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Publication Date: 
December 10, 1985
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700030002-0 DT??S 10 December 1985 SUBJECT: Conversation via Telephone with Puthoff 1. The following is a general summary of a conversation between SG1J Hal Puthoff and 1100 hours, 1.0 December 1985, concerning a news reporter-Is conversation and attempted elicitation of information from Russel Targ, on or about 9 December 1985: Carol Murphy, of the Washington Post, working on behalf of (FNtJ) Babcock, an investigative reporter affiliated with the Post for 10 years, contacted Tara, requesting information about GRILL FLAME at SRI-I, which was known by her to have been in effect for 15 years. Targ confirmed the program, declined to talk further about it, but did concede it was still in operation. Murphy was aware that Targ & Puthoff had left the program, & wanted to know who was running it. Targ said Ed May was. Murphy stated she was particularly interested in the "Ft. Meade Program," the one Gen. Stubbl.ebine had overseen, had "taken over after Watt had left and Jachim took over," sometime "after the program emphasis shifted from Vorona at DIA to Army." She believed it was a "big activity" at Ft. Meade, in cooperation with Walter Reed, and involved training people at Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences just like SRI is training people at Ft. Meade. She mentioned that Stubblebine was an "ally" who had taken over to help "get around the Perry memorandum," in helping the program to continue. She wanted to know why the program was classified. Targ declined to say. Was it because "they" were "afraid of the Golden Fleece?" she wanted to know. Targ said yes. Puthoff stated that Targ had told him that Murphy had not mentioned any other project-connected names other than those listed above, and that Puthoff had in fact directly asked if any other names were mentioned, whether of viewers or project officers, and used as an example name. Targq responded in the negative. SG1J Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700030002-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700030002-0 The balance of the information disclosed by Murphy was apparently extracted from previous Jack Anderson articles. She wanted to know who the viewer was that was involved in the Backfire bomber incident, and apparently knew of the "Peanuts" briefing. Targ reportedly provided no further information. When asked the' purpose of her information search, Murphy responded that it was for an article Babcock was writing, intended to be released around the "beginning of next week" (15 thru 21 Dec 85). Puthoff was queried as to whether Targ had mentioned specific contracts or contract funding amounts provided by the reporter. He responded that Targ had not mentioned anything, but that he had not asked that specific question, either. Puthoff further stated that he suspected the information could only have been obtained from some East Coast source, as some of the new information was not known by anyone on the West Coast. 2. Puthoff was to attempt to obtain more information at the SRI-I offices during the day, and would contact or would be contacted by this office later on 10 December 1985, /? WILLIAM G. RAY MAJ, MI Ch, SSPD Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700030002-0