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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
June 25, 1998
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Publication Date: 
September 19, 1978
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000140005-1 ACSI UJpda't.'_ DuvlL lt-; week of 11-15 Sep 7i3, h,AGSs /o ra t h z- c 7 ~~ 1( r r end Col. :4'{'e d.osp ro both of ''I``LI.i4?S, w - \ port Or 7. 1,y !J Sa~'IQ F3) at ,VASAA~ and Dr. DZkI.- i :n:::.' St_il3 j ?C J 3x1L1`v 1 iO. and Menlo Park on ~~J;Y x''C3f?.x`i) O ~I^C.}Y)~:ll. (s, ~^~mbat Dove .02 nt 2 2, c v taariorz CorI,inand . o.Lt Ord, and Lila chef ;~ci ?:tt~ a_ :i r, Dr. Bryson, e e briefed of' GRIL' ~ a g r e e d ! 0 uppo ..? :`15. /Sit e .: s :Ci~2=::r;.t s at `!!:15.::5."C.:~ILA missile iF>aj o 7: a c I:. ` a. _ J a;? T.' )'r c3 je c t- ` , h :t' ) `w !Ord ~ Y1:J 1. i}wa the si.-: won ths uix,roert1: 4; (c a ;.7%s`+ia%''t)~;~`~) r>s~>? ~3ecn~3:trz~,l :.z~~~u: i1, ;'d ~a:., i}..~': t). a s _a On- 3i e c leni nt i Apr 79). Lila:, col-)L ilt a!?;;1?1 l OL i j)!V:Ls:LOn will r+.'r ;.Ic~? r3i;1.Li C.~:)v:'i : of T.?ii_S 1 ccv o 1Jzsla :Ji:: .x11, at Fort ni:ciec: oL?);:~i)i1i:21, at ..''o t~ Or i : o be ~)T:iefed. D MII-1S T, 19 Sep 73 ;NAJ Stoner K:)4 i>2 5504b' Approved 7 1 4 s Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R00200014?005-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000140005-1 , i,: ~l +:.. '~ t t.3 L rTa)i'~a': I.Ioi: be in C.,I..ii:C Some So-,:I: 0.1' "Icticni cow-'r e~ x /-3.~~:dLr4`.,a ill !t.'-~,'('j a:: hat :L3 f:G3S(1Aa'.'1/ C"" 31 U.' .1 . 11 by 8 J, CiO3E*.~_ Y j .3. He p,.il:t_".1;.~.~3 N:lt)kic ilt, 11ttl7c1- .rz-kl~ s~~1 tiii. kl th'~" u:t.2:i._ilat:e u: ; cc. J ( G: `11 :r.'oni sc~11:)l e 011, w! ? e lr t: eve r c;,.ae ~:i.r~ll t:kla tw ay Ill?illl in tech 3o1O"7.]r. ull: 3.' {%i~ Vl s'!). il~4 11 :' Ctl'.?L" l .:3't "RI Oil 13"'1 S p coI1- s !:i^xt the eU oli i'Q',IS A' 3 4 persona."l a7 r'3:i S.I', a`?.ahci Z1. >>:t T.3 ju :t` 'ncx-) i'ik the process o1 developing t,.C.cI1 i.L:lri~:i?1171 :.i;.ZC coi.tld %1o'i: 1.31 i, 3t.)C 1:11.. ~1y atr4 7 C1 Fun y id -ii,! r,.+ .. , in 1 E n t!1C3C) ilia after tShe t).CoI-JCO.18 are more, c,t.: ariy r, be this 111[1: Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000140005-1 Approved For Release 2000/0$/08: Cliff R- P96-00788ROO2000140005-1 Y: 7 .,R doea not. raeoi(Iif 'I ..!:7L11~ coi.I('F'_ut:caZL 5 a: %.i k i11 ik Seasi,OClt3, :_ IVOlvi i:k4? all the .it'iSt,,ri 'i s!.it) f'.i:'C a On,? tilll;'-. TWO OptIOL'ls ace $)0;:rs:1.bI J. 3:-j 9r4';XiI: (1) 1Ce e-t.4Ch subject 11GI?kieee- for on a week, at a a_.kid, over a one year period, say, on ? )er t:~4:ttl''tur? his in the p~~.'.Xierret3 Take each s ft.?j c , fudiv d.uallyT, for a 4 - 6 :'r.. Xl }. S/ .r Y.k3 :Lt'u~:~.:i'.~/ l ~].".. +w Q`'s ~.t-11 is, 6,t:;-" end k t: 1 1 til ti:;, i Pro its s :.. ,;: v ilrla +ll.s1 :~I d E_ lal .:d. "`:~ pLv> ;~tlci7.vidua7 I.::1 e, ;:,~fi:ic~r.lally _i rFx'~;.:r:aet a the pr- j-_et and should be :C 3:rwa tai .h sir et 1 1 'L`.^i_. r or t.raj.L1:Lnk , 3 - 4 Iedi.v:i.duatl l will bo appro)i'k- l7?:.1 J. d iJ t}_:':+(~.ti 4" zi'{ 0711?S '. ud i.:7. fS:7l.1_C1wl.:1 ! s .:`?p s be taken a r_-\CSI or -J l.. -11% with MG :1n n4L 'c that. ;., OM qual-l_:1,?ed individual to act a,' CRILL .,,'~.e:t `~i.'n .'t'1ro jc: {;(: ??:1 Ll. l"!i1 ~r;i .. t - ; .l. : nd L,"-11 1;1 Udl Y' i :I:i.,Cl itt is .I 2: 2 f_`OfiC ?)~ O:~ 7J!:; LT}