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Document Release Date: 
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Approved For Release 200 INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM CLASSIFIED BY: MSG, DAPII-ISH 0516302 JUL78 REVIEW ON: u K t ;10 01. GRILL FLAME NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS 788R001400570001-5 Approved For Release 2 DP96-00788 R001400570001-5 Approved For Release 200 DP96-00788R001400570001-5 SUMMARY ANALYSIS REMOTE VIEWING SESSION #918 1. (S/NOFORN) This report provides documentation of a remote viewing session conducted for training purposes only. 2. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in document.GRILL FLAME Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 3. (S/NOFORN) Post session analysis on target viewing was not possible at this time. The viewer's attitude was positive. 4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings and a narrative reference his perceptions. NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Release 2000/ -00788R001400570001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/0V 1l1 96-00788 R001400570001-5 TRANSCRIPT REMOTE VIEWING SESSION #918 #66: This will be remote viewing. session for 1400 hours 2 June 1982. Following is a pre-session briefing to the remote viewer. At this.time I provide you with a. sealed envelope containing a photograph-of an individual. This is a search problem.on which we have been working. Your for today will be 1 June.1982, 1`June 1982. Your task event is to locate the individual in the photograph in the envelope, locate him on 1 June.1982 and then describe his location tome. Do you have any questions about your task for today? #25: Any particular time? #66: The time of 1 June should be sufficient until we get into the session and then we may move around during the day. But the 1.June time window that 24 hour period, which is known as 1 June 1982, should be sufficient. Any other questions? #25: No. #66: All right. Then prepare yourself then for today's task. Relax, relax, relax and let go of all your worries and concerns. For it's time to focus your attention solely and completely on today's target. So relax. Relax your body and open your mind. Focus now. See in your mind, the individual in the photograph. Move your perceptions now with your mind through time and space to 1..June 1982. Think only of the individual, only of the individual in the photograph. Relax, let go, perceive. Moving through time.and space to 1 June 1982, the location of the individual. Observe now, you are the observer. Relax. #25: I have a memory trace. Tennessee River, boats, boat harbor, bridge. #66: your mind. the individual and describe his immediate surroundings to me. #25: I don't know, sliding doors, dark, daytime, in the room, damp feeling, musty smell. but it's dark #66: Focus on the individual and describe his activity to me. Approved For Release 2 DP96-00788R001400570001-5 Approved For Release 200 P96-00788R001400570001-5 #25: Memory trace of a basemen ,down, white....can't tell, sewing, don't think that's right, something like sewing. #66: Describe this room to me. #25: Long, longer than it is wide, feels like a motel room, all purpose room. #66: Colored? #25: I. can't seem. to single one~ou , all of them are coming together, blues, oranges and brown patterns. #66: Move outside and above and describe the building in which this room is located. #25: Long building, concrete block. #66: And the surrounding area? #25: . Trees. #66: Describe the size of the building. #25: Over again, they!re in the drawings, and I can't think. Ten1imes lengths, length is 10 times the width. #66: Move back into the room now, Move back into the room and as you move to the room, describe how you arrived there. #25: I got a river again. Two story building, I went to the roof. #66: All right. Move back up through the roof, high above, high above, now up to satellite view, looking down at the target, describe its location to me. #25: Overlay, T.V (mumble) #66: Describe. #25: Florida, sticking out in the (mumble) off Florida. #66: Now, from your altitude, dive, dive at the target. #25: Target sounds severe. #66: Describe the area within 100 miles of the target, describe the surrounding area within 100 miles of the target. #25: Mountains, snakey type river, viny plants below, mountains, rural area, out in the open, farmer, not used land, two cities, big, now I keep having overlay, this time Alabama, northern Alabama, Huntsville, Decater. Approved For Release 20 ,ft l WlA-RDP96-00788 R001400570001-5 Approved For Release 2000/ P96-00788R001400570001-5 #66: Okay. Focus now back on the room. Move back to the building, and move into the room. Describe it to me. #25: Right now, we have some equipment in the room. #66: Describe. #25: Like teletypes, it's like a..... Work area, b,ig gtay boxes , t:hey:cgvercrmachines #66: Okay, now stand on the roof, Move up and stand on the roof. Describe the most promineiit terrain feature. #25: Lawn big. My headache's better. Fair size, mountain area all under cover, sticks up. #66: Stand on it. Move to the top of hill. How can I best find this hill? #25: I'm not getting anything. #66: All right. #25; Name of a Redstone, but I think I had an imagery of Redstone, the arsenal in Alabama. Overlay. #66: Let'.s concentrate now on today's target. Just relax now, relax and regain control of your perceptions. Take a few moments to relax, relax, relax. It's time now to move beyond the confines of my questions, beyond the limits of your descriptions. Focusing on the individual in his location of 1 June 19B2. Expand, observe, discover the name of this place. #25: I just get overlay from Decater. Everytime you say target, I the boat harbor and the pier, on the Tennessee River. :It's like one shore is way higher than the other one, buildings, brick buildings are up there. #66: All right. Now listen very carefully to the sound of my voice. Listen very carefully to the sound of my voice. We will now assume that the perceptions are coming through correctly and that you've processed them to a familiar place in your memory. Tell yourself, communicate with your own mind, your higher self, that you are willing to accept the information and it is not necessary for memory to interfere. Go now, and report this place you are perceiving. #25: Low land..lots of water, shacks , (mumble) round to the left, '(mumble) (mumbld) Indian head penny.. Approved For Release 2000/Q8 896-00788 R001400570001-5 Approved For Release 200 P96-00788R001400570001-5 #66: Go on. #25: Metals, !mumbles) not precious metals, iron and capper. Lcw 'n-d- are shaped like cask ts.........Second time;Ifelt bad about that ...(mumble),..I don't feel good, sick feeling. #66: Describe your visuals. #25: Got..':sorle( stepping, back, blocking everything. I don't want to ...that's it. #66: Okay. Return to the perceptions of the place by the water. Ask yourself, ask.your higher self to print the name of this place for you. #25: F-R-E-L-A-N-D...I don't know about the "L" or about the L-A-N-D. I, Eie:el , . I just felt I had. #66: Read the printing to me. PAUSE #25: I'm not getting anything. Images of Ft Meade. #66: Okay. #25: That's all I can add. #66: I. have no further questions concerning the target. Let's now prepare to draw the images that you have.had. Approved For Release 200 00788R001400570001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400570001-5 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400570001-5 Approved For Release 20 DRAWING NARRATIVE :00788R001400570001-5 REMOTE VIEWING SESSION #918 #25: Okay. The description of the drawings follow. Drawing #1 is an area that I described during the session, is the boat, harbor area, the little, sort of.oval shaped things, squared sides are the boat houses, that later reminded me of casket like things. I mean they are all over the place and there are more there.than I.drew. They're inland too, on this road and little man made peninsula. This also got them in there too. I don't know if that's cars or not. You would. think that's where people would park their cars, if that were a boat harbor, with water all around it, with a road going by', with water on both sides of the road, water on three sides of the roads. Any questions about that? #66: No. #25: Drawing #2 is the building that was longer than it was wide. It 10 times longer than it was wide. It had a gray colored. It had a first floor and a second floor. The first floor didn't seem to extend all the way out to, I mean the second the second floor didn't extend the distance of the first floor. I had the idea it was conete block, painted a light color. I don't know what color. That's the building I saw when I went outside the room. Drawing #3 is the impression of the all prpose room, without any of the fixtures, that I saw, which I thought were all overlay, near the glass doors at the end and I feel like now, that maybe now, that the glass doors are too big, now.that there is more of a wall there and the glass doors are considerably smaller . And if that's true, then that would make that room look smaller. So I really don't know how that looks, to me now. #66: Okay. At one time I asked you to try to associate a name with this whole target place you were perceiving. #25: Yes, I'll spell that again, so that, because it probably wasn't clear in the session. F-R-E-L-A-N-D, freland, I guess that's the way to pronounce it. It may have lettersmissing and it may not.Being there, and I felt like, during the session the maybe the L-A-N-D was just a fill in the blanks thing, where it was created by overlay, where my mind filled in the blanks for that, because I didn't have an ending to it. Approved For Release 20 0788R001400570001-5 Approved For Release 200 P96-00788 R001400570001-5 #66: But you have confidence in F-R-E? #25: I think so. And then, you know confidence in L-A-N-D too, is not completely dismissed, you know I couldn't really tell about it. #66: Okay. Anything else? #25: No. Approved For Release P96-00788R001400570001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400570001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96 Approved For Release 20bO/O8/O7 : CIA-RDP96-00788 R001400570001-5 Approved For 'Release 20001'8/07 : CIA-RD 6-00788R001400570001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400570001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400570001-5