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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
April 30, 1982
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788RO01400420001-1 INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM GRILL FLAME CLASSIFIED BY: MSG, DAMI-ISH 051630Z JUL78 REVIEW ON. CIA, 2a Q_fl ~,.. 19 Approved For Release 200 RDP96-OO788ROO14OO42OOO1-1 Approved For Release 20 ll. IA-RDP96-00788 R001400420001-1 SUMMARY ANALYSIS REMOTE VIEWING SESSION #898 1. (S/NOFO.RN) This report provides documentation of a remote viewing session conducted for training purposes only. 2. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in document GRILL FLAME Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 3. (S/NOFORN) Post session analysis on target viewing indicates the viewer had some correlation. However, the viewer's attitude was not positive. 4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. Target cuing was a sealed envelope containing a photograph of an individual. NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Rele CIA-RDP96-00788R001400420001-1 Approved For Releas IA-RDP96-00788RO01 400420001 -1 TRANSCRIPT REMOTE VIEWING SESSION # 898 #66: This will be a remote viewing session for 0900 hours 30 April 1982. This is a pre-session briefing to the remote viewer. For today's session, I have provided-you with a sealed envelope containing a photograph of an individual. This is the same envelope you have had in previous sessions. Your task for this morning will be to locate the individual in the photograph, for the time period of e-=6. You'll be asked to focus on the time period 20 December 1976 and the individual in the photograph in the sealed envelope I've giaen you. Your task will be to describe his surroundings. Do you have any questions concerning your task for today? #63: No. #66: All right then. We have just about 5 or 6 minutes to prepare for your session today. Relax now, relax and concentrate on the individual in the photograph I have provided you. Concentrate on the individual in the photograph. Move your perception through time to 20 December 1976, 20 December 1976. Holding your perceptions in 20 December 1976, focus on the individual in the photograph. Find him and describe his location to me. #63: Outdoors, airdome, many buildings around, warm area. #66: Focus now on 20 December 1976, 20 December 1976 and describe the individual's immediate surroundings. PAUSE #63: Getting several-things. #66: Describe. #63: Still have a dome, seem to have the same house I had yesterday too. Don't know which is overlay. #66: Okay. Throw them both away. Focus on 20 December 1976. Think only of the individual, picture him in your mind. Move to his location 20 December 9176 and describe your perceptions to me. Approved For Release 2000/ 00788R001400420001-1 Approved For Releas W t I J e ce g, a feeling it's all Abu? ing, 1 a del or RDP96-00788R001400420001-1 with wood paneled walls, 't ilin ings. I have #66: Think only of 20 December '76 and describe this 19 individual's primary activity this day, 20 December 91'76. #63: Outdoors, city street, store fronts, and walking on the sidewalk, people, traffic, people wearing coats, not heavily bundled though. Christmas shopping, overlay. #66: Okay. Move to later in the day and describe his principal activity after this. #63: Moving, walking, like stereotype hallway, in a low brown building. #66: Describe his dress. #63: Earlier, I had him in gray coat and white shirt, may have been a suit coat. #66: And now in this building, do you have him? #63: It's cool, don't know what he's wearing, but it's cool. #66: All right. Now, widening the time window, widening the time window to Plus and minus two days, widening the time window to plus and minus two days, focus on this individual, focus closely on this individual and describe his primary concern during this time, December 9176. PAUSE #63: Busy, moving, still halve older city, lots of people. #66: Okay. #63: #66: And now focus even tighter, even tighter and describe what he is worried about. #63: Glimpse of inside a church. Someone dressed in white, like a priest, other people in building too. #66: All right. Now focus back on the 20th of December. Move to the evening hours, 1800 hours 20 December 1976, 1800 hours 20 December 1976 and describe his immediate surroundings to me. 2 Approved For Release 2000/08/ ; fi 96-00788R001400420001-1 Approved For Rele DP96-00788R001400420001-1 #63: He's sitting down and there's something going on in front of him, to the TV or he's looking out the window of a car, sitting in a car. And he's observing,. I think he's in ad!TwRMV-L1 . fn #66: : Okay. Describe the area around the car. #63: Older part of a city , block buildings, trees and grass in the area. #66: Okay. #63: Residential area, .....see a light brown building, textured surface, like block with stucco on it. #66: Okay. Now move to 10:00 PM , 10:00 Pm 20 December 1976 and describe his immediate surroundings to me. #63: Square table, chairs around the table, tablecloth. #66: Is he alone here? #63: I don't see other people, but I feel like there are see him It' a lot of eyes, Ircandonly looktaway from him. like I'm his y #66: I have no further questions concerning the time window 20 December 1976. If you have any comments concerning the perceptions you've had in this time window, now t . is the opportunity to commen PAUSE #63: Fe M ely, kind of gloomly, as though he i #66: Okay. #63: He feels he's by himself. #66: Okay ......Rise high above his location of 20 December 1976, look down on this area and describe. 20 December~9 76. #63: It's _ Ind 1 #66: All right. Hoffeto now, the r~ghthobliquenandf describe,left oblique and #63: Trees, not high, feel like frdit trees, seems to appear evenly spaced, like an orchard. #66: Higher still. And Now looking ?out at the ac#age below you, describe this scene Approved For Release 2000/0 788R001400420001-1 Approved For Release 200 #63: 96-00788R001400420001-1 #66: Ask yourself, at this scene you are looking, at1this scene, ask yourself, what is the Significant characteristic that identifies this scene? Ask yourself and describe your perception to me. #63: I have overlay of tall, pointed building, like the Empire State Building or something. Let me get rid of that ...... grass and trees. #66: Okay. And now, what particular man made structure identifies this place for you? Ask yourself, what specific man made structure identifies this place for you. #63: Tall building, like pillar, like Washington Monument shape, sitting by itself. #66: Okay. #63: Circular pattern under it. #66: Now looking at this scene again below you, this scene again below you, ask yourself, what is the principal activity that goes on in this area below you? What is the principal activity in this area below you? #63: Sightseeing, I guess, cause I have him walking again, looking around and seeing lots of stuff. #66: Okay. That may be his particualr activity, but of the place itself, of the area itself, Let me rephrase my question. What is this place known for, best known for, so I may locate it, what is it best known for? #63: (mumble) of a beach, or water rather, but I don't think that's right. #66: Okay, any further impression? #63: I don't know how you can use that. #66: Okay. Return your peceptions now from 20 December 1976 to the present to the sound of my voice here in the room. Focus your attention now on the sound of my voice here in the room to the present time. Approved For Release 2000/0 -00788 R001400420001-1