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Approved For Release 200 ffffl [JRDP96-00788R001700280009-6 INFORMATION PAPER IAGPA-F-SD 23 Feb 1984 SUBJECT: CENTER LANE Funding (U) ISSUE: (U) To provide the ACSI with information on CENTER LANE funding for FY 79 through FY 84. i. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) The total cost for INSCOM's use of psychoenergetics for intelligence purposes, less personnel salaries, for FYs 1979 through 1983 was $703K. In 1979, the total cost to INSCOM was $87K, $75K of which went to SRI-International for orientation training. In 1980, INSCOM's costs for the project were only $42K and there were no external contracts. In 1981, funding levels were increased to permit INSCOM to participate in the Joint Services GRILL FLAME Program with DIA. Of the $201K spent in 1981, $190K went to external contracts with SRI-International in support of the Joint Services Program. 1982 was the second and last year of INSCOM's support to the Joint Services Program due to congressional restrictions placed on the use of NFIP funds. Of the total $245K costs for 1982, $128K was spent in support of this Joint Services effort and $99K spent on word processing equipment. The $128K FY 1983 budget saw the beginning of the new coordinate remote viewing training at SRI-International at a cost of $36K, expansion of advanced training under a consultant services agreement with Mr. Robert Monroe of the Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences, Faber, Virginia at a cost of $24.4K and the expenditure of $40K for additional word processing equipment. WARNING NOTICE: CENTER LANE SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAM RESTRICT DISSEMINATION TO THOSE WITH VERIFIED ACCESS TO CATEGORY THREE (3) SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS CLASSIFIED BY: CG, INSCOM SECRET DECL: OADR Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700280009-6 Approved For Release 200 CR E1RDP96-00788R001700280009-6 IAGPA-F-SD 23 Feb 84 SUBJECT: CENTER LANE Funding (U) 2. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) In FY 84 CENTER LANE received $496.5K in P-6 funds through the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Research, Development and Acquisition) and $235K INSCOM S&IA funds to continue the project's efforts. The P-6 funds are being used in these areas: a. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) Purchase of biomonitoring equipment to be used to determine physiological changes during the conduct of psychoenergetic tasks. b. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) Development of a state-of-the-art psychological screening/selection profile for use in identifying potential sources. Such a profile would identify personnel who may have some psychoenergetic talent or who could be trained to perform psychoenergetic functions. The profile will be usea to assist in the recruitment of new sources. c. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) Determine the countermeasures potential of extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic radiation. This effort will examine the possibility that certain as yet unidentified ELF radiations have a detrimental effect on mental states critical to psychoenergetic performance. This study may also provide information on ELF environments conducive to optimum psychoenergetic performance. The logical follow-on to this effort would be the development of local counter-countermeasures environments for CENTER LANE sources. d. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) Development of a new psychoenergetic technique for use in "search problems." Over the years sponsor agencies have asked for assistance in locating lost or missing equipment or personnel. Because this is not a conventional remote viewing task, there has been limited success at providing timely usable intelligence in these cases. That is not to say that information we provided was inaccurate, just that it was not directly usable to resolve the intelligence problem at hand. If in fact a new psychoenergetic "search problem" technique is developed, we would anticipate that source per- sonnel will be trained in this technique because "search problems" continue to be priority tasks received by this office. e. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) Continuation of coordinate remote viewing training at enhanced levels for one source. f. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) Initiation of CRV training for four new source personnel. INSCOM awarded a contract to SRI-Internation- al on 15 November 1984 to perform work described in para 2b-e above. Biomonitoring equipment will be purchased as soon as it becomes available. The INSCOM S&IA money is used to pay for 2 Approved For Release 2003/ 'P M P96-00788RO01700280009-6 stET Approved For Release 200P 2L v 4 DP96-00788R001700280009-6 IAGPA--F--SD 23 Feb 84 SUBJECT: CENTER LANE Funding (U) travel costs associated with our training programs, Project Manager's travel costs in performance of his COTR and management duties, arid office administrative costs. As of 17 February 1984, CENTER LANE support costs for FY 84 have been $16,983.18. The balance of the FY 84 S&IA money will be used for continuing travel costs and to purchase additional training programs for the three new personnel that are scheduled to be assigned to the project by 15 July 1984. LTC Buzby/AVN 923-2656 Approved For Release 200, - DP96-00788RO01700280009-6 3