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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 SECRET INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM SESSION REPORT CLASSIFIED BY: MSG, DAMI-ISH 051630Z JUL78 REVIEW ON: '1".tetA.--e-4!-- NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS ORCON GRILL FLAME Approved For Release 21000111/05.,3stixst:sii, yotpcta(FgeknO1400220001-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 SUMMARY ANALYSIS REMOTE VIEWING SESSION 872 1. (S/NOFORN) This report provides documentation of a remote viewing session conducted for training purposes only. 2. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in document GRILL FLAME Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 3. (S/NOFORN)_ Post session analysis on target viewing indicates the viewer had a considerable amount of correlation. Attention is invited to Report 871 on the same target. The viewer's attitude was positive. 4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings and narrative made by the viewer. At TAB B is target cuing information. Also included is available target data. -SECRET Approved For Release 2001103107.1131XRDP961 IN4q M/400220001-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/ 96-00788R001400220001-3 TRANSCRIPT REMOTE VIEWING SESSION 872 #66: This will be a remote viewing session for 1400 hours, 9 March 1982. Relax now, relax, relax and concentrate solely and completely on the target for this afternoon: 35 degrees, 50 minutes, 15 seconds South 151 degrees, 10 minutes, 30 seconds East Focus solely, accurately, completely on today's target...focus on the target, concentrate now and describe the target to me. PAUSE #25: See island, circle Palm trees... aerial view...bunch of small islands Caribbean #66: Focus now on the target in question. Move closer now, focusing closer and describe the selected target to me. #25: A's a Palm tree or a pole... ne pole. See a (mumble) shape, reach.. Corregated...metal shack up here. #66: #25: (Mumble)...and on the beach. #66: #25: #66: #25: Road....drain, drain pipe. #66: Describe your position of observation. Are you. alone? Someone behind me. Describe the activity around you. Describe the activity around you. Approved For Release Qc paooi 400220001-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 DP96-00788R001400220001-3 16, #25: #66: #25: #66: I'm getting a vague impression of soldier. Describe impression to me., boy...Spanish...linguist........ (mumble)uniform, green fatigues Move up over the target 100 feet, 200 feet and look down and describe the area to me. #25: Road...overhead to the north...water on my right on my left (mumble) #66: I have no further questions about this target. However, I would like to allow you some time to explore and comment as you find necessary.. Proceed. PAUSE #25: I wonder if it's a small strip of land and part of a bigger piece (mumble) That's it. #66: Okay. Remembering now everything that you have perceived let's prepare now to draw the images you have had. g Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 TAB Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 SECRET REMOTE VIEWING SESSION 872 (DRAWING NARRATIVE) #25: The following is a description of the drawings. Drawing 1 is an overhead view of the...that I got earlier in the session and at the end of the session also. That is, that the target is an: island or a part of a..or a peninsula which is part of another large land m,as,s_u,a thin strip of 1?nd Tria-s-ssixfzied_by-wer, somewhere in the-taribbeanarea or down south It seemed to be directly south oTTny feet as I use them as the site for where it was,it'd water and land are indicated with an island or peninsula where the target indicated as a group. Not nec- essarily (noise in tape unable to hear) one island. Yet, I seem to have drawn it to that one little bittie island that I've drawn here in pencil. I had two problems with overlay that caused me here. ......I went to a place I knew. in Florida that probably looks like the target...something like it. Reminded me...the target reminded me of #66: Tell me some of those descriptors that make you say that. #25: Uh, the covejAin9 which I'll get into in the next drawings. Drawing 2 is an overhead shot of the cove or a smal 1 12.1L,.. and it had a tropical c3ijasitv_I,?Lifl wls.....9_01157? It was not giny'. It gas, there was very little activity there. This cove that I've drawn here has some of the characteristics and shapes to Palm Bay, Florida, which is near my home where I grew up.....which makes me think that part of it might be overlay. But it definitely has to do with water, I think, the target does. #66: Again, if I understand this, you see something and now...was it during the session that you recognized that you had a memory problem with something that you knew or is it now that you're recognizing it? Approved ForRelease2001F3WrIATD? g=6;100111 400220001-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/0 6-00788R001400220001-3 #25: No. It was during the session. That's why I didn't report. The road here is definitely there in Florida in relationship to the cove. I hesitated to draw it in here, and I hesitated to report it in the session. I don't know if I did or not. I believe I did. But, anything else that I could recall from memory, I knew it was memory, I didn't report. Such as the store nearby here, another road that comes into T at the...right at the cove. A hill mass over here and a hill mass over here on either side of the cove. Those things, I thought were overlay. But, I did get an impression that looking out through pieces of land that almost came together but that were not together that was water separated them and I looked out through those. I don't think that was necessarily (mumble)... The 'pier and the tin shack which I've drawn here, aNtr?r-t1 label tin shack... I don't think that was overlay. Because, I'm trying my best to remember....actuality of Florida, but they're not there, I don't believe.. And, it's like a little tin shack corregated...metal, and .I say tin shack, but, it's actually corregated metal out on the pier. In this drawing I've indicated a pole which I could not distinguish between a telephone pole and a Palm tree...and it seemed to have those spikes, those metal spikes coming up out of it..... like you would use to climb a telephone pole But, it also had the texture of a Palm tree which made me think it was a Palm tree. So, I couldn't tell. So,. I just gave up on trying to distinguish that. The star in drawing 2 is where I felt the presence of the soldier. When you asked me what activity was going on, I could see nothing but I felt like something was going on and that someone was behind me....something was going on behind me. So, I kept trying to locate the person that I knew was behind me that I also knew was a soldier. I finally saw...had visual type images...I think...I must have created from impressions that I don't recall of an individual who was young, wore green colored clothes and had a rifle. And, he had a function there and it was not one of pleasure. He was doing it for fun. He wasn't there for fun. He was working there. #66: Okay. Approved For Release 2001/03/07: 0788R001400220001-3 Approved For Release 2001/0 6-00788R001400220001-3 #25: Drawing number 3 is an attempt to draw a perspective of drawing number 2 with the shack indicated the young soldier, the beach, the cove...I'll label this funny looking ttlirg?trere aTTIM?tree because I saw sort of a vague tree line, but it was sparce and not thick, except real near the ground it was thick. #66: Okay. #25: And the road is also indicated there which I now sincerely believe was overlay. #66: Okay. So, you say you had some overlay problems because in some of the things that you saw you thought you were seeing a bay that you remember growing up in Florida. #25: Uh-huh. #66: How do you feel about this session as far as your ability to concentrate and the type of imagery that you have. What emotional feeling do you have about this session? #25: Well, I had a lot of problems_with oyerlay, but I felt lilce---1-5,1H-6151e-to tell what was overlay and what wasn't overlay today.) And, so, therefore, I do believe that the tarce is rQi?,4101 aal island or a peninsula or...wha o you call a strip of ...c ntine ...amaiac,s. of a continent that goes... like intra1 America, Panama type area then piece of lAnsLwi h a lot of wat.p,r_around_jk.. I had some problem nirerfay'ating afa couple of points in the session, but that was noise, I think that just caught my attention here, and distracted me to here. I felt like some of the... when I was able to concentrate, the quality impressions seemed clearer today. #66: No other comments? #25: No other comments. #66: Okay. Fine. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 4), ifs-rx:4 c_ \ Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 4), ifs-rx:4 c_ \ Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 TAB Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 CPYRGH_Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 Sydney and vicinity S4Dt*sl- anly North Head Middle Harbc South Head Unction ondi ?? SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN Captain Cook Obelisk Bate Bay port )1 ? de a ng Yellow shows built-up areas. Open areas in gray. 0 KILOMETERS 5 0 STATUTE MILES 5 DRAWN BY JANE WOLFE COMPILED BY GUNARS J. RUTINS NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC ART DIVISION Home to one in five Australians, Sydney? capital of prosperous New South Wales on the continent's southeast coast?spills beyond its five-square-mile limits to encompass a greater metropolitan area of more than 1,500 square miles. In 1770 explorer James Cook, sailing from Botany Bay just to the south, bypassed Port Jackson. Eighteen years later Capt. Ar- thur Phillip?after finding Botany Bay un- healthful?explored the more hospitable Port Jackson and discovered the magnificent an- chorage of Sydney Cove. On its shores he founded the convict colony that would ulti- mately burst its chains to become Australia's greatest metropolis. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 ,.,.1?1111111?11I I Wed to the waters of Sydney Cove on the vast bay called Port Jackson, , Sydney crowds the shores of one of the world's most beautiful harbors. CPYRGHApproved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3 a's? so %wow /5/ /0 1 3 I' F43r 0 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400220001-3