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Publication Date:
May 15, 1979
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Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210054-3
Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 57
Afton, Virginia 22920
Phone (703) 456-8166
In response to many requests, the Institute will establish a
new classification among its membership beginning June 1st, 1979.
This will be the Professional Member.
The purpose of Professional Membership is best described in
the following:
1. To widen research into the application of methods and
techniques developed by the Institute.
2. To extend more broadly the use of those applications by
the Institute now in practice.
3. To provide the Institute with a greater data base than
is now possible through the efforts of its internal staff
and limited facilities.
4. To teach others such basic methods and techniques so as
to stimulate investigation and interest in new and future
potentials yet to be considered.
The Professional Membership is limited to those who are active
in one of the various disciplines - the physicist, engineer, medical
doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, analyst, teacher, to name the
most common. He has expressed an interest in the activities of the
Institute, and wishes to test or employ the Institute methods in his
own area of endeavor.
Thus, Professional Members fall into three categories, or combi-
nations thereof:
(A) Researcher: In which the Member, either on his own behalf
or that of an organization with which he is associated,
utilizes the basic methods and techniques of the Institute
solely for the gathering of information and experience, with
the intent of eventual publication of the results of such
(B) Practitioner: In which the Member is engaged in private and/or
clinical practice, and employs the Institute methods and tech-
niques in his relationship with his clients, including such
specialization as may be available to suit his unique requirements.
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(C) Educator: In which the member is associated with a learning
inst ute, and elects to include such methods and tech-
niques in his teaching, either at an informational or prac-
tical level.
Professional Membership will be under the direction of the Pro-
fessional Committee, who will in turn appoint their own chairman.
The original Committee will be appointed by Robert Monroe, which
will be active until the first annual Professional Conference. At
such Conference each year, the Professional Committee will elect
the Committee for the following year. The total number of Committee
Members is limited to seven.
The Professional Member enjoys a special relationship with-the
Institute. He can use the Institute materials in his own practice
or research either in the prescribed manner or through innovative
approaches that he himself may develop. He may use such materials
as are now inventoried, or obtain from the Institute special ma-
terial to fit his particular requirements. He may, in particular
cases, bring his client or patient to the Institute Center in Vir-
ginia for special sessions conducted by him, and utilizing the
unique facilities available there. In such event, housing for both
can be provided at the Center.
Most important, there is no requirement that he participate
beyond those in his original application. He can remain passive
and be only the recipient of information and research data as
these are developed. In turn, he can join to whatever degree he
chooses in the explorations of human consciousness instigated by
the Institute.
The Professional Member receives these commitments from the
1. The privilege of utilizing various audio and other entrain-
ment material developed by the Institute, on a one-to-one
basis and solely by him or under his direct control, for
the purpose stated in his Membership Application. However,
such purpose may be added to or changed upon written re-
quest to the Institute. Such privilege will continue as
long as he remains an Active Member in good standing.
2. Frequent reports on the research and other activities of
the Institute and other organizations with related interests,
including but not limited to the areas of his particular
3. Periodic research data in unprocessed form for consideration
and evaluation as it may become available, from not only the
Institute but from other organizations and individuals as well.
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4. An Annual Professional Conference only for such membership,
held at the new Institute Training and Research Center in
Virginia. During this meeting, new Institute techniques
and data will be presented to Professional Members, in-
cluding training in the application thereof. The balance
of the Conference will consist of reports and discussion
by such Members.
5. The privilege of utilizing the Institute training and re-
search facilities in Nelson County, Virginia for one-to-one
sessions with special clients, conducted by the Professional
Member. Under this section are included use of CHEC units,
bio-monitoring, M & T applications, with audio and video-
tape recording.
6. Upon approval or recommendation by the Institute or the.
Institute Professional Committee, attendance at various
meetings, conferences, seminars or similar events sponsored
by other organizations as a representative or on behalf of
the Institute.
The Professional Member makes these commitments to the Insti-
1. That he will keep reasonable records of his work with
Institute material and methods, and transmit a copy of
such records and an evaluation thereof to the Institute
on a regular basis. The frequency of such reporting will
vary according to use, it is understood.
2. That he will submit to the Institute for approval any
material he may write for publication regarding his work
with Institute methods prior to publication. The purpose
of this commitment is not to avoid adverse comment, but
to insure accuracy in content. Therefore, such approval
cannot be withheld for any other reason.
3. That he will not reproduce or duplicate any program or
training material obtained by him from the Institute,
or permit any other person to do so.
4. That he will utilize such Institute program or training
material only in the manner stated in his Membership
application unless he receives written approval to do
otherwise. Such material will be employed only by him
or by a person or persons trained by him and under his
direct supervision.
5. That he will keep careful control of such material to
preserve its integrity and to prevent unauthorized use
of it by others.
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6. That if he terminates his membership in the Institute
or his membership is terminated by the Institute for
good and valid reason, he will return promptly any
program or training material he has obtained from the
Institute. However, this does not include any records
or reports he may have gathered during his membership
7. That he will permit the Institute to disseminate any
such reports he may make regarding his work with Insti-
tute materials, unless he specifically requests confi-
dentiality. In the latter event, his reports will re-
main strictly a part of Institute data and remain in the
Institute archives.
8. That he will co-operate with the Institute in the evalu-
ation of information and data sent to him for such purpose,
and respond within a reasonable period with oral or written
At this time, the Institute obtains its support from members
and others who subsidize its research and other activities. Pro-
fessional members are asked to be a part of such support. Thus
all membership fees and other charges are based upon a total cost
of the maintenance of the Institute rather than a single item.
(due with application)
(per cassette) 50.
(per 7" reel) 75.
(replacements at 1/2 original price with
return of old cassette or reel)
ONE-TO-ONE SESSIONS (at Virginia Center)
room and meals, per person, per day: 35.
technical facilities, per hour 25.
(including bio-monitoring, audio
recording, and technician)
Use of interview rooms, community areas NC
(including cassette tapes and instructions)
P7901 STRESS-TENSION REDUCTION (4 cassettes) 200.
P7905 PAIN CONTROL (3 cassettes) 150.
(Chronic, Transient)
P7910 EMERGENCY SERIES (4 cassettes) 200.
(for Surgery, serious illness, accident)
P7916 RELAXATION (2 cassettes) 100.
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Approved For Release 2003/09PrW:eClA-RDP96-00788 R001700210054-3
P7920 FOCUS 3 (3 cassettes)
(Hemispheric Synchronization)
(3 cassettes)
(learning to sleep without medication)
(reduction entrainment)
(2 cassettes)
(2 cassettes)
(for study and memory)
(non-verbal-open experiments)
P7951 STROKE RECOVERY (general)
P7952 STROKE RECOVERY (speech)
P7953 STROKE RECOVERY (motor transfer)
(per 45 minute cassette)
(customized per requirements)
The above fees represent a one-time only charge, with unlimited
use in a research mode as long as the individual remains an active
Professional Member, provided: If such material, methods and tech-
niques of the Institute are the basis for a Grant made to the Pro-
fessional Member or to an organization by whom he is employed, ten
(10%) percent of the gross monies received under such Grant shall
be paid to the Institute as royalties.
A Professional Member who uses such taped material obtained from
the Institute in his private or other practice, (for which he charges
a fee or fees), will pay to the Institute sixty ($60) dollars for
each month he so uses said material. There is no limit to the number
of times he may use such material, under this section, and such use
must be included in his original or amended Proposal submitted to
and approved by the Institute.
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Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 57
Afton, Virginia 22920
Profession Birth Date
Last First Middle
Street City State Zip
Phones: Business Home
Academic: (Degrees & Institutions, specialization)
Professional History: (Previous five years only)
Publications (Attach copies if available):
I hereby make application for Professional Membership in the Monroe
Institute of Applied Sciences. I have read the statement issued by the
Institute dated May 15, 1979, and I agree to the conditions stated there-
in. I have attached to this Application a Proposal which indicates the
use I intend to make of any Institute Materials provided me, and I agree
to utilize such Materials only in the manner and purpose so indicated.
I do understand that such materials, methods and techniques are experi-
mental in nature, and I take sole responsibility for my use and appli-
cation of them. I therefore, release the Institute from any and all
liability in connection with said use by me or by those under my di-
rection. I understand that much of the information, methods and tech-
niques furnished me by the Institute is privileged, and my membership
in the Institute in no way implies or constitutes ownership of such.
I understand that the Institute will not make public use of my name
or any reports transmitted by me to the Institute without my written
Date: Applicant:
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210054-3