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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
April 15, 1982
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00788R001400340001-0.pdf154.3 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM 6-00788RO01 400340001 -0 CLASSIFIED BY: MSG, DAMI-ISH 0516302 JUL78 REVIEW ON: t NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS GRILL FLAME Approved For Release 2000/08/ - 0788 R001400340001-0 CF1 rT Approved For Release 2000/0 , ? 6-00788 R001400340001-0 SUMMARY ANALYSIS REMOTE VIEWING SESSION 890 1. (S/NOFORN) This report provides documentation of a remote viewing session conducted for training purposes only. 2. (S/NOFORN) The protocol Prused for this otocol, AMSAASAppl~ediRemoteiled in the document GRILL Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 3. (S/NOFORN) Post session analysis on target viewing indicates the viewer had very little or no correlation. 4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. Target cuing was a sealed envelope containing a photograph of an individual. NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788RO01 400340001 -0 Approved For Release 2000/ P96-00788RO01 400340001 -0 TRANSCRIPT REMOTE VIEWING SESSION # 890 #66: This will be a remote viewing session 0900 hours, 15 April,l982. The following is a pre-session briefing to the remote viewer. At this time I provide you with an envelope. On the front of the envelope are some targeting dates, which you don't have to pay attention to. This is a search problem. graph roblem In this envelope is a photograph, is a 4X5 polaroid photograph of an individual. Our task will be to locate him on 27 March 1970. The picture of this individual was taken in the 1967-68 A-C time frame. So I`use this picture to focus on this individual's location on 27 March, 1970. Do you have any questions concerning your task for this morning? #32': No #66: All right, fine Let's prepare yourself then for this morning's session. Relax and concentrate now. Let's focus your attention solely and completely on the individual in the photograph in the sealed envelope I've provided you. Focus solely and completely on him, solely and completely. Free yourself now to move through space and time through space and time to 27 March, 1970, 27 March , 1970. You now can do and be with all your perceptors in 27 March, 1970. Focusing your attention now on the individual in the envelope, 27 March, 1970, describe his location to me. PAUSE #32: Okay, the first quick impression is one of kind of, I don't what the word is , but there's umpteen spires, like a.... #66: Okay that's fine. Relax now and concentrate, relax now concentrate solely on the individual in the envelope and the sound of my voice. Focus now on 27 March, 1970. Remember it's not necessary to be conversational. It's not necessary to understand what you're perceiving. Briefly, spontaneously, one,two and three word descriptions of the perceptions of the location on 27 March, 1970. Focus now on the target. Wait for the imagery and describe. PAUSE #32: Now..... Citadel...there's a sidewalk and then there is a tall cement building, there's a lamp post and then it's just a huge official building, with many stairs, many cement stairs. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-(~7#,B900340001-0 NOT RET,EASABIIE T'0 FQnl Approved For Release 2000/08/ 96-00788R001400340001-0 #66: Describe the time of day you're perceiving in. #32: It's ...2:00 o'clock. #66: All right. Move to the evening hours, move to the h evening n ours hours, move through that day to the evening o 27 March, 1970. Relax now, relax and wait for the imagery i in the evening of 27 March, 1970. Relax. Let go, ve. perce #32: There's a bar or a restaurant, something about a person dressed up like a, like a, like a male Spanish dancer with Spanish black hat, Spanish vest and trousers. This has to do with entertainment (mumble). #66: Describe your surroundings to me. #32: It's on the ground floor, a tall building, probably a hotel I guess, I don't know. #66: Describe the structure to me. #32: Be like a Hilton. #66: Okay. Move now to 11:00PM, 11:00 PM, 27 March, 1970. Move to 11:00 PM, 27 March, 1970. and describe the individual's location to me. PAUSE #32: I just see him in..a white shirt, there's no dinner jacket. I'm seeing the whole atmosphere as one of informality. This man feels obligated to the nights. It's a meeting type atmosphere. #66: Describe your surroundings. #32: It's a, again it's a...huge motel room it looks like. I can see an imression that he's wining and.dining with somebody all alone. He wants to be informal, tries to give the feeling of being informal. It's done for a very business like purpose. #66: All right, fine. I have no other questions concerning the target or 27 March, 1970, however, I would like to provide you the opportunity to comment in that time window. Do so now. #32: Yes. Always the impression that he's kind of the host, it's like the meeting being conducted in somebody else's area and he's entertaining them in their area. I don't have anything else. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 -00788 R001400340001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400340001-0 #66: Okay, fine. Focus your attention back to the present time. back to my voice in the room here. Approved For Release 2000/08/0T TTA-RDP96-00788 R001400340001-0