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June 25, 1998
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Publication Date:
October 5, 1978
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~ S -b ?r- --'-, ``
Approved For Release' 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000140006-0
- n ~J' e~,t~ trEl: c ft -'
I. ,Briefed BC Smi_Lb on 2 Oct. He originally icl.t that he should not
make any decision on appointing anyone to head the CF effort within
INSCOIM. That it should be BG Freeze's area of responstbil.ity since
the iumueciiate application of the techniques obviously fail into the
Fl side of int.e.lligence. BG Smith changed his mind and directed that
COT, Cary at Fort 1,1eade, DCSCI, be briefed,
2. Briefed COT Cary on 3 Oct. He felt that the :focal point should
be sele-ct:ed from the 'Headquarters area at. AILS. I agreed. COL Cary
t.,-:1.Lked it over With BC Smith and persuaded him to make this an IAOPS
responsibility. I was told to brief 1-1r Garr. t:, acting director of
operations at AIIS.
3. Mr Garrett was briefed on 3 Oct.
4. On 4 Oct l''.r Garrett said that LTC Kane. was the 'u,SCO 1 Foca Point.
5. On 5 Oct, a GC planning meeting was lie.Ld at OACSI. T)r Targ?(SP.I) ,
COL Deprospero (AMSAA) , COL CApp5 and LTC Kane were ar:ong those attenclig.
Th- purpose of the meeting was to come to agreement on scat:ements of
work for proceedin.,,~,g on the Short Term CF approach. 'Th.- following
points were agreed to:
a. That SRI would "train" the team cheif soon, possibly in Oct.
team :Leader would also view any on-going SRI..- MSAA exper. imenis at
F't: Old.
b. `.That beginning in April 79, SRI will intense train three
other sul>jecLs
c. That :Lat:car this year or early next, SRI wilt send a staffer
to Washington to interview the INSCOM subject nominees
d. That ncuroph.s'icai testing at. Stanford will be part: of the
Subjects' training
e. ':Chat a promising new method of subject reinforcement, computer
driven, will be utilized.
f. that the statements of work/ tasking will h added to those
on the AMSA.A??SR.:L agreement.
g. Thet AMSAA wJ-1..1 be wi_..tto cooperate in any way with the
6. Funding level of $ 15K has been transferred to MdSA\
1. Dr. Haley of DARGOit. has for a meeting of all D:\ "players" next
8. LTC Kane will. breif MG itolya next 'Tuesday. Kane and Ti will meet
today>' to discuss de.t::a,.ls of .recoinnended future .chcs.
Pnn 14006~((~~
A rovedppr Release 4000/08/08 : CI~RDP96-007$RRR00Z
pp t.7. CTi; 1=. / fJ