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Publication Date: 
October 7, 1987
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160003-0 440066NC3F:'t:31N ?"- SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) cRV SESSION PROCEDURES REPORT WARNING Nt1"r' i CE s INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED CONTROL NL.)IvII E:::F:t i 8715 NICKNAMES None L36.11';::: OF SESS i ON a 7 Oct 87 TARGET COUNTRY? Unknown REFERENCESn None SESSION NUMBER: DATE OF REPORT: 8 Oct 87 MISSION STATUS: Continuing "I"I::c:;l?ii\l i o1.ii :: t.i r i i....1: zt:l:) u CRV SOURCE IDENTIFIER: 1. (S/NE/SK) INTERVIEWER ?TASKIN(3N This is the third session of a now project is Source. In previous sessions the Interviewer was directed to t.aask the Remote Viewing Source to provide data an a specific site to include the general external and internal configurations, purposes of the various structures and objects at the site and data pertaining to the development and ut:11.:L;i.".ation of materials/objects at this site. In this the ] ewer was directed to attempt to obtain specific data from the Source concerning the, "nature/essence, purpose/intended use of the end product and to determine and describe the extent and nature of the activity associated with its use or intended use. Further the Source should be tasked to provide information pertaining to the extent of :i.'Ls intended effects against personas, places or things". The Interviewer remained unwitting as to the true nature of this site. As in the previous session they Interviewer utilized the same encrypted coordinate of as 12'84?/6?7:L2" which is a departure from accepted protocols o : two six digit coordinates. There were no i.r'ic:ii.cati.c:nss that shortened coordinates had any noticeable affect on Source's performance in this session and He was able to quickly adapt to this rather small departure from past procedures. 2 (S/NF /BK) SOURCE .. ASKINGi Source was specifically told that there were sc:xnPi,il"iN"e??s:?stol. vt=:?d i.4issues on a r"et:?tint target. You will recall the large structure containing a large object and some noxious materials. That is your signal line". Source readily recalled His previous session alne:l no either cues or descriptive data pertaining to a r? a^? this target were provided to Him pr":1::)r to the session. This session was conducted entirely utilizing the protocols of Coordinate Remote Viewing (C:`,RV)? This session was conducted entirely utilizing the protocols of Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV). Approved ForrF2aFlaal ?g89/t8,; C-.Qp9L6RQOP160003-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160003-0 ~!IM~II I TTiIl~lc:)F O IngI (71:)er"at:it:in. Erripta.eias are carefully handled, retained for thorough decontamination and recycling for refill. One wouldn't want 't.(::) breath the air in the neighborhood for very long iia all, craven after the stuff has "dried." it:::r[::)n sizing 1s important. For apparent use of the substance, :i's ? l:ik e a, : .!.'t':' s usse d in limited areas .. .7 .s .1..C.:] block use e i:7 r. transit of something/someone--a "chemical barrier," so to speak. It seems to have a I::)I'"(:7a(::i application and range of use. A slight impression that Ni t:. it slightly different t::: C:) L i C:: eia I"t 't: I' ?a't:: a c:) ("t siii / 14 t 1 " 1 . : . -HP ca::: t::) i i ss :i :. c:: {::) u 1. ci U e 1^t sss s ca against a range :i f' ftlf{ / Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160003-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160003-0 ?l:: I', a. rl c:;J ) I .) rr' (i_+ a k::i rl ca (::)-f :I.I";'t:.(i?c;;4l..lrY;t:?I";'t'.Sii's and 1::)()!'fds in ii CM FA: f (:. e: 't:.:; (::} + 1:i ' r (?:: suk:) . > t.: aI"} (:: tr:. > c:: E:?:. rr; t. c) m o 1 c?: c: l_l :l z:a r- or ml c r? c::; Vii; c: a p :i. C I I'ie over-al. 1. l::}:i c::1..._aii;ysi;'t:(?rr! (?} f the or ?c;Jaarl :i. sm ii:.; l_l l't:.:i, m::at:e:I. y (:l :i.