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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
February 19, 1981
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Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788RO01100440049-0 SECRET SUBJECT: GRILL FLAME Update (U) 19 February 1981 1. (U) Following is an update of GRILL FLAME activities: a. (S) On 18 Feb 81, Bob Schieffer of CBS News asked the DA PAO for information relating to Army activities in the fields of military research and application of psychic phenomena. The Army response will be included in a spot feature to be aired on CBS Evening News. LTC Caggiano of DA PAO was advised by the undersigned that his response S G F OIA3 should be: "DA neither confirms nor denies the report." c. (S) The DIA/DA joint GRILL FLAME contract with the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) is still in limbo. The reason for the limbo status is the inability of the DA General Counsel and the DOD General Counsel to agree whether or not the proposed contract should be coor- dinated as a "human use" issue (see Incl 1 for DA OGC memo to OSD GC concerning this subject). The Army coordinated its participation in GRILL FLAME as a "human use" issue in December 1980. The OSD GC does not believe the proposed contract between DIA/DA and SRI involves "human use". Representatives from the DA 0GC and the OSD CC will meet on 20 Feb 81 to attempt to resolve this impasse. d. (S) Mr. Tim Hatch, GRILL FLAME POC in the DA OGC, requested an update of MG Thompson's views regarding the "human use" issue and the proposed joint contract. On 18 Feb 81, MG Thompson stated the following: SECRET tR1 QtoprA CLASSIFIED BY; T_(c1+ -----ff W2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-007?& 0',@~4i,$9o.I-I~ 2 3 4 5 6 7. 3), Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788RO01100440049-0 SECRET (1) (S) The DECISION MEMORANDUM regarding GRILL FLAME, initialed by the Under Secretary of the Army, dated 24 Dec 80, fully coordinates Army participation in GRILL FLAME UP Section 3, Procedure 18, DOD 5240. 1-R ("human use"). (2) (S) With the "human use" issue resolved within Army, he has no objection to the DOD GRILL FLAME contract being coordinated as a "non-human use" issue. (3) (C) He desires to have Army participate with DIA in a GRILL FLAME contract with SRI. 2. (U) Effective this date, the undersigned assumes DA staff action officer responsibility for GRILL FLAME from MAJ John Hay. 1 Incl NNIS M. O'KEEFE as Major, GS Action Officer, DAMI-ISH SECRET 2 Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788RO01100440049-0