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August 1, 1952
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Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP79-011A000100020163-3 Security Informm .., Official Diary Friday, 1 August 1952 1. Gen. Partridge, acting pursuant to orders by Gen. Bradley, requested CIA's evaluation of the quality, quantity and timeliness of intel- ligence coverage of Bulgaria and Southern Roumania. Had a meeting of the IADs and requested a report from each office by 11 A.M. on Saturday. Also 25XlA9arequested to have 0/SO make its contribution through 0/CI, and later informed Mr. Sheldon that this would be done. Also spoke with Col. Cahill of Gen. Partridge's office, who had been advised by of 0/SO that that 25X1 A9a office would be unable to make an independent contribution, a conclusion with which I agreed. 2. Discussed with Mr. Dulles revised wording for certain sections of the new draft of NSC 114. 25X1A5a1 to the Director about the 25X1A5a1 mmimw contract and he approved our recommendation that: 25X1A5a1 a. Information respecting the major oil company not be transmitted outside the Agency, and b. That State be informed respecting the possible publication of the letter. So instructed AD/00. 25X1A9a i. Fisher Howe of State inquired respecting my reaction to sitting on the ad hoc PT committee and I brought him up to date on my feeling in this matter. Later arranged with Mr. Sheldon and Mr. Polyzoides for CIA to act as host for the first committee meeting Monday morning. 5. Reviewed, with the DCI the proposed IAC progress report for the NSC and later conveyed the Director's wishes respecting revision to 25X1A9a Messrs. Reber and~of 0/IC. 6. Lunched with Mr. Amory, at which time: a. I undertook to review again with the IADs the status of and other representatives of PSB. b. Received a briefing on the question of direct approaches to Technical Service by O/RR analysts and others. Approved For Release; 25X1A9a (CONTIPNED) IA-RD P7r1s.(i 4tA4001O Q2Qr1?d3-3 file. If separated from the file it must be Subjected to individual systematic review. Approved For Rel se 200Q1A~(1EC$ DP79-01Q4aA000100020163-3 Security Infor mat ion Official Diary 1 August 1952 25X1A9a 7. Conferred with Drs. Chadwell and respect- ing the project to use guided missiles for photographic reconnaissance. I recommended that the staff paper be rewritten to include a letter from Gen. Smith to Gen. Bradley, requesting consideration of feasibility; that opera- tional material be deleted; and that the matter be coordinated with DD/P before presentation to DCI. This will be done. 8. Dr. Andrews spoke to me about the status of the memorandum relating to reorganization of the covert offices, which had been given to him on an "Eyes Only" basis. After checking with I authorized Dr. 25X1A9a Andrews to indicate to his people the proper names of the various new covert units and also authorized him to show the reorganization memorandum to an extremely limited group of his senior officials, such as etc. 25X1A9a 9. Attended a meeting by 25X1A9a and Gen. Samford respecting the'net evaluation of Soviet capability to damage U.S. Gen. Samford outlined an alternate plan which he had for the development of this evaluation and requested me to check with Gen. Smith respecting the timing of the report to the NSC. 10. Mr. Sheldon called my attention to the fact that name did not appear on the list of members of the ad hoc P/T Committee and, after phoning Adm. Wenger I discovered that this had been an oversight. I so informed Mr. Pclyzoides. 11. Discussed office space in Admin. Bldg. with Col. White and advised him that this office desired one additional room. ) SECRET 25X1A9a Security Information Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP79-01041A000100020163-3