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Document Release Date: 
June 25, 1998
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Publication Date: 
April 21, 1986
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Approved For Rel -RDP96-007898000100190002-9 Subject: Project CY8607 Procedures (U) 21 April 1986 r' ~ 1. (S/SK/WNINTEL) At approximately 1500 hours, 1~ April 1986, DT-5A contacted the undersigned and requested an operational effort be mounted to address three critical intelligence gaps concerning the 14/15 April 1986 bombing raid over Libya. The information required at the time was outlined as follows: a. (C) wounded? Where is Mumammar Quaddafi? Is he dead? Is he b. (C) Where is the missing Air Force F-111? c. (C) When and where will terrorists strike next? 2. (S/SK/WNINTEL) In response to the above tasking an operational effort was mounted. Due to the immediate nature of the requirement, the most expeditious (but not necessarily the most reliable) means of extracting psychoenergetic information from the four available remote viewing sources was selected. Four sets of three sealed envelopes were prepared and labeled Problem 1, Problem 2, and Problem 3 respectively. Inside the sealed envelopes were 3X5 cards containing the following directive statements: Problem 1 envelope: Describe Colonel Quaddafi's present location and his condition. Problem 2 envelope: Describe the location of the USAF F-111 downed on 14/15 April 1986. Prob]_em 3 envelope: Describe terrorist attacks occurring within the next ten days. WARNING NOTICE: SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED Approved For Release CLASSIFIED BY: DIA/DT DECLASSIFY BY: OADR DP96-007898000100190002-9 SG1J Approved For Release 96-007898000100190002-9 !~ At 1600 hours, ~ April 1986, the four available remote viewing sources were each given a set of these sealed and labeled envelops. They were told to work on each of the three problems (not further identified to them) independently and one at a time. They were told not to open the envelopes and instructed to use any remote viewing skills they had at their disposal to respond to the instructions contained within the sealed envelops. They were also told to prepare written summaries of their efforts and to provide these summaries to the undersigned no later than 1200 hours ,l~ April 1986. i ~? ~ ~ 3. (S/SK/WNINTEL) At approximately 1330 hours, ].-6 April SG1J 1986, DT-5A was contacted via secure voice ("gray") telephone by the undersigned and provided with an oral report of the sources' summaries. It was decided that Problem 3 should be readdressed by the sources in an attempt to gain further information. Each source in turn was then asked to refine the Problem 3 descriptions previously provided, summarize their perceptions, and provide a written summary to the undersigned by 1200 hours ~ April 1986. 1 4. (S/SK/WNINTEL) All results of this operational effort (Project CY8607) are documented under separate cover and have been provided to DT-5A. The sealed envelopes provided to the sources were never opened by the sources. Operational closure (feedback) will be provided to the sources on 25 April 1986. At that time the sealed envelopes will be opened, the enclosed directive statements revealed, and individual remote viewing results examined. SG1J CPT, USA Operations Officer SG1J CF: DT-5A Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :~ IA-RDP96-007898000100190002-9 c