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Publication Date:
February 13, 1979
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roved, For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200PQq904-q
ors 13
hr-.~V~U~ 4 t 1,6
M. A. Alhaider (S'71) was born. in Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia, on July 1, 1945. lie received the
B.S. degree En electrical engineering from
Riyadh University, Riyadh, in 1968, and M.S.
degree in electrical engineering from Carnegie-
Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, in 1972. Ile
is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in
electrical engineer
Prom 1968 to 1970 he served on tire,
faculty of Riyadh University as a Laboratory
e 1972 he has been studying
'^ Instructor.
fabrication techniques and the acoustooptic interactions in thin
Bumman Kim was born in Seoul, Korea, in
i?inuary 1947. tic received the li.S. degree in
electronics from Seoul National University,
Seoul, Korea, in 1972, and the M.S. degree in
electrical engineering from University of
Texas, Austin, in 1973. lie is currently pur-
suing the doctoral degree in electrical engineer-
ing at Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh,
PA, With major research interests in the areas
tit tnrnr,turpti,s and optii'al cununnnl;aliun
Harold E. Puthoff (S'59-M'61) was born in
Chicago, IL, on June 20, 1936. lie received the
B.E.E. and M.S.G. degrees from the University
of Florida, Gainesville, in 1958 and 1960, re-
spectively, and the Ph.l). degree from Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, in 1967,
In 1959, he joined the Sperry Electronic
Tube Division, Gainesville, FL, where he did re-
search on electron-beam focusing sYsten.s for
microwave tubes in 1960, he was a comniis-
Navy and was assigned
the U
+' ~? -" stoned officer
to a research organization of the Department of Defense (Ft. Meade,
MD), where lie worked on nonlinear devices and optical components
for use in high-speed computers. in 196ie joined the H sen Lab
ratory of Physics, Stanford University, where lie was engaged in
t t
a ic11) a
on lasers and nonlinear optics, coau
lacrro rics
Dept Inel t
book on lasers, hiuidamcntals of )rripWiley, 1969), and serving on the faculty as Lecturer in the (N %v
of Electrical hngineering. In 1972, he joined the staff of Stanford Re-
search Institute (SRI), Menlo Park, CA, as a Senior Researcher in the
Electronics and Bioengineering Laboratory, where he is presently en-
gaged in research in quantum physics and parapsychological phenomena.
Dr. Puthot'f is a nicniber of Sigma Tau, Sigma Xi, and the Parapsy-
chological Association of the American Association for the Advance-
ment of Science.
David Stepian (A'S2-M'S7-SMl'60-I''62) was
burn in t'itlabrup?h, 1'A, on June 30, 1923. lie
attended the l.iniversily of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, from 1941 to 1943, and received the
M.A. and the Ph.D. degrees, both in phiysics.
from Ilarvard University, Cambridge, MA, in
1946 and 1949, respectively.
In 1943, he entered the U.S. Army and served
in the Signal Corps until 1946. Since 1950, he
has been a member of the Mathentalics Re-
ter of Bell Laboratories, Murray Bill,
~. , ? - larch
NJ. During the academic year 1958-1959, he was a Visiting Mackay
Professor at tire University of California, Berkeley. lie currently is
Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Hawaii, llono-
lulu, and spends every second academic year there on leave from Bell.
lie has worked in it variety of areas of applied mathematics aindfhas
served as Consultant on many Bell Systcur far j Illeld
of interest is information theory.
Dr. Slepian is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the
American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a member of
the Society for industrial and Applied Mathematics, lie has served several
times on the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Information Theory
GI tup, and was Editor of the PtroCeEUINGS of 'tilt: IEEE during 1969
anti 1970.
1.e 'Piing Nguyen was born in Vietnam on
1'cbrn,iry f I , 1949, lie received the B.S. and
\1.5, dern ec in rirrtrical engineering from
('arnri'ie '4"lf .n ()1iv, raity, Pittsburgh, 1'A, in
1971 and 1972, respcctivclY. Ile is currently
working toward the Ph.D, degree in electrical
Since 1972 he has been doing research on sur-
face acoustics Waves line aCnilS(OO ptical devices
for laser communication. Phi,
Mr. Nguyen is a member of Phi Kappa
Tau Beta Pi, and Pi Nu Epsilon.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07
CIA-RDP96-00788 R001200300004-3
Russell Targ (M'63-SM'70) was born in Chicago,
II., on April 11, 1934, lie received the I1.S. de-
gree in physics I'rum Queens College, New York,
NY, in 1954, and did graduate work in physics
at Columbia University, New York.
His early work was done in the development
of the laser and laser communications at micro-
wave frequencies. Ile has contribute([ to the
technology of ultrahigh vacuum and is the in-
ventor of a tunable plasma oscillator at micro-
wave frequencies. His recent laser research
included development of a multikilowatt compact self-contained CO1
laser, together with related techniques to achieve high-power visible
;nul ultraviolet lasers, in 1972, he joined the Stanford Research Insti-
tute (SRI), Menlo Park, CA, as a Senior Research physicist, with a
specialty in lasers and plasma research, as well as parapsychological and
has been professor of Electrical Engineering since 197
research interest include acoustooptics, electrooptics, I.,
tiun technology, surface acoustic waves, integrated
imaging, and wave interactions with moving boundaries
Dr. Tsai is a member of Sigma Xi and the Optical Sol
Jean Van Bladel (M'54-SM'k'
in Antwerp, Belgium, on Ju'
ceived the degree in etc,
from Brussels University, Iir?
1947, and the Ph.D, degree
neering front the University c
son, in 1950.
From 1950 to 1954, he
Radar Laboratory of the
Brussels, and from 1954 to
Washington University, St
the University of Wisconsin. Ile is now Professor
veering at the University of Ghent, Ghent, Bclgiur,
tile Laboratory for Electromagnetism and Acou,'
Client. During the summer of 1974, he was h
Professor at the University of Wisconsin and he i
man of Commission B (Fields and Waves) of the 1'
Scientific Union (URSI).
Chen S. Tsai (M'67) received the B.S. degree
from National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Taiwan, in 1957, the M.S. degree from Utah
State University, Logan, in 1961, and the Ph.D.
degree from Stanford University, Stanford, CA,
in 1966, all in electrical engineering.
Ile was with the Lockheed Research Lahora-
Palo Alto, CA, as a Research Scientist
` 41 . . for .. three and a half years before joining the Dc-
A!L nt of Iaect m..Engineering, L)69- i 1. 1 ,, r...,.i, PA in (969. He
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200300004-3