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Document Release Date: 
February 24, 2003
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Publication Date: 
June 10, 1987
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R000300480001-6.pdf92.44 KB
Approved For Release 200 A- 6-'00789R000300480001-6 DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHING1 ON, D C. 20301-6111 10 June 1987 MEMORANDUM FOR THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR 'SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE S20,005/DT-S87 DT-S SUBJECT: SUN STREAK Interim Report/Project 8708 1. (S/SK/WNINTEL) The following is forwarded as an interim report in accordance with your request of 5 June 1987. The foreign intelligence information was obtained by two sources during the course of four sessions. 2. (S/SK/WNINTEL) Source 003 described the content of the block-shaped structure as a long, tapered, round, cylindrical object. The object was expressly gate and aed to portatio o an open location where it will be assembled the object had y o. .(mill tary-related-r ap ications. There e_ e~[ t.o__be ed~percept an--oI_pressure `to ready the ?fbjec or operational use in support of (po i ica policie The object had five distinct components: A Locking Mechanismf a Control Mechanism; (followed by) Bulk Material; a Separator; (followed) by Additional Bulk Material. The purpose of the bulk material was to separate items that readily catalyzed into volatile corrosive or explosive matter producing bright flashes and extreme heat. with some other component for use in a launch mode. As a weapon, 3. (S/SK/WNINTEL) Source 079.reported on the presence of a somewhat circular ball curving in an outward configuration and resting on a stand (perhaps on top a roof); it had a rotational capability. The ball was made, controlled and operated by scientists. THe object was associated with an area that resembled a factory involved in the slicing and measurement of heavy metals. The concept of nurturing (the environment), and placing drops in the ground was in evidence. The object itself w5lapull r-6-1 ate 91 WARNING NOTICE; SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED CLASSIFIED BY: DIA-DT DECLASSIFY BY: OADR Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000300480001-6 St EC R"'I'Ll- @i Approved For Release 2q,( . IX-P46-00789R000300480001-6 4. (S/SK/WNINTEL) In a second session, Source 079 described the contents of interest as a round object within a frame comprising two sections, a circular part and an open part. The object was resting on some sort of grooved stand. The element of heat was an important factor. Activation of the object will result in causing a toxic effect. The device was in a readiness posture; it was clamped in a down position, its normal position when not in use. It was pointed on one end with a threaded component on the other end to enable this device to be attached to some other object. T 'ect was stored in a protective box. 5. (U) The functional aspects of the object will be addressed and emphasized during the course of future sessions. Request you provide any additional EEI you wish addressed or emphasized. SG1J Approved For Release 2003/ 1 769R000300480001-6