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May 4, 1984
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00788R001700220003-8.pdf244.96 KB
-Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700220003-8 (li) PURPOSE: To provide an overview of CENTER LANE, LTC Buzby/7829 4 May 1984 (0) RECOMMENDED POSITION: That CENTER LANE operations, training, and development: r;ltroue within the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) Since October 1978, when ACS! (then MG Thompson) tasked 1N ;COM develop a parapsychology program (then GRILL FLAME), INSCOM has through str.ic!`_ly r(rl.Ied, thoroughly documented, and carefully monitored training, opera.i.:ions, and c?Vi iopment established the feasibility and soundness of the remote viewing phenomenon in intelligence collection tool. Without continuation, this crucial momentum world W lost. b. (S/CL-2/NOFORN) Since May 1931 , when I assumed command cf INSCOM, the project. CENTER LANE) has provided the U.S. Array and such agencies as DIA, CIA, NSA, FBI, noel the Secret Service critical intel.Iiggenre unavailable Iron other sources, Without ttiemiti 0ra, the TnteIIigo nce Commurti_Iy would lose a valuable eellectLon capab11.ty itirir now allows penet.raation of lute Ii ii trace t?-argets inaccessible to arty conventional ,c . (S/CL-2/NOFOR.N) Continuing work in the ocajemi c and R&h cOmmuni.t tes his ref:! ned he methodology-, demons trat:irrg far I;reaatcr accuracy, contrut, rand rol.ia.hility than cver arc. Without continuation, CENTER LAN would he kept from rea.licing its true ,,c,tc? uial. 3. (S-CL-2/NOFORN) A current col Oct LOU pro,jcct i focused on providing; ut ormaation to the CIA in their efforts to I(>raate William F. thick Icy who was kidnapped roan Beirut on 16 March 1934. An SOT on that project is attached as Tnc.J.osure 1. At secure 2 is an MFR from the CIA comment irag on the va Cue of CENTER LANE. (S/CL--2/NOFORN) The phenomenon is not ac.al." This iri;umerat simply does not t, r 'id up in the face of many valid : cictat ii it repl.Icat:ions conducted by reputable t. r i i cit. ions such as Prince ton L 'It i versi ty, Maimonidies Medical Center, Beli it-,(,j .;tDries, and McDonnell Douglas CJ1poration and SR1--TnternationaI, among others. In I l on, a1 congressionally directed i n epende'nt F C L('nt.: f -I C rev l (.,w laaiaf. concluded i n r 1.983, "The evidence shown to ns is too impressive to d:uin iss as re i ,, rcence," i,. ( SCL-2/NOFORN) !The phenomcnct: is not we1.1. understood and therefore has no ,t.?t i cal value." The users of 1ntc.l I i Cnce produced by CENTER LA`;E fe( 1 that it does -vc V;lluel. 4,,i:?1 1 .~ :,, ii ,la . I' . . i ,A, t C. (S CL-L NOFORN) The phenomenon is the work of the devil and should not. be This is an emotional st,nt. rm(~rat !11:1( critics and skr:ept.ics of Ihc_ CENTER LANE i'i?t occasionally use because they do not accept art explanation of the phenomenon. Anoroved For Release'ldd1l69/16 CfA-R)P?640788R'001700220003-8 Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700220003-8 Q ~i MFYi ~#/? l 4k'~Mi SUBJECT: WILLIAM F. BUCKLE" 84-04 1. (S/CL3/NOFORN) From 21 March to 20 April 1984, INSCOM CENTER LANE Project (ICLP) conducted 11 Remote Viewing interviews at the request of the Central intelligence Agency (CIA) concerning SUBJECT. On 20 March the CIA provided ICLP with the three following essential elements of information (ELI): a. Determine the location of William Buckley. b. Determine his physical and mental condition. c. Determine the identity of his captors. On 10 April a fourth [EI was added: Determine who the CIA should contact to arrange for Buckle y' s release. A photograph of Buckley, taken before his apprehension, was used as cuing material for the first few remote viewing .interviews. Subsequent interviews were cued by using Buckley' s name, date and {.dace of' birth, and by a photograph of Buckley allegedly taken by his captors. The photograph wars provided [LLP by the CIA. 2.(S/CL2/NUFURN) Contact and cooperation between the CIA and ICLP is close, constant and timely. Frequently information provided by ICLP was "on the streets" in Lebanon hours after being passed to the CIA. Much of the inform