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4. 11 - r 0 pproved For RelA ease 2000/08/08% 'CIA=RbP96-00788R001700150008-1 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY I fuC,L DELEW-I-L US ARMY viiit ECTRONICS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMAND US ARMY ELECTRONIC WARFARE 3..ASCIRATORY INTELLIGENCE MATERIEL DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT OFFICE FORT GEORGE G. MEADE. MARYLAND LOS SRI-International 333 Ravenswood Avenue Menlo Park, California 94025 Gentlemen: NOV 07 1983 This .Letter Order Number 18 constitutes a US Government contract for services listed in the enclosures below. Statement of Work Cost ESU 83-134 (Enclosure 1) $119,998 ESU 63-144 (Enclosure 2) 174,945 ESU 83-145 (Enclosure 3) 69,997 ESU 83-147 (Enclosure 4) 64,990 ESU 83-148 (Enclosure 5) 39.,995 $469,925 These Statements of Work will be performed to the specifications and terms listed below: Security Classification Work performed will be protected under the US Army Special Access Program "CENTER LANE." A Security Classification Guide and Security Procedures Guide is included at Enclosure 6. All correspondence, documents, communications, or references will be executed within that classification. TOTAL COST The SRI-International Security Officer will furnish the Contracting Officer Technical Representative (COTR) a list of \\j d,JNARNi NG NOTICE! SPECIAL ACCESS PRr)GIR RESTRICT Tt-OSE UT:i VERIFIED AC.'31:.1K".., CATEGORY p , Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700150008-1 , - Approved For Retease.20 RDP96-00788R001700150008-1 SRI-International personnel cleared for access to CENTER LANE in'formation. Under no circumstances shall this list be changed without prior approval of the COTR. Contracting Officer Technical Representative Lieutenant Colonel Brian Buzby SSPD, SSD, 902d MI Gp ATTN: IAGPA-F-SD Fort Meade, Maryland 20755 (301) 677-2656 Human Use Participation in Project CENTER LANE has been designated as a "Human Use" activity by the governing agency. Acceptance of this Letter Order indicates SRI-International's intention to abide by all applicable requirements of Procedure 13, DoD Directive 5240.1-R (Dec 1982), and Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Health and Human Sefvices, 45 CFR 46, (8 March 1983). Requirements concerning the use of human subjects are at enclosure 7. Contract Price The firm, fixed, best-effort price for this Letter Order is $469,925. Terms of Payment Payment will be made in full to SRI-International, 333 Ravenswood Avenue, Menlo Park, Califorina 94025, upon acceptance of this Letter Order. Delivery Schedule Delivery will be as specified in Statements of Work for training and within 12 months from acceptance of this Letter Order for research studies. 7 inclosures as stated Acceptance by SRI-1 ernational: Dated: Approved For Release 2000/08/ MES C. B-'1WNL Department of the Army Civilian Intelligence Material Development and Support Office 2 96-00788R001700150008-1 MANI: : pa' Apoyed, For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700150008-1 ,S1V, ,.?,/r,.....,,t,j.`3.11raet.,1.0.11104tIOW?MuJe.t0M110611J.J....0,.....,[1,61.139.a.lnitta&J90111M, ci,,,,,^1i,10001,1d(41111#10,10, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 'ONTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICATION X THIS SPECIFNCATION IS FOR: PRIME CONTRACT ha SU CON T R AC T (Vas item /5 for subcontracting beyond Sis*Ond -- c? REQUEST FOR BID, REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL OR REQ FOR QUOTATION ? I. this a follow-on contract? I. j Yea Nil No. If YES, complete the fallowing: 1. 1 HE REQUIREMENTS OF APPLY TO ALL. SECURIT EFFORT. THE FACILITY ? CONTRACT NUMBER OR OTHER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (Prime contracts must be shown fors/I subcontracts) a. PRIME CONTRACT NUMBER b, FIRST TIER SUBCObITRACT O. C. IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE: TO BE COMPLETED (Estimated) THE DOD INDUSTRIAL SECURITY MANUAL Y ASPECTS OF THIS CLEARANCE REQUIRED IS: 11611111.1111111 THIS SPECIFICATION IS: (Sea "NOTE" below. if Item it O c Si "l('d", elan enter defy for !tern a) *. 15 Jan B5 0 ril GIN AL (Complete dare in nil cases) b, REVISED REVISION DATE (nupersadee to. :gzhvg11.. C EWE DATE s. DATE C FINAL DATE b. a Accountability for classified material on preceding contract PRECELPNG CONTRACT NUMBER DATE COMPLETE? 11Ia LiIs not, transferred to this follow-on contract. Name. Address & Zip Code of Prime Contractor * b. ESC Number SRI International 333 Ravenswood Ave Menlo Park CA 94025 Name, Address & Zip Code of First Tier Subcontractor * b. FSC Number N/A ? Name, Address at Zip Code of Second Tier Subcontractor, or faciIity associated with IFS, RFP OR RFQ N/A F). Esc Number C . Name-. Arldre;s. es Zip C0k10 of Cognizant Security Office --- Santa Clara Field Office, DIS Suite 300, 900 Lafayette St Santa Clara, CA 95050 c. Name, Address 6c. 7.1p Code or Cognizant Security Office ? --.....- c. Nome, Address & Zip Code of Cognizard Security OfficTS When actual performance is at a location other than that specified, identify such other location I Item 15. .-- o. General identification of the Procurement for which this specificatior: applies --- b. 15T;57015i41];a7irg157,3711TRZWITAii identified in Item 16d. Intelligence Study/Analysis Are there additional security requirements established in accordance with paragraph 1-lid or I-115. ISR I 1)(CS I No. If YES, identify the pertinent contractual documents in Item 15. Are any elements of this contraft outside the :nspection respi3nsibil it y the cognizant security office, II em 15 and identify specific areas or eternents. ACCESS REQUIREMENTS YES Access to Classified Information Only M other contractor/Government activities. Feceipt of classified documents or other material It reference only (no generation). ept and generation of classified documents or other material. Fabrication/Modification/Storage of classified hardware. _ C.raphic arts services only. _? Access to IPO Iniarinstion. ..... &cress to RESTRICTED DATA. Access to cla?sified COMSEC information. . Cryptographic Access Authorization required. Refer ail questions pertaining to contract security classification ft )ec icaf ion to the official named below (NORMALLY, into ACO (18:11 1-6e); EmERGENCY, direct with written record of inquiry and response to ACO) (duo Prime contractor for subcontracts). - Tee classification guidance conlained in this specification and attachments referenced hereinis complete and adequate. - ----_?_----- Typed name, title and signature of program/project manager or other e. Activity name. address, Zip Code, telephone numbei 0 n d office symbol nated.offic lei 1 I Ycs No. a YES. explain in ACCESS REQUIREMENTS (Confirined) j. ACCGSZ to SENSITIVE COMPARTMENTED INFORMATION. k. Access to other Special Access Program information (Specify in item 1. Access to U. S. classified information outside the U. S. P..intima Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, IL S. Pos.:est:Ions rind Trust Territories. tn. Defense Documentation Center or Defense information Analysis Center Services may be requested, Ii, Classified ADP processing will be involved. 0. REMARKS: YES BRIAN BU BY14i SSPD, SSD 902d MI GP LTcQ.1rV I Fort Meade MD 20755 Original Specification (few* as) la authority tor contractors to mark claseilied in7artottr1on. Revised and Pi?nal Specdications (Berns Sb end c) ars authority for contractors to remark the regraded classified information. Such action& by contractors shell be taken in accordance with the provisions of ths fnduetrial Security Manual. eavassasessairemansseesr !KA FORM 1 JAN id a.."P Approvedomir Rd I edge 2600108/0er 9.? e4A-RED P3640074884R0010700-15oo08-1 SGFOIA3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700150008-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700150008-1