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Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788 R001700210063-3
Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 57
Afton, Virginia 22920
(703) 456-8166
Vol. 1, No. 2
First for General Public Newsweek Error
The unique, sleep-producing audio
patterns discovered and patented by
Robert Monroe are now available for the
first time to the general public on a special
Mentronics? Sleep Tape?. Clinically
tested, the Mentronics Sleep Tape
technique is the best non-drug method
known for the promotion of deep
relaxation followed by restful sleep.
Mentronics offers a money back
guarantee if the purchaser is not satisfied
within ten days.
This stereo tape may be played on any
standard cassette player. Its effect is
enhanced by the use of headphones.
The 45-minute cassette tape is available
through the Institute for $14.95 including
handling and postage. For Institute Asso-
ciates, Sustainers, and Patrons,
Mentronics offers the tape for $10
Delivery time is four to six weeks.
$9 "x r. ~'h rY t.
The May 1st issue of Newsweek Maga-
zine, in an article entitled "Life After Life?",
referred to Institute Chairman, Robert
Monroe and the Monroe Tapes.
The article was part of extensive cover-
age given the subject "Living With Dying."
The Institute was included in the coverage
which stressed the out-of-body experiences
often reported by participants in the Tape
programs. While it is true that such "OBE"-
type experiences are frequently reported
by participants, the Institute does not
emphasize this aspect of its programs. The
article indicated that some 1400 partici-
pants reported or achieved OBE's. This fig-
ure was in error in that it confused the
number of former participants of the
Gateway program with those that reported
1978 will be known as the year a dream
manifested in physical reality-the New
Land. This is the name that has attached
itself naturally to the multi-purposed
research and healing installation long
planned for the Virginia acreage.
New Land is to be located on some 740
acres in Nelson County, Virginia. It will
house new research facilities for the
Institute, a holistic health and healing cen-
ter under the auspices of the New Com-
munity Church, an agricultural research
station in the Findhorn model, and
residences for staff, members, and other
The Institute building design calls for
special isolation chambers where
experiments can be performed under a
variety of environmental modes. Major
control of E. M. radiation, magnetic fields,
atmospheric mixes and pressures, and
humidity-temperature factors will be an
integral part of the construction. A John
Lilly-type "tank" also will be included. In-
strumentation will be provided for total
biological monitoring, with a computer
terminal for in de
th anal
e i
07 4,7
ties will be included for extended
experimental runs.
All buildings are to be both energy-
efficient and fireproof. Solar, methane and
wood-fireplace systems will provide heat
and basic construction will consist of a new
type of interlocking concrete block. With
extended acreage to choose from, each
home will enjoy relative isolation.
The agricultural division will explore
new ways and combinations thereof to
grow foods on a totally organic basis. The
principle purpose will be to provide
sustenance for those living in residence on
the New Land. Various techniques of plant
growth, including hydroponics, ultra-
sonics, ELF radiation and solar heated
greenhouses will bring fresh vegetables on
a year-round basis.
A special community center will be the
meeting place for group activities on the
New Land and will contain the Institute
archives, meditation rooms, and recrea-
tional facilities. Cabins for individual retreat
udee will be located in hidden
pn n- f pip nn7R ~
Robert Monroe at one of the I>IaffvA k F.Q&& g4g%;Ln 4t89/u1lPdkigl&6i~t Ppk Q97.9.OR`Cfi7f~C'tAO,%nt co% -3e topographic maps of
I the ridge located on the property).
THRO~JI JI For Releaser~r0e t~$~r iS~iri I $o br~?%ai O788R00
"In Focus 12 communication, I asked
for three home buyers. The next day I got
three, have sold one home, and will write
the contract on another tonight. Also, I
was having a problem selling my `76 Dodge
Aspen-and I asked help with a buyer for
that. Eighteen days had passed since I had
put it on the market, and the insurance
coverage on it was about to expire. So, I
said `HELP,' and the next day I got the
buyer, and my car is sold.
"Well, it could be a coincidence, but the
response was so immediate and dramatic.
One will not be greedy with this discovery.
I received other insights and suggestions
(inspired thoughts) that have solved other
stubborn and sticky problems for me.
None of these have been given in an overt
way during the exercises, but would take
place afterward.
"My interest in this Program continues
because it enriches me and actually `keeps
me going'."
Martha Plank
Downers Grove, Illinois
One of the more practical uses of Focus
12 is self-patterning. Martha has found it
works well with quite mundane matters.
Others have reported it works well for
changing vocations, locations and
personal habits. Participants who find this
greater self-control also find more
"We went (in the Ten-Day Explorations
session) to Focus 15 for messages. For the
first time I saw my physical face. I had not
been able to visualize my face or body
successfully all week. The face was quite
clear and very large. It was accompanied
by the message, `You are doomed!' After
the experiences of the previous day, I was
discombobulated. I tried to ignore the
message. I was in a very confused, upset
state for the remainder of that tape. It
seemed to refute all the reinforcement I
had been getting all week. I talked of it to
no one for almost a day. Finally, R. D., who
was extremely sensitive to my inner states,
came to me and told me he had received an
inner message that my ego was so
threatened by the powerful and positive
experiences I had been having, it was
fighting desperately for its state of control.
I had been somewhat depressed that day
even before the `You are doomed,'
message. He felt the message was to the
ego, not to me. I then talked to Chris and
John Biggs
Palo Alto, California
In Focus 12 and Focus 15, participants
occasionally encounter startlingly
negative aspects of themselves. Since this
usually accompanies any real personal
growth, participants are encouraged to
view them as a positive development.
Christopher Lenz presents Certificate to Pat
Lorenz, after Weekend Session in Richmond, Va.
Monroe Institute Continued
The New Land has three major streams
running through it, one of which will be
dammed to create a 25-acre lake plus a
series of trout and catfish ponds. Hydro-
electric power will be generated through
the largest of these systems. The terrain it-
self consists of rolling hills and pastures
rising steeply to forest-covered ridges.
Construction schedule calls for
completion of the laboratory facility and
several residences by the end of 1978. The
entire project planning indicates com-
pletion by January 1, 1981.
Monroe Institute
of Applied Sciences
Thu u io cenily ch.t the above named I. .
ember of the Monroe Irutitum f Applied &kncu with ill
bent ht, and pnn)pdg`, of this membYhip category, rhich thUl
Session Fee Deposit Deposit refundable until
EXCURSION $ 55 ..... $ 15 ...... Two weeks before the session
WEEKEND 195 ....... 50 ...... Four weeks before the session
EXPLORER 12 65 ....... 20 ...... Two weeks before the session
ADVANCED 15 145 ....... 40 ...... Four weeks before the session
Ten-Day Explorations 585- ..... 150 ...... Six weeks before the session
Room Board: Room and Board is in-
cluded in the fee only for the Ten-Day
Explorations session.
the fee. This apply Afton,
UuL ieii use doomed entity was the new-tFof R Ie~r037D~ : GTI'=~'-$$1=i'00170210~~3-3
my self-image. A very encouraging
Repeat Sessions: Participants may re- Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences
peat a session on a stand-by basis for 40% P.O_ Box 57
is 22920
17 kWBf HIP IN
The Institute derives its support pri-
marily from private contributions and
research grants. The success of the Insti-
tute will depend upon our ability to
address ourselves to the needs of peo-
ple working toward the full realization of
their human potential. This ability is
made possible by the understanding of
our friends that financial support of our
research is essential if the goals ahead
are to be achieved.
For those interested in helping
support our work, we invite you to join
us as members of the Monroe Institute.
A reply card is enclosed for your con-
SHIP ($10 per annum) is available to
those who would like to be included on
the mailing list for The Explorer.
($25 per annum) will receive The Ex-
plorer and other special interest mailings
during the year, keeping them informed
of our work in progress. The associates
will also receive a 5% discount on all
Institute sessions and products.
($100 per annum) ensures that the
member receives The Explorer, Special
mailings AND a 10% discount on all
Institute sessions and products.
($1,000 per annum) includes all of the
above and will receive a 20% discount
on all Institute sessions and products.
A proved For Release 2003/09/10: CIA-0078
RESEARCH NOTES by Stuart W. Twemlow,
I'll describe three situations where we have applied the Monroe tapes with unusually striking
results. The types of patients with whom the tapes have been tried, generally speaking, have
been chronic-that is, have had their problem for long periods of time.
One such case was a middle-aged lady who had severe pain resulting from problems in the
healing of an old fracture. In combining the tapes with a structured hospital milieu, we
determined that as she began to relax the parts of her body which had not relaxed, were those
pains connected with psychological problems for which the pain was serving the function of
"secondary gains." That is, the pain appeared to help her cope with some of the psychological
stresses in her everyday life and in a sense was kept going because it served this adaptive
As we were able to deal with this, she began to feel in control of her life and her need to keep
the pain decreased. After discharge from the hospital, this patient has continued to be almost
unrecognizable physcially. She looks a great deal younger than she did before, she has her pain
under control and does not need any physical support for it. Most strikingly, other parts of her
life from which she had been very withdrawn, have now become a source of gratification to her.
The next case concerns a middle-aged man with a very long history of psychosomatic
problems affecting practically every organ in his body. A psychological investigation found
many of these symptoms related to some severe surgical trauma which occurred when he was a
young child. In this case, we combined the tape exercises, especially the Focus 10 exercise with
the sorts of stimuli in his environment that would make him very anxious, that is, the stimuli that
reminded him of the surgical trauma as a child. Over a period of weeks we exposed him both to
the Focus 10 deeply relaxed state and to the stimuli that would make him very anxious and
upset. Gradually, he became desensitized to the stimuli and was able to feel a lot more in control
of his life.
Terminal Patient Achieves Pain Control
A dying man utilized the tape system, particularly focusing on the out of the body
experience. He also had severe pain which had been impossible to control with massive doses of
narcotic. Over a period of weeks, he also achieved control. Since he died, we've had a
communication from his wife. She stated that he played the tapes until he died and the last week
of his life, was completely pain free and at peace.
Our feeling was that both the experience with achieving control of the part of his body that
was painful and preparing himself for death of his physical body made him less frightened and
panicy. The control and preparation made him, therefore, more able to make peace with the
family-so important in dying people. In fact, as we have noticed with a number of people who
are dying, he was able to give support to those around him who will suffer the loss. Coming to
terms with the loss of his own physical body enabled him to integrate the remaining time he had
in this dimension.
F lRM0 Gateway Program in
your Area
We can bring any session of the Gate-
way Program to your area provided an in-
dividual or group acts as a local co-ordina-
tor. For details, write Christopher M. Lenz,
Director of Training at:
Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 57
Afton, Virginia 22920
(703) 456-8166
Current Schedule
8 Excursion, Indianapolis, Ind.
8 Excursion, Rye, NY
9 Excursion, Indianapolis, Ind.
13-16 Weekend, Richmond, VA
15 Excursion, Indianapolis, Ind.
13-16 Weekend, Alamo, CA
16 Excursion, Indianapolis, Ind.
20 Excursion, Indianapolis, Ind.
23 Explorer's Club, S. Calif.
4-7 Weekend, Lake Arrowhead, CA
5 Excursion, Indianapolis, Ind.
8 Excursion, Indianapolis, Ind.
10-13 Weekend, San Antonio, TX
12 Excursion, Indianapolis, Ind.
10-13 Weekend, Alamo, CA
13 Explorer's Club, N. Calif.
Richmond, VA
23 Explorer's Club, S. Calif.
24-27 Weekend, Monterey, CA
Helena, MT
14-17 Weekend, Richmond, VA
20-22 Advanced 15, Richmond, VA
November Rainbow Ranch, CA
10-12 Advanced 15, Richmond, VA
7-11 Weekend, Richmond, VA
Stress Reduction "Startling"
Use of the tapes in a clinical setting has pointed out that their effect on reduction of stress
and tense muscles is startling. As a matter of fact, it appears that not only muscles under
voluntary control but also those under involuntary control (smooth muscles, such as the
muscles of the bladder) may be relaxed with the Focus 10 exercise.
Patients who are chronic feel very much out of control of the various symptoms they have.
As with a number of the newer therapeutic techniques, giving them a sense of control has a
"snowball" effect on the control of other symptoms and aspects of their interpersonal relation-
ships. As they begin to achieve in other areas resulting from this "snowball" effect, each small
success has a reinforcing effect.
It seems that Focus 10 is the basic state which is essential to master before being able to
proceed. Some of our patients have learned to induce the Focus 10 state to relax their bodies
while they are actively engaged in work, and certainly to relax their bodies in between some
highly stressful day-to-day working situations. Some patients are now able to program their
sleep, so that they awake at certain times. A number of them with insomnia have found
themselves sleeping very restfully.
Need for Sleep Reduced
One patient had noticed that a very few minutes of sleep in Focus 10 seemed equivalent to
him, in terms of restfulness, to many hours of sleep with his normal sleeping pattern. Some-
times problems can be created by this. For example, one patient noted that he has had periods
of very high energy in which he finds he is creative, but which represents a change in his ordinary
level of functioning to which other people take some time to adjust. He has noticed, for example,
that he needs fewer hours of sleep at night and thus is ready to start the day's work a great deal
earlier than most other people.
A number of patients who have regularly practiced with the tapes have found that they've
become much more reflective, less physically active, and more satisfied with quieter sorts of
hobbies and day-to-day activities. Becoming more inwardly turned is a characteristic of people
who learn to utilize sources of gratification within their own heads rather than having to
constantly turn to the o EOM21d EoonrRdielase 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788
?Monroe Institute 1978.
The Explorer is published every two months by the Monroe
Institute of Applied Sciences, P.O. Box 57, Afton, VA 22920.
Telephone: (703) 456-8166. Subscription membership: $10 per
year (first class mail) in North America, $13 all other (air mail only).
Robert A. Monroe. ............. Chairman, Board of Advisors
Tracy D. Connors ....................... Executive Director
Christopher M. Lenz .......... Director of Training Programs
Nancy Lea Honeycutt ................ National Coordinator
Karen Malik ....................... Western Representative
Randi Strickland ....................... Field Representative
James Beal Fowler Jones, Ed.D.
Rev. Gabe L. Campbell Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.
Lawrence Davis, M.D.
Robert Ellsworth, Ph.D.
David Francis
Arthur Gladman, M.D.
Alyce Green
11704244 O63-3
Steven Henderson
Mary Jane Ledyard, Ph.D.
E. Stanton Maxey, M.D.
Joseph Chilton Pearce, Ph.D.
Bill Schul, Ph.D.
Charles T. Tart, Ph.D.
Stuart Twemlow, M.D.
In recent weeks we have been fortunate to have
the following visitors to the Institute's lab and
offices ... Richard Franklin ... film producer, to
discuss feature picture based on Journeys Out of
the Body ... Dr. John and Tony Lilly ... for in-
person up date on Institute activities ... George
Scott ... of the Carr Foundation in London, a
special visit to observe Institute systems ... Elda
Hartley and film crew ... to shoot documentary
on Gateway Program ... Reverend Bill Brown
and his wife, Mardi ... famous for etheric surgery,
to discuss affiliation with the Institute and the New
Community Church ... "A psychic called Eliza-
beth" (Elizabeth Nachman) of Miami . . . to
develop use of the FFR system at the Association
for Spiritual Development and Research in Miami.
Dr. Win Wenger ... founder of Psychegenics, for
update on educational potentials . . . Dr. Ray
Waldkoetter and Randi Strickland (MIAS
Field Representative), for discussion on FFR re-
search and educational affiliation . . . Dr. Bill
Schul, to talk about writing new books related to
MIAS functions. . . Dr. Arthur Gladman ... to
plan exciting new West Coast programs ... Dr.
Mary Jane Ledyard . . . for participation in
special lab research.. . Openings for Trainers
... We are still accepting applications from our
graduates who would like to promote and operate
One-Day Excursion sessions as independent
agents of the Institute. The One-Day sessions are
being established for operation on a local basis
across the country. If you are interested, send a
resume to Christopher M. Lenz, Director of
Continuing Program. We are completing the
Continuing Program. Those now enrolled will need
to finish their "homework" by December, 1978....
Workbook Available. If you took the Three-Day
or Weekend session in 1977 and did not receive a
Workbook in the mail, let us know. We will mail
one to you, gratis. If you took an earlier session, we
will send it to you for a charge of two dollars to
cover handling and postage. . . Reinforcement
Tapes. Those who attended a session after
September, 1977, have the latest reinforcement
tape. If you attended earlier and would like a copy,
please send $7.50 to the Institute. Replacement
Tape. If you would like to replace your reinforce-
ment tape, please send $5.00 to the Institute.
Notice: For your convenience, we now accept
VISA and Master Charge .... Letters to the
Institute. Questions or comments about the Insti-
tute and the Gateway Program that we feel are
representative of our mail will be answered in a
"Questions and Answers" column.... Explorers'
Club. Any past participant in the California area
who would like to meet once a month with others
for a reinforcement day, for establishing mutual
projects, and for exchanging ideas, contact: In
northern California: Karen Malik, 625 Fifth Ave.,
San Francisco, 94118, (415) 668-2677; in southern
California: Jean Mount, 3004 Lees Ave., Long
Beach, 90808, (213) 425-2041.
Notice: In no way whatsoever are we asso-
ciated with the group that advertises an OBE from
one tape - even though they have the temerity to
use Robert Monroe's name in their advertisement.
Professionals Eager for
Tape Contract ...
The Institute has received strong re-
sponse from psychiatrists, psychologists
and professional counselors who wish to
use the Tapes in their practice. The
Institute is now licensing the patented Fre-
quency Following Res p
Ai &t
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Explorer's Notebook
We are beginning this regular feature at the request from many of our Institute
Members. It will consist of excerpts taken directly from recorded reports made by the
Institute explorer team during actual sessions. We would appreciate any comments
you may have.
Explorer PN-52 - Focus 12 - Response from third party to personal relationships:
We experienced a wave of incredible sadness earlier in the day, for which there was
no apparent reason. Ask if there was a cause we don't understand.
You spoke of an incredible sadness. Do you not understand? Even yet? The old is
passing away. Illusions are being destroyed. The world within must be changed in
order to make way for the new. Each time you are faced with a disillusionment you
register surprise but mostly sadness. How long will it take for you to understand? You
should know by now that your illusions belong to your own thought-form reality. You
argue in defense that people are the source of your greatest pain and disillusionment.
Man, the egotist, from time immemorial, has seen others as he conceived them to
be, born out of his own need and therefore to meet his need. Many times this
arrangement serves both parties equally but it is a false structure due to the law of
change, an active force altering condition, circumstances and mental patterns every
minute of every day. All of life is motion. Therefore, learn to expect disillusionment. Be
ready for change. Nothing is sad. It is only your concept and how the change affects
you that causes difficulty in your acceptance of it.
Dependence upon another mortal being, no matter how large or small his role may
be in your life, is again, building a false structure, irrespective of the interaction and the
seeming balance. Due to race ignorance, man has somehow convinced himself that
love is synonymous with the need in such a relationship, giving justification for his
dependency upon the person object circumstance involved. Man must go back and
realize that he was born alone (as a soul emerging into this life ... no one can do it for
him, and the same is true at death). This is man's true state; the uniqueness of being
himself. He is truly the master of his own destiny. His only valid dependency is that of
his need to commune with his Creator.
If this is valid, how can we be and act in the earth environment?
You are asking then, what is expected of you as mankind, in relation to your fellow-
man? Set your brother free. Any kind of dependence upon another is a shackle to his
growth pattern and also your own. This in no way denies your ever present and
necessary interaction with all persons, places, things and circumstances, but in the
breaking up of the old concepts, you must accept the laws of the greater reality where
strength does not come from clinging to someone or something external but your
strength is of the light from your own Source.
This is the only answer to detachment. Setting your brother free is truly a gift of love
on the highest level. Expect nothing from anyone. In the past your own thoughts and
needs have prompted him. The joy expressed by his new freedom will create another
type of relationship, far more satisfying, due to its having evolved to a higher octave.
Bear with your pain as the breaking up of the old takes place, recognizing it for what
it is. Do you recall the invisible holocaust? As in the macrocosm, so in the microcosm.
As in the outer, so in the inner. If man's physical or material world changes are taking
place, does it not follow that earth shaking changes must take place within the
individual as well? The same is true in reverse, as you learn to deal with your changing
concepts and mental out-picturing of thought. It lies within man's potential to literally
change his world both without and within if he only understood and utilized the creative
power of his thinking.
Y i~
fessionals. Write or call o itiona in or-