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June 9, 1962
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Approved For Rel ase 2007/05/16: CIA-RD 01676R0029002 9 June 1962 MEMORANDUM FOR: General Cat In the attached, Tab A is a memo for Alexis Johnson prepared by Leonard Meeker, the Department's Legal Adviser to the US UN delegation. Tab B is a memo prepared by Larry Houston for the DCI reflecting CIA's advice in the preparation of a draft speech for John McCloy's use in England in mid-May. Tab C is the jointly-agreed outline prepared for McCloy's use. In his memo to Johnson, Meeker looks ahead to future prospects regarding the law of outer space. He argues that the US can espouse the goal of assuring use of outer space for peaceful purposes only, and, in doing so, must "seek to bring about realization and acceptance ... that many military uses ... are peaceful, " and not agressive. For example, he says, reconnaissance satellites are intrinsically similar to weather satellites. He urges that it be clearly understood that the term "peaceful uses" in any UN resolution is in the context of activities which do not threaten use of force. As regards "air boundaries, " Meeker concludes that it does not appear feasible now to negotiate for such limits. He thinks it preferable for the US to imply that we seek low space boundaries (say 20 miles or less), but that we continue to conduct our space activities in the absence of agreement on boundaries. "Contamination" of space via microbes, communications needles, and the like, is something that cannot be prevented, Meeker holds. Meeker offers, as a "tentative prognosis, " that the US will want to develop the principle of non-interference with satellites to lessen the prospect of the Soviets shooting down ours. Meeker raises legal questions about national installations built on celestial bodies, and suggests the ultimate answer to these may lie in something like the Antarctic Treaty. Tabs B and C, concerning preparations for McCloy's speech to the Anglo-American Assembly deal primarily with an effort to justify non- agressive use of outer space satellites and to develop a. flexible public position on matters pertaining to the law of outer space. OGC Has Reviewed DOJ Review Completed. Approved For Release 2007/05/16: CIA-RDP80B01676R002900240020-5 Approved For Release 2007/05/16: CIA-RDP80BO1676R002900240020-5 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR C%-- I r T- ! I lj,"~ 6.2- Approved For Release 2007/05/16: CIA-RDP80BO1676R002900240020-5 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2007/05/16: CIA-RDP80B01676R002900240020-5 Approved For Release 2007/05/16: CIA-RDP80BO1676R002900240020-5 Approved For Release 2007/05/16: CIA-RD OB01676R002900240020-5 E 6 MEMORANDUM TOR : Director of Central lmtelli4ance SUBJECT: Law of Oster Space 1. This memoranduin is for information only. Z. A representative of this office attt.ndmd a r+e aiy an 19 April 1%Z at the Department of State with Mr. John J. McQoy in preparation for his spstr.4 in England 13 May 1962. State and NASA were rspreesaatsd but not the Dap arty eu% Uar:fensee., 3. Tiers was general agreement oft the cm-,caps of fres4ass of outer space for all nations, inclwAiarag of , ata..l#tes for nea- a.ggrsssive purposes. Mr. McCI.y piano to etriiss that the :Ears world has no fear of sur'rsillsa'cs and it is only the closed states of the Soviet Bloc wkici have to fear t oz of teer pho rapky. We are stressing he feel that rsgistratt of with toss United Nations is ice so way a limttat oar. an the f rsedorn a f sass any more than aertsin rules and cour . . an r e ;istrati of *hipping weseld be to frex.dom of the soar.. if we can find any a.sadul material an tthica We &!-* to ieg .t Mr. Cy a &10 use. NASA and State particularly the forsasr?, were cri tvA Weasels policy of secrecy of satellite laswthll= a.&d ps;k?isic laxly of the failure to rel.ass t ae photographic product. This it io. political approach and we believe Mr. McCoy dare d.s the classification of to s and product is a i cwssia s t freedom of space says more than pr r cttit: of tka tee eiqusa vatid product of the maritime MINT operations is is.sceeaeiae# t with freedom of the seas. Wo have reco ox ode . th ;t Mr,. Ma concern himself only with broad ao ncepte s.rd ee. t let etc, . contentious details ae cabere enter space bexi;iv s or the other more legalistic quibbles. Approved For Release 2007/05/16: CIA-RDP80BO1676R002900240020-5 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2007/05/16: CIA-RDP80B01676R002900240020-5 Approved For Release 2007/05/16: CIA-RDP80BO1676R002900240020-5