completed 1962) Analysis of precinct level voting in Tarrant County (Fort Worth) from 1948 through 1962. Evidence suggests the development of Republican strength, CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 5 with the probability of strong influence in state and local elections; comparative data for other metropolitan areas in Texas included. 1.54--THORNTON, Thomas P. (5017 Waggaman Circle, McLean, Virginia) CHINESE COMMUNIST AND SOVIET MODELS FOR REVOLUTION AND DEVELOPMENT (Article, ECD Summer 1963) 1.55--VALENTINE, Charles A. (Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Wash- ington) SOCIAL STATUS, POLITICAL POWER, AND NATIVE RESPONSES TO EUROPEAN INFLU- ENCE IN OCEANIA (Article, published by Anthro- pological Forum 1;1, 1963) 1.56--VOGT, Evon Z. (Professor, Department of Anthropology, Havard University) MEXICAN CULTURAL CHANGE (Book, ECD 1965) A large number of monographs, articles, and field reports on Tzotzil-Tzeltal Indian communities in the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico and their relationships to the national Mexican political system. 1.57- - WHITTEN, Norman E., Jr. ( NIMH Research Fellow, Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina) POWER STRUCTURE AND SOCIO-CULTURAL CHANGE IN LATIN AMERICAN COMMUNITIES (Article, completed 1963) A review of the data from 17 Latin American communities to ascertain systematic relations between power and socio-cultural change. A dy- namic model is constructed. 1.58--ZOLLSCHAN, G. K. (Assistant Professor) and HIRSCH, Walter (Associate Professor) (Department of Sociology, Purdue University) EXPLORATIONS IN SOCIAL CHANGE (Book, ECD January 1964, to be published by Houghton- Mifflin Co.) A symposium of invited contributions on various aspects of social, psychological, economic, and political change. Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 B Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002900290e19,72, UOINITION 2.01--ASHFORD, Douglas E. (Professor, SAIS, Johns Hopkins University) PERSPECTIVES OF A NORTH AFRICAN NA- TIONALIST; AN ANALYSIS OF ISTIQLAL PAR- TY MILITANTS (Book, completed 1963) An attitudinal study, based on written question- aires, of local officals in Morocco. The militants' role in the party, their aspirations, and other polit- ical views, are analyzed in terms of basic social characteristics and the militants' earlier role in the party. 2.02--BERRIEN, F. Kenneth (Chairman, Department of Psychology, Rutgers University) THE FALLOUT SHELTER OWNERS; A STUDY OF ATTITUDE FORMATION (Article, completed; to be published fall 1963 by Public Opinion Quarterly) This study shows that shelter owners are pre- disposed toward military type responses to inter- national issues and are more certain war will occur than non- shelter home owners of equal educational and economic level. Shelter owners have a more ''risky" view of the future, criticizing local Civil Defense officers for not promoting shelters more vigorously. 2.03--CLINE, Victor B. (Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Utah) ACCURACY OF INTERPERSONAL PERCEPTION (Article, ECD December 1963) Tests using sound color motion pictures to assess "judging ability" have been developed. Judges view series of 10 minute interviews (on film) and at- tempt to predict real life behavior. 2.04?CROW, Wayman J. (Associate Director, Western Behavioral Science Institute (WBSI)) IMPRESSION CORRELATES OF POWER (Article, ECD July 1963) Seventy subjects recorded their impressions of twenty-four people presented to them via 4-minute sound films. The impressions were obtained on rating scales which included six types of inter- personal power and twenty-two Semantic Differential items. Data analysis should reveal the impressions associated with each type of power. 2.05--DE RIVERA, Joseph (Professor, Department of Psychology, Dartmouth College) TEACHING A COURSE IN THE PSYCHOLOGY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (Article published in American Psychologist October 1962) 2.06--DOOB, Leonard W. (Professor, Department of Psychology, Yale University) CHANGING PUBLIC OPINION IN AFRICA (Book, ECD Indefinite) Method; the establishment of small panels of in- formants in a limited number of African countries. 2.07?DUGAN, Robert D. (Study Director, Institute for International Services (HS) Washington, D.C.) SURVEY OF PARTICIPANT TRAINING IN THE UNITED STATES (Study, ECD June 1963) A pilot study of opinions and attitudes toward the A.I.D. Participant Trainin_g Pro ram on the part of Approved For Release 2002/11/22 those who administer programs or instruct trainees. Data are being qathered from thirty educational and industrial institutions and from governmental agen- cies involved in assigning and monitoring the training being Fiven in the U.S. under this program. 2.08?HAMILTON, Herbert (Research Assisant Pro- fessor, Institutc of Communications Research(ICR) University of Illinois) UNITED NATIONS IMAGE PROJECT (Paper, ECD February 1963) A pilot study of public responses to the United Nations employing the Semantic Differential. A basic concern in the project is the development of a multi- dimensional rn,,thod of analysis for investigating public responses to political institutions and activ- ities which is integrated with basic sociological categories. 2.09--HILL, Mosel' C. (Juvenile Delinquency Planning Grant, 12th & M rket Streets , St. Louis, Missouri) A STUDY OF THE THOUGHT PATTERNS OF FRESHMAN STUDENTS IN NIGERIAN UNIVER- SITIES (Paper, ECD Summer 1963) 2.10--HUANG, Lucy Jen (Assistant Professor, De- partment of Social Studies, Lake Erie College) SPARE TIME EDUCATION IN COMMUNIST CHINA (Article, ECD June 1963, for Human Ecology Fund) Spare time education is required of illiterate por- tions of the population and people of various ages and professions, chiefly emphasizing political stud- ies and contributions to the people, as well as serv- ice to the group, and the Communist regime. 2.11- -KENNEDY , Joseph C. (Research Associate, Human Ecology Fund) IN THE AFRICAN MIND?EMERGING IMAGES OF OTHER NATIONS (Book, ECD June 1963) A social psychological investigation of African attitudes towa:d various countries, including the United States and Russia. Data gathered through use of a questionaire and interpreters. Respondents were found in villages and cities all over the two countries of Ghana and Nigeria. Respondents were also selected from universities and secondary schools. 2.12--LE VINE, Robert A. (Assistant Professor, Committee on Human Development, University of Chicago) COOPERATIVE CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY OF ETHNOCENTRISM (Book, ECD 1966) Study is co-directed by Donald T. Campbell of Northwestern 'University, Evanston, Illinois. 2.13- -LIPSET, Seymour M. (Director HST, University of California Berkeley) POLITICAL leilAN: THE SOCIAL BASES OF PO- LITICS (Book, completed; published by Doubleday Anchor Books 1963) Compendium of findings of recent empirical po- litical sociology on attitudes towards forms of government, electoral behavior, social class and intellec_tual behavior and trade union psychology. : CIA-RDP80B01676R002900290019-2 Approved For Release 2002/11/22 COGNITION 2.14--MC LELLAN, David S. (Associate Professor, Department of Political Science) and WOODHOUSE, Charles E. (Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of California - Riverside) AMERICAN BUSINESS LEADERS AND FOREIGN POLICY: A STUDY IN PERSPECTIVES (Article, ECD March 1963) Study based on responses to a questionaire sub- mitted to 275 business leaders; seeking to discover (1) where there is congruence in attitudes toward government participation in the domestic economy and attitudes toward U.S. economic aid to foreign countries; and (2) whether perspectives are related to membership in certain national associations of business men, and to the types of career-lines ex- hibited by respondents. 2.15--MC QUEEN, Albert J. (Study Director, ISR, University of Michigan) EDUCATION AND UNEMPLOYMENT AMONG NI- GERIAN YOUTH (Book, ECD 1964-65) A study of the impact of education and unemployment on attitudes and adjustment of male school learners in the Eastern and Western Regions of Nigeria. In this survey particular attention is given to aspiration, attitudes toward work, problems of sub- sistence, relationships to family, and the traditional community and attitudes toward politics. 2.16--MILLER, Warren E. (Program Director) and STOKES, Donald E. (Senior Study Director (SRC), University of Michigan) POLICY REPRESENTATION IN CONGRESS (Re- search Project, ECD, September 1963; to be pub- lished by Prentice-Hall) A study of conditions affecting policy agreement be- tween constituents and their congressional repre- sentatives. A national study based on a probability sample of 116 congressional districts and em- ploying data pertaining to the districts, the con- stituents, and the Congressmen. 2.17?MOSEL, James N. (Associate Professor, De- partment of Psychology, George Washington Uni- versity) AN ANALYSIS OF THAI POPULAR ATTITUDES TOWARD COMMUNISM IN TERMS OF IMBAL- ANCE THEORY (Article, ECD June 1963) 2.18--NEHNEVAJSA, Jiri (Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh) EFFECTS OF VARIOUS CIVIL DEFENSE SYSTEMS ON PEOPLE AND GOVERNMENT (Research, ECD July 1963) 2.19--NEHNEVAJSA, Jiri (Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh) STUDIES OF CIVIL DEFENSE AND COLD WAR ATTITUDES (Continuing research, ECD February 1966) 2.20--RAVEN, Bertram H. (Associate Professor, Department of Psychology) and GALLO, Philip S. (Research Assistant) (UCLA) THE EFFECTS OF NOMINATING CONVENTIONS, ELECTIONS, AND REFERENCE GROUP IDEN- IFICATION UPON THE PERCEPTION OF PO- LITICAL FIGURES (Article, completed but not published)Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 7 The study was done during the conventions and elections of 1960. The subjects were upper division students at UCLA. The findings indicated that participation in National Conventions on the part of political figures resulted in their receiving more favorable ratings by both Democratic and Re- publican subjects. The candidates who were nominated received much more favorable ratings from subjects of their own party, and sometimes received less favorable ratings from subjects of the opposite party. Being elected President also caused ratings to become more favorable, partic- ularly from subjects of the opposing party. 2.21--SARGEANT, Howland H. (American Committee for Liberation of the People of the USSR, New York, New York) HOW TO TELL OUR FRIENDS FROM OUR EN- EMIES (Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AOA, Washington, D.C., March 1963) Privately sponsored Radio Liberty is developing increasingly accurate profiles of the genuine in- terests, aspirations and attitudes of key elements of contemporary Soviet society. Letters to Radio Liberty from Soviet listeners describe some of these in their own words. Soviet press and radio supply indirect evidence of major patterns backed up by hundreds of interviews with travellers to and from the USSR. 2.22?SAUNDERS, John V. D. (Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Florida) VALUES AND NORMS IN A BRAZILIAN PRO- TESTANT CONGREGATION (Article, ECD 1963) 2.23?SCHULZE, Rolf (Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Michigan State University) AN ANALYTICAL COMPARISON OF SELECTED GERMAN ASSOCIATIONS IN REFERENCE TO THEIR IDEOLOGIES, MEMBERSHIP ALIEN- ATION, AND RELATED CHARACTERISTICS (Ph. D. dissertation, ECD Summer 1963) Material was collected by means of self-admin- istering questionnaires which were distributed to 18 to 20 "ideological" groups of various types. Close to 1,400 questionnaires were distributed in Cologne, Essen, Bonn, Wuppertal and West Berlin. Project is now in the coding and analysis stage. 2.24--SEIDENBERG, Bernard (Assistant Professor) and PROSHANSKY, Harold (Associate Professor) (Department of Psychology, Brooklyn College) NUCLEAR WAR AND FALLOUT SHELTERS: SOME OPINIONS AND ATTITUDES (Research, ECD May 1963) One hundred and fifty-six Brooklyn residents were interviewed regarding the effects of nuclear war, the adequacy of fall out shelters, and their reactions to immediate alarm that attack will occur. 2.25--SINGER, J. David (Researcl, PoliticalScientist, Mental Health Research Institute (MHRI) University of Michigan) COSMOPOLITANISM AND UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION (Research, ECD 1963) Using a combined attitude measurement scale, 200 students in five political science courses were tested during the first week of the course and again during the final week. Focus is on the effects of these courses on the students, world- : CIATADP801301676R002900290019-2 a Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 COGNITION 2.26--SMYTHE, Hugh H. (Associate Professor, De- partment of Sociology & Anthropology, Brooklyn College) JAPANESE-AMERICAN PERSPECTIVE (Article, published in Eastern World, December 1962) A summary analysis of developments in the re- lationship of Japan and the United States during the last six months of 1962. An overview is presented of the present state of affairs relating to inter- national relations, economic matters, relations with communist nations, military matters, human re- lations, and esthetics. 2.27?THOMPSON, Albert S. (Professor), SUPER, Donald D. (Professor), CHRISTIE, Richard (Pro- fessor) ( Teachers College, Columbia University) *VOCATIONAL ATTITUDES OF PEACE CORPS VOLUNTEERS FOR TEACHING IN WEST AFRICA (Paper, presented at Peace Corps (PC) - Na- tional Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) con- ference on "Peace Corps and Behavioral Sciences" Washington, D.C., March 1963) A study of the interest patterns, work value struc- ture, and attitudes toward authority of a group of liberal arts graduates volunteering for secondary school teaching in Nigeria. Basic patterns were drawn from a comparison of results on the Strong Vocational Interest Blank, Study of Values, Work Values Inventory, Opinion and Attitude Inventory, and interview and autobiographic data. 2.28--VALDMAN, Albert (Associate Professor, De- partment of Languages, Indiana University) *LANGUAGE LEARNING AND THE PEACE CORPS (Paper presented at PC - NIMH conference on "Peace Corps and Behavioral Sciences" Washing- ton, D.C., March 1963) The evolution and structure of intensive audio- lingual oriented foreign language instruction. Pre- sents a description of a partially audio-instructional course used in a Tunisian French Peace Corps course and a proposal that effective language train- ing for Corpsmen must be audio-instructional in nature and must contain formal introduction to the nature of languages and the language learning process. 2.29--VALENTINE, Charles A. (Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Washing- ton) LAKALAI ETHNOPSYCHOLOGY: A MELANESIAN COGNITIVE SYSTEM AND ITS IMPLICATIONS (Article, completed; published in Ethnology, 2:3, 1963) 2.30--WAISUNEN, F. W. (Associate Professor) and KUMATA, H. (Associate Professor) (Department of Sociology-Communication, Michigan State Univer- sity) SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRELATES OF ALIENATION: A Five-nation Study (Articles, ECD, January 1964) Formal data gathering for this study to begin during March, 1963 in the United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, Finland and Japan. 2.31--WILLIS, Richard H. (Associate Professor, De- partment of Psychology, Washington University) AMERICAN IM,./GES OF OTHER LANDS AND PEO- PLES (Article, ECD June 1964) A follow-up to 'Finnish Images of Other Lands and Peoples" 2.32-- WILLIS, Richard H. (Associate Professor, De- partment of Psychology, Washington University) FINNISH IMAGES OF OTHER LANDS AND PEOPLE (Articles, ECD January 1964) Primary instrument is the Semantic Differential. 2.33--WINDLE, Charles D. (Chairman, Operational Applications Research Division, Special Operations Research Office (SORO), The American University) FACTORS IN THE PASSAGE OF A STERILIZATION BILL IN VIRGINIA (Paper, completed but not published) Four types of information were examined: formal reports, persoral characteristics of legislators, characteristics of regions represented and legis- lators' questionnaire responses. Representatives of poorer, non-urban areas, with high proportions of non-white residents and of agricultural and manu- facturing employment favored the voluntary sterili- zation bill. Such backgrounds suggest that the bill was not seen as a public moral issue, but rather as an anti-welfare issue. 2.34- -WINKS, Robin W. (Associate Professor, Depart- ment of History, Yale University) NATION IN SEARCH OF ITSELF: CANADIAN-U.S. CULTURAL RELATIONS (Book, ECD 1966) A general study of the way Canadian value systems are influenced by the U.S. 2.35--ZEITLIN, Maurice (Instructor, Department of Sociology and Research Associate, Center of Inter- national Studies (CIS) Princeton University) THE POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ATTITUDES OF CUBAN INDUSTRIAL WORKERS (Ph.D. dis- sertation, ECD August 1963, University of Cali- fornia - Berkeley) Interviews, random self-weighting sample, of 210 industrial workers in factories in six provinces, widely dispersed, during Summer 1962. Sponsor: CIS, Princeton University. 2.36--ZIMB.ARDO, Philip (Assistant Professor, De- partment of Psychology, NYU) ROLE OF INVOLVEMENT IN ATTITUDE CHANGE (A rtic 1 e, ECD June 1964, National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant) An investigation to determine the components of the complex variable of involvement and to relate them, singly and in combination, to the formation and change of attitudes. Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 9 COMMUNICATION 3.01--BIRDWHISTELL, Ray L. (Temple University) NEW DIRECTIONS IN SURVIVAL (Paper, pre- sented at the annual meeting of the AOA, Wash- ington, D.C., March 1963) ',Survival," as used by anthropologists and bio- logists, is, by and large,. ex-post facto. Purpo- sive survival is predicated on the assumption that we either know enough to influence the future or that we are sufficiently aware of our ignorance that we are prepared to make the effort to get the necessary knowledge. We know relatively little about human communication. However, we are blessed with an increasing recognition of our ignorance. This paper deals with the structure of this ignorance and with suggestions toward its amelioration. 3.02--BROWN, Earl C., (Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Alabama) AFFECTIVE INFLUENCES ON INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS (Article, ECD February 1964) 3.03--COUCH, Arthur S., (Lecturer, Department of Social Relations, Harvard University) PSYCHOLOGICAL DETERMINANTS OF INTER- PERSONAL BEHAVIOR (Ph.D. dissertation; com- pleted but not published) An empirical study of the several determinants of interpersonal behavior. The effect of personality needs, defense mechanisms, apperceived press, and actual behavioral press on several dimen- sions of manifest behavior in group situations. The study involved many objective techniques of personality assessment and the observation of overt behavior patterns. Considerable use was made of factor analytic methods. 3.04--D'ANDREA, Vincent J. (Instructor, Department of Psychology, Stanford University School of Medi- cine) PSYCHIATRIC PARTICIPATION IN A PEACE CORPS PHILIPPINES PROJECT (Paper, pre- sented at a PC - NIMH conference on the ',Peace Corps and Behavioral Sciences", Washington, D.C., March 1963) Experiences of a psychiatrist for a Philippines project of about 200 Peace Corps Trainees. 3.05--DANIELSON, Wayne A., (Associate Professor, School of Journalism, University of North Caro- lina) THE DIFFUSION OF NEWS IN AMERICA (Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AOA, Washington, D.C., March 1963) Evidence from content analytical studies of the press suggests that there is substantial agreement among editors as to the news value of events. Telephone surveys indicated that major stories dif- fuse rapidly through communities--aided by the great initial imput from the mass media. Com- munication through social channels may constitute a small proportion of "first sources. in the dif- fusion process. Little discussion of events out- side the immediate family group seems to take place. The argument is made that such a system, unless operated with extreme care, may well pro- duce or contribute to "panic reactions" in the populace during times of sustained tension. Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : Cl 3.06--DANIELSON, Wayne A., (Associate Professor, School of Journalism, University of North Caro- lina) COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN CONTENT ANALY- SIS (Long range project) A methodological study with the aim of automating certain aspects of content analytical procedures. Routines have been developed for searching con- tent for key symbols in their contexts, for pre- dicting newspapers' reactions to certain events, and for computing two readability formulas. 3.07--DAVISON, W. Phillips (Senior Research Fel- low, Council on Foreign Relations, (CFR)) INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL COMMUNICATION (Book, ECD September 1963) 3.08--DUNCAN, Hugh Dalziel (Visiting Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Rice University) COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL ORDER (Book published, The Bedminster Press, New York, 1962) How we use communication to establish hierarchy as a means toward creating and sustaining social order. Emphasis is placed on relations among equals, as well as among superiors and inferiors, as a form of social order. 3.09--DUNCAN, Hugh Dalziel (Visiting Professor, Department of Anthropology-Sociology, Rice Uni- versity) THE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF THE SYM- BOLIC ACT: A SOCIOLOGICAL MODEL OF COM- MUNICATION IN SOCIETY (Book, completed but not published.) A series of axiomatic, theoretical, and methodolo- gical propositions on how we must think about social relations if we assume that such relations are determined by how men communicate. 3.10--ELLINGSWORTH, Huber W., (Assistant Pro- fessor, Department of Communication, Michigan State University) BROADCAST USE BY A LATIN-AMERICAN PRO- FESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL GROUP (ECD Spring 1963; to be published in Journal of Broad- casting) One of several studies in progress which are part of a major project on communication and technical change in Latin America. Field work for the proj- ect has been completed. 3.11--GERBNER, George, (Associate Professor, ICR, University of Illinois) A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF U.S. FILMS AND THE "FILM HERO" (Continuing research, ECD 1964- 65) An international comparative research project on entertainment films in several countries. Supported under a grant from the NSF, in cooperation with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNESCO) and the International Sociological As- sociation. A-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 10 Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80601676R002900290019-2 COMMUNICATIONS 3.12--GOLDBERG, Melvin (National Association of Broadcasters) HOW DO YOU REACH PEOPLE? (Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AOA, Washington, D.C., March 1963) Mass media are mass only in potential. In prac- tice, the people use media selectively. Serious subjects concerned with national or international affairs, survival, etc., are more likely to be ignored by the great mass of the people, and to interest only a few. To reach most or all of the people, problems related to survival must be published or transmitted on a continuing basis, in a more popular or entertainment atmosphere. 3.13--GULLAHORN, John T. (Associate Professor) and GULLAHORN, Jeanne E. (Department of Busi- ness Administration, University of California - Berkeley) PROFESSIONAL AND SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES FOR FULBRIGHT AND SMITH-MUNDT AWARDS TO AMERICAN GRANTEES (Ph.D., dissertation, ECD 1963; book to be published in 1964) Survey of grantees in nine midwestern states by interviews with approximately 200 former grantees and 100 immediate superiors and peers. The Questionnaires were mailed to grantees from the entire U.S.A. whos e awards were between 1947-1957. Total questionnaire response was about 5,300. Award experience was considered significant by about 90 percent of grantees and interaction with foreign nationals correlates highly with satisfac- tion. 3.14--GUTHRIE, George (Department of Psychology, Pennsylvania State University) *PREPARATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN ANOTHER CULTURE (Paper presented at PC - NIMH conference on "Peace Corps and Behavioral Sciences", Washington, D.C., March 1963) Preparation of Peace Corps Volunteers to handle homesickness, culture shock and culture fatigue. 3.15--HALL, Edward T., (Washington School of Psy- chiatry) SOCIAL SPACE AS BIO-COMMUNICATION (Book, ECD Indef.) Anthropological methodology; sources: cross-cul- tural. 3.16?HALL, Edward T., (Washington School of Psy- chiatry) PROXEMICS (Book, completed, in press 1963) 3.17--HALL, Harry S. (Assistant Professor, Depart- ment of Political Science, Temple University) -^ %SCIENTISTS AND CONSERVATIVE LEGISLATORS (Paper, presented at the 1962 annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Sci- ence) 3.18--HAMBLIN, Robert L. (Associate Professor, Department of Sociology-Anthropology, Washington Univer sity) THE DYNAMICS OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION (Article, published in Social Problems, Fall, 1962, Vol. 10, No. 2) Approved For Release 2002/1 3.19?HEMPHILI., John K. and MC CONVILLE, Carolyn B. (Educational Testing Service (E TS)) COMMUNICATION RESTRAINTS AND MUTUAL PROBLEM-SOLVING BEHAVIOR (Article, com- pleted, 1963) The problem-solving performance of 10 four- person groups whose members were permitted to communicate with one another was compared with the performance of 10 groups who communicated only with the experimenter. The tasks for the groups were identical. It was found that under certain conditio .s communication appears to hinder rather than facilitate group problem-solving ac- tivities. 3.20?HEMPHILL, John K. and MC CONVILLE, Carolyn B. (ELS, Princeton, N. J.) THE EFFECT OF "HUMAN" vs "MACHINE" SET ON GROUP PROBLEM SOLVING BEHAVIOR (Article, completed 1963) Subjects worked on identical tests, but under one condition believt d their partner was another person and under the other condition believed their partner was a machine. Data relating to task effectiveness, prediction of "other subject's" behavior, and pat- terns of acts ard responses showed no difference for the subject= under the two conditions. The attitudinal measure showed that subjects working under the "huma.." condition regarded their partners as more confused than did those working under the "machine" condition. 3.21?JOHANNSEN James R. (Research Assistant, WBSI, La Jolla, California) ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON COMMUNICA- TION IN ORGANIZATIONS (Book, completed and published by WriSI, May 1962) A bibliography to. inging together theories and find- ings about organizational communication described in the literature of the behavioral sciences. The search of the literature has been limited mainly to studies done since 1950, largely in the fields of psychology, education, sociology, and business administration, with an emphasis on empirical research rather than speculative work. Included are some 322 annptations. 3.22--KAUFFMAN, Joseph F. (Chief, Training Di- vision, Peace Corps, Washington, D. C.) PREPARATION F OR EFFECTIVE JOB F UNC TION- ING IN A CRQ:iS-CULTURAL SETTING (Paper presented at PC - NIMH conference on "Peace Corps and Behavioral Sciences", Washington, D. C., March 19,-,3) Observations on the personnel content and tech- niques utilized in Peace Corps training programs and their releva )ce for the work performance and adjustment of Peace Corps Volunteers over- seas. 3.23?MENDELSOHN, Harold (Professor, School of Communication Arts, University of Denver) SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ON MEDIA AND Alsr