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November 4, 2016
Document Release Date:
June 19, 1998
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Publication Date:
May 1, 1980
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7.d f- VT I % C7 Z--
1. (5) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS, Pentagon, Washington, DC.
The purpose of the session was to provide information relevant to the
hostage situation in the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The. remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as raw
intelligence data and as such have not been subjected to any intermediate
analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information
provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol. used for this session is detailed in the document,
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the
remote viewing. session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site,. At TAB B is target cuing
information provided the remote. viewer,
5. (S) The remote viewer was asked to locate an individual identified as
David Roeder who is being held hostage in Iran. The viewer described an
area approximately 3 to 4 miles from the US Embassy compound in Teheran.
The area consisted of one main building and several smaller ones. From
the viewer's descriptions it is difficult to determine in which one of the
buildings Roeder was located. The viewer felt that Roeder was with "a few
other hostages." Roeder appeared depressed, felt alone, and had been made
a fool of by someone.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/0 f - DP96-00788R002100070001-2
#66: This will be a remote viewing session for 1400 hours,
1 May 1960
Relax and concentrate now. Focus your attention and
your observations on David Roeder whose picture I have
shown you. Focus your attention on David Roeder.
Observe David Roeder and describe his location to me.
+04 #07: I got David with other people for the moment. But, I don t
knt w when I see him.
#66: Ok. We are interested in the present time.
#07: I was going to say I'm searching for time. I found it
again ...he earlier, earlier ...I think ...he was sitting at
a 8--9 foot long table and there was...I just estimate 10 to
15 people and they were trying to be jolly and joking and
funny remarks. Were sitting on benches not, not chairs.
Confused with time. I tried to lock in it on him, and I
...state of depression ..... alone .....
Seems to go in and out of depression. In front of friends
and other Americans he appears optomistic.
+09 Seems somebody is trying to make him look like a fool.
'Trying to undermine... reduce his affectiveness... Has...
David has been trying to help others be, be more positive
in thinking. Someone trying to make him look rediculous.
He's very depressed. Just a minute. I've gotten very tense.
I've got to relax now.
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-A 1 11-
From entrance to building appears to be mid?-ship..s..dh..
halfway, halfway out building ...secondary is..uh..ground
fore right. end.
#66: Ok. Move up to a higher altitude and tell me how this
building fits into the surrounding..
+21 #07: t (Mumbling) I think the side'of the building I'm looking
at fares 'un''d.....raL, There are other smaller buildings
.n..... uh...vegetation. Behind the building... less than
a mile, I think, there's in s,, n ht..
I see some.....lookina over the bus-. ins I see vertical
I tube shapes. Possibly stacks. Funny. I see shapes over
the top of the building some distance away. It looks like
manufacturing. I see big tubes sloping down from upper
part of building at 45 degree angle.....I.....check this
Focus your attention on the present time. Very late
in the evening, 1 May 1980.
I've got him. He's sitting.....on the edge of a cot.
I'm aware of more than, more than ..... I don't understand
I see more than one bunk...dress, dress, right dress.
I see people in other bunks facing sideway.
Tell me about David's immediate surroundings.
I've been trying to tell him ...... tie seems to be behind
a partition on the other side of the room. He's sitting
on a cot. Deep thought. Depressed. There's other people
down there...same floor...not too far away...rows of bunks.
Small, small beds. One is...uh...window set (phonetic)
I'm looking up at them. I'm down close to the bunk ...uh...
One is...must be......... 5-6 feet above the floor. There
are other people here. I'm going to try and get outside.
Behind it...irregular ...tan and green..... slope, slope.
I got a building ...uh...see one end of it...about 2 stories
high. Roof is kind of sloping instead of flat. It's long.
Sounded like some kind of girdle shape halfway up on the
building. Maybe protruding ledge or continuous awning
shape over downstairs windows.
n in? ~-f~w!o` 9 nn7ooon
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+23 #07: A street about 100-150 feet beyond the building. There's
a circle like thing.....oh! I think, I think it's a flag
pole. Something slender and vertigo... about 75 to 100
+24 feet from this building. Seems to be a circular area off
a different texture ...pavirng..... paving maybe. I don't
+25 know I see something blue to the right.... bright blue.
I think it might be a swimming pool. It's very bright,
very bright.
#66: Now, move up to a high altitude where you can look down
and see this building in this area that you have found
in the center of 25 square miles, and tell me in general
terms what that looks like. Where is this building when
you're high enough to see 25 square miles?
#07: 1 think I'm looking towards the northeast and there's hills
+26 beyond ..... I'm in some kind of complex .... uh.... village....
city. I kind of feel I'm on s uast...uh,..towards
the snu beast periphery.
#66: Ok. Place the building directly underneath you, so that
you aren't looking at it obliquely, but directly underneath
you, and looking straight down.
#07: Wait a minute.
#66: Now continue your description.
407: It seems this is a kind of valley. I got the distinct
feeling land slopes a little upwards some distance to my
left, beyond and to my right it slopes upward. Lower part
seems to have alot...more greenery, more greenery. Out,
I can see dirty tans, earth colors to my left and right.
There's some manufacturing or something to the northeast.
I guess. North or northwest... northwest. I've been looking
for a ...a contain .... that area of some kind...fence...wall beyond back in the trees...goes up beyond the OMAN
and turns to the left, but it doesn't look like it would
hold anybody in or out. It's, like putting
tape around something...stay up.
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+30 #07: I'm getting, I'm getting overlay now, I think. Looking
real hard for that fence or barrier when I came on the
scene ...uh.... the corner of the compound ...uh...behind
the corner where building B,C,D,E,F were located.
started fire and people taking turns running up and throwing
stuff in it.
#07: This is...liko nearby compound... think it's street just
a few feet away .... compound ..... like, like somebody
I see something, I see something burning outside. Uh...
B-10 foot diameter. Like someone is got a bon fire ....
there's stuff being thrown into it.
#66: Are your perceptions of the compound at the present time?
#66: Ok. Holding your attention focused on this point, I want
you to once again think about David and see if you are
draw to the compound, away from the compound. See what
happens when you stand at this point and think about
+34 07: I'm, I'm over the football field about 500 fee
Damn .... having trouble, having trouble getting him an.
I seem to be over the football field, facing the corner'
across the private shaped dwellings ..... A,S or 6,C,D,E,f,~
or something. David seems to be 90 degrees from that
line to my left.
66: Follow that tangient.
307: Damn if I know. I saw, I saw...damn..... that tank .... sahped
like a water damn.....David is not in as nice surroundings
+37 as some buildings interiors I've seen. Seems rather austere.
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#07: Ok. Finally got him now. He's lying down now staring
at the overhead..... room.... tan, off-white tan....beige...
#66: Determine how far you traveled. on your tengient from
the football field. How far did you travel on that
tangient? Put yourself overhead so that you see and
make a judgment as to how far......
+40 #07 T get the feeling it's the same. ..same city. Funny V
eometric shape...kind of a dome shape over there.....
eel Dave's kind of to the right of inclosure.....the
dome is GOLD J
#66: Measure, measure, measure, measure the distance from
the football field area to David.
+4l #07:
Three .......... uh..... .3-4 miles.
#66: All right. Fine. I have no further questions about the
target area at this time. If there is anything that you
would like to add please do so now.
#07: I kept seeing clot of paper and books and documents flying
through the air...when I got in the vicinity compound.
...I did not see alot, alot of recognizable security around
the building David's in. I guess that's about it.
#66: All right. Fine. Let's draw. those impressions that you
have had.
#07: This one was weird.. I kept spiking up to...extreme muscle
tension all over my whole body. Really tense. Became
aware of it. Relax and the pain would stop, and I'd find
myself spiking right up to extreme muscle tension. Thought
I'd put that down for the record.
Uh..'.the buildings appeared rather long. It was some kind
of girdle.around this thing that I thought was like
projecting roof line to shade ...uh...downstairs, first
floors windows. Some kind of an inch away...middle here.
I noticed something else. There appeared to be this roof
line ...uh...every so often there w.asa raised portion.....
like fabrics or something come right through the roof line.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 " WIFE 4 ,GMR002100070001-2
#07: Uh...the details of these windows, I don't know. I
know there was some windows up. .there was some windows
down. Where am I.
ere. There was one or two trees in front and I couldn't
Uh...I was aware of alot of vegetation and trees around
see the u ~o .bui.7 d ng. 8" uh. :tit ppeared to be some
and I thou h '
of hills, or something, in the back'g1%Und_,,_j thought
there was some kind of circle out in front of the
e: ewas, perhaps
a flagpole, or something inside of some kind of circle.
Texture was different ...I thought. it was probably ...uh..
you know, street material, masonry, asphalt or something
around there. Uh.... off to the right, over in here some-
where was something that I thought .... it was very blue.
I thought it may be a poo
#66: At one time you said there were some other buildings.
around there.
#07: Yeah. Some other buildings. I don't remember. They were
smaller ...uh...up in this vicinity here. I don't have
feel for shape, but they were up here in this vicinity
somewhere. And it seemed like you know, cluster of several
of them. Back in these trees I was aware of some kind of
...some kind of fence or something in here, but it didn't
.....dotted line ..... but it didn't seem like it was going
to hold anything in. I saw no security forces around here.
Ij wasn't looking for them, but I just...I didn't see them. f
#66: fence, not a large substantial barrier.
#07: I don't think it can keep anyone in. I don't think it an
keep anyone out. It was like if you-stretch tape aroun ...
maneuvers around a certain area and say hey...uh...
#66: It's a designated area.
#07: Yeah. It...
#66: So the fence around it is like a designation of' the area.
Don't cross the green line, blue line, sort of thing.
I thought there was some bigger buildings back in behind
this too. You know. Like office buildings, or something.
Ltd? behind these trees in here was...uh...was a road or
t back in here somewhere. Looked like some kind of
barracks Qz92mething. I guess I say that because
he way the bunks were lined up.
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#07: Ohl I guess you went something for direction, huh.
#66: I tried to work you quite abit over the top of this
thing ...see if we could ...looking down from over. the top
putting the building in the center of your view.
#07: Oh, I felt there was some green. I was looking what I
felt was...I was looking in that direction ...uh...that
tangient from corner ...those dolins (phonetic) are...
......on that line I felt there was....uh...hills to my right
and sloped upwards to my left...and I was in kind of a
natural valley shape...and I felt that greenery was petering
out to tans and earth tones. I'm not sure I can draw those
shapes, but I think I'd bettor try and draw parts of the
compound so I'll have the direction down. I'm not really
sure of compass directions.
I don't know. There's some buildings over in here, and
I guess it was.along in her? where the A,a,C,D,E,F
or whatever those.....were there 4 of 'em? I think
there's a street here and inside this area here somewhere
I felt..... inside the dotted circle there was a.... a fire,
J a large fire. Maybe 8-10 feet in diameter and people,
throwing things in. I felt I was in the vicinity...
the X...across that...I was further to the right, an
felt that ...uh...David was in that direction ...the lone
aft in the arrow.
Why don't you write to David on that line and the distance
that you felt you had to get to him. And label this
Embassy compound or something. So somebody can just
quickly look at that and understand.
#07: So that would be with the Consulate, then?
#66: I'm sorry. I am not familiar with the names of the
#07: ft thought I heard someone call that a consulate
from a pi.,cture...the other day. Yeah. This X here; is
somewhere around 'the big clearing in front of the building
Uh...this is a dotted line towards where the fire......
I saw the fire somewheres.... it's about 90 degrees acros
There was another building here ...... Was there anything
else? I can't remember.
Basically, then if we go away from the compound 3 to 4 miles
we would get to this type of building here. Can you draw
me a straight overhead of this building rather than an oblique?
Or did you ever see that scene?
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1/07: I would get it and it would disappear on me and I'd
try and get it to something that I could tie it to so
I would know where I was, and it just kept moving on me.
I felt I was in a...kind of a shallow valley with higher
hills to my right ..... wait a minute.
On number, 1, looking over this building, somewhere back
in here, I saw a....... something ..... you know .... it looked
like industrial site or something, and it was...uh...
closer, this is not the scale, but he was to the right, and
1. saw dome shape and I felt that David was
the heck it was. I felt industry. Another ..... on another
Apes coming down to something...uh...I don't know wh
vj.cinity of the trian le she e I felt relative to the d 14 a distances ar ; not accurate.
here was some more tall buildings. I was trying to see
where he was relative to the dome and the tall building...
industry, I guess it was. I can't remember.
#66: Ok.
#07: Sorry about those distances in the scale, but, you know,
get the feeling for directions not distances.
#66: Certainly. I understand that. in your perspect:bns you have
a hard time judging distance since you can flit around
2000 miles in the blink of an eye, you have a hard time
judging distances between things. Ok. Anything else?
#07: Fire within this circle.
#66: Ok.
#07: I guess that's about its Seemed the time ...but there's
an awful lot more than that.
#66: I'd like you to verbalize just a little bit more on the
concepts you had about David's ...the feelings you had when
you identified with him, you talked about him having being
...go back to my notes here say he's in a state of
depression, you say he's alone. What were your feelings
about that time. Can you tell me a little bit about your
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#07: Yes. I felt, I felt that in front of other Americans that
he felt very storngly that he should be optimistic and
encouraging and jolly and happy. and make everyone feel that
everything's ok. But, privately, alone and inside he
felt quite depressed and primarily because someone, I felt
was trying to discredit him. Uh...make a fool of him....
...uh...make it difficult for him to show, I guess, leader-
ship qualities I guess to the other people; and I don't know
who the other people are. But, he felt it very strongly
that he should keep their spirits up, and instead someone
is making him seem like an ass in the front of some of the
other people. And, I don't know who that is. I don't know American or Iranian. But, what was that the
portion you was talking about'?
#66; Yes. I wanted to see if there was anything you remembered.
#07: Feels very frustrated and alone, and isolated,evoo.-.though
at time he's with.... apparently with several people.
#66: ilk.
#07: Ok. Is there anything else?
#66: No. I don't think so. That'll do it then.
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1. (5) The remote viewer has been exposed to open source news media
information as well as classified overhead imagery and photographs
of many of the hostages. The viewer was briefed on the current status
of the hostage situation and told that the whereabouts of the hostages
was not known.
2. (5) At the time of the session the viewer was asked to locate David Roeder.
The viewer was asked to describe Roeder.'s location and determine if there
other hostage personnel in the area. The viewer was shown the attached
photo so that he might be able to "beacon" on David Roeder.
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