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August 28, 1952
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Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP79-010041A000100020141-7
Security Information
Official Diary
Thursday, 28 August 1952
2. Matt Baird phoned and complained that trainees were avoiding
training assignments upon the ground that they would no longer have a slot
in an Intelligence Office when they returned from training. I explained the
difficulty being encountered by the Intelligence Offices under the current
man-power situation, which rendered it impossible for them to hold open slots
for trainees, but did agree that this question was worthy of discussion with
the IADs. Certainly, a rational long-term training program will have to take
account of the increased value of graduate trainees to the Intelligence Offices.
3. Attended IAC meeting.
4. Following the IAC meeting, I spoke briefly with Gen. Samford
regarding the progress of a summary evaluation of U.S. vulnerability to
Russian attack. Gen. Samford indicated belief that a compromise paper was
25 2A~?~94eing worked out with I later spoke to on this and
V4AW e, too, thought that a compromise paper could be worked out, although he was
not completely happy with it. It is Gen. Samford's view that after we have
an agreed paper, the Senior Committee members should sit down with Gen. Smith
and review it.
5. I also spoke to Gen. Samford about the lack in our Governmental
system of a mechanism for preparing a Commander's estimate for the President.
Although the JCS might take a leading role in such a task, they were limited
by law to a staff of 200 which was at present fully occupied with other duties.
Moreover, the Director of Central Intelligence and the National Intelligence
set-up should be brought into such a procedure. I was going to study the
situation and might propose a directive, or even possibly supplementing
legislation, and would very much desire any thoughts which Gen. Samford had
on this subject. He agreed with the lack and also agreed with my feeling
that there is at present too high a wall between Operations and Intelligence,
a block which has to some extent been cut down in the Air Force. Gen.
Samford undertook to take this matter under consideration.
6. Discussed with of O/CI the following:
a. Approved forwarding to lAC a paper outlining the proposal
for a counter-espionage center.
,kl%4 this document is part of an Integrated
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Security Information
Official Diary
28 August 1952
b. Received an explanation for the delay in implementing USCIB's
25X1A2g decision that CIA would provide cars for This
had been an oversight and I requested that we apologize to
Col. gfor the delay. Appropriate instructions have now
been issued.
25X1A9a c.
indicated that as a member of the Selection Board
under Matt Baird, he had insisted that final determination of
an applicantis suitability for work in CIA could only be de-
termined after a trial period on the job. There would have
to be some latitude in the selection by this Board to permit
this to be done, and I concurred with his views. This point
will have to be made with our next designee on the Selection
7. Mr. Dulles inquired as to the importance of an operational
cable expressing some alarm as to the situation in Ir . I informed him
that, from what I had seen, the urgency here was one ruiring operational
planning, but there was no immediate threat from the intelligence point of
view. Nevertheless, I said I would ask our people to look into it and
later related such a request to Dr. Kent.
8. Spoke to of 0/CI respecting the lack of co-
ordination in contacts with AFSS, Brooks Field. Recently, had25X1A9a
visited this establishment without any advance notice to either OCI or
myself and I had noted an item indicating some contact by 0/RR, although I
was not certain of the latter. In any event, I requested 0/CI to inform
all concerned that contacts with AFSS must be coordinated with 0/CI and
that I desired to be informed fully respecting such contacts. This also
applied to AD/Connno. I also asked that this subject be placed on the
next IADs' Agenda. 25X1A9a
25X1A9a 9. Pursuant to his recent request, informed that
was replacing for liaison with .
10. Chatted with Gen. Morris respecting problems of personnel.
I emphasized the constant complaints that I had been receiving about lack
of adequate clerical personnel. I also suggested that Personnel might
consider the principle recently suggested by 0/CI of having a backlog or
fund of cleared potentially employable individuals, so that the unreason-
able delay that we are now experiencing between employment and clearance
could be minimized. It was not clear in my on mind as to how this could
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official Diary
28 August 1952
be worked out, but if CIA had to compete with other Governmental agencies
who could employ without delay, it might be necessary to offer higher grades.
12. Discussed with Dr. Kent the format for the briefing of estimates
in the Presidential candidate briefings.
1. Arranged with various details relating to the
candidate briefings.
25X1A9a 25X1X7
16. Passed to Mr. Reber the cable respecting
proposed historical study on Soviet military policy and requested that e
ascertain what material bearing on this study was already available and
what external research agencies might appropriately conduct such a study.
I explained that both Sherman Kent and I felt that this would be in-
appropriate for 0/NE; nor were we aware of any existing agency which had
resources to accomplish such a project. Nevertheless, the subjects
suggested were extremely important and might well be interested25X1A5a1
This, incidentally, might be an excellent project on which to give certain
selected analysts and other intelligence officers a sabbatical for
intensive study on these subjects.
15. :[n a discussion with Mr. Reber, indicated that I would like
to see a draft paper recommending an inter-Agency study on intelligence
support for psychological warfare. Gen. Balmer had now put this problem
into the POCC (Psychological Warfare coordinating committee) which was
composed of representatives of the operators. I plan to attend the next
meeting of that group in order to discuss this proposal. Later mentioned
this to Mr. Dulles.
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Security Inform?'
Official Diary
28 August 1952
25X1A6c 17. Upon seeing Cable I raised the point with O/CI
that the matter in question was not w~ the jurisdiction of G-2, but lay
in the field of FI's exclusive jurisdiction under NSCID 5. Was later
informed that Gen. Partridge agreed that this was not a matter of G-2
competence and had referred it to the USCIB coordinator.
18. Lunched with Mr. Shackelford and met his successor as counsel
for Pace, a Mr. Monahan. Shackelford had accompanied the Secretary on his
recent European tour and I was interested in his comment, based on
relatively brief contact, that Gen. Papagos- was finished, both phytically
and mentally.
19. spoke to me on legal officers abroad. I felt
that knowledge of the Agency and maturity were highly important factors and
that the local office should prepare to spread itself rather thin in order
to put appropriate strength in the field. I undertook to give him any
suggestions I had as to new recruits for the legal office and also undertook
to speak to Mr. Wolf as to the considerations on which the choice of foreign
representatives should be based.
20. Chatted with Mr. Galbraith on his study of trade intelligence.
I indicated that my comments did not deal with the details of the study,
but rather with the premises upon which it was based. I did not agree that
foreign trade intelligence could be evaluated aside and apart from the
over-all intelligence problem. I also felt that CIA's contribution in
that field could not be determined without considering the work being done
by other agencies. As to his attempt to "evaluate" CIA's contribution,
I could not make any comment until I had read tame. Finally, I queried
whether a man/dollar allocation was really representative of the amount
of work being done in various parts of the field. In view of the limited
time Mr. Galbraith was able to leave his paper with me for consideration,
I suggested that he have it typed without bothering to obtain my views
and that I.would consider it at some later date.
Approved For Release `2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP79-01041A000100020141-7