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Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210029-1
Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 57
Afton, Virginia 22920
(703) 4568166
We are establishing a new membership status in the Institute
effective June 1, 1979. Our membership will then consist only of
Sustaining Members, Professional Members, and Sponsors.' All Sus-
taining Members will receive the following:
(1) A TAPE OF THE MONTH - These are copies of the actual
recordings of Explorer sessions held at the Institute, one hour
in length, on audio cassette. Advisory Board Members have stated
that the most important step we can take is to disseminate of the
information from these sessions just as it is - on tape. We now
agree. A Sustaining Member will receive one each month. Thus, he
Will build an exclusive tape library filled with profound philoso-
phic implications, unavailable from any other source.
(2) PERIODIC CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS - On research activities
at the Institute, and publications by the Institute, including books
and professional papers.
(3) 'FIRST PRIORITY - On purchase of available dwelling units
and land parcels at the New Land in Virginia, and on reservations
for Gateway training sessions at the Center.
50% of total Membership Fees paid by an individual during
a Twelve month period may be applied against the Registration Fee of
any Institute training program held at the Center.
A 25% discount on any materials or tapes produced and
offered for sale by the Institute.
use in event of illness, accident, or surgery.
Dues for Sustaining Members are a minimum of fifteen
dollars monthly, or whatever additional you would like to sub-
scribe. If you pay annually in advance, the minimum is one hundred
fifty dollars. For details on Professional and Sponsor membership,
phone or write us. Those who are currently members will receive
an appropiate credit toward their new Sustaining Membership.
record. I'
acurnent has been th-,o
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210029-1
Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 57
Afton, Virginia 22920
Phone (703) 456-8166
- will permit an on-going pattern of research to continue
without interruption into the areas where the Institute
has been active - left-right brain hemispheric stimu-
lation and synchronization through audio pulse systems,
the effects of artificial environments upon conscious-
ness, and the inter-relationship of mind and body.
- will encourage the development of additional methods and
techniques through which the Institute can put into other
practical application the results of such research activi-
ty for the improvement and greater understanding of the
total self.
- will provide the continuance of regular experimental
sessions with the Institute Explorer-Pathfinder Team
into other realities and energy systems, and the training
of new members and teams so as to expand the information
gained therefrom.
- will support the wider distribution of such Institute pro-
ceedings, programs, and experimental data'into all facets
of society that may be of ultimate value to mankind in
- acknowledges the important position the Institute maintains:
that there is no knowledge, truth, or answer for an indi-
vidual except that which he has himself confirmed. Thus,
the Institute does not take any position or postulate ex-
cept as a premise - and attempts to provide to any indi-
vidual the opportunity for such confirmation.
- means, at the least, that your curiosity is aroused, that
you would like to keep abreast of the inner events and
activities of the Institute.
- means, at the most, you have experienced personally very
significant benefits and results from participation in
one of the Institute programs or activities. Thus, such
Membership indicates that "Something of Value" does indeed
exist herein, that it should be developed and expanded not
only for your own future well-being, but for others who
follow you.
Do join us (and get a friend to join, too) in this new stage
of our mutual venture and adventure! Only through your partici-
pation can we continue - and grow.
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Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210029-1
This is a partial transcript of an Explorer session to
illustrate the type of material sent each month on audio
cassette to Institute Sustainin Members. Each cassette con-
tains an exact copy of port ons of the audio track from
various sessions, just as they actually took place.
I'm being moved over to another beam.
I'm being moved way over and I'm going now
to a yellow-sort of a yellow beam-and the
yellow is also relaxing, and I'm being lifted up
on this beam and through the beam until I
SESSION #76-520-5 ROMC get up to the source of the beam and it is all
Monitor: yellow light swirling around. Aahchew!
This explorer took eight minutes to get to (Sneeze.) It made me sneeze. It must have
Focus Ten. She is now moving into the cleaned out my head. Okay. Now I feel like
Twelve state with the creation of the REBAL. I'm being let down again.
Now I'm being moved over. It's like I'm
Explorer: being moved over on the spectrum.- It is a
I built the balloon again and started doing nice, real orange beam coming through. And
some rhythmic breathing which is like filling now I'm being lifted up through the orange
the balloon full of my own air. I started beam. Orange is a nice, real good color. It is
feeling that I was floating up and up. And all giving a lot of energy. It is a pulsating orange.
of a sudden I saw this real blue area. It was Pulsating. Now the orange is turning red. It is
just as blue as can be, as if I had gone up like a pulsating. Very energizing. And it is
more than before. It is always sort of dark, like, orange-and-red, orange-and red. Now it
but then I saw a comical scene. I saw a cloud is like two beams together. So ... I'm being
floating by. And there was my brother, who let down now.
was always a "ham" in life. He was sitting, Okay. Now, I'm being moved over to
playing a harp and just grinning. He is the purple beam. Purple is very nice. Calm
goofing off. That would be the sort of thing and cool purple. And I'm being lifted now on
he would do. that beam. Okay. Now I get up and it is all
It was a very light, light feeling, like I purple and I'm swirling. around.
floated way up into another atmosphere. It Now all the colors are going to come in. I
feels very, very good up here. Very light. am swirling around now on all the various
Light and good. I feel lighthearted. colors. All the colors now. I am going around
This is all I see. I see little saucers floating and around.
in. One has a glass top bubble. A bubble top. I am going to hear music ... music is
And I'm supposed to get in this glass-topped coming on, sort of lifting me up. I hear this
saucer and I'm going to be taken for a fast real nice music ... it is all blending in with
ride. I'll get in and see what happens. and part of the color. It goes with the colors.
Okay. Very, very rapidly in the center of Now I'm being taken out of the protection
this is a light beam. I'm going to be taken for of the saucer with the bubble top and I'm
a ride on various colored light beams. Right going to be left to float a little bit. Now, just to
now a white light beam is coming down. An float. I'm just floating in these colors, these
energy beam. I don't know where it comes beautiful colors ... it just keeps changing ...
from or where it's going. But it's coming right and I can hear the music. I am floating now,
down the center of this little saucer I'm very, very relaxing and very energizing. I
sitting in with the bubble top. And I'm being want to float here for a little bit. I will just float
lifted now up through that particular beam. and listen to the music for a little bit. While
Just being lifted higher and higher. I'm going I'm floating and listening to the music, when I
to be lifted up. I'm travelling, spinning, with look down I can see me playing the piano...
that beam coming right through. like it is my own music playing ...
Let's see what happens now. It's just like My little saucer is coming back. I'm still
-the whole thing is not just a beam-it's floating, it is relaxing and very energizing.
getting up to where the source is. And I'm I'm supposed to get in it now and I'm going to
being sort of flooded in with this white light. be taken somewhere.
Now, I'm being slowly let down. Let down on A platform now ... I'm put off on a little
this beam to where it is just a beam again. platform. And I'm just standing there
Now, I'm going to have a blue beam straight up. I can see a circle of myself. I'm
running through. Okay. I'm sort of spinning standing there, but I can see a circle ... like
around. Spinning around. And I'm being aspects of myself in a circle. I'm standing on
lifted up through this beam which is now this platform, floating way out in space, but it
coming right down the middle. But I'm being is very nice ... completely away from every-
lifted up through this. beam and it is ex- body and everything.
panding until now again, I am all washed in I am floating up now, standing on this
blue. It is very cool and refreshing. It is all platform. I'm supposed to stand here and
blue now. I'm spinning around. Now I'm observe what is going to happen.
~O 3/09/1 0? ' -
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210029-1
one is working on my face ... like someone
exercising-helping to exercise, my throat
muscles. They talk about getting me 'pre-
pared' . .
(After 1 min., 12 sec.)
(Voice quality change; BV-2, 3 Up 41 MV)
We are coming to help ROMC to see
visually that she is multidimensional and this
is why she is able to see the great circle of self
. of many forms of the self. It appears to
her to be like many selves extending from a
circle in between. We are trying to show her
that there are many, many dimensions of
one human self. As she can see and under-
stand that she is much more than the
conscious self that she sees in the mirror and
which she experiences in her waking state,
she will be much more readily prepared to go
into the multidimensional levels, or con-
sciousness levels. And this is why we are
working on various levels, not only the visual
... which is very important ... but we are
also working with the other senses as well.
As she realizes, senses and experiences
the light feeling of floating, this helps to take
her away from the heaviness of this worldly
self, and helps her to see more clearly that
she is not tied down, nor bound by this
physical self. At the same time, we are
showing her her human body: as each cell
glows, we are showing her that the cell is a
complete universe in itself. Every cell in the
human body is a complete universe of great
complexity, but yet, at the same time, of
great simplicity. And within each cell is a
whole energy level, and the energy is self-
sufficient within each cell. And there are
millions of universes within one human
body. The cells of the physical body have
many levels of energy patterns within them.
And as a soul is aware that the mind and self
can be very much in control of the use of the
energy within the millions of cells, it is very
awe-inspiring and it is a great sense of
responsibility. This is why it is important to
stand aside to look at the magnitude of the
universe that the self is responsible for.
But the greater dimensions are the many,
many dimensions of what we call the energy
body, the Universal Self, which goes beyond
the body which can be seen. And this body is
in touch with all levels of the highest forms of
energy. Therefore, when this body is re-
leased into its highest form, in its highest
working form, then all of the levels and
universes within the physical are put into
place, with great energizing and balance
between the two. There is no limit to what
the soul and the self could perform in this
minute second of a lifetime.
Once the soul is in control and releases
the levels of energy, it is in its purest form.
The human self is capable of the highest of
what you would consider miracles. But they
are not miracles. The human body would be
capable of appearing and disappearing at
any stage and any level of existence in the
earth, if the higher energy levels of the self
and the soul are in the right communion.
And, of course, this is possible as you well
It is possible for the energy body to travel,
but it is also possible for the physical body to
be capable of many very unusual feats. They
are all combined and connected. But we are
only saying this to use an example so that
this entity can see and know that there are
no limits put upon the human body and the
self, other than those limits that the mind
puts upon the self and the body.
This is why it is important to work in
changing the concepts that the earth level
puts upon the mind of man. Once a soul is
aware that there are no limits to the ex-
periences and levels of existence within the
physical body, then new frontiers open up
where all things are possible. But the great
work which we have to do first is to work
with the minds of human souls. And this is
why we are now working to clear the mind of
this entity from all of that which has put into
her that has limited her horizons. It is no
fault of her own that she feels limited. It is
only that kind of thought-form that is sent to
her from other thought-forms of earth levels.
And it is our main job to work with thought-
forms to release those false thought-forms
that hold down the soul from its true release
and its true activities. And this is what we are
working on at this time. We are going to con-
tinue to help this soul to see herself in the
many levels that she occupies. As she can
see and experience these various multilevels
of her existence, then she will be that much
freer to explore into the unusual and the
most amazing universes that exist right
within the Self. And we have a good
It is always our desire to help all who are
interested in being helped. All that we do is
to help as many as are willing to listen and be
helped. Therefore, it is not that we are
working with one entity. It is that we are
working with the earth level. And there are
many who are working to help the release of
those who are caught in the wrong thought-
forms on the earth level. Therefore, we are
most happy when anything that we do is
shared with all who are interested in learning.
Of course, all who are with you are growing,
and they are going into the many dimensions
and are learning. Much of what we are
saying is already known.
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Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210029-1
Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 57
Afton, Virginia 22920
Phone (703) 456-8166
That sounds very impersonal, yet the experience is far from
being impersonal. The New Monroe Training and Research Center is
unlike any other facility now in service. It is designed to apply
all of the methods and techinques developed through the years by
the Institute to enhance consciousness, awareness, learning and
attention without the use of drugs or electrical stimulation. The
staff of Trainers, Techninians, and friends take away all signs of
If you've been accepted for one of the Gateway programs, and
if you've notified the Institute in advance, you are met at the
Charlottesville, Virginia Airport, and you ride in the Institute
car some thirty (30) miles to the south, through rolling hills that
grow into small green mountains with patterns of pastoral streams
and farmland at their base. The mountains are green. Where is
the famous Blue Ridge of which you've heard so much. There it is,
not too distant, against the horizon - and it does look blue, your
driver points out.
The car moves off the main highway, along a road bordering
Rockfish. River, then crosses a bridge over the river, and a few
moments later,,turns into the New Land. The driver points to a
distant mountain ridge, and tells you the New Land goes all the
way to the top of it. There is a trail that leads to the top,
and you can hike up through the woods and be totally alone on an
afternoon - if you so desire.
The road climbs steeply around the side of a knoll. You
pass the Gatehouse, a large rustic yet contemporary building just
completed. Your driver indicates this houses not only staff but
overnight visitors at the Institute. Through the valley beyond
and below, a deeply-cut trout stream sweeps powerfully down to
the Rockfish River. Later the stream will be enhanced for fish
production, the driver tells you. Also, upstream, a small hydro-
electric plant is to be installed, with a hydraulic ram system to
pump water to a reservoir on the hill above.
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The car reaches the top of the hill, turns to the right onto
a plateau - and then you understand. The view - the panorama of
green-blue mountains and ridges spread out in all directions, tier
after tier spreading to the horizon, the clear sweep of clouds and
sky, the clean fresh air - and in the near distance, the tree-covered
ridge you've decided you're going to climb, the grassy pasture
bending over the side of the hill and down into another valley, where
a second unpolluted stream softly makes its rambling way down to the
river, - old yet now, new, to be used and treated in a new way. The
New Land. Seven hundred and thirty (730) acres, to be exact.
You almost missed the Center. It doesn't look as large as you
expected, because it is planted carefully into the side of the hill.
Architecture is again the rustic-contemporary mode. It is affection-
ately called the "Cedar Chest", your driver comments, for obvious
reasons. It can provide housing and services for up to twenty five
(25) participants. There are meeting rooms for large and small
groups, dining areas both indoors and on the broad deck outside,
complete facilities for audio-visual presentations and recording,
and a Master Control Room for origination and monitoring during
training sessions. The most important feature of all is the CHEC
unit, you are told.
The car pulls into the parking area, and you get out. You
walk up the curving ramp to the main entrance, and with one last
look at the Big Sky, you go inside. In the office to the right,
Alice greets you, and signs you in . . Along with towels, soap,
instruction sheet, and program schedule, Alice tells you that
you can leave your shoes at the entrance or take them to your
room - that shoes are not necessary inside the Center. You can
go barefooted if you wish. She also takes your wrist watch to
keep for you. For this week, time will not be important to you.-
You take your shoes off, and another staff member shows you to
your home for the next week, plus one.
The room you share with another looks comfortable, with
appropriate space for belongings, but there is no bed. Where
is the bed! The staff member then takes you over and opens up
what you thought was a large closet. How wrong you were! This
is the famous CHEC (for Controlled Holistic Environmental Chamber),
where you will sleep at night and where you will go through each
training exercise in complete privacy - and freedom. Not only
will the CHEC double the effectiveness of the training, but you
will sleep in it and experience a form of restful sleep that you
may have never had before.
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210029-1
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210029-1
The Chec unit is first of all an accoustical room. It reduces
sharply all external noises from interfering with the occupant.
Secondly, it shields to a significant degree (55 D.B.) most electro-
magnetic radiation from entering the chamber, a vital factor in
many ways.
Inside the CHEC unit is abed, some water beds, some air beds,
some conventional. There is no room for anything else. (On a lower
floor, the special CHEC units contain not only a bed, but a complete
small room, with chest, desk and chair). Upon invitation, you lie
down on the CHEC bed, and the staff member instructs you in its
operation. You find all of the following you can control to suit you:
(1) Lights: bright, dim, color change, or none at all.
(2) Temperature: warmer, cooler, as you desire.
(3) Air: low or high flow direction.
(4) Sound: available through headphones or speakers on
each side. When not in program exercise or
sleep, music and various natural backgrounds
such as soft breeze, rain, surf, etc., or
total silence.
.(5) Negative air ionization: high, low or none at all.
No more mattresses on the floor! After a group session in
the Meeting Room, you return to the CHEC unit, close the door. You
lie down, put on the set of headphones, adjust the environmental
controls to your liking, and wait for the Start Signal. The side
speakers act as intercom between you and the Master Control Room,
so that the technician or trainer in charge can always hear you,
and you can hear them either with or without headphones. Most
important, you can put on the hand and other electrodes when in-
structed, which feed various biological signals back to the Master
Control Room. Through these, the technician can analyze accurately
your response and progress during the Exercise. Thus for the first
time, Gateway Program participants can receive an accurate evalu-
ation beyond their own impressions and reactions, and permanent
records can be kept for such response.
Upon completion of each Exercise, you return to the Meeting
Room for debriefing and discussion.
At Time for Sleep, you retire again to the CHEC unit, and set
the controls for total sleeping comfort. (You will find it inter-
esting to make various adjustments and changes in these as you
progress through the program - your needs and likes may not be what
you thought they were!). For sleep, sound will come through the
side speakers, not through the headphones. You may select from
the following:
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210029-1
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210029-1
(1) Silence (2) Sleep pattern (the Institute's patented sleep
inducing sound which leads you through sleep for the entire period,
and wakes you up gently in the morning). (3) The Learning Channel,
which by a special process, offers data learning and languages
during sleep, and then drops you into normal sleep. (4) Nature
Sounds - rain, surf, soft wind, etc., which you may like during
sleep. All sleep channels present a special wake-up signal at the
appropriate time. Included too, is reinforcement in learning to
go to sleep whenever you so desire.
This is the heart of the technical operation of the Center.
First, the MCR feeds audio and video programs to each CHEC unit,
and can send as many as ten (10) different programs simultaneously.
Thus, any individual can receive special reinforcement exercises,
elective and optional training on an one-to-one basis with the
Trainer in MCR.
Through intercom and direct switching into the program, the
Trainer can converse with the Participant in any CHEC unit privately,
without disturbing or interrupting any one else. This important com-
munication link permits a close personal approach during the exercise
with each person, if and when needed.
Equally important is the other activity in the MCR - the moni-
toring of biological responses of each Participant. Through a
custom scanning system, technicians in MCR can read EEG, EMR, GSR,
body temperatures, and body voltage changes at the microvolt level.
The MCR is able to record any such responses on magnetic tape, with
real time syncronous program and oral response patterns, thus pro-
viding a permanent record of the progress of each Participant. Of
special interest is the MCR Mind Mirror, a new instrument that dis-
plays visually full-range hemispheric synchronization of electrical
brain waves from high Beta to slow Delta, all in one pictorial repre-
It also has provision for video distribution throughout the
Center, including the CHEC units, as the need develops.
To make full use of the new Center, the Institute is modifying
all of the current Gateway Program exercises into a new format. Row-
ever, such changes will not negate the methods and training provided
to date, but instead will augment and amplify them to new levels of
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210029-1
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210029-1
Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 57
Afton, Virginia 22920
Phone (703) 456-8166
625 Fifth Ave.
San Francisco,
California 94118
(415) 668-2677
(three days) Fee
plus room. and board fee
Santa Barbara La Casa de Maria $78 (rm & b
Pacific Grove Asilomar Conference $66 (rm & brd)
Brooksville, FL
El Paso, TX
Detroit, MI Mercy Center
Chicago, IL
San Diego, CA
Virginia The Center
Seattle, WA
San Francisco
Virginia The Center
Seattle Lake Wilderness Conference Center
Fee: about $700 (includes rm & b
Virginia The Center
Monterey Pacific Grove
Virginia The Center
Virginia The Center
There are additional workshops scheduled in other areas
Philadelphia, Louisiana, Chicago, Utah, and Denver. For
.special dates, please call or write our West coast office,
at (415) 668-2677. For programs at The Center, please
call (703) 456-8166.
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210029-1