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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
July 8, 1981
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00788R001100440066-1.pdf82.15 KB
Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-F DP96-q,078BR001100440066-1 ROUTING `AND kNS i*dt SUP 8 Jul 81 TO: (Name, office symbol, room number, building, Agency/Post) COL Kenr)edy-.... Initials Date Z 1G Wilmot & COL Lamb 4. MG Thompson S. 4AJ O'Keefe (ISH) ion FAO Note and Return roval For Clearance Per Conversation. Requested For Correction Prepare Reply irculate For Your Information See Me mment investigate Signature Coordination Justify 1. Ref ZA GRILL FLAME query, attached note. 2. The DoD General Counsel, Mr. Taft, decided that the "human use" issue currently stalling Army participation in GRILL FLAME contracts will be decided as a human use or non-human use issue for all DoD. Army General Counsel was requested to submit a final opinion on the human use issue to DoD ASAP. Mr. Hatch, Office of the AGC, will meet with BG Rapmund, Chief of the Human Subjects Review Board, on 9 Jul to solicit his final determination whether or not Army participation in GRILL FLAME involves human use. BG Rapmund's response will form the basis for the Army GC reply to Mr. Taft. 3. If Mr. Taft rules at the DoD GRILL FLAME effort DO NOT use this form as a R COVRD of approvals, concurrences. disposals. clearances, and similar actions N2 Phone No. 5 allL ONAL FORM 41 (Rev. 7-76) rib.d by `GSA 69B)V8 1100440066-1 Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788RO01100440066-1 does not-involve human use, one of the following cart. occur: a. AGC will accept the ruling, inform the SA and INSCOM money will be sent to DIA for contract of SRI services. b. AGC will not accept the DoD ruling, will inform SA of that fact and will advise ACSI to enter into a unilateral contract with SRI ensuring that the human use requireirents of Procedure 18 are observed. I. The bottom line is, once again, we can expect at least a one week delay in the lawyers trying to resolve an issue they have been grappling with since Nov 80. Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788RO01100440066-1