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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160 PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) C:;RV SESSION PROCEDURES REPORT ............ :.....:............. .....,,..::.?.:..,:..::.:?.,,.,?.:.:..:...._..,::....,.........,.............. _........... .......... WARNING NOT I CaE:: u INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED C:;(::INTR0I.._ NUMBE:Ra 871 NICKNAME: None DATE OF iF:::;::iSi3lc:iNcl 28 Sep 87 TARGET C:;c:)L.iNTRYu Unknown REF=ER E::NCE:Ss Novel SESSION NUMBERn 02 DATE OF RErc:Hi"r 29 Sep 87 MISSION STATUSs Continuing TECHNIQUE UiIL..:C ZEDu CF"iV SOURCE I Dl NT:CF IERu 01.8 :i., CS/NF/SK) INTERVIEWER TASKING: This is the second session of a new project conclG'e:?id ley ti-1:1s; Cic7t_cr-c.U:.S but only the first session cc:anduc:::tc!c:i by this Monitor utilizing this Source? Specifically the Monitor is to tasi?: the Remote Viewing Source to provide data on a specific site to include the general external and internal configurations, purposes of the various structures and objects at the s:i. to and data pertaining to the development and utilization of materials/objects at this site. The Monitor has not been made cognizant of the true nature of this site. As per Coordinate Remote Viewing protocols, the Monitor utilized the same encrypted coordinate of "1284/6712'", as utilized in Source's previous session with another" Monitor. The use of a shortened version of the normal two mots of six digit coordinates is a departure from accepted protocols but did not appear to have any recognizable affect on the material obtained during this session.. Early indications are that the Source was able to quickly adapt: to this rather small departure from past pr?ocedures.. (S/NF:'/SK) SOURCE 'i"ASKINGa Source was told that this was a, "second mission wli;tiia:I. I"1st 't:I"1e' 't:arge't:'. in which you were given a 11shor?tenedl set of cc:::r'dinates. If you don't remember" the targe:?t. A that's c:w::? Just describe you perceptions when you reach the targe t area" Source was not provided any other cues or descriptive data pe:rlI"..t" to this target prior" to the session. I 1%% ?,'r:. (:3/NF/SF:) :ist,.ft...... ..E:I~fEhfC,:l:t:"; : There eThere were no reportable incidents or O 'V ajaanomaal :i. es which may have influenced the data obtained in this tiffsesissi> i. on. .% y4?. (t:3/NF='/SK) t:3UMMAkYu Source furnished the attached summary y which was prepared fca1.1?e:awi:s?1U tt~l ea session and submitted to the Interviewer Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160009-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160009-4 within 24 1'?ict..triiii after- t.I'7e iii{:.sis:l.f:1n. '.{.he c::c::?rnp.le't.tiire4iis.;s of the type:-)wr?Ittt::?rn s:st..trnmiatr?y has been c:cymt:iar-eci to the lrit:t:~r"vi?f~wer"'sa r'i::rtes and all c:::i"iiiarigf?X?!iiiiq ii:ti d/tar' have been ver-A+ied as ac:::c.:eptable by the l:ri't:er?va.t:5wer". '11,ie ir'ifor"mati{?Jn provided iri i:rst.dmmar'"y was fcm.tricl to be i:a r.::c ~?ic't::c:it?dl?iti.r~ of the data pr-ovideci by the t:'"c:::te?+ cit"tr?:i ng 't.I"ia session and cii d not r"er.:1t..ti r?{'r f"th :sr rncu:ii.fic:aat.:ic3nr c::I.i:ar?:i?fic:i:at:i.ori or additions 1::)y -the lriter-vi ewer-. it iiisIicit"!l. d I:ae rioted that this is the f i. r"st C`RV i"stsc:is:>:i. c)n c_-cmcluctecl between 't:I"ii. s anc:l this Mon :1 tear" in i iia:I? mci?ii't? is,:i ;?c mc:irit?his3ii. Of teen in such the "rhythrn" between the Monitor- sari{ the Sc:it..trc::a t?itrx ~ to Lit: rt':"aiiiiu:i. ti n{ in a siiit:i ssmi:i? on of c UeSt.i c:inaatil Cr:?! veracity. :I.t'?i this case the a.,St't:.Fra 5iif E,mc: c:l to the i tur".at i on asc:Irn:i? r'asl;:il y with .1:i.'t.'t.1. e :if i:arny :Lois i:s ra?f efficiency. He should be fear'" this display ci?f f1es?ti.I::ii.1ity "t.:tnclei- f;i?re" , i { cy / h~i / 3Ihi. I:i of the visri cat..tss {;1c:xssta:L !:i whi:i. c:I?i (agar' str"cai"ir to t:Bata pr'c:ivi do ci by other" I:saukr"c:es:i. SGFOIA3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160009-4 Approved For Release 2.00 P96-00789R000200160009-4 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT memorandum DATE: 29 September, 1987 REPLY TO DT-S ATTN OF: SUBJECT: SESSION SUMMARY, PROJECT 8715 (C/SS) SG1J TO: DT-S (ATTN: 1. (S-SS) Statistics: Project #: 8715 Viewer: 018 Session date: 28 SEP 87 Filename : 8715.L02 2. (S-SS) The perceptions gained from this session were very strong, and seemed to "feel" dependable. These perceptions consisted of: a. There were repeated perceptions of a mound or pile of a dry, powdery substance, white and/or grey in color, as in the previous session on this target. b. The mound of "powder" seems to be located within a structure (see sketches, pages 4, 17, and 18) which: 1) Internally, is a large empty room (empty, except for the large pile of powdery material). On one corner of this room is a smaller section, going off to the side (see sketches, pages 15 & 18). 0 2) Externally, is a very tall structure, appearing to be made of ribbed, or fluted metal. It is very plain. It appears to be a greenish color. There is at least one smaller structure on top of it, and there appears to be a conveyor belt leading from it to another structure. The other structure appears to be a ship. (See sketch, page 12.) The conveyor belt carries some large, rough, hard chunks of some dry material. d. The area surrounding the structure appears to be (AOL: a dock or port area, with low, flat squarish structures and lots of tall, round structures. (See sketch, page 13.) e. Back inside the structure, the sensual impressions are of a noisy area with lots of dust. There is no impression of a grain smell. 3. (S/SS) Viewer's critique: The impressions of the site seem to be very realistic and "feel" right. There was a feeling that the physical components of this site were not revelent to the seemed to be such a strong factor to the site, itself. Approved For Release OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 R (41 CFR) 101-11.6 DP96-00789R000200160(0) 5010-114 ved For Release 2000/0 /08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160009-4 v s z , c 3) 117 -jos T- s a' , ,r5 -76' ib- a ULJ CJL-7rt,,r.SG.s' 03 O ICALr- 0