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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R0002001800027 METMPRWP/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED Session Procedures Report (S/NF/SK) PROJECT NUMBER: 8716 SESSION NUMBER: 2 DATE OF SESSION: 17 NOV 87 TARGET COUNTRY: UR REFERENCE: MISSION STATUS: TECHNIQUE UTILIZED: CRV SOURCE IDENTIFIER: 003 1. (S/NF/SK) Monitor Tasking: Tasking data cover sheet is attached; no amplifying instructions received. 2. (S/NF/SK) Source Tasking: 003 was informed that this site had been worked once before but that the session would nevertheless begin in Stage 1 to make the monitor feel comfortable. 003 immediately acquired the site and began sketching the target building. At this point the monitor interrupted the viewer to supply additional information regarding the target, to wit, that the sketch was correct and that the mission required accessing the inside of the structure. The remainder of the session was devoted to this task. 3. (S/NF/SK) Summary: The viewer's summary and sketches are attached. 4. (S/NF/SK) Comments: Excellent work on the part of the viewer; the target was acquired immediately, the geographic area was described accurately and, consequently, the information produced has a high confidence factor attached to it. The monitor is of the opinion that further work against this target by 003 should await the customer's analysis and refined targeting instructions. SG1J CPT, USA CLASSIFIED BY: DIA-DT Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA'-2 9b-'d0i89l40069A80002-9 Approved For Release 000/08/08 : CIA-R P96-00789R000200180002-9 L c:) r'Y t;a i l e C1 5?s'1. r" ,_.l i 't. t_[ r" t ? 9 :.?t..L C,t t;,) E ! ?iii 1::.L l?7 t::t ". ' I t::' ?iii tl ict i::} i-? i::J ?4' a i'. l..t C71"i ?i:; E::''t': i"1 t..['t.:., ?:ii ("! I:,:t frl Ci' 1?1't". ES: c:l , t::: lrt r?.. v :i. r'19 ,1 t ........> .... 1.1lit r. Ca E:i?. a I"1 cl l:. t..I E::. i,.. r? (?::. L.1 c?;i. (! I , :. ! e .). r'1 t::: (::) t:a't. s:i w c_-) r? I?:::i. r?I c:) t:a rl cl ::a ,:: rr1l:)1. J. r'i t,;l t:.1?1:i I--) g s r? t:) u 1"i t::! :i. 'L .. I: 't:. :i sa r'r (:a r i o C:: o ?iii ?:ii s 7. r" y to ca L.t sa r? sa l?i 't: i:) c) that r'i c::) ii I 't o r?" i' Lt i::) t. J. ono c:) I'? ?:a Vi c:)1'? ?f z..i :I. I. ?iii (::)'f i::) t::) w c::?+ r? N :i.:1.:1. (::) I::: C:: Lk I?" .. t..)1r-j'::t I-A 't-::L c:-::l. I::) t.a -t':. s (::I I::) t:) W E:.'r ii:i l..l r" (::f t is-.i be h :1. p I..1 i y .... .. t 5' '1?. I1 :1. Y .? yr? ?:: y .. r' ... ! I"l e ::i't?I t..l a. L.) IT-1 1i'1: UJ I?i a. r.:: {?i t..t .iii ttii:.iii I..) t::) w c:: t .t. rri (::) r? t?:;. r E'ri' r .i. r'i t 't::I s:a l?1 c.:f doss frr c:, r (, ii 1::1 I:i? C:::1J:(. (:: LN t::) r" t::.. .1 t't1 t:a 1?" (ii$ ?i3 ?ii; :L t:1 i"i c) .I. c) t ?i:i t::)'4' I:a r :1 t"1't:. t?7? Ci _..t'- J. r" C: !_t :I. 't:: ?iii :i. J. 1?i C?.?:? " b F?i c::: (::1 al i:a t..t'.. r? c::: I.-1:i. I::) iiii , c::::{. r? c:: t..t :{. t. r" y ., c:{ c:) t::-m::i ri ` 't. ?iii s Ei:?) in to 't'.c:l t'i,avc;~ a c:i:1rc:ai_'t'. i:DI? r.:)rl tl-io :1 t':. sii J. rrr r? 't:. a r[(:::e w :i. t. I?i :i. r) J. 'L. E;:: a. 4 fi a. t::?5 t:::'t:. r? :i. c-: i. 'l:. y r t_t ri ?: sa r.' c::) ..l rl to :i. 'I': or) :l.:{. 't:. 't::1. t:) .t: r''a c::: b:: in ti lti:) q t':1:I. t'1 C;1 back :::t rl t::) in and out: , c:c re a't'::1. rig v t r'1 I::I I?? t?::: (:a ~ i~~'r?" t?::. c::: a. ^i E:?i. (.,: y (.:.L .1. c~ :i. n't:.E::)rr.(_k::)c:in/:111 i:.L:?::r'.'f E:iSr"c::'r'nc::55.. Dat.~a J. r' 1vc:)ii. v ...."(::f c: c: l..t r- at.'. (? .? -f tl e idea :i. ?::i t:. c:) i:: e ins i::) sari ;:a :C y : E:_+ , L l-i o rr C:) r? ca v i. i::i c ? is:, I::)r?E!:EEiiii>~?i't:1. y sal"i I:71...Itr)t::;i. rI(;;J :1:.t .. :i. ?iii t c:) (::)tut:. ?ii;:i. (:1 t::?i :i. ri L. e r" t-,?::i't:. w :i. t:. I"i i. rl 't:.:i. g I"1 'L.:i. y i?:: s+I::) t. t . t::) {"1 t?E) 't:.:1. ca rl l..i It. o 1`" :L 1"' di ?iii c::: 1"1 t::5 ( t..l r1 cl e I.-CI 1" I::) u r'1 CJ J .. 1. I.-I + a (:: t:7 fn ii s '4? r"' c) al 1'l (::1't" .! u si;'l t 1"1 :1. ci; i::) t..t'L C) 'v 1` i::t t?^J :I. cl I I J. i:: t::' (AC)1 . . . . 1.:i. I?:: E : a L J i - :ra't i'l E : 5 r ) is} I::) (::} (: 1:.:I. n f:,l ?::;'L. (:.: ("i 't:. f"1(ii) ifa i' G fi r.':t :1. I"1 W I"r :L I::: I"i a '.1A is .I. i::1 C:: sa'1: e (::! :1. ?iii -Flat.., ..0. J. r;) I-i y r?? t::) .1.:1.:1 r1 g 'L. t:+:+(._ i' (rit :i. I?1 "1" 1..i E:i?} r t?.+ a-l (fay I::) E7?~ :i. rl 't':. i E' t::l :i. s;i'k:.