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Approved For elease 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 Dear Senator Hayden; I was indeed interested in the many tributes paid you by your friends and colleagues in the snat yesterday. Your record of service in the Congress of the United Staten for a period of fifty years is truly remarkable. The assistance and guidance which you have given this Agency over the years have been mast helpful and are deeply apprecia-. teed. I should like to join those who have congratulated you on your accornplislun.nts and to extend my personal best wishes for the future. Sincerely, John A. McCone Director s=K & 1 - STAT #:.. -RDP80BO167 OD 6 2AA2 C02-7 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 tr 1962 ,CONGRESS'_:ONAL RECORD -- HOUSE 2293 power and control effectively. He should from Massachusetts I Mr. MARTIN] ; and seniority and CARL HAYDEN had more act promptly and decisively. yet this amazing man is the dean of the than any other Member of either body, The time in which he has to act grows Senate, having served in that body 6 he nevertheless walked the half-mile shorter and shorter. Continued weak- years longer than the next Member in between his office and mine to welcome ness in our cold war posture can only point of service. Mr. HAYDEN has served me to Washington and to offer his eo- result in a progressive deterioration of his country under Presidents Wilson, operation. His vitality remains undi- our military posture. The ignominious Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Roosevelt, minished. w.. 50 years ago today to take his seat, compromise; he knows that there must he knew no Member of the House of Rep- be give and take, and he knows how resentatives. A friendly Congressman legislative work is ac 1" h com ~? =..a.. n..vwa tile iegisiatlve proc- II sprang from her concentration on all of their various Vice Presidents. esses as few others have ever learned ` XTh Maginot. line defenses Th C __ _ -- H e en AR m AYDEN to a bypass move through the low countries. Similarly, in the struggle with communism we can- not safely concentrate only on its mili- tary aspects and our hot war defenses, leaving our cold war ramparts essentially disorganized and inadequately guarded. The Congress, too, should give atten- tion to its organization and procedures which need revising so that cold war responsibilities may be pinpointed rather than diffused. It is my intention to make legislative recommendations in this regard at a later time. THE HONORABLE CARL HAYDEN The SPEAKER. Under previous order of the House, the gentleman from Ari- zona [Mr. MORRIS K. UDALLI- is recog- nized for 30 minutes. Mr. MORRIS K. UDALL. Mr. Speaker, 50 years ago last Wednesday my State, the State of Arizona, ended a 40-year quest for statehood. Through- out those decades, statehood was op- posed by men as eminent as Daniel Webster who once described the territory of Arizona as a barren wasteland cov- ered only by shifting sands and popu- lated only by prairie dogs and rattle- snakes. Five days later-5 days after February 14, 1912, on another Monday, a young man about 35 years old got off a train here in Washington and took the oath of office as U.S. Congressman from Arizona. He is still here today. That man is Senator CARL HAYDEN, senior Sen- ator from the State of Arizona. Today is an historic event. It is historic be- cause this is the first time in the history of the U.S. Congress that any Member has ever completed one-half century of service. There have been several Mem- bers who have come close to this mile- stone, but no other Representative or Senator has ever achieved this record of service. I am proud that a Member from my State, which until 2 years ago was the baby State in the Union, was the one to do it. It has been estimated that some 4,000 Senators and Representatives have come and gone in the years since CARL HAYDEN first took his seat. He served under three Speakers in the House of Representatives-Champ Clark, of Missouri, Frederick Gillett, of Massachusetts, and Nicholas Longworth, of Ohio-prior to his election to the Sen- ate in 1927. There are only five Members of this body now serving who served with CARL HAYDEN when he was a Member of the House of Representatives. Those are the gentleman from Georgia [Mr. VIN- SON], the gentleman from New York [Mr. CELLERI, the gentleman from Missouri [Mr. CANNON], the gentleman from New York [Mr. TABER], and the gentleman p Ls ed. from Texas consented to walk with him In the course of his career in the Con- into the well of this House when he took gress, CARL HAYDEN has seen tremendous the oath of office. changes in our country. History has This amazing gentleman, I might add, moved in these years. There have been shows no sign of resting on his laurels; two great wars. Our people have gone and, judging by the vitality with which from the farms to the cities. Vast trans- he continues to serve his State and Na- formation has occurred in our industry tion, I would say he will add to this and our way of life. The United States record for many years to come; in fact, which formerly was isolated from the there are people in Arizona who feel that pressures of the rest of the world has one day he will celebrate his hundredth emerged as the world's greatest power year of service in the U.S. Congress. and the leader of that part of the world Let me, for the record, give a little which stands for freedom and self-gov- background about Senator HAYDEN. He ernment. In these years we have met was born October 2, 1877, near. a place enormous challenges in our economy, called Hayden's Ferry, where his father including a great depression that threat- h d ill a a m , now called Tempe. He was educated in the public schools of Tempe, the Normal School of Arizona, and went on to Stanford University. He was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1904. He was elected treasurer of Maricopa County in 1904 in territorial days, and sheriff of the county in 1906 and again in 1908. I might add that his history spans an amazing period of years. Here is a man who rode a horse, who carried a gun as a county sheriff in the territorial days of Arizona, and who has lived through the develop- ment of the automobile, the airplane, and into these troubled days we now live in. Upon the admission of Arizona to statehood, he was elected to the 62d Con- gress. He was reelected seven times to this body and served until March 3, 1921. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1926, and was reelected in 1932, 1938, 1944, 1950, and 1956. ened our way of life. We have met these challenges and thereby refined our struc- ture of government better to serve the people. As Burke said:. A State without the means of some change is without the means of its conservation. CARL HAYDEN knew this, and as a Rep- resentative and later a Senator, he played an important part in effecting the changes necessary to meet the chal- lenges of the 20th century. Today, when younger men born in this century-in fact, I was born 10 years after he first came to Congress-want to return us to the mythical world of the 19th century, CARL HAYDEN, who has a right to speak for that century, is a lead- er in advocating the changes dictated by the era in which we live. I am proud to serve with a man who has kept pace with our history as CARL HAYDEN has done. Th e last 12 months has been a year He tells the story that in his early days in the House here that told his early of tragedies, and yet a year of fulfillment Member he felt rather undresseanother d and for CARL HAYDEN. Last summer his wife, strange in Washington without wearing Nan, whom he married in 1908, passed a gun. Of course he could not wear away-she was a wonderful and talented it onto the House floor. His colleague woman who had been close to him all of advised him that perhaps he should carry these years. a couple of doorknobs in each pocket CARL Last HAYDEN fall D, b by President Pr coming to Phoenix tby Kennedy honored Phoenix to to make him feel more at home. , address a nonpartisan appreciation din- The Senator relates that when he first ner honoring his long service in Congress, arrived in Washington he was given some and1 through statehood celebrations advice by one of the older Members to which have been completed in Arizona the effect that there were two types of he has been recognized for his valuable Congressmen and Senators, the work- service to Arizona and the Nation. .horse and the show-horse. He says that CARL HAYDEN is a man who never looks he elected to become a workhorse. He back. He is still moving ahead. He is has been one of the greatest workers in sharp, alert, and vital today. He has either House of Congress. He is an au- always had a sense of humor that is so thority on reclamation and has probably essential in the tense and emotional work done more in the interest of reclama- in which-he has been engaged. tion than any other person, living or I would like to say, in concluding my dead. brief remarks, that CARL HAYDEN through CARL HAYDEN has the quality of 'humil- his continued service here in Washing- ity, which is one of the essentials of ton is scoring a blow for economy in the greatness. He avoids publicity. It is Government. A few years ago the Con- said that he never holds a press confer- gress passed a retirement plan for its ence. Last summer when I had less own Members, and I am sure many citi- Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 9294 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE,. February 1,9 zens looked at the senior members of the well. Such a man will gradually rise to Mr. McCORMACK. I join with the House and Senate and probably made high position and influence. gentleman from Arizona and also the some uncomplimentary remarks about That has been the history of Senator distinguished chairman of the Appro- them. But Senator HAYDEN was one of HAYDEN. He conforms in every way and priations Committee and other Members those senior Members who voted for that his career exemplifies in every respect who have spoken and will speak in con-with act, and probably took some criticism as the correctness of the statement made necti great man paying a justi ed at ibutelto a result. Yet he is still to collect his first by the great Speaker. dollar of retirement pay. And the way Senator HAYDEN also entered service man and that great American, that out- he is going I doubt that he ever will. under a great President, President Taft. standing legislator from Arizona, Sena- So, Mr. Speaker, lesser men have come President Taft some years later reached tor CARL HAYDEN. Not only has he served and gone, but CARL HAYDEN continues to the zenith of his career as Chief Justice his State and our country with outstand-es and ing ability in the the personalityaxis ganreat inspirat on ort ahis ll stinction serve. I say that America needs more capa ity Unitedalso Statable to evaluate atter CARL HAYDENS. (Mr. . MORRIS K. UDALL asked and importance of the position of chairman others to follow; particularly those in the te Committee friend- I field the was given permission n to revise and ex- of the nowaheld by Senator HAYDEN. shiplthat exist s betweenrCARL HAYDEN and mysel of the tend his remarks.) s. the close Mr. CANNON. Mr. Speaker, will the Supreme IelCourthBuild ng might have friendshipf based on respect, and I value gentleman to know Mr. MOmRI UDALL. I yield to that Chief eJusice Taft by personal im- I have c beentableato Member of Congress Mr. MORRIS the gentleman an from Missouri. Mr. . CANNON. Mr. Speaker, 50 years portunity urged its planning, erection, this distinguished gentleman, this out- ago a young man stood here in the well and completion by appealing to the then standing American. We of the House needed building to pvide join with the his countless kfri ndssanof the d admirers a rs not the House and took the oath of office his much of the committee tough hombre, as permit him to have the honor and privi- only in Arizona but throughout the as a Member a ly a ess. He was real many western outlaws a outlaws and desperadoes lege of occupying it and presiding at the United States in congratulating CARL had learned to their sorrow. But as I first session of the U.S. Supreme Court HAYDEN on his 50th anniversary as a therein. Member of both branches of the Con- at up- lor oked a him standing there, with than President Taft, speaking at a subse- gress of the United States, and trust that a aised hand, h looked hardly older than quent date, on the occasion of the anni- (3od will bless him for countless years to a high school boy. versary of Speaker Joseph Gurney Can- come. At fact rime he was a very t of the non, of Illinois, said: Mr. MORRIS K. UDALL. I thank the tat factor is. the represented of the The conscientious struggle which the distinguished gentleman. United States. He represented a new chairman of the Appropriations Committee Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, will the State Unionwhic and h as had he has been only since 5 said, , days he the felt has to make in Congress-and it is con- gentleman yield to me? Union scientious-to keep down the expenditures Mr. MORRIS K. UDALL. I yield to he had much to learn. Today, as Presi- within the possible revenues is a labor that the distinguished minority leader. dent pro tempore of the Senate, he is the no one can realize except those who come Mr. HALLECK third man in the right of succession to into close contact with the discharge of the Presidency of the reatest office ever conceived by the brain appropriation bills is not u de stood by the deserved t but to th dean of the Sen- public, so that these bills cannot be referred ate, the Honorable CARL HAYDEN, Of g df iate man.concernAnd, he what is is of chairmanmore, of imme- to as a basis of great parliamentary reputa- Arizona, a great American who has the tion. And yet the fact is that in that com- served his country in public office for a Senate Committee on Appropriations. mittee harder and more conscientious work half century. He rounds out today 50 years of unin- is done than in any other committee in terrupted service in the U.S. Congress. Congress. Its members are struggling con- is In Still young. comparative eve ter terms, , our our , it is Republic blic No Member of the House or Senate has stantiy- against the human nature of their ever served that long in the history of fellows, they are standing up against that than 200 years old, yet in 50 of those which they have to recognize as the weak- years CARL HAYDEN has served in the the R. of man, and they are not receiving any Congress of the United States-14 years Glaepublicstone's service as a Member of the ness meed of praise from anybody, because in the House and 36 years in the Sen- House of Commons in the English Par- everybody is against them for opposing ap- ate. a longer term of office propriations-until after the session is over, This is indeed a remarkable record in f or liament was than that of Senator HAYDEN, but it was and then everybody criticizes them because a free legislative body. Only a few men an interrupted service. He had only 48 of the largeness of the appropriations. in all history can come close to matching years of continuous service at any time Mr. Speaker, the 50 years in which it. Our late beloved Speaker, Sam Ray- during his career in the British Parlia- Senator HAYDEN has served in the House burn, had he lived would have completed ment. So, in length of continuous sere- and Senate have seen the greatest 50 years of service on March 4, 1963. ice, Senator HAYDEN has served not only change in any like period of time in The dean of the House, the Honorable longest in the American Congress, but human history. More has happened, CARL VINSON, is now in his 48th year. so far as we are aware at this time, the more changes have taken place, more Mr. Speaker, I am happy to join with longest sustained service of any Member perplexing issues have arisen, since Sen- CARL HAYDEN's many friends in this body in the parliaments of the world. ator HAYDEN was sworn in as a Member and around the country in expressing He was sworn in as a routine proce- of this House 50 years ago, than took congratulations and best wishes to him dure on a routine day in the House and place from the administration of Presi- on this great day. through the years-without fanfare or dent Washington down to that period. Mr. MORRIS K. UDALL. Mr. screaming headlines-he has become one It is a period which grows in signifi- Speaker, I thank the distinguished of the most influential and most useful cance and importance-and in danger- minority leader. Members of either body. He is the ideal with the years. We are to be congrat- Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, will the legislator. ulated; the country and the world are gentleman yield? Speaker Clark who swore him in, and to be congratulated, that in these trying Mr. MORRIS K. UDALL. I yield to whom as he relates, he consulted then times, a man experienced and seasoned the distinguished majority leader, the and later, epitomizing his advice to as Senator HAYDEN is experienced and gentleman from Oklahoma. freshmen Congressmen, said: seasoned, is in a position to be of such Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I am A man has to learn to be a Representa- eminent service in solving the difficult very happy that the distinguished gen- tive just as he must learn to be a black- problems which daily confront-us. tleman from Arizona has taken this time smith, a carpenter, a farmer, an engineer, In the language of Rip Van Winkle, to pay tribute to one of the greatest men a lawyer, or a doctor. The best rule is for "May he live long and prosper." who ever served any legislative body in a district to select a man young enough to Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, will the entire world. Senator HAYDEN has and to , at fair capac- ity; n u ter grs, with honest, nert tic. she gentleman yield? had a distinguished career that goes and courageous, , ourageous and d keep him m there e, so sober, ober long , Mr. MORRIS K. UDALL. I am de- back to the very foundation of his great and as he discharges his duties faithfully and lighted to yield to the Speaker. State. He seems to be as eternal as the Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 1962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE 2295 stars; and a great legislative star cer- paying tribute to my esteemed friend, A PARLIAMENTARY CONFERENCE tainly he has always been. Senator CARL HAYDEN, of Arizona, on this OF THE ORGANIZATION FOR ECO- Mr. Speaker, he is a kind man; he is his 50th anniversary of service in the NOMIC COOPERATION AND DE- a modest man. He is a hard worker. Congress of. the United States. A half He has earned his spurs in the great century is indeed a long time and for VELOPMENT legislative Halls of the Congress by hard one to serve for that length of time in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under and unostentatious work. The gentle- the Congress of the United States where previous order of the House, the gentle- man, as an Arizonian, and all of us as service frequently depends on the caprice man from Wisconsin [Mr. REussl is rec- America.na may be proud of the lif d . .. e an s ic f S t r e o ena o1 CARL HAYDEN. This evidence of the confidence of his Mr. MORRIS K. UDALL. Mr. Speak- constituents speaks louder than words er, I thank the distinguished majority of the many virtues of this great states- leader. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous man. Senator CARL HAYDEN is a man of consent that all Members have 5 legisla- impeccable character, great wisdom and tive days in which to extend their re- charming personality. He is a stanch marks at this point in the RECORD. patriot, a distinguished legislator and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there an eminent citizen. His long tenure of objection to the request of the gentle- office is in itself a grand tribute to one man from Arizona? of the noblest Americans of them all. There was no objection. Long may he live and continue to serve Mr. TABER. Mr. Speaker, will the his people. gentleman yield? Mr. O'HARA of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, Mr. MORRIS K. UDALL. I yield to on Sunday I watched and heard Senator the gentleman from New York. CARL HAYDEN on TV. I had been told Mr. TABER. Mr. Speaker, when I that never before had the senior senator first came to the Congress, almost 40 from Arizona appeared on TV, such has years ago, CARL HAYDEN was a Member been his adversion to anything smacking of the House. I can remember him as of the personal limelight. But yester- he,moved about the House, but he sel- day on the memorable occasion of the dom indulged in debate. But you could completion of 50 years of service in the see that his service was productive, some- Congress of the United States he gra- thing that he could carry with him with ciously, but reluctantly, capitulated to pride down through the years. the wishes of a Nation of his admirers Since he has been a member of the and well-wishers. Committee on Appropriations in the I was thrilled as seldom before as I other body and I have been going to sat at my TV side. Here was-America, conferences, I have met him a sufficient the land of opportunity and of growth. number of times so I believe I can say Here speaking to me and millions of that I know him. Mr. Speaker, he is a others, as though in our own homes. was gentleman of rare cha t d rac er, an very interesting to talk to. I think it is a -fine thing for the House to take a little time today to honor CARL HAYDEN on the anniversary of his first service in the Congress of the United States and I pay my most sincere tributes to him. Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, it is indeed a privilege. and a pleasure to join in the tribute to my good friend Senator CARL HAYDEN. I first be- 'came acquainted with him when I was a freshman Member of the House, 37 years ago, when he was serving his State in the House. During that term, there de- veloped between us a friendship that has endured through these many years. What a singularly remarkable record Senator HAYDEN has achieved! A half century of service to his fine State, which he has represented with great ability and distinction ever since it was admit- ted to the Union. He has been a credit to the Nation, to Arizona, and to the Congressilongger than any other man in history. He has been a powerful voice for a sound Government and he has saved the country billions of dollars through his careful scrutiny of Govern- ment spending. There could be no greater tribute to the capacity and the integrity of an elected official than the fact that the people of his State have elected and re- elected him ever since it attained state- hood. As CARL HAYDEN begins'his sec- ond half century of service, I wish him continued good health, happiness, and success in the work to which his life has been so zealously dedicated. Mr. GARY. Mr. Speaker, I desire to join with my colleagues in the House in Mr. REUSS. Mr. Speaker, I have in- troduced today for appropriate reference House Concurrent Resolution 425, ex- pressing the sense of Congress' that a parliamentary conference of the 20 mem- ber nations of the new organization for Economic Cooperation and Development be established. This resolution calls upon the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Senate Committeee on Foreign Relations to establish special subcommittees for the purpose of joint- ly exploring, with appropriate officials of the Government of the United States, the OECD, and members of the parlia- ments of the other member nations, the desirability and feasibility of such a conference. WHY A PARLIAMENTARY CONFERENCE? Such a parliamentary conference will provide a valuable adjunct, at the legis- lative level, to the OECD. The sessions of the NATO Parliamentarians Confer- ence, and of our parliamentary confer- ences with Mexico and Canada, have been markedly successful. A parliamentarians' group is most es- sential in the case of OECD because of the clear intent in the discussions setting cluster of homes called Hayden's Ferry, primarily a consultative body with very now the city of Tempe, home of the limited powers. Specifi cally, in the great State University of Arizona, born OECD convention the nrtiona innolvud in in a territory that would wait and grow anagreed basis s consult together on a continu- 35 years until attaining state- ordinated action. It aprovopprovid destha hat hood, and which he had reDresented first. . It also lses t all the 50 years of its statehood. A half a century of dynamic growth, the ex- pansion of a western territory with scant population into a rich and mighty State, all personified in the man who appeared before us on Sunday's TV, Senator CARL HAYDEN, the legislative architect of the destiny of the great State that came into statehood 35 years after his birth. CARL HAYDEN will live in, the history of the United States. He will be an in- spiration to succeeding generations. All who saw him yesterday on TV were bet- ter Americans for having found in this man who had accomplished so much for his State, his Nation, and mankind a pattern of modesty and of humility in the best traditions of our Republic. His appearance on TV was as refresh- ing as the breezes of a perfect day, as wholesome as the clear, clean winds that blow away the clouds. Mr. Speaker, I think that my sister, living in Arizona in territorial years and during the 50 golden years of statehood, would not mind my repeating what she wrote me, that having voted for CARL HAYDEN in all the elections in Arizona for a half a century, she hoped to con- tinue doing so for at least another quar- ter of a century. And as Senator HAYDEN said, when asked if he would be a candi- date for reelection, "Why not?" ing on any individual member nation until it has complied with the require- ments of its own constitutional proce- dures. In the United States this would, of course, involve the Congress or at least the Senate. it is thus important that Members of Congress have an opportu- nity to discuss and deliberate on these problems while solutions and decisions are in the formative stage. A parlia- mentary conference would provide just such an opportunity. THE NEED FOR CONGRESSIONAL PARTICIPATION It is particularly important to the Members of Congress to have a parlia- mentarian's group because of the differ- ent nature of the systems of Govern- ment in the United States and the other member countries. While the Cabinet members and Ministers who attend the OECD official meetings as delegates from the European countries and Canada are almost always members of their nation's legislatures, our delegates are not. This is because of our historic tradition of separation of powers, based on the con- stitutional prohibition that no Member of Congress can hold a position in the executive branch. The European tradi- tion is just the opposite. In some coun- tries, the entire cabinet must come from the legislature. Mr. Speaker, I approved enthusias- tically of U.S. participation in the OECD Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80EL01676R002800230002-7 , 2296 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE. A February 49 TRADE Convention last year, but I am very sym- attempt to rebuild the war-torn area and the ack on its get were which worries feet expressed at ithat time by some of my is nowbwell known how muchmitlexceeded In t eCyeas immediatelybahe dg along. colleagues. These worries were based all hopes and expectations. The coun- eliminate its internal tariffs and will external tariff le very separation of powers prob- friamewo k of OEEC and other organiza- estMelanwhileeo he countries of the Euro- on this lem I have just outlined. For example, the gentleman from tions such as the European Payments pean Free Trade Association, led by the Georgia [Mr. JAMES C. DAVIS] said on Union-made great achievements in in- United Kingdom, are seeking, or are tion the Com the floor of the House on February 23, arriving production and a currencyeonverti- mabou ontMarket. Bo hathe Common Mar- 196De having far-reaching ket, and its current enlargement, have our industries, , our workers, , and our ur effects upon farmers bility. With European recovery swell-estab- been major objects of U.S. foreign policy. De would be reached thousands of miles away, lished fact, the OEEC has in recent years Historically, the hope of European unity completely out of the range of the eyesight tried more and more to raise its sights. goes But, back toca lCharlemagne. Common Market or influence of the representatives they had The member nations had pledged elected to Congress. These These representatives, themselves to promote production, to re- encourages a European particularism at agenda rthe thednot order of be business o acquainted fd with the e duce barriers to trade, and to strive for just the time when what is needed is a f that is, the OECD of would not ots deal with Congress or the representatives of the people However, neither the United States nor Comm nlMarketrerecntiitsIexternal tariff in considering the agenda that was proposed Canada were members of OEEC. It be- wall, and stop there, we shall have split to be passed upon. came increasingly obvious during the the free world into enclaves at just the If the representatives of the people ever late .1950's that the increasing economic time when we should have been moving knew about it, the burden would be upon interdependence between the economies toward a free world community. them to find out for yhemsoices. Than of Western Europe and those of Canada As the Common Market reduces its would have the opportunity that o voice even an opinio on beforenthe international organization. In completely new form of required some toward a common external tariff, it can- their place, in the place of these represents- operation. not help but hamper exports from the tives of the people, would be delegates of the ORIGINS OF OECD United the Common Mark to free State Department and they would not be Looking toward the future, the United worldd States the C other Mir k t. The responsive to the electorate. States proposed in late 1959 that a new Unit and - going to find the booming A conference such as I propose would organization be formed to promote exporters Western European are going market increasingly greatly lessen the burden which would be closer cooperation among the members Western to oppea Tis n r easingly of tcountries This Latin America placed upon us-as elected representa- of an expanded Atlantic Community on difficult tives-to keep informed about OECD de- policies toward economic growth, ex- true , the c countries of the memer velopments. panded aid to the developing countries, w whhiichch, an colonies io s of fcathe suffer It would give us an opportunity to and expanded trade. E, will voice to representatives from the other After extensive negotiations between from the special treatment those African nations involved the opinions which the 18 European nations, and the United nations will ceiveexports is the best bring our inex exports l'layments Georgia feared we would States and Canada, the final treaty set- t f rom o way gentleman be denied. In such vital questions as ting up the Organization for Economic Yet the loss to U.S. exports. rea balalannce. of the Common Market, as those which OECD will consider, an op- Cooperation and Development was ap- into portunity for these discussions is a ne- proved December 14, 1960. Hearings bylargeo has been conservatively Market, _as clarity. were held by the Senate Foreign Rela- February 14 and 15, mated at $800 million a year. to on t e a The existence of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development presents great hopes for the future. It is a significant extension of the Atlantic community which has-up till now- been centered on the military alliance embodied in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and in the Organization for European Economic Cooperation created in 1948 to carry out the European re- covery plan-the Marshall plan. Before discussing the OECD it is relevant to look tlons Commi 1961 and the Senate officially ratified Currently, our exports are running U.S. membership on March 16, 1961. the rate of roughly $20 billion a year The members of the OECD at this and our imports at the rate of $15 bil- time are the six countries of the Com- lion. Yet we have a deficit in our bal- mon Market-France, Belgium, Nether- ance of payments because of the many lands, Luxembourg, Italy, and Germany; obligations-both military and eco- the seven members of the European Free nomic-which we have assumed around Trade Association-Austria, Switzer- the globe. These obligations benefit all land, Denmark, United Kingdom, the nations of the Common Market and Sweden, Norway, and Portugal; Iceland, of the OECD. Those nations must Ireland, Greece, Turkey, and Spain; and realize that if we are ever to balance our Canada and the United States. The payments, OECD provides a forum in which GOALS OF THE OECD: GROWTH seek ways to convince them of an a little at that background. The North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- The goals of the Organization for Eco- tion was organized along military lines nomic Cooperation and Development as to unite the United States and her allies outlined in its charter, are to maintain a military response to the Communist oa high growth rate, improve cooperation n aid to developing areas, and to expand menace in the. NATO and the American program of trade. While not explicitly a goal, it is aid to Greece and Turkey were two of understood that solutions to these prob- the main military steps we took to stem lems depend in part on a system of mu- the advance of communism into a war- tual solutions to avoid balance of pay- torn Europe. These were, indeed, vital ments problevms,d is faced with a chal- pletely successful enLnnY IVi l VVNcawv.v.. -.5- d------- - Development Assistance on economic matters because of its mili- faced before. The Communist bloc o tary nature and because of the absence nations calls us to contest in numberless committee, is a very important aspect Assistance of such important nations as Switzerland areas of the world. In all these contests, OECD. and Sweden from its membership. sustained economic growth is the key strength an to success. II the U was created by the The Coemmunl t nations have specifically has lent or rgiv na $ 5, billion iinforeign The Organization nomo Coop Paris and $28.5 for Western as a result of the 1947 proposal by The nations of the West have accepted it in dpurelyhieconomic5aid, a cono aid to aid or military direct Paris our a ning- this areas in whi h we haveea direct defense important toe Gen. George Mr hem. This assistance policies is terms. is assistance to interest. was to be coordinated by OEEC in an growth. we c this, and to arrive at new trade expan- Because the improvement of assistance to the developing areas of the world is so important, the countries which are pro- viding a substantial amount of aid had already organized the Development As- sistance Group before the OECD was fully in existence. Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 Approved For:Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 11962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-- HOUSE 2297 Nearly half of the $85 billion in both ate and 10 from the House. It meets f THE HONORABLE CARL HAYDEN' ' I economic and military aid has gone to annually and is represented on the Western Europe. Now that these coun- United Nations Economic and social The SPEAKER pro e. Under tries are once again strong, and the hori- Council. Its aim is to further better previous order of the Houseouse, , t the gentle- zons of our aid needs expanded, it is relations "through the study of inter- man from Arizona [Mr. RHODES] is rec- fitting that they should join with us in national law, international organization, ognized for 15 minutes. aiding other nations. The United States reduction of armaments, economic prob- (Mr. RHODES of Arizona asked and cannot alone provide for future aid lems, intercultural relations, social ques- was given permission to revise and ex- needs. OECD provides the forum in tions; and particularly, the evolution of tend his remarks.) which we can work with the economi- the representative system of govern- Mr. RHODES of Arizona. Mr. Speak- cally prosperous Atlantic countries to in- ment."-Brief history of the Inter- er, it is a pleasure and an honor to join crease their contributions in a measure parliamentary Union, Library of Con- with the other Members of the House commensurate with their international gress, 1957. in commemorating the 50th anniversary reserve and payments positions and The NATO Parliamentarians' Group of the day a great American took the their level of total production. was formed on a permanent basis in oath as the first Member of the House Solutions to all their problems must have as their underpinnings an ac- companying policy of mutual support against payments crises. The countries of the free world today hold their mone- tary reserves partly in gold and partly in convertible currencies. The great bulk held in currencies is in the form of either dollars or pounds sterling. Monetary reserves are necessary be- cause no country can have a continuous balance in its international transactions with the rest of the world. The amounts needed increase as trade expands and, particularly, as it becomes ever easier to transfer money freely from one country to another. When a country's payments exceed its receipts over a period as long as a year, its balance of payments is said to be in deficit. Until the mid-1950's, the United States held to a deliberate policy of incurring deficits so that the rest of the free world could buy from us and also build their own monetary reserves. Since 1958, we have had larger deficits, but for a variety of reasons. For one thing, while we have almost always sold more goods to others than we have bought from them, this merchandise trade surplus narrowed in some years. At the same time, we con- tinued to make large expenditures for defense and for foreign aid. In 1960-61, na g na a ya y and 18 Euro- our trade surplus rose substantially, pean governments; and to our great American Republic. He but there is concern that we shall not Whereas the OECD will create a ystrong has never forgotten that he owes his be able to maintain it. Exports to new economic tie between Western Europe position to their good will, and to their Western Europe may not continue to and North America and will mark a new era continued awareness of and appreciation rise as new tariff barriers are raised in free world economic cooperation and prog- for his great efforts in their behalf. against us, and as American firms do W ress; and Whereas the OECD will provide a forum in CARL HAYDEN approaches his great job more and more of their manufacturing which its members may consult on questions and the great responsibilities which it inside the Common Market tariffs walls. of international trade, the advancement of gives to him with a sense of deep hu- It is, therefore, encouraging that the developing areas, the strengthening of sys- mility. If there is one trait which pre- OECD now provides an opportunity for tems of International payments, and the dominates in the nature of CARL HAYDEN, us to coordinate our efforts to create a promotion of policies designed to foster in it would be humility. He has never yet free world "one for all, all for one" tom- each country the maximum employment, been accused, by anyone of being con- economic growth and price-stability; and munity of interest on payments matters. Whereas the discussions and decisions of ceited, proud, puffed up, or too good for EXISTING INrERPARLIAMENTARY GROUPS the OECD will be of deep concern to the the people back home. This is true in The United States now participates.in Parliaments of the member countries and to spite of the many honors and privileges four The interparliamentary United States no groups-the In- the constituencies thereof: be it which have been his. Instead, he has Resolved by the House of Representatives always felt that the honors and privi- terparliamentary Union, the NATO Par- (the Senate concurring) ; That, it is the sense leges, have come to him as the result of liamentary Group, the Canada-United of Congress that an OECD Parliamentary the gift of the people of the United States Interparliamentary Group, and Conference be established, to be composed States and of the people of Arizona, and the Mexico-United States Interparlia- of representatives of the Parliaments of the mentary Group. ' member countries who shall meet jointly for that all the honor -whatever there The Interparliamentary Union, found- discussion of the aims of the Organization might be in the way in which he has and methods of achieving them; and carried out his job-belongs to the peo- ed in 1889, is the oldest. Its member- That, the Senate committee on For- ple who sent him here. It has been ship has grown from 9 nations in eign Relations and the House Committee on stated that he has shunned publicity 1889 to more than 60 today. Incidental- Foreign Affairs shall establish subcommittees and this is true. He has no desire to ly, it is the only parliamentary group for the purpose of jointly exploring with make a "Federal case" of any votes that which includes both members from the the appropriate officials of the U.S. Government, he has cast. In fact, another facet of United States and U.S.S.R. The most for Economic Cooperation recent meeting, at Brussels in epost and Development, and with members of the his character which has insured his pol- ber 1961, was attended by 20 members si abilitynand of feathe nations, the de- itical success been for sibil tyO of establishing an playing downh the voteshis whichhhet has from the United States, 10 from the Sen- OECD Parliamentary Conference. cast or which he has not cast. 1956. Members of the U.S. group are of Representatives to represent the new restricted to 18, 9 from each body. Its State of Arizona. Of course, I refer to a most recent meeting was at Paris last fine gentleman who is now the senior November. Senator from Arizona, the Honorable The Canada-United States Interpar- CARL HAYDEN. liamentary Group was established in CARL HAYDEN has represented the 1959, after the return of a special mis- State of Arizona in one or the other sion to Canada by two then members of Houses of Congress ever since Arizona the House Committee on Foreign Al- became a State. As has been said, he fairs-the gentleman from Arkansas, Mr. has seen the growth of the State of Ari- Hays, and the gentleman from Maine, zona from a frontier community to the Mr. Coffin. Membership is not to ex- fine member of the Union of States ceed 24, half from the Senate and half which it now is. Here is a man who has from the House. its last meeting was served 50 years as a Member of the Con- in Quebec in February 1961. gress of the United States. In those 50 The Mexico-United States Interpar- years we have fought World War I; we liamentary. Group was established in have gone through the great depression; 1960. As with the Canadian group, we fought World War II and we fought membership is not to exceed 24, half the Korean war. Since 1954, Senator from each body. Its first meeting was HAYDEN has been chairman of the Com- held at Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico in mittee on Appropriations of the U.S. February 1961. Senate, a position which I am sure we The proposed OECD Parliamentary all recognize as one which is second in Conference would in no way conflict with power and responsibility to very few po- these four existing interparliamentary sitions in the Government. He is a man groups, each of which serves a special- who has, I think, been able to keep his ized purpose of its own. preeminent position in the hearts and The text of the House Concurrent on the ballots of the people of the State Resolution 425 follows: of Arizona because of the kind of man Whereas the Organization for Economic he is. In the first place, he has never Cooperation and Development came into forgotten who sent him'to Washington. official existence on September 30, 1961, re- He has never forgotten that it is the placing the OEEC; and people of Arizona to whom he owes his Whereas the United CStates a is a full mem- ber of of the the OECD with Ca first loyalty after his overridin lo d lt Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BQ1676R002800230002-7 2298 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE February 19 The People of Arizona have always (Mr. RHODES of Arizona asked and Mr. RHODES. of Arizona. I yield to been told whenever they wanted to know was given permission to revise and ex- the gentleman from Mr. GROSS. I do not see anything how he had cast a vote; but certainly tend his remarks.) g on Washington he was never one either to beat his chest Mr. MEADER. Mr. Speaker, will the wrong about .I think rkinif George Washings about having done as they wanted him gentleman yield. to, or to make undue noise about having, Mr. RHODES of Arizona. I yield to ton, former President of the United , he in good conscience, gone against what the gentleman from Michigan. States, heard come approvekof tothisearth House appeared to the will of a majority of working once in a while-just once in a the people back home. In this way he HOUSE RESOLUTION 530, A RESOLD- while, and even on his birthday. has avoided entanglement in unneces- sary arguments. TION TO DISAPPROVE REORGAN- MAJ. JAMES C. ELLIOTT Here is a man who, in my opinion, IZATION PLAN NO. 1 OF 1962 TO epitomizes the best in the traditions of ESTABLISH A DEPARTMENT OF and was given per- Senate, House of Representatives, the URBAN AFFAIRS AND HOUSING TO .(Mr. HARDY DY asked the House for 1 min- state and the government of the BE CALLED UP WEDNESDAY, FEB- mis and to revise and use o his in-ute state of Arizona. It is interesting to RUARY 21 marks.) note, Mr. Speaker, that during the time Mr. MEADER. Mr. Speaker, I take Mr. HARDY. Mr. Speaker, the call to CARL HAYDEN has served in the Congress, this occasion to advise the House that it active duty last fall of Reserve and Na- five other great Arizoluans have served is my intention on Wednesday next-as tional Guard units of the Army, Navy, in the Senate. the author of House Resolution 530, and and Air Force undoubtedly caused a The first two Senators to represent the pursuant to the rules of the House and great many hardships. Generally speak- State of Arizona were Marcus Aurelius the terms of the Reorganization Act of ing, the reservists themselves accepted Smith and Henry Fountain Ashurst. In 1949, to call up House Resolution 530, without complaint the personal discom- 1920 Ralph Henry Cameron became a which is a resolution of disapproval of forts which they experienced, and the Senator, and afterward Ralph Henry Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1962, to upheavals caused their families, because Cameron was the unsuccessful candidate, establish a Department of Urban Affairs they recognized that there was then a for reelection in 1926 when CARL HAY- and Housing. need for bolstering our military strength DEN went to the U.S. Senate. Since I had a talk with one of the members in the face of threats to our security that time Senator Hayden has served of the Government Operations Commit- and to world peace. with Ernest W. McFarland as a col- tee on the other side and advised him Among the Air Force reservists in league, and with the present junior that I was going to do this. I do not see that recall is a young journalist from my Senator from Arizona, Barry Goldwater. Mr. DAWSON, the chairman of our com- district, Maj. James C. Elliott. He has During that time there have been eight mittee on the floor, and this I regret. I written a splendid article, "To Maintain Members of the House of Representa- wish he were here, but it is necessary to the Peace," which apepared in the Janu- tives from the State of Arizona. After give as much advance notice as possible ary issue of Air Force and Space Digest. Senator Hayden went to the Senate, so that the membership can arrange I commend this article to those of you Hon. Lewis W. Douglas was elected their affairs accordingly. who have not already read it. It will as a Member of the House. Lewis Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, will the give you a better understanding of the Douglas served as a Member of the gentleman, yield? readiness of our Reserve forces and of House until 1933 when he became Di- Mr. RHODES of Arizona. I yield to their dedication to duty, as well as a rector of the Budget and later became the gentleman from Oklahoma. greater appreciation of the tremendous Ambassador to the Court of St. James. Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, of course contribution which the reservists make He was succeeded by Isabel Greenway the distinguished gentleman from Michi- to our Nation's defense. who, in turn, was succeeded-by John R. gan is acting within his rights and pre- Murdock. In 1942, when Arizona got rogatives under the rules of the House HIGHER CONSUMER PRICES: RE- became Congressmen, Richard F. Harless in having this matter called up unex- DUCED MARKET FOR DAIRY became the second Congressman. He pectedly on Wednesday next. was succeeded in 1948 by Harold A. Pat- personally, I had hoped that the PRODUCTS INHERENT IN KEN- uld go over until next week, NEDY FARM PROGRAM d in 1954 by d t e er wo mat ten, who was succee Hon. Stewart L. Udall, now Secretary and I did not know until a few minutes (Mr. RIEHLMAN (at the request of of the Interior, who, in his turn, was ago that the gentleman did intend to Mr. SHORT) was given permission to ex- succeeded by his brother, Morris K. bring this matter up after we had al- tend his remarks at this point in the Udall, who is now Representative of ready announced the program for this RECORD.) the Second District and my able col- week. But I say that purely expressing Mr. RIEHLMAN. Mr. Speaker, the league. my own views in respect to what I had farm bill proposed by Secretary of Agri- My predecessor was the Honorable hoped would happen. The gentleman is culture Freeman and his chief economic John R. Murdock, as fine a gentleman as definitely within his rights. advisor, Prof. Willard Cochrane, is a ever lived. I met John Murdock on the The gentleman knows full well that complete example of the all-encompass- streets of Phoenix last fall, and John this will mean that we will have to post- ing "supply-management" life the U.S. said: pone consideration of the manpower bill Department of Agriculture envisions for will you please on February 19 next which had been programed for Wednes- American farmers. ill mean that the House will In the view of these theorists-many ething it w day, and year take a special order and say som about the great services of CARL HAYDEN? have to meet for legislative business on of whom probably see themselves as He said: George Washington's Birthday, which is czars in this supply-management In 1940 and in 1950 I took special orders next Thursday, and on Friday, unless the world-all farmers should be told what and reviewed CARL'S career on the floor of manpower bill is disposed of on Thurs- to do, how to do it, when to do it, and- indeed-whether to do it at all. the House, and I hope that this practice day. will be carried on. I take this time merely to advise the Secretary Freeman and company see Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to join Members of the House we had not antici- supply management as the end-all in doing this with my colleague from pated this matter would be called up at answer to all problems. They ignore the Arizona, and I hope that in 1972 some this time, and also to put Members of the lessons of history-Government controls Representative from the State of Arizona House on notice of this change in the simply will not work. They choose, in- will stand on this floor as we have today program. I may say this was entirely stead, to urge that all we need to remedy and recall again the great service of unexpected when we announced the pro- our farm ills is a set of iron-clad con- Senator CARL HAYDEN who will then have gram last week, and it wag unexpected trols that use economic coercion to com- completed his 60th year as a Senator until a few minutes ago. pel conformity. these controls representing the State of Arizona in the Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, will the wiThn t rise the to, that of food paid by Congress of the United States. gentleman yield? price Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 U62 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002800230002-7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE active outdoor sports-sailing, waterskiing, tennis, horseback riding, touch football, and the like. "Just the other day," Baughman explained with a grin, "we had to buy a bicycle for one of our agents in Hyannis Port. Caroline had been soloing on her new bicycle and we couldn't have the agent running alongside on foot or trailing her in a limousine. "If we had the permanent summer White House that I've been dreaming about, it would give our First Families the privacy and security they need, plus just about every kind of recreational facility they could want. "Ideally, it would be located on the sea- coast about 200 miles from Washington, an easy range for our new, fast helicopters. The main residence would be a small replica of the White House, fully equipped with world- wide communications. SECURITY SHUFFLEBOARD "As I see it, the entire estate would cover an area of about 9 square miles-3 miles on each side-fronting on the ocean. The whole grounds would be a security area, but within it there would be a small, tight secu- rity area for the First Family; containing the official residence, offices, private beach and boating facilities, swimming pool, tennis courts, shuffieboafid, and even a bailfleld. "There also would be an 18-hole golf course on the estate, a big lake, riding paths, picnic areas, anything you could think of except maybe mountain climbing. "And, of course, there would be appropriate quarters for visiting dignitaries, the White House staff and press, an auditorium for movies add news conferences, and under- ground utilities and parking. "Security would be relatively simple, since there would be only one access road to the grounds and a 300-foot watchtower equipped with radar and television cameras to scan the whole area day and night. "But let's not forget," Chief Baughman added, "that the permanent summer White House, like 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, would belong to all the Ameri- can people. I think there should be 50 sum- mer cottages, one for each State in the Union, built along the ocean front. "That way, each State could send out- standing families or individuals who have performed exceptional public service for 2-Week vacations on the summer White House grounds. They would have complete access to and use of all the recreational facili- ties except those that were within the imme- diate Presidential compound. FUNDS FROM THE PEOPLE? I asked Chief Baughman how much all this would cost and how it would be paid for. "Undoubtedly, millions of dollars," he replied. "But the way I see it, this should not be a congressional appropriation of Treasury funds. It should be financed by public subscription, with every citizen who is concerned with the health and well- being of our Presidents contributing what- ever amount he deems appropriate. "But please tell Parade's readers not to send any money to me or the Treasury for this purpose. It seems to me that the ideal way would be for some group of private citizens to obtain official sanction to form a commission that would raise the necessary funds." Today, the summer White House is one' man's dream. Tomorrow, it may become a reality. And, who knows, the man who dreamed it up may one day be called out of retirement to administer it. Mr. PELL. Mr. President, the cost of upkeep of the summer White House would be negligible. Wherever the Pres- ident and his family are, there are cer- tain basic costs that have to be met- housekeeping, preparation of food, and the like. But the only additional costs that would be necessary for the mainte- nance of this summer White House would be the mowing of the lawn and the painting of the house. This idea, which started with Umberto Patalano of Providence and Cornelius Moore of Newport, is a gesture of the re- gard and affection our citizens have for the President of the United States and the wish that President Kennedy and future Presidents may see fit to come in- creasingly to our State. It is, in fact, their putting into effect the idea "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." Actually other governments already provide a summer White House for the chief executive, and over the past week- end I noticed that the West German Government was buying a summer resi- dence for its Ambassador here in Wash- ington. I ask unanimous consent that there be printed in the RECORD at this point a list of the foreign governments which maintain summer residences for their chiefs of state. There being no objection, the list was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows : Among the other governments maintaining summer residences are: ..France (for both Premier and President) : Chateau Ramboullet. Spain (for Chief of State, the Cabinet, and Diplomatic Corps) : San 'Sebastian. Britain (for the Queen (Scotland), for the Prime Minister) : Balmoral Chequers. Philippines (for the President) : Baguio. Iran (for the Shah) : Qasr-Shemiran. Canada (for the Governor General) : Citedel (Quebec City). Italy (two for the President) : Castell Porziano and San Rossore. Turkey (for the President) : Florya Kusku. Lebanon (for the President) : Belt-Ed- Dien. Portugal (for the President) : Cidadela de Cascias. Republic of China (two for the President) : Kaohsiung and Taichung. Pakistan (for the President) : Murree. Mr. PELL. Mr. President, with these facts in mind, I sincerely hope that Sec- retary Udall may see fit to recommend to the White House acceptance of this free gift offering from the people of the State of Rhode Island. By fortunate coinci- dence the Secretary of the Interior is in the Chamber at this time. I hope he will take cognizance of these words. TRIBUTES TO SENATOR HAYDEN, OF ARIZONA, ON THE 50TH ANNIVER- SARY OF HIS SERVICE IN THE U.S. CONGRESS Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, this is a momentous day in the history of the United States of America. In this morning's New York Times there appears an article, written by Russell Baker, part of which I should like to read at this time, because it shows an excellent.un- derstanding of a`man whom we all honor and love. I quote from the article: WASHINGTON, February 18.-Tomorrow will be a day of severe inner trial for Senator CARL HAYDEN, of Arizona. His name is going to be prominently dis- played in the newspapers, and that, in the HAYDEN philosophy of politics, is bad. 2185 In the afternoon, he is going to- have to spend a lot of time sitting on the Senate floor listening to a lot of talk. Public talk, in the Hayden philosophy of politics, is one so much had as an utter and absolute waste of good working time. ("Who wants to lis- ten to a tirade?" he once asked a man who said the Senator ought to make a speech once in awhile in deference to tradition.) Tomorrow, however, Mr. HAYDEN will have to listen because the talk is going to be about him. The occasion is the 50th anniversary of his coming to Congress. No previous Member in history has served so long. Few have attained the status of living institution that Mr. HAYDEN enjoys among his colleagues. Fewer still have done so much with so little talk. Above all, Mr. President, he is a Sen- ator's Senator. I ask unanimous consent that at the conclusion of my remarks this article published in the New York Times be inserted in the RECORD; as well as a copy of the transcript of the "Washington Conversation" program as broadcast over the CBS Television network yesterday. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. SMITH of Massachusetts in the chair). Without objection, it is sQ ordered. (See exhibit 1.) Mr. MANSFIELD. The TV appearance of our distinguished President pro tem- pore yesterday was an outstanding suc- cess. My wife, who was also watching the telecast, commented several times that Senator HAYDEN is a humble man. Humility sometimes is the mark of great- ness. Mr. President, as I stated earlier, this is a momentous day in our history. It is my honor to inform the Senate that we celebrate today the 50th anniversary of the commencement of service in the U.S. Congress of our beloved President pro tempore, CARL HAYDEN. On February 19, 1912, CARL, HAYDEN, until shortly before that sheriff of Mari- copa County, Ariz., took his seat in the House of Representatives as the first Congressman from the new State. More than a month later, on April 2, 1912, Arizona's first Members of this body- Henry Ashurst and Marcus Smith-took their places in the Senate. Representative HAYDEN had been helped into office, he says, by a number of sheriffs with whom he had exchanged prisoners in his extensive travels through the Arizona Territory. They formed a highly effective Hayden organization- the first of a long, succession of such that were to support him in seven succeed- ing congressional elections and in six contests for the Senate. On February 19, 1912, the Speaker of the House was Champ Clark, of Mis- souri, later that year to be an unsuccess- ful candidate for the Democratic nom- ination against Woodrow Wilson. In the House at that time were men like Oscar Underwood, of Alabama; Joseph" Cannon, of Illinois; Pat Harrison, of Mississippi; George Norris, of Nebraska; Cordell Hull, of Tennessee; and Carter Glass, of Virginia. These men would make their mark on American history in the decades to come, either in Congress or in the executice branch. But none of the Members of the House in the 62d Congress would build a more enduring Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 2186 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 monument of service to the American people than CARL HAYDEN. This fair, wise, and kindly man has always used his great power with re- straint. He is a living refutation of Acton's famous dictum that power tends to corrupt. In CARL HAYDEN, power has been associated with responsibility and tempered by humility. He has through- out his career displayed the same open- ness and candor with junior Members of this body, with the staff of the Senate, and with the public at large as he has with other men of great position in Gov- ernment. There is not an ounce of false pride or cant in him. Senator HAYDEN has been called a liv- ing link between the frontier and mod- ernAmerica. He bears within him, as he performs his responsibilities in 1962, the generous and hardy spirit of the pioneer West. Now he has completed 50 years of re- sponsible service to the democracy. His is the longest congressional career since the First Congress, in 1789. It is also one of the noblest. May we have him here with us for years to come. ExHIBIT 1 [From the New York Times, Feb. 19, 1962] SENATOR HAYDEN, 84, WILL MARK HALF- CENTURY IN CONGRESS TODAY-DEMOCRAT FROM ARIZONA HAS SERVED LONGER IN CAPI- TAL THAN ANY OTHER MAN (By Russell Baker) WASHINGTON, February 18.-Tomorrow will be a day of severe inner trial for Senator CARL HAYDEN, of Arizona. His name is going to be prominently dis- played in the newspapers, and that, in the Hayden philosophy of politics, is bad. In the afternoon, he is going to have to spend a lot of time sitting on the Senate floor listening to a lot of talk. Public talk, in the Hayden philosophy of politics, is not so much bad as an utter and absolute waste of good working time. ("Who wants to listen to a tirade?" he once asked a man who said the Senator ought to make a speech once in awhile in deference to tradition.) Tomorrow, however, Mr. HAYDEN will have to listen because the talk is going to be about him. The occasion is the 50th anni- .versary of his coming to Congress. No previous Member in history has served so long. Few have attained the status of living institution that Mr. HAYDEN enjoys among his colleagues. Fewer still have done so much with so little talk. In Arizona, Senator HAYDEN is an institu- tion roughly on a par with the Grand Can- yon. He entered the House on February 19, 1912, as Arizona's only Representative, just 5 days after the State was admitted to the Union. Over the years, the power and prerogatives of seniority have silently elevated him to the small circle of first-rank Senators whose support is essential for Senate success and whose opposition may be fatal. As the Sen- ate's oldest Democrat-he holds the office of President pro tempore, which makes him third in succession to the Presidency after the Speaker of the House. He sits on the Democratic policy commit- tee and the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, which runs the place, and is chairman of the Joint Congressional Com- mittee on Printing, which controls every Congressman's access to the Government printing presses. Most important of all,'he is chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the supreme goal of all Senators because it con- trols the purse strings to the Treasury. What is remarkable in all this is that, for one of the few Members who did not act as all his power, Senator HAYDEN is virtually if he were beneath contempt." unknown to the American public. Whipper- "You were nice to me," Mr. HAYDEN said snappers without one-tenth of his power in later during a campaign encounter with the the Senate have strutted and pranced across Senator in Arizona. "You treated me like a CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE, February .19 the front pages to glory or doom while Mr. normal human being." HAYDEN has quietly secured his position by unobtrusively doing his duty for party and Arizona. Above all, he is a Senator's Senator. Never a man to stake out strong ideological positions, he has left Arizona covered with monuments to his effectiveness at combining party regularity with backroom know-how. Dam and reservoirs, power transmission lines, great highways that make the State a tourist center of the West, airports and military bases, thousands of acres of fertile land blooming in the desert with Federal irriga- tion projects-these are the legacy his acu- men has left to Arizona. In view of the performance record, even the conservatives who like the ideology of his Republican junior colleague, BARRY GOLD- WATER, have found it hard to develop any rancor over Mr. HAYDEN'S consistent loyalty to the New Deal and Fair Deal and President Kennedy's New Frontier. Senator HAYDEN comes from pioneer Ari- zona stock. His father, Charles Trumbull Hayden, a Yankee trader whose forbears' came from England in 1630, set up business in Tucson in 1848. The Senator was born in Hayden's Ferry (now Tempe) in the Arizona Territory. Educated at Stanford, he entered politics shortly after the turn of the century as sheriff of Maricopa County.. The Senator's memories of this period' afford small suste- nance for devotees of old West tales. Once he caught a pair of train robbers after pursuing them in an Apperson Jack- rabbit, an early automobile. "The nearest I ever came to using a gun," he said recently, was an occasion when he heard that "a notorious horsethief who was badly wanted in Colorado and Utah, had turned up in Phoenix. Sheriff Hayden found his man drinking at a bar. "It was evident that he had a pistol under his coat in his hip pocket," he said. "I stuck my gun in his back, told him to throw up his custody." "It turned out that Colorado and 'Utah did not want the man badly enough to go get him, so the sheriff turned him'loose. "I told him I did not mind * * * Ari- zona," Mr. Hayden recalled. "He didn't." The story that Senator HAYDEN shuns (As broadcast over the CBS Television net- work, February 18, 1962, 12:30 to 12:55 .p.m.) Guest: The Honorable CARL HAYDEN, U.S. Senate (Democrat, of Arizona). Host: Paul Niven. Producer: Michael J. Marlow. ANNOUNCER. Join us now for a "Washing- ton Conversation" with a man who came to the Nation's Capital exactly 50 years ago, and on February 19, 1912, was sworn in as a Mem- ber of Congress-CARL HAYDEN, Democrat, of Arizona. The CBS Television network presents "Washington Conversation," an attempt to sketch in some of the details of one of the most influential men in the Congress of the United States-a different approach to the private mind and public philosophy of an 84-year-old "Senators' Senator." In 1912, when CARL HAYDEN first came to Washington William Howard Taft was President and HAYDEN was starting out as Arizona's first and only Representative in Washington. Today we invite you to meet this man who has served his State and his country for over one half a century-Senator CARL HAYDEN. Your host for this informal, unrehearsed "Washington Conversation"-prerecorded on video tape in our studio conference room-is CBS News Correspondent Paul Niven. Mr. Niven. . Mr. NIVEN. So, Senator HAYDEN, it was 50 years ago this weekend you arrived to take your seat in Congress. What was Washing- ton like in those days? What were your im- pressions when you got off the train? Do you remember? Senator HAYDEN. I had been here before. It appeared about the same. It really was not nearly the busy town that it was. You traveled by streetcar, of course. And, I rode to the end of all the lines here just to kind of orient myself. Mr. NIVEN. You first came here about 1890 when you were 13, I think? Senator HAYDEN. Yes. Mr. NIVEN. Is it true you climbed a pole in front of the White House?. Senator HAYDEN. As a small boy I wanted canard, he insists. The myth has grown out of firm policy adopted shortly after he came to Congress. At that time, an oldtimer advised him that Congressmen came in two varieties: the "work horse" and the "show horse." Work horses get along; show horses got the head- lines but usually failed to last long. Mr. HAYDEN chose to become a work horse. He avoids publicity. There are aging mem- bers of the Senate Press Gallery who can- not recall ever hearing him make a floor speech proper. There is a story told by President Kennedy that on first coming to the Senate he sat beside Mr. HAYDEN one day and, to make conversation, asked about the difference be- tween the modern Senate and the Senate of 30 years before. "Young men didn't talk so much then," Mr. HAYDEN is said to have answered. Young men for the last two decades, how- ever, have found the Senator from Arizona an invaluable friend and guide to the arcane ways of the Senate when first trying to ad- just to it. One piece of testimony comes from former President Harry S. Truman. When he en- tered the Senate labeled with the brand of the Pendergast machine in Kansas City, Mo., Mr. Truman once said, "Senator HAYDEN was Army of the Republic, that was being held at that time, and I climbed up on one of the gate posts in front of the White House and saw the old veterans go by. Mr. NIVEN. They were then-they were not really old men, were they, in 1890? I sup- pose they were getting on. Senator HAYDEN. They were- Mr. NIVEN. In their sixties, perhaps. Senator HAYDEN. Yes, in their sixties. Mr. NIvEN. Senator, I understand that your mother began calling -you "the Sen- ator" when you were a very small boy. Is that true, and how did it happen? Senator HAYDEN. I don't remember that myself but there is a story to that effect. Mr. NIVEN. It is a legend. You, or your family had come from Con- necticut, your father had come from Con- necticut- Senator HAYDEN. My father was a native of Connecticut and my mother a native of Arkansas. Mr. NIVEN. And you were the first white child born in the city of Hayden's Land- ing, weren't you? Senator HAYDEN. It is Hayden's Ferry. Mr. NIvEN. Hayden's Ferry, pardon. Senator HAYDEN. Yes. My father estab- lished the ferry there and a flour mill way back about 1872 and I wasn't born until 1877. Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 Approved For.Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD 7- SENATE Mr. NIVEN. You were never tempted? Senator HAYDEN. NO. Mr. NIVEN. Never did play at all? Senator HAYDEN. No. Oh, I don't mean to say I haven't put four bits on a wheel, or something like that, but to be a gambler- no. Mr. NIVEN. When you first came to the Congress, was the work of the Congress much simpler, much easier than it is now? Senator HAYDEN. Oh, yes; because the Government did not have as many activities. I can illustrate that by a statement made to me by Governor Shallenberger; he had been Governor of Nebraska and was a Mem- ber of the House. He had time to devise the system whereby y'e established local boards instead of sending soldiers to get men for the draft, a local board sends a man to-to tell the man whether -he was to go or not. And I asked him how he had time to think about those things. He said, "Well, you know, the only Federal interest in my State at this time is a rural letter carrier." It's very different now. Mr. NIVEN. You worked very hard, though, from the beginning, didn't you, spending many hours in the Library of Congress do- ing your own research? Senator HAYDEN. What I had to do was *ork on committees that I thought would help build a territory into a State, and so I' asked for the Committees on Irrigation of Arid Lands and Public Lands, Indian Affairs, Mines and Mining, so that there was always work to do in that connection, my commit- tee work. Mr. NIVEN. And you went on appropria- tions at a later stage in your Senate career- Senator HAYDEN. No. That was after I came to- Mr. NIVEN. After you came to the Senate. Did you go out right onto Appropriations when you came to the Senate? Senator HAYDEN. Yes. I had become chairman of the Committee on Indian Af- fairs in the House, that appropriated money for the Indian Bureau at that time, and very modest appropriations-oh, if we got $12 or $14 million, we were doing very well. But Senator Pittman, of Nevada, and Sen- ator King, of Utah, said that our part of the United States had not had representa- tion upon their Appropriations Committee for a long time, and this "South in the sad- dle" die" didn't go any more and that I must become a member to represent that area. And they were inflential enough to fix it so that I became a member of the Appropri- ations Committee, but it was a week after I became a Senator in 1927. Mr. NIvEN. And Arizona has had a. long in- ning on the Appropriations Committee since? Senator HAYDEN. Yes. Mr. NIVEN. When you first came here as a Congressman, did you get any valuable advice from some of the older members? Senator HAYDEN. Oh, yes; they were very kind to me. I inquired about how things were done, and so on, and they were very good to me. I remember one old Congressman from Missouri gave me some very good advice. I had been there from February until June when Congress adjourned and he called me off and said, "Now, look, you're a Congress- man and you're going home and you are supposed to know a lot of things. Actually you haven't been around here long enough' to know anything." He said, "If you go ' home and follow the usual method of meet- ing your friends, go along on the street, go into the places of business, but if somebody wants to talk to you about some important subject, you'll be sorry because you have an appointment up the street because you'll soon find out you don't know any more than he does." Mr. NIvEN. And all the children that had been born there before were Indians? Senator HAYDEN. There was an Indian community nearby, yes. Mr. NIVEN. Senator, your first public office was as sheriff, was it not? Senator HAYDEN. No. My first public office was a member of the town council of the town of Tempe. I served on that for 2 years. Then I served for 2 years as the county treasurer of Maricopa County; and then for 7 years I was the sheriff of the county. .Mr. NIVEN. Did you carry a .45, as sheriff? Senator HAYDEN. Yes, for 5 years. Mr. NIVEN. Ever have to use it? Senator HAYDEN. No, no-just as a matter of precaution. I missed it greatly, when I came to the Senate and to the House, and a Member said, "Why, if that is all your trouble, put a couple of doorknobs in your pocket." [Laughter.] Mr. NIVEN. You caught a couple of train robbers in a rather famous posse, didn't you? Could you tell about that? Senator HAYDEN. Well, they robbed a train at Maricopa, tied their horses in the brush on the Gila River, and the train came up some distance. Why, they had robbed the passengers and all. The train came in the evening, we put our horses on the cattle cars and went over there the next morning. I called up some Indian scouts to go along with us and the sheriff of the adjoining county came and he wanted to go so I went in an automobile that waited until one of the Indians came back and indicated which way they were going. And, when he did, we pursued them in an automobile. I remember it was an Apperson Jackrabbit, a very popular car in those days. Accom- panied by the proprietor of a hotel and a customs officer, I finally caught up with the party, and we captured the train robbers. Mr. NIVEN. You had a problem with an Indian who had three wives, didn't you? Senator HAYDEN. That is a story told by Charley Carter about something that hap- pened in Oklahoma 50 years ago that some- body erroneously attributed to me. Indians in Arizona do not have three wives. Mr. NrvEN. Well, there was another story which may be erroneous, too, that the local ladies complained that Indians came into town in breechclouts and made-got you to go and tell them to wear trousers. Is that true? Senator HAYDEN. There was a city ordi- nance in Phoenix that required them to put on their pants before they came into town. Mr. NrvEN. How did you get your salary as sheriff? Senator HAYDEN. Paid quarterly. Mr. NrvEN. Well, you also collected fees, didn't you, from saloon keepers? Senator HAYDEN. Yes. It was principally a fee office. I would have to go around with my receipt book and collect for a crap game or a roulette wheel or poker games and faro and the saloon itself and any gambling de- vices there. Mr. NIvEN. Was there ever any difficulty in getting these fees? Senator HAYDEN. Oh, no. They were glad to pay them, and the protection on that ac- count. The time of collection'I had decided would be about 10 or 11 o'clock in the morning after the old boys had been there and had their morning's morning and before they were crowded, and usually after I had made the collection the bartender 'would in- vite me to take a drink and I would explain that I had a rule-nothing before sundown. Mr. NivEN. Did you ever stop to play, could the sheriff gamble himself, properly? Senator HAYDEN. No. I never was inter- ested in gambling. I saw roulette wheels from the time I was big enough to stick my chin up over them and always in my mind it was the other man's game, you couldn't beat it. Mr. NIVEN. How long-how long did it take you to fully understand the legislative system? Can you remember? Senator HAYDEN. Oh, I don't think any- body fully understands it yet. There are all kinds of angles to it, you know. Mr. NIVEN. But I don't imagine after 50 years you are still learning new facets, and- Senator HAYDEN. Well, there is always something new turns up. Mr. NIVEN. There is? Senator HAYDEN. Yes. Mr. NIVEN. Extraordinary. President Kennedy, when he spoke at your testimonial dinner in Phoenix, quoted a speech you had made years ago in which you said, "I know that Congress does not conduct its business in an efficient manner. If any corporation had a board of direc- tors as inefficient as Congress, it would be- come bankrupt in a year." Do you still believe that, sir? Senator HAYDEN. The President reminded me of something I said a long time ago. And I hesitate to say that, although it is true that there are many places in the Gov- ernment where good business practice would be very helpful. Mr. NIVEN. Would you like, do you favor any particular reforms of the legislative branch? Senator HAYDEN. No. Avenues to obtain information necessary to make appropria- tions are wide open, you can get anything you want to know. Mr. NIVEN. You don't you're not, for in- stance, among those who say a parliamentary system would be more effective and more efficient? Senator HAYDEN. No, no. I would not. I like the way the Senate operates. Mr. NIVEN. It is essential, I suppose, to geographically-your part of the country particularly, to Arizona the Federal System has been very important, isn't that true? Senator HAYDEN. No more so than any- where else. The whole point of it is that the Senate represents States, not the Nation as a whole. The House is the national body and of course represents population. We represent the areas of States, and we also enjoy freedom of debate. I would never have been a Senator but for the fact that we had freedom of debate in the Senate. Oklahoma, an Indian territory, was admitted, and it was well known they would be a democratic State because of that area. To make up for that the Republicans in Congress wanted to unite Arizona and New Mexico, and so pro- vided. A small group of 'Senators just simply talked and talked and talked and said, "you can't do that," and finally they made an-ar- rangement whereby we would have a sepa- rate vote in Arizona and New Mexico, and if either State decided that it didn't want to join statehood, we would then come in sepa- rately. Well they voted overwhelmingly for it in New Mexico and very much against it . in Arizona so that made it possible for me to come to Congress. I never could have been here if it had been one State with New Mexico. Mr. NIVEN. After making very few speeches for the first few years,you engaged in a fili- buster yourself, didn't you, at one point, quite an important one? 'Senator HAYDEN. We had a bill to au- thorize the construction of what was called the'Boulder Dam, it's now called the Hoover Dam, built in the administration of Presi- dent Hoover, and prior to that time they had negotiated a compact between the States which related to the distribution of water and how it should be handled. And, Presi- dent Hoover was then Secretary of Commerce and presided over that. Unfortunately Ari- zona did not ratify the compact, all of the other States did. Then the other States made up their mind we couldn't get a drop of water out of the river until we did ratify Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP8OB0167.6R002800230002-7 2188 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE February 19- it and in the meantime they proceeded with the construction of what was known as Boulder and now Hoover Dam. And of course we had to resist that and we did success- fully for about a month in the long session of Congress. But, in the short session, why they made it the exclusive unfinished busi- ness of the Senate and held us right to it so finally we had to allow a vote, the bill to come to a vote after we obtained some con- cessions that we believed to be important. Mr. NIVEN. It has been said that Arizona is just a big collection of monuments to CARL HAYDEN-roads, airports, dams- Senator HAYDEN. That is an overstatement. Mr. NrvEN. But you have got quite a few things for your State over the years. Senator HAYDEN. Not for Arizona alone. For example, we have a policy of conserving water everywhere, not only in Arizona or anywhere else. It so happened that one of the first reclamation-the first project un- der the reclamation law that was passed in 1902 when Mr. Roosevelt was President was carried out in Arizona, but there have been many other projects which we have helped to inaugurate and put into effect. And, the same way with power develop- ment and highways. We have been interested in a national system of highways because- not for Arizona alone, but so that people could come to Arizona. We have wonderful scenery in northern Arizona, the Petrified Forest and the Grand Canyon. We think we have the finest winter. climate in Amer- ica, so that Arizona-a national system of highways made it accessible to the American public. Mr. NIvEN. Well, has your success in get- ting these things for Arizona and for other States stemmed mainly from your power as appropriations chairman or your seniority or simply your ability to get a lot of- Senator HAYDEN. It doesn't stem from any power. If you have a good project, the Con- gress will adopt it. Nobody has the power to impose anything on the Congress or procure the enactment into legislation. Mr. NrvErr. A lot has been written about the so-called Senate Club, or the Inner Cir- cle, the group of, loosely defined informal group of very influential senior Senators who- Senator HAYDEN. That is more or less a myth. Mr. NrvEN. It is a myth? Senator HAYDEN. Yes. There are Senators that have been there longer and know their way about, but they don't get off in a hud- dle and decide what the rest of the'Sena- tors will do. They wouldn't stand for that. Mr. NrvrN. Is all legislation, as a Sena- tor once said, the result of compromise? Senator HAYDEN. That is exactly what Champ Clark told me when I first came to the House. He said: "Young man I want you to remember, you can't have everything your own- way. There never was an important piece of legislation enacted by Congress which was not the result of compromise." Mr. NivEN. It has to be. There is a great suspicion I think in the country at large of compromise, of logrolling and of horse trading but isn't this the only way a country as large as this can govern itself? Senator HAYDEN. Champ Clark stated a fact. W. NIVEN. Uh-huh. . Senator HAYDEN. You just don't enact im- portant legislation except by coming to an agreement, where there are differences of opinion. Mr. NrvEN. And does one Senator go to another Senator and say "I will join you on this if you will support me on this?" Senator HAYDEN. That would be a very unusual circumstance. Mr. NIvEN. It would be unusual? Senator HAYDEN. Yes. Mr. NxvEN. Is that necessary, would that necessarily be- Senator HAYDEN. I don't know, that I. just-looks like you didn't care anything about the merits of what you do, and Sen- ators don't do that. Mr. NrvEN. Senator, you have been very famous for avoiding publicity all your life. Why is that? Senator HAYDEN. Well, I couldn't see any advantage in talking a great deal about something. It's much better to do it and let the results speak for itself. Mr. NivEN. It has been said that Senator HAYDEN detests publicity, distrusts news- papers, and avoids reporters as if they were emissaries come direct from Typhoid Mary. Senator HAYDEN. Well, it's not quite that bad. But nevertheless, I have considered that where we had executive sessions and confidential information that I would not 'spill it and I In that way, of course, avoided the press because if you don't see them, you don't have to talk to them. Mr. NIVEN. And you never held press conferences. Senator HAYDEN. Pardon? Mr. NrvEN. You have never held press con- ferences, news conferences. Senator HAYDEN. If I have, they have been very exceedingly rare. Mr. NIVEN. How about publicity in Ari- zona? Surely in an election campaign, while your opposition has never been very formidable, seldom been very formidable- Senator HAYDEN. My whole theory is that- you do your work and if people inquire of you about it, you can explain it, if they don't understand it; but the work speaks for itself and you don't have to make a parade. Mr. NIvEN. Have you worried much at election time, have you run scared? Senator HAYDEN. Well, I always feel a little more confident after all the ballots are cast and the count begins to favor me. Mr. NIvEN. You once lost an election in college, didn't you? Senator HAYDEN. Yes. I was candidate for president of the student body at Stanford University. Herbert Hoover's brother, Theo- dore Hoover was one candidate, I was another, and a gentleman by the name of Diggles. Diggles had a very good organiza- tion. I had the most votes on the first time and then we had to run it off, like a Texas primary, and everybody thought I had run so well in the first ballot that there was no question. I went all around over the campus telling them that Diggles had a good organ- ization, was getting the votes in and please come over and vote for me. But I remem- ber there were at least four students from Arizona who promised to go but didn't, and I lost out by. four votes. Mr. NIvEN. Senator, do you plan to run for reelection to the Senate this year? Senator HAYDEN. Why, I answer that ques- tion always, when the filing times is in July, that after every time I have been elected the next day they want to know whether you are going to run next time and my answer is "why not." Mr. NIVEN. Is that your answer now? Senator HAYDEN. Yes. Mr. NIVEN. So, in other words, you will be announcing in the proper time. Senator HAYDEN. I say "why not?" Mr. NIvEN. Well, thank you very much, Senator HAYDEN. It's been a pleasure to have you with us in this Washington Con- Senator HAYDEN. Thank you. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, on behalf of the distinguished Senator from Illinois [Mr. DIRxsEN], the minority leader, and myself-and, I am sure, the other 98 Senators-I submit a resolu- tion and ask for its immediate consid- eration. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The resolution will be stated. The Legislative Clerk read as follows: Whereas the Honorable CARL HAYDEN, sen- ior Senator from Arizona, first became a Member of the House of Representatives on February 19, 1912, upon the admission of Arizona as a State of the Union; and Whereas from such date until March 3, 1927, he continued to serve as a Member of the House of Representatives from Arizona; and Whereas from March 4, 1927, until the present time, he has served as a United States Senator from Arizona; and Whereas during his long and distinguished career as a Member of Congress, he has been .admired and respected for his outstanding ability, courage, and untiring devotion to duty, and has been loved for his modesty, sincerity, and understanding; and Whereas his able and dedicated service as a Member of Congress has conjributed im- measurably to the welfare of the peoples of his State and his Nation; and Whereas today, the nineteenth day of Feb- ruary 1962, marks the fiftieth anniversary of continuous service by the Honorable CARL HAYDEN as a Member of Congress from the State of Arizona: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate, in tribute to his long and distinguished service to his State and Nation, extends to the Honorable CARL HAYDEN, senior Senator from Arizona and beloved President pro tempore of the Senate, its sincere congratulations and fe- licitations on this, the fiftieth anniversary of the commencement of his service as a Member of Congress, and expresses the fer- vent wish that the Senate and the Nation may, for many years to come, continue to benefit from the wise and capable guidance and leadership which he has so long and so generously rendered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the present consideration of the resolution? There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the resolution. Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, there is current in the English language a word which is one of the most useful I have ever encountered. It is the word "tradition." It fits everywhere. It has a rather amorphous meaning, in a sense; but when one is at a loss for a word, just insert the word "tradition," and it will probably fit. But "tradition" does have a real meaning; and in the history of this country, by our national tradition, we think of all the events, all the achievements, all the personalities, all the tears, all those things, which con- join to give us a great and glorious history. Tradition would include the Pilgrims coming to Plymouth Rock and the sacri- fices of the Puritans. It would include the War of the Revolution and all its great exploits. It would include the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. It would include the un- fortunate?civil strife. It would include the entry of the great Lone Star State of Texas into the Union upon her own re- quest, after that great State had wrested its own independence from Mexico, and did not come into the Union particularly as a suppliant, but actually on equal ground with the Union. All these things are included in tradition. Tradition includes personalities, and one need only talk of the ghosts that are in this Chamber or the ghosts that were Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 19'62 Approved. For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 'CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 2189 in the first Capitol in New York, great men who have studded the history of the country with outstanding achievements. Out of that progress one gets a sense of continuity; but I think one gets it best if in our own lifetime there is a great contemporary statesman whose lifetime is the equal of one-half of the life of this Republic. CARL HAYDEN was born in 1877. I must say, CARL, that you picked an awfully unfortunate time; because only 4 years before, almost to the day; occurred the panic of Black Friday, in 1873. I think if it had been up to me to select a time to be born, I- would not have asked to be born particularly in that feverish economic period in our history. But I think it was a good time for you. However, if you go back be- yond that only the length of your own lifetime, you go' back to 1789, and that was when the Republic was founded. So your lifetime has spanned half the life of the Republic. All we have to do today is to look closely into your con- tribution to the Republic, and there we see a sense of continuity, a picture of continuity, which gives one a better esti- mate of our own history. When we go back to 1877, we think of all the economic difficulties, the building of the West, the expansion of the rail- roads, and the ultimate geographic in- tegrity of the Union, because six or eight States were still to be added from then until now-perhaps more. Nevertheless, we have witnessed the unfolding of the Union in its geographic and its economic sense. So when I saw you yesterday on the television program-and may I congrat- ulate you upon it-I thought of how quickly so many of the incidents and de- tails concerning the events through which you lived have come so rapidly to pass. If I were to advise any student-on how best he could obtain a graphic pic- ture of the development of the Republic, I should say he could well address him- self to your lifetime, covering half the life of the Republic; and there it would be. What a pleasure, CARL, it has been to serve with you; and what a double pleas- ure it has been to serve, under your be- nign chairmanship, as a member of the Committee on Appropriations. I shall always cherish that experience. You have contributed much to the Republic, and you have done it so gracefully and with a minimum of persuasion. Mrs. Dirksen remarked, when we were watching the television program yester- day: "He has done so much for Arizona. Has he made so many speeches on the floor of the House and Senate?" ' I said: "No; his speeches have been few and far between. What has actually happened has been that whenever Rep- resentative CARL HAYDEN or Senator CARL HAYDEN came before a committee with a project or any other request for his State, one could be quite certain that it was worthy, it was justifiable, and it needed little persuasion and rhetorical advancement." So I count myself singularly fortunate to have been privileged to serve in this body with you. I come as a younger per- son ; but I am always willing, as disciple and a pupil, to sit at the feet of a master. I wish we could create and bestow upon you a title, and call it Senator emeritus; because if anyone richly de- serves it, that gentleman is CARL HAYDEN. 'So, on this notable occasion, I con- gratulate you. Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. President, the Washington Star of this afternoon car- ries on its front page an article with the headline "Fifty Years in Congress- HAYDEN Sets New Record." Mr. President, the distinguished senior Senator from Arizona [Mr. HAYDEN] is the only Member of this body serving here today who occupied a seat in the Senate when I first took the oath of of- fice as a Senator of the United States. That has been almost 30 years ago. I can assert without any fear of contra- diction that in that 30-year period there has not been a single year when the distinguished President pro tempore of the Senate, my good friend, Senator CARL HAYDEN, has not set new records by his service here. He has served longer than any other Member of the Senate. I do not know with how many hundreds of men he has served in the Senate; but I do know that every man with whom he has ever served has had a. real af- fection for him. Every one of them liked to feel that he had a little special knowledge-a realization that CARL HAYDEN is something very extraordinary in the way of a man. We also like to feel that this realization is shared only by his good friends. That statement is accurate, Mr. President, for that real- ization is shared by CARL HAYDEN's good friends-by all who have served in the Congress during half a century, and also by all the citizens of Arizona and by a goodly portion of the population of these United States. Mr. President, as a Georgian, I am proud of my native State. I love her red-clay hills, the broad expanses of her 'coastal plains, and her beaches where the Atlantic ceaselessly rolls. I thrill to the glorious history of my State. But, Mr. President, I must confess that I am a little jealous of the State of Arizona, for through a combination of good luck and good judgment, since Arizona first achieved statehood, in 1912, there has not been a single moment when the State of Arizona has not enjoyed the leader- ship of this remarkable man. I venture to say here, in the presence of many men who have worked with him, that in all the history of these United States no one man has contributed more to the build- ing of a State than CARL HAYDEN has contributed to the State of Arizona. When CARL HAYDEN first came to the Congress, Arizona was one of the most sparsely populated States of the Union. Arizona then had vast expanses of desert and mountains, but very little agricul- ture, some cattle, and a good many gun- men, bandits, and Indians on the war- path. But what do we find in Arizona today? Today, Arizona has the most rapidly growing population of any State in the Union, and Arizona has developed a great industrial system, airports, and military bases, and has magnificent highways that bring thousands of tourists into the State each year. Irrigation has brought water to her fertile plains, and Arizona's agricultural production is not equaled per acre, by that of the other States of the Union. The handiwork of CARL HAYDEN will be found in each and every- one of those developments. Mr. President, I remember when I first came to the Senate, almost three decades ago, I heard the late Senator Carter Glass, of Virginia, say in the cloakroom that if Virginia were ever allowed to have a third Senator, he was going to try to get CARL HAYDEN to. fill the place. It did not take me long to find out why he said that, and I doubt not that every man who has been in the Senate long enough to learn his way around would feel the same way about CARL HAYDEN, when we see what he has done to develop and to build the State of Arizona. Mr. President, CARL HAYDEN is not one who is without weaknesses for he has one outstanding weakness: It is his excessive modesty. For many years I have heard references made to those who have "a passion for anonymity." But, CARL HAYDEN is the only, man I have ever seen in Washington, in any position-high or low, who really, genuinely has a passion for anonymity. Yet-and I know that none of my colleagues would contradict 'this statement, either on or off the rec- ord-despite that trait, there is no more highly respected or influential man in either House of the Congress. Mr. Pres- ident, I think all of us can find a lesson in that simple fact. CARL HAYDEN'S in- fluence arises from his role as a doer, not a talker; his influence is founded on his record of performance, rather than on mere words and promises. Mr. President, many men who have come into this body might well have taken advantage of the pearls of wisdom that have come from CARL HAYDEN'S vast experience. When I first came here, he said to me something that I have car- ried with me from that day to this. He said to me "that it is comparatively easy to explain a vote, no matter on which side of the issue one may have voted, but it is always extremely difficult to ex- plain a speech. I have thought about that a thousand times, and whenever I have been tempted to take the floor and address the Senate at a time when I was not absolutely sure of the facts, I have remembered that Hayden proverb, and have remained silent, rather than be compelled at some later date to explain such a speech. I venture to say that very few men who have served in the Senate for only one term have had as few words put in the RECORD as CARL HAYDEN has had since he came to this body in 1927, and that despite the fact-perhaps I should not say this, in this enlightened age, when the word almost has a connotation of great crime-that on one occasion he was one of the outstanding filibusterers of the Senate, when he held the floor for Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 2190 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE days, to prevent the passage of proposed legislation which he deemed harmful to his State and to its people. Mr. Presi- dent, CARL HAYDEN does not fill the REC- ORD with useless verbiage. We may say of CARL HAYDEN that if he has ever promised anything, he has de- livered; and he has never performed any less than he has promised. In his case, the old saying that "his word is as good as his bond" is an understatement, be- cause CARL HAYDEN'S word is a guaran- tee-as certain as the mark "Sterling" on old silver-that what he says he will be done. That alone is a mark of true greatness. But it is only one of this man's quali- ties. To my way of thinking, a great leader is a man of integrity; a man of courage; and a man of wisdom. Over the nearly 30 years I have been privileged to serve with this man I have discussed many grave problems and issues with CARL HAYDEN. In every case he has ap- proached those problems with integrity, courage, and wisdom. I can assert at this moment that I have never made a mistake when I have followed his advice and counsel. Mr. President, lawyers predominate in this body. I have not checked on it, but I know .that down through the years a majority of the Members of the Senate have been members of the bar. But I discovered many years ago that, al- though CARL HAYDEN is not a lawyer, there is no greater authority on our Na- tional Constitution in this body than the distinguished President pro tempore, the Senator from Arizona. He has true rev- erence for the Constitution of the United States, and that has made him one of our truly great scholars in that field. The Senate could do well to listen to him when he gives his interpretation of con- stitutional questions. He has respect for the oath he took at yonder desk. He has undertaken to support and defend and carry out the provisions of the Con- stitution of the United States. He is a believer in the true American concept of law and government under that Constitution. I am proud to say that he believes in the Senate of the United States as a unique institution among the parliamentary bodies of the earth. He is, to quote that distinguished journalist, William S. White, a "Senate man," a "Senate type." Mr. President, you will never find CARL HAYDEN trading the prerogatives which have made this the greatest parliamen- tary body in the history of the world for any mess of votes from any corner of the State of Arizona. He would never aban- don the position that the Constitution of the United States intended for the Sen- ate in any effort to rush helter-skelter to adopt legislation designed with purely political motives in mind. And after another 50 years of service here, before he finally retires or shuffles off this mortal coil, he can face any man and say, "No act of mine has subtracted one jot or title from the standing of the U.S. Senate as the forum of the States of this Union." The passage of his five decades in Con- gress has been through many soul- searching, world-shaking periods of the history of the earth., Whatever the times or the issues, Senator HAYDEN has been a bulwark of constitutional govern- ment. He has been a national leader through three great wars; through pe- riods of boom and times of depression. Each one of the 50 years he has served in this body has seen his stature increase. He has accumulated with the years an even greater store of wisdom and honor. He is a legend in the Senate and the ex- perience he has acquired he bestows freely on his colleagues, on his party, the Democratic Party. Overall, the welfare and security of our beloved country has been the lode star that has guided him always. I say to my friend, as you enter into your second 50 years of service in the Senate of the United States, that you carry with you the affection and best wishes of all who have come in contact with you. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent to place in the RECORD' an article from the Associated Press appearing in the Washington Star this afternoon. There being no objection, the article was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: FIFTY YEARS IN CONGRESS-HAYDEN SETS NEW RECORD Senator CARL HAYDEN, who swapped his sheriff's badge for a seat in Congress 5 days after Arizona became a State, today becomes the first man to serve as a Member of Congress for 50 years. The 84-year-old Democrat, third in line of succession to the Presidency, was sworn into the House of Representatives February 19, 1912. After 15 years as Arizona's only Representative, Senator HAYDEN moved to the Senate in 1927. Today he is dean of the Senate and of Congress. However, he is little known out- side Washington, because he resolutely shuns publicity and rarely speaks in public. Asked in a recent interview to name his greatest accomplishment, he replied: "I just can't do it. A man does one piece of work one time; another piece of work, and then another. To look back 50 years and say one thing is more important than another is something I can't do." TRIBUTE FROM KENNEDY Last November, at a testimonial dinner in Phoenix, President Kennedy had this to say about Senator HAYDEN: "Every Federal program which has con- tributed to the West-irrigation, power and reclamation-bears his mark. And the great Federal highway program which binds this country together, which permits this State to be competitive east and west, north and south-this in large measure is his crea- tion." Senator HAYDEN is expected to be a candi- date this year for his seventh 6-year Senate term. Senator HAYDEN, a tall, lean, bald man who smokes cigars, is president pro tempore of the Senate, a position that goes to the member of the majority party who has served longest. This puts him third in line to the Presidency, behind Vice President JOHNSON and Speaker MCCORMACK. Although he has served longer than any of the more than 10,000 other Congressmen in U.S. history, Senator HAYDEN balks at the suggestion that he fully understands the legislative system. "Oh, I don't think anybody fully under- stands it yet," he said in an interview taped for a television program, CBS-"Washing- ton Conversation." February 19 "There are all kinds of angles to it. There is always something new turns up." Senator HAYDEN brushed aside the theory that an inner circle of senior Senators con- trol the "so-called Senate Club." "That is more or less a myth," he said, adding that the ranking Senators may "know their way about, but they don't get off in a huddle and decide what the rest of the Senators will do." "They (others) wouldn't stand for that." Senator HAYDEN was born October 2, 1877, at Hayden's Ferry, now Tempe. His father had founded the settlement. He was educated in the public schools of Tempe and Stanford University where he met his future wife, Nan Downing, whom he married in 1908. Mrs. Hayden died last June. Senator HAYDEN concedes that his per- formance as a sheriff in the pioneer West would be a disappointment to today's TV Western fans. "I never shot at anyone and nobody ever shot at me," he said. "The nearest I came to shooting anyone was the day I identified a horsethief who was described as badly wanted in Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming." Senator HAYDEN confirmed that as an Arizona sheriff he helped capture two train robbers in an adjoining county. Indian scouts located the robbers the day after the robbery, he recalled, and "we pursued them in an automobile." Mr. McCLELLAN. Mr. President, I most happily and sincerely join in the sentiments that have been expressed in eulogizing our distinguished colleague and the senior Member of this body. I can add little to what has been said. I think it was sometime last fall that a dinner in his honor was tendered Sena- tor HAYDEN in Phoenix, Ariz. I was in my home State at the time, and, having an invitation to attend, and being unable to go, I sent a telegram of congratula- tions. I somehow gained the impression then that the date of the dinner was the anniversary of the 50th anniversary of the commencement of his service in the Congress, and I worded my telegram ac- cordingly. My message took that assumption into account. Mr. President, the date may have been premature, but the sentiments I ex- pressed were not. They were true then; they are true today. And if I said and meant my words then, I say them and mean them today. I say them with even stronger emphasis. I know of nothing more appropriate I could say than to read into the RECORD at this time the telegram I sent congratulating him on that occasion. The telegram reads as follows : I join with all of our colleagues, your host of personal friends and with millions of Americans throughout the country in extend- ing to you warmest greetings and congratu- lations on this 50th anniversary of your dis- tinguished statesmanship and service to your country in the national Congress. For me it has been a personal joy to serve with you and work under you as chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate and to work with you in many other areas of congressional activities and responsibil- ities. *I look forward with the keenest of pleasure to the continuation of our laboring and being associated together. For you, I have the deepest admiration and respect and I trust there may be many more happy returns of this day for you. Mr. President, I can only add to that message today that I have looked upon Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 ,Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE and relied upon our distinguished col- league as a friend and a counselor. Many times have I sought his advice. Every time I have received the informa- tion I needed and the guidance that my inexperience, as compared to his experi- ence, required. I know he is President pro tempore of the Senate, an official position which in a sense makes him head of this body in the absence of the Vice President of the United States. Mr. President, I seldom refer to him as President pro tempore of the Senate. I have a term of my own, a little greeting which I fondly and affec- tionately use. To me he is the "chief." I greet him frequently as "Chief." I do that in a spirit of highest respect, be- cause among all the Members of this body he is my chief. I congratulate him on this day. The Lord bless him and keep him, and may he continue to be with us and to labor with us for our country for many years to come. Mr. HILL. Mr. President, we are in- deed proud and happy as we celebrate the 50 years of service of our friend and colleague CARL HAYDEN, in the Congress of the United States. When I was privileged to enter the House of Representatives some 38 years ago, CARL HAYDEN was one of the most respected and beloved Members of that body and surely one of its most outstand- ing Members in his ability, his dedica- tion, and his statesmanship. He gave to me, then the baby Member of the House, the help, the encouragement, and the inspiration of his friendship-a friendship that has continued through the years with unabated warmth and with many blessings for me. We who know CARL HAYDEN'S worth and his works, who have been privileged to witness at firsthand his lifelong en- terprises dedicated to the common good, 'who have witnessed his devotion to our country and his splendid achievements in her cause, who honor him for the magnificent example he has set for the younger generations by his pursuit of knowledge, by his skill and his courage, by the integrity of his character, and by the purity of his purpose in maintaining the dignity and highest ideals of his pro- fession, rejoice to salute him today. We, who love CARL HAYDEN for what he is personally and professionally, hail the advent of his golden jubilee with the ac- claim that is due the prize winner in the race of life's noblest achievements. We salute CARL HAYDEN, the man, the friend, the patriot, and we salute CARL HAYDEN, the institution of statesmanship. May it be said of him, as was said of Sophocles in his 100th year, "In his heart forever flows the warm blood of youth." Mr. SALTONSTALL. Mr. President, I join with the many friends of CARL HAY- DEN in congratulating him on the 50th anniversary of his service in the Con- gress of the United States, and wish for him many more happy years to come. My first acquaintance with Senator HAYDEN came in 1909 and 1910, when I was a schoolboy in Mesa and he was sheriff of Maricopa County. Our ac- quaintanceship then was brief, I am glad to say, because he was keeping order in a baseball game in which I partici- pated. We won the game and went home as quickly as we could, and without any loss of life or limb, because of the order the sheriff kept on that day. Later our acquaintance became friend- ship when I became a U.S. Senator. I have served on the Appropriations Committee for some 14 years, and he has served on the committee and has been chairman of it for a considerable number of those years. What appeals to me about CARL HAY- DEN is that he 'knows his business. - He knows his business as a U.S. Senator, because he knows how to get things done in this body. He knows how to get leg- islation passed. Those of us who have come here after him can take lessons from the way CARL HAYDEN works. When he is interested in a subject he keeps after it. He sees the individual mem- bers of the committee considering the proposed legislation and uses his persau- sive abilities to show them how his posi- tion is the right one and why they should join. We seldom hear from him on the floor of the Senate. We seldom' hear from him on the floor because we do not need to. He has accomplished his job and he has accomplished his work before that time, before the bill is presented to the Senate. He accomplishes his objec- tive because he is patient, because he is intelligent, because he is helpful to other Members, and because he is always an optimist. He always believes in what he feels is the right way, and what should become the law of the land sooner or later. For these reasons Arizona has bene- fited from his long service. All of us in the United States have benefited from that service, because of his great under- standing of the problems of today as they affect us domestically and as they affect our country internationally. CARL, I hope you and I serve together on the Committee on Appropriations for many years to come, because I know that during that time I shall still be greatly influenced on this side of'the aisle by your persuasive arguments on matters which come before us. Congratulations and best wishes. Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, I am particularly happy to be able to join in the tributes, commendations, and messages of good cheer and good will to a distinguished patriot, a great Senator, an outstanding legislator, a statesman, a public servant, a good man and a good friend by the name of CARL HAYDEN. I have visited Senator HAYDEN's State of Arizona on several occasions. All one really needs to do to make sure he will be received with the most cordial and gracious hospitality and welcome is to say he knows CARL HAYDEN or is a friend of Senator HAYDEN. Then the great hos- pitality of -the people of Arizona becomes even more generous and more consider= ate, because the people are so justly proud of this fine and good man. Mr. President, if ever there was a man who exemplified the famous words of Abraham Lincoln in his second inaugural address, "With malice toward none; with - charity of all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right," it is the senior Senator from Arizona. I have never heard Senator HAYDEN say an un- kind word about his colleagues or about anyone. I do not' believe there is such a thing as malice in his heart, in his background, or in his words. I have known that he has exemplified that great principle of charity every day of his life. I can to this attribute from personal experience, because he has been char- itable to me, and that kind of charity one never forgets. I read this morning the New York Times article about Senator HAYDEN, written by Mr. Russell Baker. I wish to thank Mr. Baker publicly for the article, and of course all the other journalists and commentators-and there have been many indeed-who have written so sin- cerely, so objectively, and so complimen- tarily of Senator HAYDEN. I think it was in the Russell Baker article that President Truman is re- ported to have said that one of the reasons why he grew to love CARL HAY- DEN was that when he, President Tru- man, first came to the Senate, CARL HAYDEN treated him like a genuine hu- man being, with kindness, warmth, and friendship. What finer qualities can one have than those qualities of humanity? I believe that. in its 50 years of state- hood, Arizona has sent only six men to the U.S. Senate. As we know, one of those men has truly endured, and that man is the gentleman whom we salute today, Arizona's first U.S. Representa- tive, and certainly Arizona's first citi- zen-CARL HAYDEN. Today CARL HAYDEN marks the 50th anniversary of his arrival on Capitol Hill and begins his 51st year of dedi- cated service to his State and Nation. What a wonderful thing it is to see one so rich in experience remain so young. He typifies that wonderful musical num- ber "Young in Heart." He does not make many speeches in the Senate. When he does speak, Senators give him their attention. I have yet to see a request of this distinguished Senator that has not been fulfilled. It is a priv- ilege to be associated with him, if only indirectly. No State in the Union bears the mark of one great man to a greater -extent than does Arizona, with respect to its senior Senator, CARL HAYDEN. No State has a stronger and more de- voted champion in the U.S. Congress. No State owes more to any one single individual, and no State has a stronger, more devoted, or more sincere champion of its interests and of its welfare in the Senate than Senator HAYDEN. As the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. SALTONSTALLI, and others, have said, CARL HAYDEN has proven himself a thousand times over as a man who can get a job done. He is the man who can perform the job, whether it>is obtaining authorization for some valuable and im- - portant irrigation or hydroelectric pro- gram in the Far West that means so much to the people of that area, or whether it is bringing about a compro- mise between what seems like a deadlock situation between the two Houses of Congress. I do not believe CARL HAY- DEN has ever heard the word "impos- sible." If he has, he has ignored it. He Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE February 19 has shoved it aside, and he has per- formed what is possible. He has always made the word "impossible" a possibility of success. Here is a man without a trace of con- descension-, one who has given valuable advice and instruction to every Senate freshman who has ever asked for it, from Harry Truman to John F. Kennedy. Here is a man who has never faltered on the road to his only objective-what is best for his State and what is best for the United States of America. CARL HAYDEN is a partisan but, first of all, as has been said here so many times, he is an American. He bears the one title above all others that is so meaning- ful in this country-citizen. He is indeed a great citizen. Those of us who have had the privilege of stand- ing alongside him or standing in the shadow of his greatness, feel that it is a distinct honor to serve with him and to. be his friend. I wish him many years of continued good health, many years of continued service in the Senate, and many reelections. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent that an article about CARL HAYDEN, written by Oren Arnold and published in the Point West magazine, issue of February 1962, be printed at this point in the RECORD. There being no objection, the article was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: HAYDEN (By Oren Arnold) (EDITOR'S NoTE.-It is right and proper that in celebrating our golden anniversary of statehood, Arizonians should honor the one man who has doneAhe most for our State.) In one of the public schools a while back, eighth graders were asked on a written exam to name the three great branches of the American Government. One child wrote with more accuracy than the unimaginative teacher let her get by with-"The President, the Superb Court, and Mr. CARL HAYDEN." Truly it is not to farfetched to list HAY- DEN as a separate branch of the Government, for more than any other man alive he per- sonifies the Congress of the United States. "Who says so?" Truth is, almost everybody in the know says so. Ike Eisenhower, for instance. And Dick Nixon. And Herbert Hoover. And when Jack Kennedy was in- vited to Phoenix in November to speak at a dinner honoring HAYDEN, he leaped at the chance, 'saying, "Indeed, yes. This is a his- toric occasion." How many Presidents leave the crises of national and international af- fairs to fly 2,500 miles just to greet one shy little . man? Republican Senator CASE of South Dakota says flatly that "CARL HAYDEN knows more about the U.S. Government than any other-man alive." Almost all the leading Members of Congress gathered to celebrate HAYDEN's 80th birthday; scrolls of praise came in signed by thousands; wine flowed, speeches were made, the highjinks echoed all over Washington. But guess, what?-the honore himself didn't even at- tend the party. He was much too busy at his desk. Our Mr. HAYDEN's amazing political power stems from two sources: 1. He has long been chairman of the im- mensely important Senate Appropriations Committee. This means, in effect, that he controls the spending of almost all the bil- lions of dollars we taxpayers pour into Wash- ington each year, and the additional bil- lions for which we have mortgaged our future. .2. He consistently makes himself the best informed, most knowledgeable man concern- ing all legislation (not just that affecting Arizona) of all the Representatives and Senators sent to Congress. And they usually turn to the grizzled old veteran from Ari- zona for his appraisal. They have learned that he knows more about the bill than does its sponsor; he, the silent one who never, never makes speeches up there, is better informed about its impact on the sponsor's home State and on the Nation as a whole. This may sound incredible, but it is also true; his own colleagues frankly admit it. How has all this come about? How did a farmboy from the desert emerge as one of the most powerful political personalities of our time? CARL HAYDEN launched his career at age 22. Upon news of his father's death, he took over the family business interests in Ari- zona, which were extensive. Immediately, too, he felt the call for public service-and it was a call. At that time, running for office held the self-sacrificial dignity it too seldom enjoys now. At age 25 he was elected to the Tempe Town Council, his very first of- fice. Next step was up or down, as you view it; he was the town fire chief. But he also was in the Territorial militia, then in 1904 ran for Maricopa County treasurer, won it and served 2 years. After that he hit as high as he himself ever expected to go-from 1907 to 1912 he was county sheriff. Smirking gents in Maricopa County said that CARL HAYDEN was much too mild to sling a gun as a lawman. One episode cor- rected that impression. Two tough Woodson brothers from Okla- homa held up a passenger train near Gila Bend, robbed everybody, pulled the emer- gency cord, and escaped on two horses they had staked in the bush. Normally Sheriff CARL should have ridden hell-for-leather at the head of a big horse- back posse, dust flying in the golden sunset. And CARL did send a posse out. Their dust telegraphed their presence for miles around, which was helpful to the Woodsons. But CARL himself commandeered a wheezy old Apperson Jackrabbit automobile, circled fast toward Flattop Mountain and-yes, cut them off at the pass. The Woodson boys saw him coming up to their camp. Being in a car, this stranger naturally wouldn't be a lawman, they figured; he'd be a rich min- ing man out looking at his claims. So they'd play it cool and wait him out, their guns hid- den under saddle blankets. But that drama was as real as a rattlesnake, and next moment the Woodsons were look- ing into the muzzle of Sheriff. CARL's rifle. He sent an Indian back for the galloping posse, took his bandits in and shepherded, them into Leavenworth prison. When his wife Nan was audibly worrying. about what disaster might have fallen her young hus- band-sheriff, he gave her dubious comfort. "There was no danger," soothed her. "I couldn't have hurt them, for my rifle had no cartridges in it. I never carry a loaded gun." He was born in an adobe house still stand- ing near the Salt River. His papa, Charles Trumbull Hayden, had known men who fought for American indepedence. He came westward from Independence, Mo., with 14 wagons and founded Haydens Ferry, the town now famous as the home of Arizona State University, the town renemed for that beau- tiful Grecian Vale of Tempe. Baby-CARL ap- peared October 2, 1877, weighing 9 pounds 10 ounces. The Salt River Herald called him "the prize baby of Maricopa County," and from that, fate seemed to take its cue. He did not immediately live up to prize promise; as a small boy he was puny. At age 6 he ran away from home and hid for hours on top of Tempe Butte, a nearby mountain, just to nag his mother. At age 7 he was sent after the milch cows with a specific warning to "beware of that dangerous bull." Mother screamed in horror when he came home riding the huge bull and driving the milkers. He and little sisters Sallie and Mary (whom he nicknamed "Mapes") attended a one-room school. CARL was the star pupil, the star problem. He swapped his mother's carefully prepared "growing diet," packed in a lard bucket, for the more exotic cold tortillas and tamales which a Mexican boy brought. Probably both lads benefited; at any rate since about 1890 CARL HAYDEN has known nothing but excellent health. To the envy of many younger Senators and citizens everywhere, he still has all but one of his original teeth. Mr. HAYDEN credits his good luck to his mother's good cooking and to the fluorine content of Arizona's water. "CARL was born before germs were in- vented," Miss Sallie Hayden told us not long ago. "Our school was on an irrigation canal. Upstream, it served, as always, as something of a sewage disposal plant. When CARL would lie on his tummy to drink from it, teacher was horrified and said he must drink from the bucket and dipper that hung in the classroom. This bucket water also came from the canal, but somehow bringing it inside gave it respectability." CARL was an expert horseman, but also loved walking. He still does. He used to walk the 9 miles from Tempe to Phoenix. Even now in Washington he takes a walk each night after supper, a "constitutional"- what else?-down Constitution Avenue. One recent winter he slipped on ice, then showed up next day at the office with a wonderfully black eye. "Stop," the aged Senator com- manded instantly, when his staff began an outcry. "Save your sympathy for the other fellow." The staff of course couldn't let that pass, so they built it up around the Senate Build- ing. They told of the boss clobbering some obnoxious colleague-a Republican, nat- urally-and a naive reporter heard it. He, poor soul, spent an intense 24 hours trying to track the "exclusive" story down. That sort of thing is right up HAYDEN'S alley; as a lad in Tempe he was eternally pulling somebody's leg. He was a skinny twerp and so stooped that his father made him wear shoulder braces. Even as a fresh- man years later at Stanford University CARL weighed only 132 pounds. But there, he suddenly got his growth; he became a center on the famed Stanford Indians football team. He could have played in the very first Rose Bowl game in 1902 (Michigan 49, Stan- ford 0) but he elected to go home for the holidays instead. A substitute center called "Rosy" Roosevelt from New York took his place-and suffered a broken leg in that game. His new strength in college also gave him new courage. One Saturday an opposing center, many pounds heavier, kept driving his fist into CARL's abdomen during close scrimmage. The referee didn't detect it, so CARL made his own penalty for the tough. At next charge he lifted a knee-wham- into the vicious center's chin. It took about 10 minutes to restore him to action. "All right," CARL said to him then, "shall we play it clean or rough?" "We'll get along," rumbled his opponent. This was powerful Jack Monroe, soon to achieve fame by fighting World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Jim Jeffries at Butte, Mont. As a small boy CARL learned to swim the Salt River near his home. (No cracks, you modern folk; the Salt hadn't been dammed then.) At age 10 he attended a baptism at Point of Rocks on the Salt, and the preacher sent him out to test the depth. CARL enjoyed this moment of glory but the preacher lost face. "He didn't trust the Lord," cried his flock, "but sent out a child." Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 196,2 Approved For-Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE 2193 CARL declined baptism; he figured that with his competence he didn't need it. As a boy he read so constantly that he won a reputation for being lazy. One day at age 11 he was supposedly helping the family get in the alfalfa hay ahead of threat- ening showers, but the air was humid-hot so CARL disappeared. Father found him in the shade of a haystack reading a book 4 inches thick, volume 3 of Redpath's "History of the World." Questioning him, father learned that he had read all three books. "Why did Rome fall?" the stern parent tested him, switch in hand. "Because," the frightened lad replied, "the people grew soft and pampered theirselves. ". "Work as such was not exactly offensive to him," his sister Sallie recalled a short time ago, "but CARL was expert at avoiding it. At age 12 he'd stand on the sink and recite the Preamble to the Constitution while Mary and I did the supper dishes. He was supposed to help us, but he spoke so en- tertainingly, with Patrick Henry gestures, that we could only laugh." What happened? What brought about such a drastic change? Senator CARL HAYDEN of the 1930's, 1940's, 1950's, and 1960's is re- nowned for his silence. Senator HADYEN never issues a statement, almost never makes a speech even in the Senate itself. Recently he did have the Senate floor for a' moment, and he suddenly interrupted himself, turned his face up to the press gallery and called out to the renowned correspondent for the New York Times: "Young man, can you come here a moment? I want to say something." The scholarly writer, himself middle aged and as sedate and dignified as his paper, all but fell over his. feet hastening down. Ob- viously he had a rare scoop, some world- shaking announcement, no doubt. The other reporters could only watch with envy. The Senator was indeed serious minded. Said he to the eager Times correspondent, "Young man, I like your newspaper. Please make sure that I get a copy of it every day." That was all. . You'd think a man so unique and powerful would be 'etched on every Washingtonian's memory. But not so. A short time ago 5 veteran newspaper correspondents there were given 90 seconds in which to name 10 U.S. Senators. Only one included CARL HAYDEN. No matter how much oratory he showed his sisters from the kitchen sink, he shows none of it in Washington. But it wasn't always that way. When he first went there, a tall ex-sheriff in a cowboy hat, he was impressed with himself as Representative from a brand- new State. He leaped at the first opportunity to make a speech. "It was notable," a col- league said, "for its longevity and vacuity." But at the end of it that colleague, Repre- sentative Fred C. Talbott, of Baltimore, an ex-Confederate private, took young CARL by the arm and walked him down the hallway. "All right now, son," the older man began gently, "you just had to say it, and say it you did. But remember, that speech will always be in the 'CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. In time you will want to change it, but you can't. There are two kinds of Congressmen, CARL- show horses and work horses. One will get your name and picture in the papers. The other will get you votes plus the respect of your colleagues." CARL HAYDEN never from that moment let oratory tempt him again. Mothers have always been wonderful, of course. CARL HAYDEN's may have been excep- tionally so. In 1887 she beheld her small son reading deep books and making good speeches, noted especially his consuming in- terest in history, which holds to this day. So with rare prescience she nicknamed him "The Senator," and often introduced the 10-year-old son by that name. "Some day," she would say proudly, "he will be the greatest man in the U.S. Senate." She was right. Young CARL learned to speak Spanish flu- ently by playing with Mexican children. At age 14 he went sightseeing to Mexico City, alone. Women friends of his parents were indignant. But, ruled his dad, "If he can't take care of himself at this age, it's high time he was learning." That same year he also rode horseback 250 miles to the Grand Canyon, down the dangerous trail to the bottom, and back to his farm home in Tempe. When Chicago opened its first great world's fair in 1893, he went there alone. His father encouraged every such endeavor. High school years began an accelerated life for the farm boy. This included much court- ing, his sister Sallie recently recalled. "His main pal then," said she, "was Abner Wade, and for the two of them CARL wrote poetry to send to girls. Some of it was very sweet." Handsome CARL-period photos show him to be striking indeed-went for a while to the Tempe Normal, now ASU, which his father had founded. (In 1957 ASU presented CARL a citation calling him its most distin- guished alumnus.) Then he went to Stanford University to study economics. One day there he saw, "the most beautiful girl who ever lived"-his own words-crossing the quadrangle there. He followed her in a state of happy hypno- sis. She was Nan Downing, a student of English literature. They were married in 1908, and she stayed at his side, almost lit- erally, until her death a short time ago. Her pet name for him was "BuGs." At this stage he was tall and proud in a stiff collar 4 inches high, a middle-of-the- road hair part, and a sultry lady killer gleam in his eyes. These and other collegiate quali- fications enabled him to be elected president of the sophomore class in Stanford. Then in 1899 he was candidate for the student body presidency there. The first plunge into politics seemed to enthrall him. He studied vote-getting tech- niqus with thoroughness, discovered that misrepresentation, foolish promises, bom- bastic tactics, all in the end withered be- fore straightforward simplicity and truth. So, he turned quiet and dignified. Unfor- tunately, he also turned lazy. His two op- ponents for the presidency were nice chaps named Coverly and Diggles, and he easily eliminated Diggles but a runoff with Coverly was- necessary. "Don't worry friends," coached the handsome CARL. "You'll win in a breeze." CARL agreed. He played it cool, as mod- ern collegians would say; he acted modest. He even told sweetheart Nan not to vote for him but to support the other boy. "He can't win," he confided, "and it might be unseemingly for you and me to vote for me, so we must vote for my opponent." That is just about the only political mis- take CARL HAYDEN ever made. Certainly it is the only election he ever lost. He went on to become the greatest U.S. Senator of this century, but back at Stanford he was deflated as few young men ever are. He lost that campus presidency by just two votes. By 1912 when Arizona became a State, HAYDEN had achieved enough stature to be- come her first Congressman at large. He has been serving under the Capitol dome ever since, but his first few days as a law- maker were hectic. On the train to Wash- ington at noon February 14, 1912, a portly man came to shake hands with the new statesman from Arizona. "I am William Jennings Bryan," said he. "I want to wish you well." "He was kind enough to talk with me for an hour and a half," Mr. HAYDEN recalls. "And he coached me on being a Congress- man. Told me not to make any Fourth of July speeches, because everybody goes and nobody listens. He was right." Being from a new state, he naturally at- tracted newspaper reporters; besides which he was as tall as a giant cactus and wore the 10-gallon hat of a cowboy. They inter- viewed him, and he answered in monosylla- bles with a bobbing Adam's apple. One par- ticularly astute newsman said, in a Press Club talk, "Hayden was all right as a frontier sheriff, but he'll never amount to a damn in Congress." Freshman HAYDEN heard of that remark, and was inclined to agree. Exactly how much he has amounted to, depends some on the point of view. A few Republicans feel that he had best been shot by the Woodson brothers who robbed the train, for time and again he has scorched pet bills they wanted to use in raiding the U.S. Treasury or some such. But virtually all Democrats revere him, and all latter-day Re- publicans as well. And how about our own Arizona Republican Senator? Well sir, BARRY GOLDWATER himself said on the Senate floor, "CARL HAYDEN'S popularity oversteps party lines. He has universal support among members of both parties. He is not looked upon as a Democratic Senator, but as one of whom all Arizona is justly proud." This is entirely true. During those first few months in Wash- ington, Carl made friends with a young clerk in the Department of Justice. The clerk seemed unimpressive, even shy, but both men needed friendship then. The clerk's name was about as ordinary as CARL HAYDEN's. It was Ed Hoover. And because CARL had been a sheriff, they naturally talked shop. CARL said that he had used the old Bertillon (body measurement) method of identifying crimi- nals. Ed thought it should be replaced by the more modern fingerprint system, and CARL agreed. Nobody else seemed much in- terested. But on July 1, 1924, friend Ed got a break; he was appointed chief of the FBI, and rushed to CARL with this exciting news. CARL forthwith pushed a bill through Con- gress, appropriating the then mountainous sum of $56,230 to start our nation's truly important fingerprint system. The two men are still pals. - From the lower house, CARL moved to the Senate in the election of 1926. He had al- ready been seasoned; he pitched in anew as a dedicated man. Since then few bills of importance to Arizona, or to America, have escaped his touch. Many have had his direct but often unseen personal guidance. He has always been skilled at getting a thing ac- complished while avoiding any publicity or prominence concerning mining, agriculture, irrigation, Federal highway paving, reclama- tion. "Ours is a mobile civilization," says he. "We live on wheels. We must have good highways just as we must have good homes." Wherefore much of the vast Federal road building program under way today is the brain child of CARL HAYDEN. His avoidance of the limelight has become so pronounced.as to become a limelight it- self. He perfected his hideout technique while a Congressman at Large. The 1917 Draft Act was critically needed. Representa- tive Kahn was struggling with it, but couldn't get the emergency measure through Congress, so he asked HAYDEN's counsel. HAYDEN, an avid student of history, especially of the War Between the States, copied the old Confederate Draft Act, updated it, changed the names and gave that to Kahn, who promptly put it through to law. There are countless such instances of his working behind the scenes. An important one began when an obscure haberdasher from Missouri turned up in Washington as Senator. Unfortunately, this one was dubbed a "tool of the Pendergasts", and some spelled that first word with an "f" in- stead of a "t". He was so suspect that al-. most no Member of the Senate would even speak to him. The newcomer, hypersensitive anyway, felt their unfriendliness so much that he even considered resigning. But one day he was walking through the capitol when a tall stranger approached him smiling, shook hands and said, "Good morn- ing, Senator TRUMAN, and welcome to Wash- ington. If I can do anything for you here, just let me know. I'm HAYDEN from Ari- Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 zona, an old timer." The freshman latched onto CARL as a true friend in need. In due time the bill to create a War In- vestigating Committee was introduced by Bennett Champ Clark, a Missouri colleague of Senator Harry Truman. This committee, they all knew, was destined to be of great im- portance. And by long-established tradi- tion the man who introduced the bill would automatically be its chairman. But this was unthinkable here; to the rest of the Senator Members Mr. Clark was-as one pa- per politely phrased it-"somewhat less than popular." Yet how could ' they seal him off? In desperation they turned to their dean for advice, and he came up with a shrewd suggestion, "Simply have Harry Truman in- troduce an identical bill," counseled Mr. HAYDEN. "Then we'll have a choice of two men to make committee chairman." They were elated; even Alben Barkley, the great unoffending politician, quietly en- dorsed this maneuver. It was seen through. Truman became chairman, thereby acquir- ing the national prominence which, with dramatic help from fate, shot him into the White House itself. But for CARL HAYDEN, he might have remained relatively unknown. Truman never forgot that boost. What- ever his enemies may say against him-and this is. considerable-he is a man of grati- tude. As candidate for Vice President in 1944 he called HAYDEN to him. "CARL," he said, "when I was new in the Senate every- body was mean to me except you. Time and again you gave me a shove upward. I owe you a favor. Now you are running for reelection, so I'd like to go out to Arizona and make a speech in your behalf." He did so, and HAYDEN was reelected with votes to spare. Now in 1962, of course, another ex-Senator who is President, has flown to Arizona to "make a speech in HAYDEN'S behalf," be- cause HAYDEN once again is running for re- election. And while this is not the moment to reveal the background facts on our cur- rent President, it is true that he too was befriended by a mild, wrinkled, aging, but 'smiling and generous senior Senator in the Senate halls. Many Senators feel that their name on any bill is important, that it is a lasting monu- ment. HAYDEN seeks only to get the legis- lation through regardless of credit or pub- licity. For years one prominent but Inef- ficient Senator introduced two bills, with- out success. His own prestige regarding them had sunk to zero. But the time came when they were vital to the country, and the president quietly asked HAYDEN to "look into them." HAYDEN personally revised them, had two powerful men from other States sponsor them, spoke to certain other key colleagues and got both bills passed- with the new sponsors credited. That broke the original sponsor's heart, but did get the needed legislation. The only flaw in such parliamentary tec- niques is that feelings are sensitive. On such occasions, Mr. HAYDEN is unhappy for days. He goes out of. his way to reestablish friendship and good will with the disap- pointed one. He does not apologize; he ex- plains, quietly and earnestly. His gentle spirit is hurt most when he has unavoidably hurt someone else. "It Is virtually impos- sible," says one prominent Republican, "to stay mad at CARL HAYDEN, even when he has whipped you to a frazzle." He is meticulous at keeping promises. Some years ago he had agreed to support Pat Harrison for Senate Majority Leader. Short- ly after that, President Franklin Roosevelt wrote his famous "Dear Alben" letter indi- cating his preference. CARL and Alben were close personal friends, and on caucus elec- tion day CARL was in a hospital with a chest cold. Thus he had every opportunity to evade keeping a promise. But he ordered CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE ' ., February 19 an ambulance and had himself hauled to the meeting just so he could vote for Harrison. President Calvin Coolidge, a Republican, nicknamed HAYDEN "the Desert Fox." And thereby hangs yet another tale, wholly true. In 1926 Arizona wanted the San Carlos Project Act, SO HAYDEN fought hard for it. It would build a new dam and open vast new irrigation acres in Arizona. Neverthe- less, HAYDEN and his colleagues knew that Mr. Coolidge was economy minded; almost certainly he would veto the act. How could they possibly prevent his doing so-they asked one another, during a long evening session. At midnight CARL HAYDEN said he thought it could be arranged. Next morning "the Desert Fox" rounded up another distinguished Arizona Senator, Henry Fountain Ashurst, and with him called at the White House. Mr. Coolidge, shrewd New Englander that he was, instantly sensed something important. But before the Chief Executive could get In a word beyond the cordial greeting, HAYDEN had begun. "Mr. President," said he earnestly, "the great new dam in Arizona will be the largest multiple-arch dam in the world. Thus it will be a thing of rare beauty, destined to impress all who see it forever. It will be in a Biblical setting of scenic grandeur. No- where will there be anything like it. The people of Arizona, sir, want to name It in your honor. Have we permission to call it Coolidge Dam?" Cal beamed like an Arizona sunrise-and signed the bill. HAYDEN has been friends with every Presi- dent since 1912. He does not fraternize with them as many Congressmen seek to do. In HAYDEN'S case, they court him. Woodrow Wilson frequently asked his counsel. Cab- inet members seek him out. The people who run America, in short, feel that his guidance is invaluable. This has held for decades. The reason is that he is always the best informed man around. "In Washington as his executive secretary," said Paul Roca a short time ago, "I once spent 12 hours a day for 3 weeks boning up on an important mat- ter so that I could brief the boss on it. When I was ready I went before him, but I had barely mentioned the subject before he took the reins. "'Yes, now let me explain that,' said Mr. HAYDEN. And darned if he didn't tell me all that I had learned and a whole lot more. He personally digs out facts on every phase of American life, and he has an amazing memory." In electioneering, he has one infallible pattern; he ignores the existence of op- ponents, and talks to people about what they need and want. If he doesn't think they should have it, that it wouldn't be good for Arizona or the Nation, he tells them why and says, "I won't support It." Arizona's big Interests used to try pres- suring him. In one case a utility company had each of Its thousands of employees write him a letter threatening to vote against him unless he supported a bill the company favored. Mr. HAYDEN studied the matter, wrote back a short summary of his reasons for opposing it, and said he would not change. That year his vote plurality was the highest ever. Another year he locked horns with the, world champion Governor, George W. P. Hunt, who served Arizona seven terms. No- body, period, could buck George Hunt. And so Mr. Hunt ordered HAYDEN not to run for the Senate, because he himself wanted the Washington job. HAYDEN went directly to Hunt's office. "George," said he, "I got your orders.. But I'll run against you and I'll beat the pants Oft you." Hunt was just astute enough to realize that was- true, and so did got run. Hunt tried many other political gambits to get HAYDEN. They always backfired. So has. many a lesser politician tried to outwit or outgain HAYDEN with nothing but failure. Indeed he had approached political im- pregnability as early as 1916. For in that year a wail came from the opposition Re- publican Party via the weekly Tombstone Prospector: "We wish the Arizona Republicans would sometimes nominate a man for Congress who could start the perspiration on CARL HAYDEN. Nothing they have produced has yet even made him break into a trot.". That still holds. Mr. HOLLAND and Mr. CARLSON addressed the Chair. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. HICKEY in the chair). The Chair rec- ognizes the Senator from Florida. Mr. HOLLAND. Mr. President, I be- lieve the Chair has been recognizing Senators from opposite sides of the aisle alternately. I shall be glad to yield to the Senator from Kansas [Mr. CARLSON], who has also sought recognition. Mr. CARLSON. Mr. President, I ap- preciate very much the courtesy and the generosity of the Senator from Florida. It was not necessary that I speak at this moment. Calvin Coolidge once said, "A man is not honored for what he receives but for what he gives." Our distinguished colleague CARL HAY- DEN has given 50 years of devoted and dedicated service to his Nation and to his State. When I came to the Senate as a junior Member of this body, I met and visited with the distinguished Sen- ator from Arizona. I have always ap- preciated his kindness and willingness to give advice to a junior Senator. I shall never forget his kindnesses to me on many occasions. His service in this body has given stature and dignity to it. When I receive distinguished guests from various sections of the Nation, par- ticularly from Kansas, I like to point out to them the Member of this body whom we honor today. I do so with a feeling that Senator HAYDEN truly rep- resents a Senator to whom we like to look and as one who has served with honor and dignity. He is truly a patriot. We like to look up to him. I know that the people of our Nation look up to him. So today' I did not want this opportu- nity to pass without expressing my per- sonal appreciation to him. I also wish him many years of continued service in this body, because we need men of his ability and service. Mr. HOLLAND. Mr. President, today we are here to pay our several respects to the real nestor of the U.S. Senate, whose wisdom, patriotism, and courage Senators on both sides of the aisle wish to honor. Aside from our desire to show our affection for him and our appreciation of him, it seems to me that if anyone who has ever served in this great in- stitution has had good cause while he is still serving here to be happy over his service, it would be CARL HAYDEN, of Arizona. He came here 50 years ago today from a State so sparsely inhabited that there had to be two filibusters before Arizona could be separately admitted as a State at the same time that New Mexico came in separately. Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 QP Approved For.Relea!ge 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 1962 ' CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE Senator HAYDEN came here from the most populous county in that State, of which he was sheriff. It was a State which was better known at that time for its - Indian wars, for the hair-raising Tombstone happenings, than it was for any other values. It must be a matter of great pleasure and gratification to him to see the remarkable growth and development of that State, in which he has had a larger part than has any other citizen of Arizona or of our country. His State has multiplied more than seven times in population in these 50 years. The sparse areas that were desertland at that time are now fed with water from its various rivers, small or great, because of structures that he helped to place there. The great hydroelectric power values which were created by the erec- tion of huge dams, largely through his effort and support, have contributed greatly to the advancement of that State, and as he has helped the State of Arizona in its advancement, he has helped every other part of the Nation. I think it should be made a matter of record today, if such has not already been done, that as a member of the com- mittee of the other body which was handling the subject at that time, one of his first duties was to visit the Pana- man Canal site in the early days of that effort and to follow through in its con- struction. He made a very real contri- bution to the building of the Panama Canal. Later Senator HAYDEN made a very great contribution to the building of the St. Lawrence Seaway. I was unhappy that he could not be present for the dedi- cation of that great seaway. He has made enormous contributions to the development of navigation from one end of the country to the other, both on the sea coasts and on the great rivers and lakes, and to the protection of great areas of our country from floods. He has helped in bringing life-giving water to other equally great areas which could not have grown and prospered but for the service which he has typified, which has brought in waters to turn and lands into fertile producing gardens. Sena- tor HAYDEN must have the greatest de- gree of pride and pleasure as he sees what he has helped so effectively to ac- complish. Mr. President, there are three things that I should like to comment upon very briefly. One is his contribution to the development of this country, which I have touched upon already, and on which I could only touch. I have not commented on his leadership in cre- ating the Federal-aid highway system, or upon the Hayden-Cartwright Act, which is one of the great keystones of that highway system. In every form of communication and transportation he has rendered great service in aiding the development of this country. The second thing I wish to comment on is his service on the Appropriations Committee. That committee consists of 27 Senators. It is almost twice as big as any other standing committee of the Senate. It is sometimes said that it is a very unruly committee, one which even a former sheriff of Arizona would be expected. to find trouble dealing with. Instead, with gentleness Senator HAYDEN keeps order and complete organizational activity underway at all times. I have been amazed no end by his detailed knowledge of activities all over our far- flung Nation, which are completely be- yond his observation, but about which he shows just as much interest and just as much appreciation as if they touched the people of his State of Arizona. The third thing I wish to mention is his ability to "take it." He has more stamina than almost any other man in the Senate. I remember two occasions which illustrate that fact. One of them was the all-night session that lasted un- til 8:30 in the morning, in July 1960, when we debated and passed the bill to cut out the Cuban sugar purchases. There were several rollcall votes during the course of that night. One rollcall shows 44 Senators absent on that vote; 43 Senators were absent on another vote; and 41 Senators absent on still another vote; but on each one of those votes Senator HAYDEN was in his place voting to give what he believed was necessary power for the President to deal with that critical situation. I wish to call attention to one other incident. It deals with the adoption of the corlference report on the supple- mental appropriation bill, which in- volved arguments that lasted all during the night on the last night of our 1961 session. The Senator from Arizona was present in the Chamber every minute during that argument. I believe only two other members of the Appropria- tions Committee on this side of the aisle were here for the conclusion of that long and sometimes vigorous argument. Senator HAYDEN never runs away from a duty. He is ever ready to stand up for the best interests of his State and the Nation. It will always be an inspiration to me that I have been able to serve for some years now on that committee over which he presides with such dignity, patience, and skill, and with such detailed under- standing of the farflung interests of this great Nation. I join other Senators in wishing CARL HAYDEN many added years of service here which I know will be of added great serv- ice to our Nation as a whole. Mr. KUCHEL. Mr. President, I do not know how best to express my own feelings of high respect to our beloved colleague from Arizona, CARL HAYDEN. On this occasion, it is rather moving and intriguing for me to realize that during almost all the days of my life, this Chamber and the House of Repre- sentatives have been graced by the pres- ence of a very great man, a very humble man, one who has demonstrated his marked courage and his capacity for public service over the last half century. . I recall with interest the anecdote which Time magazine referred to about Senator HAYDEN. It occurred when CARL HAYDEN was sheriff of Maricopa County in Arizona. It seems that some Indians of a trip out there were practicing polygamy. Sheriff HAYDEN called upon one of the Indian chiefs who was guilty of that practice. He said to the chief, 2195 "This is against the American law. It must stop." He said, "You tell your wives that you can only have one of them remain with you." A period of silence ensued, and then the chief answered, "Sheriff HAYDEN, you tell them." At that juncture Sheriff HAYDEN re- turned to his office in the Maricopa County sheriff's office. I shall be eternally grateful for the friendship that Senator HAYDEN has given to me during the 10 years when it has been my privilege to serve with him in the Senate. I shall be grateful, too, for all his assistance. I can speak as a neighbor. I come from California. Not once,- but on many, many occasions, the Senator from Arizona has given lavishly of his own- counsel and aid to the people of the State which I have the honor in part to represent. . CARL HAYDEN is fond of his neighbor State. He went to Stanford University. During his long years of service in Con- gress, he has recognized the many calls which my State and my people have made upon the Congress. One of our colleagues in the Senate referred to his capacity to filibuster. I recall one of the debates in the Senate about which I read, which took place years before I had the opportunity and the honor to come here. It was a debate which involved Cali- fornia. My late, great, illustrious prede- cessor, Hiram Johnson, was on the floor fighting valiantly for the construction of the great Hoover Dam, so important to the people of southern California and, in a very real sense, so important to all the people of my State. The distin- guished Senator from Arizona felt that some amendments should be written into the bill. It was on that occasion, when Senator Johnson had, I think, the votes, that Senator HAYDEN and his very great and very able colleague, Senator Ash- urst-who lives here in Washington, D.C., now, and for whom all of us have great affection-conducted what could be de- scribed as a king-size filibuster. They were successful. Finally, I am glad to re- call, the happy last chapter was writ- ten. The Hoover Dam authorization bill was adopted in the Senate and went on to become the law of the land. On Saturdays many Senators do not frequent the restaurant provided-for our Democratic colleagues and for my Re- publican brethren over here. Usually I wander over here to the Senate dining room on Saturdays, and there among the few who are present I always find the President pro tempore of the Senate. On many of those occasions I listen with real glee to the recollections and remi- niscences which he brings to us. I listen to his lucid, careful, and searching dis- cussion of the problems which are pend- ing in the Senate. It has been said by one of my senior colleagues that CARL HAYDEN is a Sen- ator's Senator. That is true. CARL HAY- DEN in his responsibilities as chairman of the Committee on Appropriations has assumed a burden in the farflung field of intelligence and its operations which is unique among all the Members of the Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676Rp0280023000.2-7 2196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE February 19 Senate. It is the senior Senator from Arizona, among a very few in this body, who knows the policies which are being carried out in the field of intelligence and who has helped successfully to pro- vide the sinews which that arm of our Government continually and so des- perately needs. So with all the rest of his colleagues, on the occasion of his first half century of service to the Nation in both Houses of the U.S. Congress, I too, rise to say: Good luck and godspeed for many years of additional happy and constructive service to all the people. Mr. McNAMARA. Mr. President, I wish to share in the deserved tributes which are being paid our colleague, the distinguished senior Senator from Ari- zona. While I have not been a Member of the Senate so long as many other Sen- ators who are speaking so eloquently to- day, nevertheless in the short time I have been here I have enjoyed the friend- ship, counsel, and advice which Senator HAYDEN has given so freely at all times. Mr. President, although he and his be- loved wife were not blessed with chil- dren, CARL HAYDEN could accurately be called the father of many vital projects of benefit to the United States. He certainly deserves the title, "Father of the United States Highway System," for his pioneering work toward better roads. Early in the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, CARL HAYDEN recognized that road construction was one way to get thousands of unemployed men to work quickly. He knew that each State had a highway department, and that each department laid its plans for a year ahead. So he persuaded Pres- ident Roosevelt to send Federal aid to the States quickly, to alleviate unem- ployment. At the same time, CARL HAYDEN was advancing one of the projects dear to his heart providing better highways so that people could get to the scenic beau- ties of his State. Now we are well underway with the greatest roadbuilding program ever un- dertaken by any nation. That program would not exist without the foresight and the persuasive abilities of our distin- guished friend and colleague, CARL HAY- DEN, of Arizona, whom we are honoring today for his 50 years of service to the United States. I wish him continued good health and hope that for many years to come he will be with us in this great body which he enjoys so much and to which he has contributed so greatly. Mr. MORTON. Mr. President, for all but about 41/2 years of my life, the dis- tinguished senior Senator from Arizona, CARL HAYDEN, has served in the Congress of the United States. During this half century, our history has indeed been en- riched. Our Nation has met many chal- lenges, including two World Wars, the Korean war, and the worst depression in the Nation's history. Senator HAYDEN, as a leader in this body, has contributed to the wonderful response by the American people, under our system of government, to meet the challenges presented in those moments of crisis. I feel very humble, indeed, as one who has served in Washington for less than one-third of Senator HAYDEN's tenure, and who has served in this body for only about one-tenth the length of his service in Congress. I am happy to join with other Senators in extending my own tribute to this great American, who has so well and nobly served his country and his State. I, too, wish him well, and I take this occasion to thank him for mak- ing this land of ours a better place in which to live. Mr. ROBERTSON. Mr. President, I am pleased to join with other Senators in saluting the senior Senator from Ari- zona, CARL HAYDEN, upon his completion of 50 years of distinguished public serv- ice in the Congress. No one else has ever served his country so long as a Member of Congress as has Senator HAYDEN. No one else has ever represented his State for so many years in Congress. I can point with pride to the fact that it was a Virginian, a Representative from my own district, who sponsored the res- olution to admit Arizona as a State. His name was Henry D. Flood, who for 20 years so ably represented the 10th Con- gressional District of Virginia in the House. Incidentally, Representative Flood was an uncle of the distinguished senior Senator from Virginia, HARRY FLOOD BYRD. Senator HAYDEN's tour of duty in Washington has indeed been unique. Starting under the administration of President Taft, he then served during the administrations of Presidents Wil- son, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Roose- velt, Truman, Eisenhower, and now Kennedy. CARL HAYDEN's congressional experience spans more than one-fourth of the history of our Republic. I understand that Senator HAYDEN's term as a public servant stretches back even further than the 5 years he served as sheriff of Maricopa County, Ariz., before coming to Washington. Today CARL HAYDEN is well known as a former law enforcement officer, soldier, and Congressman, and as the present chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. He is still more famed as a statesman who helped to bring water and life to a vast and region of our country. Being a persistent champion of transportation, power, and reclama- tion projects-including what is now called Hoover Dam-CARL HAYDEN has greatly contributed toward transforming our deserts into gardens. It is no acci- dent that Arizona has long been among the fastest growing States in the Nation. Since 1947, the junior Senator from Virginia has been fortunate to serve as a member of the Committee on Appro- priations along with the senior Senator from Arizona. During these 15 years, I have benefited on numerous occasions from Senator HAYDEN's insight and as- sistance. I have repeatedly come to recognize the appropriateness of a trib- ute once paid to Senator HAYDEN by Carter Glass, the Senator from Virginia whom I had the honor of succeeding. Senator Glass was chairman of the Committee on Appropriations at the time of his death in 1946, and had been President pro tempore of the Senate for nearly 4 years. Of his 27 years in the Senate, Carter Glass served nearly two decades on the same committee with Senator HAYDEN. As I have recalled to the Senate several times before, it was this association that led Senator Glass to remark that if the Constitution were ever amended so that every State could have three Senators, he hoped that his own State of Virginia could have CARL HAYDEN as the third. In writing about the Upper Chamber in his recent book, "Citadel," William S. White said: HAYDEN could very nearly be the president of the club, if only it had officers. That was an understatement. CARL HAYDEN has already held such an office for more than 5 years. Beginning in 1957, as we all know, he has been elected and has served as President pro tempore for three consecutive Congresses. Not only is he president of what Mr. White calls the club, as President pro tempore of the Senate, CARL HAYDEN is third in order of succession to the Presidency of the United States. Over the years, it has been a privilege for me to come to know CARL HAYDEN and to work with him. I salute him again at this time-the beginning of his 51st year in Congress. I look forward to many more years of leadership by the senior Senator from Arizona. Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, I wish to join my colleagues in paying tribute to CARL HAYDEN, the senior Senator from Arizona, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his congressional service to his State and to his Nation. Others have spoken about the monu- ments in Arizona and elsewhere in the Nation that bespeak the character of the service Senator HAYDEN has rendered to the people. Those monuments are to be found in the buildings, highways, ir- rigation projects, and other material contributions he has made. However, Mr. President, instead of speaking of the material contributions he has made, I wish to speak of the unique characteristics of this great man, for I have carefully watched him and listened to him during the 51/2 years that I have served in this body. Frequently, when trying to determine what should be our course of conduct in order best to serve our country in times of crisis, we study history. In Senator HAYDEN we find one who reflects 50 years of experience-50 years of reaction to crises and periods of triumph-and on the basis of that experience we learn from him what should be our course and our attitude in relation to significant problems. Mr. President, fidelity to the country and its people is undoubtedly one of Senator HAYDEN's great attributes. Orderliness of thinking is another of his outstanding traits. Yesterday, while I was in Cleveland, I listened to a radio and television interview which a com- mentator had with Senator HAYDEN. My brothers and my sisters also were listening to that interview; and when it concluded, they said that Senator HAYDEN exhibited outstanding and most refreshing clearness of thinking, objec- tivity, and fairness. Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 1962 Approved For-Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE Integrity is another of Senator HAY- DEN'S attributes. In my contacts with him I have found that whenever I have requested consideration of problems in my State, Senator HAYDEN has been most considerate. Although he has served Arizona well, instead of thinking only of Arizona, he has also considered the other parts of the country to be benefited by the programs he has advocated. Certainly one of CARL HAYDEN'S great- est qualities is his calmness of attitude. I have never seen him grow excited on the floor of the Senate. When contro- versies have become keen and when acri- mony has developed on both sides of the aisle, Senator HAYDEN has always re- mained calm-a quality so greatly needed at all times. A few moments ago the Senator from Kentucky [Mr. MORTON] spoke of the fact that Senator HAYDEN has served for 50 years in Congress. Mr. President, Sen- ator HAYDEN was serving in Congress when the grief of World War I descended on the people of the United States; and he was serving in Congress when ? the triumph, with all of its joys, came. Sen- ator HAYDEN was serving in Congress dur- ing the prosperity of the 1920's and also during the depression Of the thirties; and he also witnessed what was probably the darkest day in the history of our country-the day when the Japanese bombs began to fall on the Hawaiian Islands. I am certain that no one has known our Nation's depths of trouble and also her heights of triumph as inti- mately as has Senator HAYDEN. It seems to me that the message Sen- ator HAYDEN would bring to us is this: When things grow black, remain calm. Be loyal to your country, and be prepared to give; but, above all else, do not become hysterical.- Mr. President, almost daily we find that hysteria grips many persons when untoward developments occur in the world. In that connection we can always learn from Senator HAYDEN the great lesson that although there have been many dark days, the skies have always cleared. Shakespeare wrote of the young prince who was about to ascend the throne: The time is out of joint: 0 cursed spite, That ever I was born to set it right. Mr. President, the times have always been out of joint; but we have found that a benign hand rules the destirfy of men, and in the end things work out well. Again in the play "Hamlet," Shake- speare wrote: This above all: To thine own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou cant not then be false to any man. Mr. President, I think those words are most applicable to Senator HAYDEN: He has been true to his own self; and yet, as certain as the night follows the day, he has been true to all his fellow men. Mr. AIKEN. Mr. President, I wish to join those who today honor one of the great Senators of all time, CARL HAYDEN, of Arizona. It has been Senator HAYDEN's privilege to represent his State in the Congress ever since the day when the Arizona Ter- No. 23-e ritory became a State. However, Mr. President, he has been much more than a Senator from the State of Arizona: He has been a Senator for the entire coun- try. We have found that CARL HAYDEN always has at heart the interest of all the States. ? I have never known him to dis- criminate against any State because of party or for any other reason. So, Mr. President, I would feel remiss in the performance of my duty if today I did not state that Senator CARL HAYDEN is a monumental credit to the State of Arizona and to the entire Nation. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, I wish to join in the remarks made today in tribute to Senator CARL HAYDEN, Of Arizona. Mr. President, seldom in the life of our Nation does the grand opportunity of commending a colleague for 50 years of service in the Congress ever present ? itself. The public service record of CARL HAY DEN goes back to the frontier days of our Nation, before the Territory of Arizona even became a State in 1912. The fact that he has represented Arizona in the U.S. Congress ever since she became the 48th State is a great testimonial. The confidence and respect of the people of Arizona in this man demonstrate wise judgment on their part. CARL HAYDEN today is a guiding hand in the affairs of our Government, and there have been few Members of the Congress in recent decades who have not, at one time or another, sought his' ad- vice, his counsel, or his support. CARL HAYDEN has been active in Demo- cratic Party affairs practically all of his life, and was first named to the Demo- cratic National Convention back in 1904, the same year he was elected treasurer, and 2 years before he became sheriff of Maricopa County. After he was elected to the 62d Congress as a Member of the House of Representatives in 1912, he was reelected to the House for seven suc- ceeding Congresses, until 1926, when he came to the Senate. I welcome the privilege to congratulate this fine, longstanding servant of the people on the golden anniversary of his election to the Congress. Our Nation can well be proud of CARL HAYDEN, for his service over the past half century has helped to guide our Nation through probably the most turbulent pe- riod of history to its present position of greatness. Every Member of the Congress today realizes what he has meant to this Na- tion of ours. I ask unanimous consent that there be published in the RECORD following my re- marks an editorial from the Arizona Daily Star of Thursday, November 16, 1961, entitled "Distinguished Career Brings Honors." There being no objection, the editorial was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: DISTINGUISHED CAREER BRINGS HONORS CARL HAYDEN, who has served longer in the U.S. Congress than any other man, de- serves every honor which his friends from President Kennedy down will bestow upon him tomorrow night. By his record, Senator HAYDEN has brought more honors to his own State than his State could give to him. The nonpartisan, friendly nature of the dinner for Senator HAYDEN in Phoenix is evident in the fact that Friday will be Hay- den Day in Arizona, proclaimed by Repub- lican Gov. Paul Fannin. The fact that the dinner is a sellout at $100 a plate indicates the esteem Arizonians place on Senator HAYDEN. CARL HAYDEN was born of pioneer parent- age (and is himself a pioneer by every standard) on October 2, 1877, at Tempe- then known as Hayden's Crossing, because the Hayden flour mill was built there at the spot where early settlers crossed the Salt River. HAYDEN was educated in Arizona public schools and the then normal school at Tempe, now Arizona State. He went from Tempe to Stanford University, where he had an active career-in some ways, his friends like to recall, a little too active sometimes for authorities. In other words, he was a red-blooded collegian capable of joining in pranks. When he returned to Arizona he went into business. He follows his family's occupation of milling and mercantiling from 1900 to 1904. In 1904 he entered politics as a dele- gate to the Democratic National Convention in St. Louis that nominated Judge Alton Parker for the Presidency. In 1904, also, HAYDEN ran for Maricopa County treasurer and won, taking office on January 1, 1905. In 1907, he became sheriff of Maricopa County. Probably few who see the Arizonian in his distinguished senatorial role as chair- man of the Senate Appropriations Commit- tee, realize they are looking at a genuine oldtime western sheriff. He ran in the fall elections of 1911-Ari- zona's first experience at naming officers to serve on the Territory's becoming a State- and, with statehood, entered Congress. He took the oath as this State's first and lone, Representative in February 19, 1912, 5 days after statehood. Until April 1912, he was the only Arizonian in either House of Con- gress. During World War I he served as a major of the infantry. In 1926 he decided to seek a senatorial seat. He entered the Senate on March 4, 1927, and has served there since. In addi- tion to his Appropriations Committee chair- manship, which gives him vast powers, HAY- DEN is chairman of the Joint House-Senate Committee on Printing and is second in com- mand of the House Rules and Administra- tion Committee. More than HAYDEN's record in the minds of many Arizonians is his warm and human approach to the people of his State-all of the time keeping a good eye out for the wel- fare ' of the Nation. Only in recent years has HAYDEN been featured very often by the newspapers and magazines of the East, be- cause of his preference for never making speeches and working as quietly as possible. But about 10 years ago the East awoke to the fact that this kindly, quiet Arizonlan was having a tremendous amount to do with the Nation's business both at home and abroad. He deserves being honored by his home State. He has served it well, Mr. BUSH. Mr. President, I am happy to be here today joining in the accolade of approval, respect, and admiration for the distinguished senior Senator from Arizona. I recall very well, after my election to the Senate in 1952, when I immediately came here because I was elected to fill an unexpired term, that Senator HAYDEN was the first U.S. Senator I met. I met him on the,,.plaza outside as I was walking to the office building. Recognizing him, I stopped and introduced myself. Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R,00280023000.-7 2198 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE February 19 We leaned against a tree or lamppost to denigrate his own achievements and and chatted for 20 minutes. I remem- to seek to deny that the helping hand ber the Senator gave me some homely which was given was his. and friendly advice, containing many I would wish, in company with mil- details concerning the Senate, one's of- lions of other Americans, for CARL HAY- fices, and various little details that a new DEN continued years of 'service. His man would hardly think of. State needs him. So does the Nation. It is this very delightful capacity for Now and always he will be a young friendship which I first learned about man-young in willingness to examine him on that day. I have regarded him and adopt new ideas, young in heart, with increasing admiration in the past young in spirit, questing always for prog- 10 years. Of course, it is a most remark- ress, development, and improvement. able event that no one has attained 50 He rode out of the West-and happily years of service in the Congress until for all of us, CARL HAYDEN did not ride this day, but what is even more remark- away again. able is the work done today by this man, Mr. PASTORE. Mr. President, from who now is virtually at the peak of his the page of Time magazine the hand- powers. He presides over the great Ap- some-sheriff of Maricopa County, Ariz., propriations Committee with ease, grace, of 50 years ago, looked out at me, and by and dignity, and is fully effective in his of today, ed at me, hearty , my or colleague for every respect. So I join with Senators who admire from Arizona. this great Senator, and I hope we may Half a century separates those pic- reo see him here many years in the atures, but, of course, the nd the same-the endearing,~ live future. uur. . BARTLETT. Mr. President, I CARL HAYDEN. Four years ago we of the M count it a real privilege to be here today Senate met on this floor in a tender trib- to join in celebrating this, the 50th an- ute to the gentleman from Arizona when niversary of service in the Congress of he had achieved the longest continuous the United States of a great man, CARL service in the Congress of the United HAYDEN, of Arizona. States of any man in history. Mr. President, this golden anniversary The superlatives of that day were sin- would be noted under any circumstances, cere. What could we add to the acco- because no other Member of Congress in lades? And yet the 4 years that inter- the history of our Nation has served con- vened have each added something to the tinuously, or at all, for a full half cen- appreciation and affection we have for tury. It seems almost incredible. It also this quiet statesman, gifted legislator, seems wonderful in every way. Some of and helpful friend. us in the Senate who long since have New England likes to restate its claim concluded we were in "the sere and to CARL HAYDEN-Or at least to his father. It was a long haul a century ago came out tof boys the when for the senior Hayden from Hartford, Senator Hayden Hareonly small West Conn., to Hayden's Ferry, Ariz. weernee But history wanted it that way. The reassumesentativesh.is And seat others, of House course, Rep- pioneering Charles Trumbull Hayden not yet born. was no less the father of Arizona than be a However, this anniversary occasion could well the he was the father of CARL HAYDEN. It pro forma vd was natural for the father's son to come demonstrated now being praised prais an ed observance and saluted salyteo if t t had to the first Congress upon Arizona's ad-merely and to be returned red to Congress ability by the mission to statehood February 14, 1912. voters to Arizona. thEight years before that he had been Tit of his beloved Statat the National Democratic Convention That h far, far more is what counts. h is a at St. Louis to choose a candidate against are actually noting odistinguished here e service in a the first Roosevelt. In 1932, CARL HAY- half What we century of behalf of his State, the West, the e- DEN, himself was a candidate _ on the behalf n ddeeeedthe entire nworld by this with- the second Roosevelt. Al- man and, possesses indeed, such the unusual abili- ready, for almost a score of years, he had man who Con- served in the Congress. The Democratic ties. I werdare to say be that if ranked in importance o impor ante resurgence found an experienced legis- by the nwords d, the lator in this man of Arizona. senior the number Senator from Arizona would th e be Today, 30 years later, we mark his close anniversary. We are not the does to require the bottom . . first. Last November, in the city of doss not r words t twords of speak eloquently. eve f foor r nmPhoenix, the great of the land and the His actions do that and most st instinct for grateful of Arizona gathered in tribute His separating tingrthe isfrom the the less him. From the words of the Presi- i pa t, his important mpo less dent to the eloquent silence of his hum- hum- his leadership qualities, qualitonies, to his his country ble neighbors, there was a paean of his ler great in- fluence-all these, and other virtues, go the future-1o look forward to the sec- to make up the fine human being, the and 50 years of CARL HAYDEN'S steward- steward- outstanding American that CARL HAYDEN ship. is. I could not be present that night in Many, many times during my period Phoenix, but I would like to borrow again of service here I have had reason to the sentiments that I?sent to the occa- thank Senator HAYDEN for his his pow- lion. I said: erful assistance in behalf of Alaska, first I am ever so happy that the people of Ari- as a territory and more recently as a zone who know him best and love him most State. I have found him, too, a hard are honoring my boss CARS. HAYDEN on the man to thank. He is so very unassum- golden anniversary of his splendid service in ing, so very modest, that it is his habit the Congress of the united states. Though I am a continent apart, I will toast that night to the young of heart whose congres- sional half century has seen our land through its most difficult times. The fron- tier-fashioned wisdom and experience of CARL HAYDEN served to smooth difficulties and surmount dangers as our country blazed new trails in a world of lightning changes. Those qualities have helped to produce an America infinitely stronger in the sixth de- cade of the century than CARL HAYDEN surveyed in its first decade. That may be the date of the special dedication of the statesman but he was ever the good citizen and always the good friend. I admit that the good people of Arizona know him best and love him most-but we in the Congress feel ourselves a close second in those senti- ments. And we add one more most-we need him most. America has never been in greater need of the made-in-Arizona Ameri- canism of CARL HAYDEN. We know that the Grand Canyon State of his first and endur- ing love will continue to share its illustrious son with the other 49 States. We are truly the '49'ers seeking the golden worth and wis- dom of CARL HAYDEN. With all the sincerity of my heart, I repeat those sentiments today. Mr. BYRD of Virginia. Mr. President, I wish to pay my respects to the-the dean and President pro tempore of the Senate of the United States, the distin- guished CARL HAYDEN, of Arizona. On this, the golden anniversary of the admission of Arizona as a State and the admission of Senator HAYDEN to the Congress, I wish to extend my congratu- lations to both. I speak as their friend and as a rep- resentative of Virginia. We of the Old Dominion hold Senator HAYDEN,and the fine people of Arizona in the highest esteem and deepest affection. Virginia, the cradle of the Republic, and one of the oldest States in the Union-as it did in 1912-extends again and constantly her very best wishes to Arizona, one of the newest. Mr. President, I take a peculiar pride in the State of Arizona. My uncle, Henry Delaware Flood, of Virginia, after whom I am named, was the chairman of the House Committee on the Territories who presented to the House on August 19, 1911, the resolution establishing Ari- zona as a State. As third ranking Member of the Sen- ate in point of service, I am pleased at every opportunity to assert my great and lasting admiration for Senator HAYDEN, who ranks first. As one who has had the high privilege of representing Virginia in the U.S. Sen- ate longer than any other man, I appre- ciate the distinction of representing a State since its admission. Certainly no State has been better represented more continuously than Arizona; and surely no State has chosen more wisely than Arizona in electing and reelecting Senator HAYDEN. He is a man of great work; but what is more, he is a man superior to his works. He seems to act always without effort, but his accomplishments for his State and country are monumental. Evidence of his matured judgment and constructive powers has marked the work of Congress for 50 years. He has the capacity to foreshadow the future while working for the present. Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 j4pproved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002800230002-7 CONGRESSIONAL ' RECORD - SENATE -2199 He has a great faculty for accumulat- rare, phenomenal fact as illustrative of ing, analyzing, and producing knowledge; the youth and vigor of America. Our and he has earned the reputation of country is very young in the calendar of knowing a little more than most of us the Mountains and our'country is quite about many things. new in the family of the major organized In the Senate we know Senator HAY- countries around the world, yet many, DEN as a man of reserve but not isolation. many countries of great antiquity- We know him as a warm personality countries many times older than the without egotism. We know him as a United States-have come to look to us man of wisdom, but with indulgence for assistance, for guidance, for leader- and kindly wit. ship, and for succor in order to take their as a friend and greatly admire him as a statesman. Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, I am, of course, delighted to be a colleague and personal. friend of Senator CARL HAYDEN and to pay him tribute today on the 50th anniversary of the beginning of his remarkable congressional career. When we think of CARL HAYDEN we think of a symbol of character, integrity, and honor and dedication to the finer purposes in life, as well as a national legislator. He has a favored place in history for many reasons. One of the most out- standing reasons is his long and con-). sistent work in the Congress, protecting and promoting and reproducing the nat- ural resources of our Nation. Some years ago I presented him with a gavel made from a tree which was one of sev- eral trees found in his State that are believed to be more than 3,000 years old, the oldest living things in the world. When I presented Senator HAYDEN with the gavel, I said then and repeat now, that people of our Nation for untold generations will benefit from his career as a legislator longer than this 3,000- year-old tree has lived. When I first came to the Senate I was told that Senator HAYDEN could get a bill passed here easier than anyone else. The reason given was that every- one trusted him; and his speeches were so short and to the point that one could not make an opposing argument to what he said. The Senate as well as the rest of the Nation has been blessed by his many years of service here and the happy thought is that there are many more years of service to come. I am happy, indeed, to be among his friends and admirers in extending him hearty greetings and congratulations on this special occasion. Mr. MUNDT. Mr. President, I am sure it is an honor and a pleasure for all of us who serve in the Senate today to be present on the occasion of the golden anniversary of service of CARL HAYDEN in the Congress of the United States. I think it is most significant that his golden anniversary coincides with the golden anniversary of Arizona as a State. Coming into the Union as it did in 1912, Arizona is not one of the newest States of the Union, and therefore I think it is all the more remarkable that we have in our midst this highly es- teemed colleague who has served in the proper place in the great fight against communism. In CARL HAYDEN we have a man young in spirit and high in vigor, who has been a Member of the Congress during the 50 years in which the United States has moved far out in front in the parade of countries of the world. I like to refer to that because it seems to me that every patriotic American can get some real inspriation from the fact that ours is a country which can do so much in the lifetime of a living Member of the Senate and which is still so young that one of the esteemed Members of this body came to Congress at the time his State joined the team. This kind of young and successful country must have something in its formula of achievement worth preserving. I think it is well to reflect upon the fact that within the public service life- time of CARL HAYDEN we have made such remarkable progress. That progress ought to emphasize for all of us that America could not do so, much in so short a time by doing everything all wrong. Certain ingredient "concepts and principles have been espoused and ex- emplified by CARL HAYDEN. They are worthy of our adherence and of perpetu- ation. The capacity of growth which we have demonstrated in this short era cer- tainly illustrates the vigor and signifi- cance of the concepts of America which have made it possible for us to have achieved so much. Serving, as I do, on the Appropriations Committee, which CARL HAYDEN SO ad- mirably and effectively heads, and serv- ing as the ranking Republican member of the little Subcommittee on Appropria- tions of the Department of Interior ac- tivities, I have spent many long hours sitting side by side with CARL HAYDEN.. Sometimes 'there have been two and sometimes three or four of us in the committee room. I must confess that on occasion I have been unable to be pres- ent, but CARL HAYDEN is always present, listening to the many laborious, informa- tive, and necessary hearings in which the executive departments place before Congress their desires and aspirations, which on occasion far exceed their needs. He sits there and guides the activities of the full Appropriations Committee. He serves full time as chairman of the little subcommittee on which I serve as rank- ing member. He does so always without partisanship, passion, or prejudice. He does so always with a clear sense of duty and with a capacity for energy and clear thinking which is unexcelled in this Congress as long as Arizona has been body. one of the States of the Union. So I have had a long, intimate oppor- Very often, in talks I give around the tunity to study Senator HAYDEN,' to country, I have occasion to refer to that watch him in operation, and to develop an admiration, which we all have, for this great American. Last week on Thursday and Friday I was absent from the Senate, as were many other Republican Senators-and I discovered that Democratic Senators also stole away-to visit around the country during Lincoln's Birthday holi- day. I spent 2 of those days speaking before public groups in Arizona, par- ticularly in Tucson, Phoenix, Scottsdale, and other places. I suspect that there was aliberal sprinkling of Republicans in most of the audiences iences which I ad- dressed in Arizona. I would be less than candid if I did not say that I am happy to report that I found among Republicans, as much as among Democrats, a high regard for this grand man of Arizona. They share the esteem which I, as one who has worked with him intimately, have for him., But they share with the Democrats of Ari- zona their pride over the fact that they have a great leader who, I am happy to say, at least so far as the senior Senator from South Dakota is concerned, seems to conjure a much more sincere and ac- curate symbol of the old frontier than he does of the New Frontier, because he came to us from the old frontier. Somehow, when people in public life come to us from that six-gun-totin' era and area of America, it is pretty hard to. make them forget the environment of their youth in the great independent free-thinking, vigorous, don't-want-to- get-pushed-around area that we call the West. He typifies that attitude in the Senate, as he does in, the committee on which he serves. He is universally ad- mired and respected by his home folks; and who in the Senate does not consider that point important? I suspect that is one reason why he has been here for 50 years. I wish Senator HAYDEN good health, good luck, and continued success for many years in the future. Mr. SPARKMAN. Mr. President, I join with my colleagues who have so eloquently paid tribute to the senior Senator from Arizona. I congratulate him upon the commencement of the second half century of his service. I join with all Senators in wishing for him many years of continued good health, success, and happiness. I, too, wish to speak about this re- markable man, whom I have observed so closely during the years I have been a Member of the Senate. He was a veteran when I came here. But I have often watched him handling the appropriation bills on the floor of the Senate. I have appeared before the committee of which he is chairman and testified on many different occasions. I bear out the suggestion offered by the Senator from South Dakota as to his al- ways being present. Other Senators may have found it nec- essary to be absent, but CARL HAYDEN was present at the committee meeting. Not only was he present in person, but he was there with complete control of the facts and information regarding the pro- posed appropriations. Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676RO-02800230002-7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE ~ i I was always amazed to observe that, however small the matter that was brought up before his committee, he knew as much about the subject as the one who was testifying, and sometimes actually more. I have appeared before the Committee on Rules and Administration many times; and again, even when CARL HAY- DEN was not chairman of that committee, he was always present, and again with complete mastery of whatever question was before the committee. I have had the privilege of talking with Senator HAYDEN many times about conditions as they existed when he en- tered Congress 50 years ago and about conditions back in Arizona before he ever came to Congress. As the Senator from South Dakota has suggested, I have found him to be a frontiersman bf the old days. But he has remained a fron- tiersman into the new days. Today he has a spirit of youthfulness and willing- ness to venture and to adventure that must have marked him when he was a young man back in Arizona. He is the leader in many of the best movements that are taking place in the Senate. He occupies a very large place in hearts of all his colleagues in the Senate, all of whom greet him and congratulate him on this his 50th anniversary, and wish him well throughout many more years. Mr. YOUNG of North Dakota. Mr. President, I wish to join all the other Members of the Senate in paying tribute to CARL HAYDEN on the anniversary of his 50 years of service in the Congress of the United States. His record is truly remarkable and unmatched in the history of the Congress of the United States. CARL, as he is always called by his friends and associates, attained this great record because of many fine quali- ties. He has always been a tireless worker, a true and trusted friend, a square shooter, if I may use that expres- sion, and one of the most able legislators' I have ever known. No State ever had a more devoted Representative or Sen- ator in Congress than Arizona in the person of CARL HAYDEN. No problem Arizona ever had was too big or too small to receive CARL HAYDEN'S personal and able attention. One of the finest things about CARL HAYDEN is that he has more personal and admiring friends than anyone else who has ever served in this body. It has been my privilege to serve for 16 years with him on the Appropriations Committee of the Senate, of which Sen- ator HAYDEN is Chairman. Here, too, he enjoys the esteem of every member. He has been most fair and courteous at all times. May I join with other Members of the Senate in wishing CARL HAYDEN many more years of good health, hap- piness, and service in the U.S. Senate. Mr. GORE. Mr. President, time is fleeting. Time is endless. Half a cen- tury in the perspective of mankind's journey would appear to be a speck in the spectrum of time. Fifty years in the life of our Nation is a large and an important period., In the life of a man it looms large indeed. For one to be privileged to be an actor for 50 years upon the preeminent immortal stage called the Senate; is something that has never come to a mortal being. It is something to `be achieved by others only a few times, and perhaps not for long or for a long while. It has been my privilege to serve in Congress with Senator' HAYDEN for al- most a quarter of a century. I have observed him closely. He is a man and has always been a Senator of industry and judgment. His record typifies the conviction that a representative of the peoples owes to the people not only in- dustry but also judgment. Lesser men can be industrious; only a wise man can be possessed of sound judgment. Upon occasion only a courageous man in this body can exercise sound judgment. In this, the greatest of deliberative bodies, the personal equation between Members is a matter of abiding concern, of deep appreciation, and of great mean- ing. The personal equation which Sen- ator HAYDEN has maintained with his colleagues is perfect. He is respectful. He is,helpful. He will go as far, and has long been willing to go as far as any one-in fact I know of, no one who is willing to go further-in helping a col- league than Senator HAYDEN, to the point of his judgment of what is in the public interest. Senator HAYDEN is regarded by all as a helpful colleague. However, all of us know that he can say "No" as emphat- ically as anyone who. has ever served in this body. Yes, 50 years is a long time. But once again time is fleeting and endless. No man possesses time. He enjoys time for a period. Some men, as they approach the age of- Senator HAYDEN, live in the past, become retrospective, closing their mind to the promise not only of the future but even of today. Not so with Senator HAYDEN. There is no Senator who is more concerned with the space program than is the Senator from Ari- zona. Blessed with the opportunity to serve, he has availed himself of the in- dustry and the judgment that is his, availed himself of the industry and the judgment that is his, availed himself of the friendship of his colleagues, of the information which he could obtain here, and of the action which through his in- fluence and position he could bring about. Thus here is a man who is a part of the history of our country, an important part of an important period in the his- tory of our country, a Member of the Congress for 50 years, and just as con- cerned about the next 50 years, and set- ting an example which those of us who are younger would be well to emulate. It is with genuine personal pleasure that I salute and honor and pay tribute to CARL HAYDEN. Mr. TALMADGE. Mr. President, it has been said many times-and accu- rately so-that no man is better versed in or more dedicated to the rules and traditions of the Senate than the man we honor today, CARL HAYDEN, of Ari- zona. We all know him as a man who chooses his words carefully. In a body not noted for its lack of verbiage, he is the soul of brevity. As CARL HAYDEN has often said, "If you have the votes, February t9 you do not need to talk." It is equally true that if one does not have the votes, no amount of talk can get his measure passed. Someone should write a book about this distinguished Senator. If it were done properly it would serve as a guide for every Member of the Senate. The subtitle might be "The Seantor Who Gets Things Done." I have never seen a great man who did not have outstanding personal vir- tues. Of the two outstanding charac- teristics of CARL HAYDEN I would say the first is his modesty. No man in or out of office has been more completely free of vanity than is CARL HAYDEN. His second outstanding virtue, I would say, is his kindliness and attitude of helpfulness. That was well impressed upon me when I came to the Senate as a fresh- man just 5 years ago and was assigned to serve with him on the Rules Committee. Senator HAYDEN went out of his way on many occasions to be kind, generous, and helpful and to explain to me and other new Senators about Senate pro- cedures and the reasons for them. In many respect, Mr. President, he was a godfather to us. The signal honor which our friend and colleague has achieved today is unique in the history of the United States. No one is more richly entitled to such distinction. Mr. President, as a part of my re- marks, I ask unanimous consent to have printed at this point in the RECORD an article entitled "Service Beyond Oratory Is What Matters," written by Cecil Hol- land and published in the Washington Sunday Star of November 12, 1961. There being no objection, the article was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: SENATOR HAYDEN'S 50 YEARS-SERVICE BEYOND ORATORY IS WHAT (By Cecil Holland) Star Staff Writer Senator CARL HAYDEN, of Arizona, who will be honored at a testimonial dinner in Phoe- nix this week for 50 years of congressional service, first came to Congress 5 years before President Kennedy was born. When he stepped into the well of the House on February 19, 1912, to become the Repre- sentative of the newly admitted 48th State, Vice President JOHNSON, with whom he has worked closely in many a Senate battle, was a 4-year-old playing under the Texas cot- tonwoods. His Arizona Republican colleague, Senator GOLDWATER, was 3. At least 15 of the Arizona Democrat's Senate colleagues had not been born. The nonpartisan dinner for the Senate's Nestor is expected to attract 1,200 people. The President will make it an important port of call on his Western swing. Vice President JOHNSON will be there, too, and will join in the tributes to the 84-year-old Senator whose record of accomplishments will be found written in the law books and appro- priation bills and not in the flamboyance of Senate debate. SELF-ET'FACING SERVICE The gathering will be more than a tribute to Senator HAYDEN personally. It will be a recognition of an elusive quality, a tradition of self-effacing public service which, more than oratory, has made the Senate what it is. Aside from the imposing length of his service in the-Senate and House, Senator Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 Approved For.Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 '?1962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE HAYDEN stands apart from many of his col- leagues. As far as his associate can recall, he has never called a news conference. And he has never found it necessary to get out weekly newsletters to the people back home, as many Senators do. Except during campaigns he has not bothered to make weekly visits to the Senate recording room to tape interviews and reports for use by the television and radio stations in his home State. Until recently he never felt the need for a public relations aid on his staff. He has one now. "Some of the Senator's friends," an associate explained, "thought that other fellow was getting all the publicity." The other fellow is Senator GOLDWATER, who has become recognized as the articulate spokes- man of the Republican Party's conservative wing and a possible candidate for the Presi- dential nomination in 1964. There's no Madison Avenue touch in Sen? ator HAYDEN's public relations efforts. It is definitely low-keyed. Senator HAYDEN, who served seven succes- sive terms in the House before moving to the Senate, likely is thinking about running for a seventh full 6-year term in the Senate where he is president pro tempore and chair- man of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee which must provide the funds for Mr. Kennedy's expanding New Frontier. When Senator HAYDEN, who had served two terms as sheriff of Maricopa County, first came to Congress he looked around and remarked "This is a pretty good place. How does one stay here?" An oldtimer of the day supplied the answer. "You take care of your people and the people will take care of you." Another thing Senator HAYDEN recalls being told was: "There are two kinds of Congressmen- show horses and workhouses. If you want to get your name in the papers, be a show horse. If you want to gain the respect of your colleagues, keep quiet and be a work- horse." " Senator?HAYDEN took the advice to heart. He chose to be a workhorse. In his 14 years in the House and long years in the Senate he labored mightily in the committees and still does. He seldom speaks on the Senate floor and only then on matters affecting Ari- zona or the West, or in guiding an appropria- tion bill or some related legislation through the tortuous paths of Senate debate. HE IS A LISTENER He doesn't sit in the front row of the Democratic side of the Senate with the Democratic leader and other Senate veterans which his rank would entitle him to. He is content with his seat on the aisle one row removed from the rear. From this vantage point he listens closely to the debate. When necessary he will rise and speak-and right to the point. What he has to say is factual and presented without oratorical flashes. "If you want to challenge CARL on some point," said a Senate colleague, "you'd bet- ter be prepared with facts, too. He will demolish your arguments, if you're not." Senator HAYDEN knows his Senate as well as any man could. "When you've got the votes," he once said, "you don't have to talk." And when you have got the votes back home, as Senator HAYDEN always has, you don't have to try and get your name in the newspapers. The Senator has never found it necessary to cultivate newspapermen. In talking with them he is courteous, if a little wry. Looking owlishly over the rims of his glasses, he will answer questions and little more. "Senator HAYDEN," said one veteran Capitol Hill reporter, "is not one you would think of passing the time of day with in hopes of picking up a little news." When Congress adjourns and many of the Members fly off to different parts of the world, Senator HAYDEN usually goes home to 2201 Arizona. Always his political fences have Arizona, and has now started on his sec- been in good repair. In this connection this n?,a holf .,e?+ ,.f ?., tor HAYDEN. As a party of reporters accom- There is a quiet dignity and efficiency panying former Vice President Nixon on a in the manner in which Senator HAYDEN cross-country political tour rushed into a goes about his business. Certainly Phoenix hotel for a thunderous rally, Senator length of service alone does not indicate HAYDEN ambled out, serenely confident in his in any way CARL HAYDEN's devotion to the bearing, smiling faintly and extending a United States, the Senate, and his con quiet greeting to those he recognized. Mem- stituents. ory may be faulty but it seems that the Republican orator of the day was careful to CARL HAYDEN moves. He gets things avoid any reference to the veteran lawmaker done. His work as head of the large whose hold on the affections of Arizona and highly important Committee on Ap- voters goes back nearly to the turn of the propriations is especially impressive. century. . . The committee has played an important SERVED AS COUNTY TREASURER Senator HAYDEN was born October 2, 1877, at Hayden's Ferry (now Tempe) and was educated in the public schools, Normal School of Arizona and Stanford University. Before being elected sheriff he served a term as country treasurer. In the vanishing frontier of his day Sen- ator HAYDEN was no gun-slinging peace offi- cer in the Hollywood tradition. Being sheriff, Senator HAYDEN says, required "common- sense rather than gun play." In his long years in Washington the Sena- tor has shunned the Capital's social swim. He seldom went out. The Senator whose wife is dead, continues to live in an apart- ment hard by the Senate, and his life, said a longtime associate, "is a lot of work." "He's always been a wonderful person to work for," said another. "He's never auto- cratic." Some other impressions from those who have worked with him over the years: "He has no political machine. He's just an individual." "He has never been a man to blow off a lot of steam." When the distinguished group, Republi- cans as well as Democrats, gathers in Phoenix to pay him honor, it would be a safe bet to say that Senator HAYDEN, as usual, will not have much to say. He will not blow off steam. He will just be, as he has become, "Mr. Senate." Mr. PELL. Mr. President, it is with a very full heart that I pay tribute to Senator CARL HAYDEN on his 50th anni- verysary as a Member of Congress. I find myself particularly personally moved at this time, since my father and he were colleagues in Congress more than 40 years ago, and my predecessor, Senator Theodore Francis Green, the oldest Sen- ator ever to serve in our body, was a colleague and close friend of Senator HAYDEN for many years. In the short time that I have been serving in this body with Senator HAY- DEN and with him on the Committee on Rules and Administration,. I have come to know him and to share the same very high regard that Senator Green has and my own father had for him. He is a man of honor, of judgment, and of com- monsense; in fact, he is truly a Senator's Senator. I congratulate him on a full, produc- tive, and well spent life which has still, I trust, many more years to run. I only hope that in the course of my own work in the Serrate I may do anywhere nearly as well for my State and my country as Senator HAYDEN has done for his. Mr. HARTKE. Mr. President, I wish to add my voice to the voices of other Senators who are today paying tribute role in the shaping of America. He, his fellow members, and their efficient staff are always ready to work on any money problem with any Senator. This, too, is a tribute to CARL HAYDEN and the way he works. There is nothing pompous about Sen- ator HAYDEN. When a young man comes to the Senate, CARL HAYDEN is one of those who seems to be willing to make time to show the young man the ropes. He is one of those who is always ready to assist a colleague to get a job done. - One of the great pleasures and privi- leges of being a Member of the Senate is to be a colleague Of CARL HAYDEN. The Senate, the country, and the world are better for having him here. CARL HAYDEN: A LEGEND IN HIS OWN LIFETIME .Mr. YARBOROUGH. Mr. President, 35 years ago, in 1927, I went to El Paso, Tex., as a young, newly licensed lawyer to begin the practice of law. I found a land with different legends and heroes from those I had known in the eastern part of my home State. There in the West I heard Of CARL HAYDEN; he had already become a legend in the whole Southwest, just as he was then a hero in Arizona, in that State's search for water. For west Texas was as proud of CARL HAYDEN as his own native State of Arizona. That year, 1927, after 15 years in the House of Representatives, CARL HAYDEN came to the U.S. Senate. And his stat- ure has grown in the Southwest, in the Senate, and in the Nation, with each passing year. Decades ago, a saying grew up among the rangers of the South- west, expressive of a man in whom they would put full trust and confidence in every -possible situation; that term de- scribes CARL HAYDEN: "He will do to ride the river with." In Texas and all the Southwest, as well as in Arizona, he is appreciated for his stanch stand for conservation of soil and water, for reclamation and pub- lic power, and for his belief in the maxi- mum utilization of natural resources for the general good. It is a great privilege to be a Member of this body on the day when a Senator becomes the first Member of the Con- gress of the United States to serve a half century in the Congress. It is a personal pleasure to see the honored and re- spected CARL HAYDEN, of Arizona, become the first and the only one of all the men to our distinguished and learned col- who have served this Nation, to touch league, the venerable senior Senator from that golden marker. CARL HAYDEN has Arizona. His record of longevity is un- had that honor that seldom comes to any paralleled. He has served in Congress Man: He has become a legend in his own as long as, there has been a State of lifetime. Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676ROO2800230002-7 2202 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE ' February 19'' For a half century he has met every test that national political duty laid upon him in the National Congress. In that time two World Wars, the great depression of the 1930's, booms and re- cessions, severe droughts in the South- west, and other exacting economic, social and political upheavals, have washed around him their waves of change. Only CARL HAYDEN'S character was unchang- ing. With calm self-confidence and a serenity born of high character and in- nate courage, he is as serene and unper- turbed in a political storm as at a spring picnic. CARL HAYDEN knew adverse conditions before he came to the Senate. Droughts he had seen, that dried up the scant water supply of his native State, and left the bleached bones of the starved herds glistening upon every sandy plain. High hot winds, for days on end, driv- ing grains of sand with cutting edges into the skin of man and beast, he knew, too. He had felt the sting of a hot sun that dried the moisture out of a man's body, and made points of heat jump around on his arms and body like pin pricks. And bitter cold winds and cold snows covered the Painted Desert and the Grand Canyon and the Petrified Forest in the northern part of his na- tive State, and he felt their bites too, in the days before automobiles took men off to quick refuge in heated rooms. The fierce Apaches were still fighting the U.S. Army and ambushing Arizona ranchers when CARL HAYDEN Was a boy; he, of all of us in this body, is the only one who actually grew up on a hostile, fighting frontier. CARL HAYDEN was a territorial sheriff in Arizona before statehood, in the times before television, when tough hombres really' went to the Southwest, and a sheriff's word was the law, but it was the law only if he had the will and the nerve and the moral force to make it stick. CARL HAYDEN had that will and that nerve and that moral force. Since he did, the people of Arizona voted him in with statehood, and sent him to Wash- ington as their first Congressman, and have kept him here ever since. What gave this long life and this far more remarkable long tenure of service? Character-and the calm self-assurance and faith within that comes only with the knowledge of duty done to the best of one's ability, with fairness to all, and with rancor toward hone. And having served in that faith, and on that unbreakable rock of character and fairness, providence has brought him, alone of all Americans, here today to lay his hand upon the golden mile- post. Mr. President, the Nation salutes the senior Senator from the United States of America, but, that the opinion of his home State will be remembered, too, I ask unanimous consent to have printed at this point in the RECORD a salute to our distinguished colleague, ably written by Mr. Charles Franklin Parker, and published in the February-March 1962 issue of Arizona Highways, under the title "Senator CARL HAYDEN: The Dis- tinguished Gentleman From Arizona." There being no objection, the article 11,556 as against 8,445 for his Republican was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, opponent, John S. Williams. as follows: Be was ready to assume his duties in Con- gress as soon as the great day of admission SENATOR CARL HAYDEN: THE DISTINGUISHED for Arizona as the 48th State came on Febru- GENTLEMAN FROM ARIZONA ary 14, 1912. Five days later, on February (By Charles Franklin Parker) 19, CARL HAYDEN appeared in the House of CARL HAYDEN has represented Arizona Representatives to take the oath of office as either in the U.S. House of Representatives Arizona's first Congressman. Though or the U.S. Senate since the granting of elected, HAYDEN did not leave Arizona until statehood in 1912. He has served under nine after statehood had been attained and the presidents-from William Howard Taft to time of travel involved took him into Wash- John F. Kennedy. ington on a Sunday so he could not take the His record of 50 years of service, embrac- oath of office until the following day. ing the entire period of statehood, has never It is interesting to note that because been equaled by any other person in U.S. article XVII which amended the Constitu- history. If the development of Arizona has tion of the United States and established been spectacular, it has not been hindered the procedure of direct election of Senators but importuned by the efforts of this famous was not to be passed until 1913, and since native son whose devoted service has been the Arizona Legislature could not convene dedicated to her interest. until after statehood to elect two Senators Just as boys outgrow their trousers on the from Arizona, CARL HAYDEN was this State's journey to manhood so it is that some men lone Representative in the halls of Congress outgrow the designations that might prop- ? for some period. His services, therefore, erly apply to some of lesser stature. Senator antedate those who became Arizona's first Senators by election of the legislature. CARL lity to at becom84, e has the outgrown fd a party HAYDEN served in the House of Representa- of aoserva of all the people of Arizona tives from 1912 to 1927 and since 1927 has of a United States. been in the Senate. In the senatorial pri- and the he UHe is a political mary election on September 27, 1926, when officeholder in become the statesman and one be- he first ran for the upper House, HAYDEN the party ve State. and esman love admiration of defeated his Democratic opponent for the the people the occasion hisn of oft the 45th anniversary C. H. Rutherford, by 36,745 to On HAYDEN'S S continuous service in Congress of 8,995. In the general election on November colleagues cnSenate is his 2, he defeated his Republican opponent, colleagues in the testified o his R. H. Cameron, by a vote of 44.591, to 31,845. greatness in glowing g terms as recorded in the the succeeding five contests to retain his The then Senator RECORD of February Vice Senate seat, HAYDEN has been opposed, both JOHNSON from Texas Os and d now Vice in primary and general elections, but it can The then LYNDON President was just 45 years ago ag[now 501 that stated honestly that his seat has never t e torered 4 the Union as a State t and been in s&'ious jeopardy. He is now com- Arizona entered t pleting his sixth term (36 years) in the upper CARL L HAYDEN entered Congress. Both events body. were of tremendous significance. The emer- CARL HAYDEN has been a shy, quiet stu- stretched the from dent of government, whose great efforts have of creating t Arizona on a that State ended of as Atlantic creating a N N atio been expended behind the doors of com- R HAYDEN into the Ocean. The entry try of the n mittee rooms and in persuasive conversations one AEN o the Congress our ablest, brought , and u one e in the cloakrooms of Congress. Unassuming onon r our most wisest, beloved one of f our abn and modest, he is still known as one of of the cSe tor rom Arizona, few Senators who does his own research And junior TER, sppeakinf, in the Library of Congress. Never a speech BARRY GOLDWATER, for Arizonans, maker, HAYDEN has given only three in his 50 stated: years of service; he prefers to expend his "It may seem peculiar to my colleagues in time, energy, and wisdom in forming sound this body, who would expect t a Republican legislation after long research and consulta- and a Democratic Senator from the same tion. As has been noted, "almost every bill State to be fighting, to find them not doing that passes Congress bears upon it some part so. As a Republican, Mr. President, I find of CARL HAYDEN'S stamp." myself in great sympathy with the people of Senator HAYDEN himself has told of the my State who have eternal gratitude for the experience that probably set the pattern for service of CARL HAYDEN in the Senate." his characteristic role in Congress over these When the Flood-Smith Statehood resolu- many years. He tells that his most cherished tion, the enabling act for both Arizona and piece of advice came in his early days from New Mexico, passed Congress on August 21, Representative Fred C. Talbott of Maryland 1911, and was signed by President William who said, "There are two kinds of Congress- Howard Taft at 3:08 the afternoon of the men-show horses and work horses. If you same day, CARL HAYDEN received the news in want to get your name in the papers be a Phoenix while serving as sheriff of Maricopa show horse. If you want to gain the respect County. What this meant to him at this of your colleagues, keep quiet and be a work moment we perhaps can not surmise. It, is horse." CARL HAYDEN has definitely been a possible that his mind picked up the thought work horse. early implanted by his mother. Sallie Davis His fellow Senators, in their 1957 tribute Hayden had called CARL the Senator from an to him, ran the gamut in adjectives of praise. early age and spoke of her expectation that They said of HAYDEN that "he has performed he would some day serve in this greatest de- great service for his State and country" * * liberative body of our Nation. "no more effective legislator ever served in Regardless of our surmise, sometime after either House of the Congress" ? ' * "one of the proclamation was issued by Gov. Richard the most likable Members" '' ' *"has the E. Sloane on September 20, 1911, CARL HAY- reputation, among young Senators on both DEN filed the necessary papers to have his sides of the aisle, of always being available name placed on the primary ballot as a and helpful to them" * * ? "in legislation candidate for the lone seat in the U.S. House affecting the Government of the United of Representatives granted to the new State. States, his actions have been based not on He was one of three candidates seeking the narrow partisan lines, but on what is best nomination on the Democratic ballot in the for the welfare of our country" ? * e "has primary held October 24 of that year. He a grasp of the affairs of this Government received 4,237 votes against 2,685 for Mul- which few Members of the Senate have had" ford Winsor and 2,662 for Lamar Cobb. In The Washington Star has called HAYDEN the general election on December 12, HAY- 'the only real-life frontiersman still in pub- DEN was elected to Congress by a vote of lie life whose worries today are much the Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 ? Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002800230002-7 1'962 Y. ` CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE same as they were in 1912: The largest In- dian population of any State in the Union. mining, irrigation and reclamation, agricul- ture and highways." Throughout his years in Congress HAYDEN has never lost sight of the fact that he was elected to represent his own State of Arizona. He began his career in Washington with a determination to help Arizona shoulder the full burdens of statehood and he has suc- cessfully watched over her interests and growth for half a century. HAYDEN has been a tireless champion for irrigation of arid lands, and Arizona's wide areas of reclaimed desert are verdant monu- ments, mile after mile, to the Senator's success. In 1937 he obtained $3 million for the Salt River project, Headgate Rock Dam and the Gila project; in 1938 he persuaded the Bureau of Reclamation to start engi- neering work for the great Central Arizona project; and he obtained funds for Coolidge Dam and the San Carlos project. With Senator Henry Fountain Ashurst he filibus- tered the Boulder Dam (now Hoover Dam) bill until California agreed to provisions for water supply protection for Arizona and other basin States. A Senate leader in highway legislation, HAYDEN coauthored in 1934 the Hayden- Cartwright bill that established the formula for distribution of Federal aid to highways on the basis of area rather than population. This was the financial highway boost that the Southwest and the West needed so des- perately to provide transportation links be- tween its farfiung cities in a nationwide highway chain. HAYDEN has steadfastly worked to advance mining operations in the entire country, provide fair prices, protection against unfair foreign imports, and subsidy grants for stra- tegic metals. One of those in Congress who worked hardest on social security legislation, HAYDS:N later fought and won the right of American Indians to be included within its framework. His concern for our Indian pop- ulation has always been paramount. While water is liquid gold to all the South- west, the clear desert air of Arizona provided another natural ingredient which HAYDEN promoted to great benefit. Through his efforts Arizona in World War II became a prominent air training center and today its air bases and military sites are important installations in American defense and to the State's economy. Recognized today as probably the best in- formed man on this Nation's financial prob- lems, HAYDEN has held the country's purse strings within his grasp. As member, vice- chairman and then chairman of the power- ful Senate Appropriations Committee, he has exerted strong influence so that the Western States received their fair share of funds. HAYDEN's foresight has meant much to Ari- zona, and in fact the whole country, in the preservation of scenic wonders in a system of national parks and monuments for all mankind to enjoy. Perhaps an appreciation of the Senator's farfiung services to Arizona is best summed up in part of the citation that accompanied the honorary doctor of laws degree awarded him in 1948 by the University of Arizona: "His services to the State have been vari- ous and unsurpassed * * * he has played a major role in the reclamation of her fertile acres and in opening her scenic, climatic, and industrial treasures to new citizens and vis- itors from all over the world." Throughout his life HAYDEN has had many interests which blossomed to the Nation's good. He is credited with a large role in the .chartering of the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America by Congress in 1916 and with promoting rifle clubs as part of civilian training. This interest grew naturally from his service as an officer in the Arizona Na- tional Guard, prior to being elected to Con- gress, when he served as captain of the Ari- zona rifle team. In 1911 at the champion- ship matches at Camp Perry, Ohio, HAYDEN won the national long range title, scoring 15 bullseyes at 1,000 yards out of a possible 15. During World War I he was commissioned an infantry major in the U.S. Army. A recognition earned by his long tenure in office came in August 1961, when the League of Women Voters honored him as the only incumbent Congressman to have voted for the 19th amendment which ushered in woman suffrage in 1919. However outstanding has been HAYDEN's career in the guiding of legislation and serv- ing as a mentor in both House and Senate, these attainments, which are monumental, are probably less than the remarkable per- sonal service that he has given to the high and the lowly alike. The case of the un- known Chinese family gives only a glimpse. The family had come to the United States and to Arizona as refugees from the Red revolution. After the man's wife died, leav- ing some children to be cared for, he later desired to marry a sister of his deceased wife and wanted to bring her to the United States from Hong Kong. The Chinese man had tried many means and all failed until an appeal was made to CARL HAYDEN. Then it appeared that the Senator had nothing else to do. He gave personal attention to this request and after some little time the red- tape was cleared and a happy family lived for years in Phoenix because one man, who could help, had cared. Great as is CARL HAYDEN's devotion to State and Nation, he has known one greater. That was to Nan Downing Hayden, his loving wife for 53 years. He'referred to her as a good 'pal and his sister, Miss Sallie Hayden, testifies to their long and mutual devotion. Miss Sallie recalls that one summer she had a friend visiting her and this friend found some of the poetry that CARL had written. They took one poem and put-it on a card to use in a game of authors. The "Did it ever occur to you, my gentle little dove, - Did it ever occur to you that a lad could fall in love." While these lines were written long before he found Nan Downing on the campus of Stanford University, where both were stu- dents, the falling in love was truly a great and important event for these young people. Some 15 years before her death in June 1961, Mrs. Hayden had a stroke, and the care of her deepened the love that had ever been between them. Mrs. Hayden was known as the "Betsy Ross of Arizona." She designed and made from copper, gold and blue cloth the flag that was -to be adopted 3 years after statehood as the official State flag without a single change in its design. She had made the flag for the Arizona National Guard rifle team as their banner for the national meet at Camp Perry in 1911. With complete devotion and avoiding the political front, Mrs. Hayden centered her whole life around the Senator. She mirrored in many ways the warm personality of her husband, his concern and love for people, and his reticence to be in the headlines. No man can be in public life, however, for more than 50 years and keep many secrets about himself from his constituency. There- fore about everything in HAYDEN'S life has now been publicized. But we must herein recapitulate some events for this record to be complete and since the boy is father to the man possibly explain some facets of this great Arizonian. The direct descendant of colonial Ameri- cans who first settled in Connecticut in the 1630's, CARL HAYDEN was born October 2, 1877, at Hayden's Ferry (now Tempe). He was the first white child born in the town founded by his father and from his parents rightfully inherited a tradition of pioneer- ing for and service to Arizona. His father, Charles Trumbull Hayden, was a true Connecticut Yankee who declined an appointment to West Point, taught school for a while, and planned to study law in New York before he turned westward be- cause of health. He brought 14 cattle-drawn wagons loaded with goods over the Santa Fe Trail in 1848 to New Mexico, Arizona, and California, and his trading in the Southwest was a steppingstone for American settle- ment in this Spanish-dominated area. On one trip between Tucson and Prescott, Charles Hayden came to realize the potential of the Valley of the Sun and centered all. future activities at Hayden's Ferry on the Salt River. Here he established not only the ferry but a grist mill, mercantile store, blacksmith shop, barns, stables, and lime kiln, and planted orchards. He was a pio- neer trader in the true sense. An educated merchant and freethinker, he wore a boiled shirt, bow tie, and coat in contrast to the traditionally range-garbed, gun-carrying men of that day. Sallie Davis Hayden, the Senator's mother, was a spirited, independent woman with an unerring faculty for knowing people, mak- ing her the "politician" of the family. Daughter of a wealthy plantation owner, she had run away to seek a higher education, attended a convent in Tennessee for a year and then normal school in Illinois before venturing to California where she met her future husband. She was 32 years old and her husband 51 when they were married, and they were to have three children, a son and and two daughters. When CARL was yet a small boy-shy, book-reading and contem- plative-his mother called him "The Sen- ator" but she died before her son began his great career in Congress. Despite somewhat delicate health, CARL HAYDEN did have a rounded life in a pioneer town. He swam in the river, brought his father's cows in from pasture while riding on the back of a bull, made a round trip to Grand Canyon by horseback-yet all the while pursuing an insatiable quest for book knowledge. He was educated in the Tempe schools, at the newly established Tempe Nor- mal School (now Arizona State University), and at Stanford. He entered Stanford just 3 months after Herbert Hoover had been graduated, was rugged enough to play center on the football team, shone equally well on the debating team, and lost the only election of his lifetime-for president of the student body. When CARL HAYDEN's father died in 1900, he left college to look after the family inter- ests in Tempe. He was 25 in 1902 when he began his career of public service. For two years he was a member of the Tempe Town Council, from 1904 to 1906 was Maricopa County treasurer, and from 1907 was county sheriff until he was elected Arizona's first Representative to Washington in 1912. From HAYDEN's sister, Miss Sallie, who still resides in Tempe, there come insights into the boyhood of the Senator. "CARL would not wear shoes," she said. "He went barefoot regularly until he entered the Normal at Tempe. I remember that church services were held in a community hall and CARL had to wear shoes to church. But once the service was over and he was outside, off came the shoes for the walk home." "He was a very curious boy," says Miss Sallie. "This prompted him to run away for the simple purpose of investigating his sur- roundings. This caused much alarm to the family, especially since this curiosity could lead to disaster such as the loss of an index finger from the exploding of a giant powder cap." She also recounts that CARL'S mother be- came concerned about the influences that were coming into his life in the town. She, Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 2204 thereupon, went out from the town, home- steaded a place removed from this environ- ment. Individualism has characterized the Sena- tor's life. Never a fighter yet a leader not by might but by ability and insight. Perchance one reporter summed it up well thus: "he seeks no headlines, yet constantly is in the thick of history-making news. He makes few speeches, yet his counsel is heeded as fact. And his persuasive power is stanch against the political whims, his role un- changed no matter which party controls Congress." It must be understood, as an editorial in the Arizona Republic said, that "the senior Senator from Arizona is a Democrat, make no mistake about that. He's proud of the fact and he bears the badge of party regu- larity with honor and distinction. But he doesn't use party allegiance as a test of his willingness to help a constituent. Once he wrote to a friend in Phoenix: 'I have friends in both political parties and I do not forget that fact when there is an opportunity to be of service to them, regardless of whether they are Republicans or Democrats. Thomas Jefferson said that he had never allowed a political difference to interfere with friendship, and I have tried to be a good Jeffersonian.' " CARL HAYDEN escapes the usual formula. He is honored by all-partisan or not. He is an Arizonan without peer, an American statesman unique in his position. The prophet Joel once spoke to Israel: "Your old men shall dream dreams And your young men shall see visions." The Honorable CARL HAYDEN, Senator from Arizona, is both old and young. In the light of his long experience he dares to "dream dreams" and from his youthful spirit he sees "visions" that still lead him on to more accomplishments directed by sagacity for the welfare of his Nation and the de- velopment of the resources and life of his beloved Arizona. CARL HAYDEN-5O years an American statesman-we salute you as we mark the semicentennial of Arizona's statehood. Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, I met CARL HAYDEN, our dean, whose 50th anniversary we are celebrating today, only a few days after I entered the Sen- ate. I had been given the hot spot of investigating Senator McCarthy's par- ticipation in the Maryland election, as a very junior member of the Subcommit- tee on Privileges and Elections. The Senator from Arizona was chairman of the parent Rules Committee. He also was already one of the senior Members of the Senate, but he called on me. I was amazed that a senior Senator would come to a junior's office, but he never has sat back on seniority. Sometimes new men in the Senate are appalled at the mountainous problems which beset them. CARL HAYDEN en- deavors to bring them into a comfort- able relationship with the Senate. He helps, guides, and counsels with valued and sage advice that is never forgotten. On the floor, I believe the senior Sen- ator from Arizona speaks less, yet influ- ences more votes, than any individual in the U.S. Senate. His quiet, lovable personality and his low key approach affect us all. He is never excited, but he can cut through the verbosity of others' presentations and reveal any phoniness, while he always comes up with a pure gold nugget. At 84, after 60 years in public life and 50 years in the House and Senate, CARL Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676RA0280023000Z7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE d . February 1 P- HAYDEN is the dean of Congress. His ac- complishments for the world, our Nation, and his State since he was sworn in as a House Member February 19, 1912, have been unmatched. He has served in Congress during the entire life of his great State of Arizona and longer as a Senator than any other of his State's great Senators. Persons who are devoted to the conservation of water, soil, wildlife, and all the other things which are good in our Nation, owe a great debt of gratitude to CARL HAYDEN. There is no more influential Member in either House of Congress than our modest, quiet colleague from Arizona who can outwork and outthink us all. Mr. President, as an additional tribute to the very effective chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, I wish to state that in an article on CARL HAYDEN'S life, published in the CWA News in March 1956, it was stated that CARL HAYDEN entered public life at age 25-in 1902. Thus, Mr. President, he has served in public life ever since the year of my birth. I am constantly amazed at the youth and the vigor he exhibits in all of the many, varied, complicated tasks which, by his great commonsense, he so ably masters. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent to have printed at this point in the RECORD, as part of my remarks, the ar- ticle from the CWA News to which I have referred. There being no objection, the .article was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: SENATOR CARL HAYDEN IN PUBLIC LIFE FOR THE PAST 54 YEARS CARL HAYDEN, Democratic Senator from Arizona, has been in public office for the past 54 years, and in that time, has never been turned down by the voters. In 1902, at the age of 25, he became a member of the Tempe Town Council, con- tinued through with 2 years as county treasurer, then five years as sheriff. Arizona was still Federal territory during that early period. When the State was ad- mitted to the Union-the 48th State-on Valentine's Day, 1912, the voters sent CARL HAYDEN to Congress. He's been there ever since, his seniority in the Senate being sur- passed only by one man, Senator George, at Georgia. While serving under eight presidents- Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower-Senator HAYDEN has worked loyally and effectively for his State, his country and his?party. He is a modest man-we had trouble get- ting him to pose for the picture that accom- panies this article. He is a hard worker. During a summer recess some time back, he had an opportunity to accompany an Appro- priations Committee trip to Europe. In- stead, he stayed home and studied economic problems of the coming session. Politicians say his hard work is one of the reasons the voters keep on reelecting him. At comment of Senate Majority Leader LYNDON B. JOHNSON covers the situation neatly. He says: "There is something reassuring about the future of a country which can produce leaders like CARL HAYDEN. He is a modest man, an unassuming man. He is not given to snap judgments and passionate outbursts that end in flaming headlines. Yet, I be- lieve all my colleagues will agree with me when I say there is no more influential Mem- ber in either House of Congress." Reporters like HAYDEN. The Washington Post and Times Herald has said of him: "The wry, shy Arizonian has come a long way without headlines. In the Senate his behind-the-scenes influence is second to none on the Democratic side." Another reporter has written of Senator HAYDEN. "He seeks no headlines, yet consistently is in the thick of historymaking news. He makes few speeches, yet his counsel is heeded as fact. And his persuasive power is stanch against the political whims, his role un- changed no matter which party controls Congress." When he first came to Washington, he got some good advice he has followed ever since. It came from an old Confederate vet- eran, Representative Frederick C. Talbott, of Maryland. Talbott said to him after one of his early speeches: "There are two kinds of Congressmen- showhorses and workhorses. If you want to get your name in the papers, be a show- horse. But if you want to gain the respect of your colleagues don't do it. Be a work- horse." CARL HAYDEN'S long record of service proves the advice was well received. He's been quietly working for the people and gaining the respect of his colleagues ever since. CARL HAYDEN was the first white child born in Hayden's Ferry, the town founded by his father. The adobe house that was his birthplace is today a landmark of Tempe. As a boy, CARL HAYDEN was molded by the spirit of pioneers and by the cultural heritage of his parents. He swam in the Salt River, drove his father's cows in from pas- ture on the back of a bull, once rode a favorite horse to the Grand Canyon and back. He's now been in Washington as a Rep- resentative or Senator for close to half a century. Many changes have taken place in America in that time, and HAYDEN has had an important share in molding those changes. In the Senate he has made as his special fields highways, irrigation, reclamation, agri- culture, and mining. As the Senate leader in highway legisla- tion, he made one of his most noteworthy contributions to Arizona and the West as coauthor of the Hayden-Cartwright bill that set the formula for distribution of Federal aid to highways on a basis which includes both area and population. When Senator HAYDEN was awarded an honorary doctor of laws degree by the Uni- versity of Arizona in 1948, the citation said in part: "His services to the State have been vari- ous and unsurpassed. Particularly as a spe- cialist in legislation affecting irrigation and Federal highways he has played a major role in the reclamation of her fertile acres and in opening her scenic, climatic, and indus- trial treasures to new citizens and visitors from over the world." Huge irrigation and power projects, green vistas of reclaimed desert, and uncounted miles of wide, straight highways will long endure as monuments to CARL HAYDEN, of Arizona. Mr. KERR. Mr. President, elated citizens in both the Oklahoma and the Indian territories were still "whooping it up" to mark their combined entry into the Union when in still another Territory-one farther west-a friendly, quiet man with a gridiron physique lowered his right hand and grasped his sheriff's badge. -He had just sworn to maintain the peace and to uphold the law in an Arizona Territory county where violence and disorder were normal Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 _f9 62 -Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE 2205 symptoms in the birthpains of a new, rugged State. Mr. President, Sheriff CARL HAYDEN maintained the peace with respect, in- stead of with a revolver; he upheld the law with a firm, friendly hand, but not a heavy one. He was the true prototype of all the fictional Matt Dillons and Wyatt Earps, but he was no gunslinger. This rugged, friendly peace officer used brilliance for bullets, poise for posses. He had the fastest grin the West. His personality and exploits became a regional legend, and some years later, when his sprawling new State got its first breath of life spanked into it, CARL HAYDEN became for a short period its sole Representative in the U.S. Congress. At that time Senators were named by the legislatures, and Arizona's had not yet convened when Congressman HAY- DEN arrived in Washington in 1912. Mr. President, the distinguished Sena- tor from Arizona has been intimately associated with the law for more than 60 years. He has gained eminence in enforcing the law, renown in creating the law, and respect for lending a rare brand of dignity to both functions. He is this Nation's greatest legislator sta- tistically, historically, numerically, fac- tually, and emphatically. Our exceptional President pro tem- pore has sought anonymity almost as vigorously as he has avoided animosity. His incredible legislative record has never been fully logged, and only scant accounts of the colorful life of this re- markable westerner have been recorded. One of these rare stories appeared a couple of years ago in the Reader's Digest. It related a score of incidents- any one of which would have justified a complete novel-that give us a slight insight into his intriguing early life in Arizona territory. It told how he used his fists to tame a notorious gunman who had threatened him; it recounted his pioneer life and his unique quest for knowledge. It also recalled his meeting of the great and gracious Nan Downing, on the campus of Stanford University. It was she, this lovely lady, who for more than a half century showered on him inspiration, understanding, and absolute devotion. I recall that someone asked the Senator from Arizona about his reaction to that article. One paragraph was inaccurate- He asserted- It said I lost an election for president of the student body by two votes because I gallantly voted for my opponent. I didn't vote for an opponent then, and never have since. I just plain lost that race. Mr. President, so far as I know, that election was his lone defeat. In this century he has not yet been outpolled by an opponent. The Senator from Oklahoma has reached an age considered as a mature one-an age identified with chronologi- cal fulfillment, and associated with retirement. But, Mr. President, he was in his midteens, doing what chores were forced on him on an Oklahoma farm, when the great Senator from Arizona came to Congress. Despite this wide gap between our congressional careers, I have finally established some measure of kinship to this great legislator: I believe he and I are the only two Senators who were born in a mainland territory, not a State, and have spanned the colorful era from frontier to New Frontier. Our great and beloved colleague, who has aided and counseled nine Presidents, today is observing a dual and dis- tinguished event. Although Arizona was admitted to the Union on February 14, 1912, its representative took the oath of office in the House of Representatives exactly 50 years ago today, following a 5- day journey. His is a historical story of a remarkable man and a fabulous State. Arizona's entry into the Union did not. create the Nation, but it made the United States a solid Republic from coast to coast; and although the Representative it wisely dispatched to Washington did no; create Congress, he certainly has helped to improve and perfect it. CARL HAYDEN has found it unnecessary to resort to the use of many of the weapons usually associated with a sheriff or a Senator.. He is eloquent, without orating; he is resounding, even in a Whisper; he is aware, without prying. He is at all times effective. Mr. President, the people of Oklahoma are grateful to CARL HAYDEN for a host of kindnesses. I know the senior Senator from Oklahoma has served his State and his Nation better as the result of the inspiration and guidance of this great man from Arizona. I am certain that 43 other States and hundreds of other Senators are equally as grateful. Our mighty but modest President pro tempore has heard millions of words on the floors of the two Houses of Congress; and it seems that a material and more suitable tribute should be proffered. It seems that his portrait should grace the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD today; but I am certain this unassuming man would not permit his Joint Committee on Printing to relax that rule. I think a mighty statue should be carved and placed conspicuously in the Halls of Congress, as an inspiration to all lawmakers, present and future; but so long as CARL HAYDEN is chairman of the Appropriations Committee, it would never be permitted to allocate the neces- sary funds. It seems that there should be placed above the entranceway to this Cham- ber a stone carving reading "CARL HAY- DEN Served Here"; but the Rules Com- mittee, which he headed for so many years, would never agree to it. So, Mr. President, we must pay him only vocal tributes. I sincerely congrat- ulate this greatest of all Senators on his half-century of unparalleled service. I commend the great State of Arizona for having the wisdom to send him to us. I am grateful that providence has permitted me to know and to serve with such an outstanding American, who can be addressed either as "Mr. HAYDEN, the Senator from Arizona," or as "Mr. Ari- zona, the Senator from Hayden." Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, the tributes expressed this afternoon in this forum are genuine. They come from the grateful colleagues of Senator CARL HAYDEN, and regardless of their length they are given in full measure to a truly great legislator. A short story of a personal nature may best serve to indicate the kindness and the helpfulness of the senior Senator from Arizona: In November 1958, I came to Washington to serve in the Senate for the unexpired term of the late dis- tinguished Senator M. M. Neely. I had been- in my temporary offices perhaps less than 3 days-I believe it was the second day-when a kindly, unosten- tatious visitor came to call. His eyes twinkled. I was being welcomed by the Senator from Arizona. He just walked in and asked, if not in these exact words, in the essence of these words: "Can I be of any assistance to you as you begin your work in the U.S. Senate?" I shall never forget that friendly and yet forceful way in which he impressed a new Senator with his sincere desire to be of service. I recall that on November 17, 1961, I was privileged to attend the celebration in his honor in Phoenix, Ariz. Senators and Representatives in Congress were present. His own beloved folk, more than 1,000 of the citizens of his. own State, were happy in an outpouring of true tribute to this truly remarkable man. To have served a State continuously in the Congress of the United States since its admission to the Union of States a half century ago is an honor not experienced by any other citizen. We acclaim CARL HAYDEN today for this achievement. But in bestowing upon the venerable Senator from Arizona our praise for hav- ing completed 50 years of uninterrupted tenure in the Congress, we express our respect for him not for having graced these halls with his presence for a half century, but, rather, for the quality of the service he has performed for his State and the Nation during that span of years. Those of us who have had the,privilege of serving in the Congress with Senator CARL HAYDEN know why grateful constit- uents never have failed to return him victorious. This representation covers the years from January 19, 1912, to March 3, 1927, in the House of Repre- sentatives and from March 4, 1927, to the present in the U.S. Senate. Faithful, patriotic, and unpretentious service has been the hallmark of CARL HAYDEN's unequalled period of tenure. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, one of the hardest, yet most pleasant, of the many responsibilities which comes to each of us is that of voicing, both as an individual and as the representative of our State, words of well-earned com- mendation and deserved tribute to our colleagues. It is hard, because so many Senators justly deserve such tribute and the opportunities of giving commenda- tion are many. But when it comes to paying tribute to the dean of the Senate, our beloved President pro tempore, the senior Sen- ator from Arizona, it becomes even more difficult because there are so many areas Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 2206 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80B6676R00280023000227 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE February 1 in which he has placed upon our coun- try the stamp of his wise counsel, the imprint of his legislative foresight, the hallmark of his compassion, and, to use the Biblical phrase, the signature of his charity, which is the true love of his fellow man. In the 13th chapter of the First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians, we are taid that: Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowl- edge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. CARL HAYDEN speaks but seldom, but when he does, it is to the point and his judgment is received with respect. It is based upon five decades of cool and con- sidered appraisal of men and proposals weighed against the national need and the public good. Yet, in spite of his position of power, which he holds as a trust, Senators from every part of the country, of every shade of political belief, respect, revere, and love him. The rea- son for this, I think, is that he, above all of his colleagues, understands the problems of their constituents and he is unstinting in his efforts to find practical solutions which will resolve them. This quality is the quality of charity in its widest sense, and it gives resonance to his words, as it tempers the clarity of his insight. Senator HAYDEN is gifted with pro- phetic foresight, but since in him this is based upon a faith in the democratic process and a belief that under law honest men can work together to create a sound and enduring nation despite their individual frailties, this gift of prophecy has enabled him to translate the vision into reality. He has brought water to the and regions; he has helped to span the continent with broad high- ways; he has brought light to remote farm areas; and he has ushered in the age of electronic power for good. Surely it has been given to few men in history to have presided as a wise counselor over so much which has changed our patterns of living in such a short span of time. The 51st year he now starts in the Congress of the United States continues a record of unparallel service to all of the people in each of the States. Ari- zona has him as her senior Senator, but all America is his constituency. Oregon knows him for a true friend and is proud to claim him as her honorary legisla- tor, for Bonneville and all the other great dams which tame the Columbia to the work of man stand as silent testi- monials to his vision, his faith, and his friendship, which is another definition of his charity. As a man, and as a Senator, I am honored to claim his friendship for I am deeply indebted to him for his wis- dom and sage judgment. On behalf of my State, and in a very personal way on my own behalf, I tender thanks to CARL HAYDEN for all he has done in the past, confident that in the coming decades he will, as is his custom, be ever ready, for the benefit of the people of the United States, to carry out with high distinction his manifold responsi- bilities. In closing, Mr. President, I ask unani- mous consent that there be included in the RECORD at this point in my remarks an article on Senator HAYDEN appear- ing in the New York Herald Tribune of February 19, and a copy of the state- ment of tribute I submitted at the CARL HAYDEN golden anniversary dinner on November 17, 1961. There being no objection, the article and statement were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: [From the New York Herald Tribune, Feb. 19, 19621 SENATOR HAYDEN BECOMES A 50-YEAR MAN WASHINGTON.-Senator CARL T. HAYDEN, who has been representing Arizona in Con- gress ever since it became the 48th State in 1912, made history yesterday by rounding out 50 years of continuous service in the House and Senate. He marked the occasion by giving one of his very rare interviews which-typically- was devoted largely to deprecating any sug- gestions that he wields the great power which generally is credited to him. The modest, one-time territorial sheriff now is dean of the Senate in both service and age and is expected to seek reelection this fall for a seventh 6-year term. He came to the Senate in 1927 after 15 years in the House. A Democrat, Senator HAYDEN is chairman of the powerful Senate Appropriations Com- mittee and Senate president pro tempore. He seldom takes part in floor debate and even more rarely talks to reporters for pub- lication. ALL KINDS OF ANGLES Although he has served longer than any of the more than 10,000 other Congressmen, Senator HAYDEN balks at the suggestion that he fully understands the legislative system. "Oh, I don't think anybody fully under- stands it yet," he said in an interview taped for the CBS television program "Washington Conversation." "There are all kinds of angles to it. There is always something new turns up." Senator HAYDEN, who will be 85 October 2, brushed aside the theory that an inner circle of senior Senators control the so- called Senate club. "That is more or less a myth," he said, adding that the ranking Senators may "know their way about, but they don't get off in a huddle and decide what the rest of the Senators will do. "They (others) wouldn't stand for that." Senator HAYDEN has no plans for reform- ing the legislative branch or changing the unlimited Senate debate that sometimes runs into filibusters. AIDED BY FILIBUSTER In fact, he credits a filibuster with help- ing him get to the Senate, when a plan to admit New Mexico and Arizona territories as a single State was defeated by long de- bate. And he told about helping Arizona get some share of waters from Boulder or Hoover Dams by some lengthy debate. "I like the way the Senate operates," he said. Asked if the numerous Federal dam, high- way, and other projects in Arizona resulted from his seniority and power, Senator HAY- DEN again balked. "It doesn't stem from any power," he said. "If you have a good project, the Congress will adopt it. Nobody has the power to im- pose anything on the Congress or procure the enactment into legislation," Senator HAYDEN confirmed that as an Ari- zona sheriff he helped capture two train rob- bers in an adjoining county. Indian scouts located the robbers the day after the rob- bery, he recalled, and "we pursued them in an automobile." SHERIFF 7 YEARS He was the first white child born at Hayden's Ferry, Ariz., established by his father and now known as Tempe. Senator HAYDEN served 2 years on the Tempe Town Council, 2 years as county treasurer, and 7 years as sheriff before election to Congress. The sheriff then collected fees. He said: "I would go around with my receipts book and collect for a crap game or a roulette wheel or poker games and faro and the saloon itself and any gambling devices there." Senator HAYDEN said he did this in the forenoons and usually the bartender would invite him to take a drink. "I would explain that I had a rule-noth- ing before sundown," he said. "I never was interested in gambling," he replied to another question, "Oh, I don't mean to say I haven't put four bits on a wheel, or something like that, but to be a gambler-no." CARL HAYDEN-MAN OF ACHIEVEMENT The happy occasion of Senator HAYDEN's golden anniversary of service in Congress provides a welcome opportunity for express- ing some of my thoughts about the honored and respected dean of the Senate, though I am certain that I cannot summarize them in words that do ample justice to my very good friend and colleague, the Senator from Arizona. As the Vice President has said on numerous occasions, CARL HAYDEN's most remarkable attribute is the very high degree of affection in which his colleagues hold him. The pub- lic records of the Congress bear witness to his many spontaneous acts of courtesy, con- sideration, and friendliness to new genera- tions of Senators. He is renowned for his willingness to listen,with sympathetic under- standing, for his capacity to advise soundly and for the gracious manner in which he renders assistance. I believe there is no man in the U.S. Senate who has not been for the better influenced by the Senator from Arizona. As we have heard from Congressmen from both lawmaking bodies, from both parties, and from all sections of this country, Senator HAYDEN'S performance as a legislator has made a major contribution to the building of the United States. Beginning with his own State, his astuteness, knowledge, and understanding have had a direct effect upon progress in every corner of the country. Westerners of today and those of future generations will always be indebted to him for bringing life-giving water to arid lands and the countless benefits that flow from multiple-use development of the great river resources of the United States. On many occasions my own State of Ore- gon has celebrated major developments made possible through the fine help of the senior Senator from Arizona as we did last month in the case of the Harney Electric Coopera- tive project. His timely assistance made it possible to bring low-cost Bonneville electric power to farmers and ranchers in remote areas of Oregon and Nevada. Through him we banished much toil from the lives of people in the Northwest. I do not think there is a man or woman in Oregon whose life is not a little easier as a result of his wisdom and foresight. It deserves to be known and appreciated throughout the country, that the United States is exceedingly fortunate to have CARL HAYDEN's experience, prudence, and perspec- tive in the administration of its affairs. In consistently placing the interests of the Na- tion above the interests of a selfish few, he has fulfilled the highest vision of the Found- Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 X 62 -Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE ing Fathers in setting up the Senate as a body composed of men from the States, yet for the Nation. History will record the senior Senator from Arizona as one of the great men of that body. His is a career that Senators of the future may well strive to emulate. I regret that I cannot attend in person or offer my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for many more years of dedicated public service to one of the true and steadfast builders of Ameri- can strength, character, and fame. Mr. JORDAN. Mr. President, it gives me a great deal of pleasure at this time to join my colleagues in paying tribute to my friend, and to the friend of every Senator in this great body, CARL HAYDEN. I will never forget the day I was sworn in as a Member of the Senate, and it was certainly one of the great moments of my life. CARL HAYDEN administered the oath to me. I suppose every Senator, when he is sworn in, has a certain amount of nervousness as he walks up to take the oath, but the genuine warmth and friendship that he exhibited at that time dispelled any of the fears and un- easiness I had. Mr. President, one of my most prized possessions is a picture made with Sen- ator HAYDEN immediately after I was sworn in. I shall always prize it as one of my great possessions. Mr. President, today is a great day for the Congress of the United States. We are pausing to pay tribute to one of the truly great leaders of our time. Senator HAYDEN, in every sense of the word, is a man among men. Public service-unselfish service-has been the life of CARL HAYDEN. Since the days he served as sheriff of Maricopa County, Ariz., Senator HAYDEN has stood tall among those who devote their lives to making society better for all people. When I came to the Senate just 4 years ago, I was deeply impressed with Senator HAYDEN. I found him most helpful. I found him understanding. I found him fair. I have heard that there is an old say- ing out in the West. When a man has the reputation that you can "ride the river with him," it means that he is ..tops." Senator HAYDEN is such a man. You can ride the river with Senator HAYDEN. Senator HAYDEN is a modest man. Over the years, I am sure no one has had more influence over the course this Nation has taken than Senator HAYDEN. But even today, with the key positions he holds in the Senate, Senator HAYDEN goes about his work without a great deal of talk or fanfare. He would rather just work-and get the job done. To him today I would like to say, "Thanks, and keep up the good work." I sincerely hope that Senator HAYDEN will represent his State and Nation for many, many years to come. Mr. JACKSON. Mr. President, since Arizona became a State 50 years ago there have been 14 Senators and Repre- sentatives in Congress as the elected advocates of that sun-blessed section of our land. And there has been one man here all the while, first as a Member of the House of Representatives' and then as Arizona's distinguished Senator, CARL HAYDEN. His continuous service since Arizona statehood makes him "Mr. Arizona" and "Mr. U.S. Senate.". Few men have served their country as effec- tively and as well as CARL HAYDEN. It has been my great pleasure to be a col- league and personal friend of Senator HAYDEN for 21 years, and my respect for him has expanded with passing time. He is a man of great wisdom, judgment, and humility. Arizona has been fortu- nate in having him as its wise and able servant. Recently I saw a copy of a Phoenix newspaper that carried an eight-column headline stating "All'Hail CARL HAYDEN," on the occasion of an anniversary din- ner held there honoring him. He is a man respected and beloved in his home State, just as he is here in the Senate of the United States. I know that the people of Arizona will continue to bene- fit from his rich experience. Mr. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, it is very difficult to find the words ade- quately to describe my profound respect and admiration for the great qualities of the senior Senator from Arizona, our friend, CARL HAYDEN. Ever since I have been a Member of this body, Senator HAYDEN has carried one of the heaviest loads of all, and yet he is always available for advice and has never failed to be helpful and cooperative when his advice or assistance is re- quested. His sympathetic and gracious person- ality is especially encouraging and help- ful to one who first enters this body. When I was a freshman Member of the Senate, in the old days of some 18 years ago, few Senators had the time or the patience to help the uninitiated, but CARL HAYDEN was always most generous with his time and was never impatient. Above and beyond his personal quali- ties as a fine gentleman with a kindly sense of humor, he has always taken a progressive attitude toward America. He has never lent his influence and pres- tige to the careers or the critics who see nothing but failure and disaster in the future of our country. He believes in America, and he has done more than any other one of us has done to build a strong and forward-looking. nation. I find it difficult to recall any progressive piece of legislation which has not re- ceived the support of the senior Senator from Arizona. I know of no one more beloved by his colleagues or for whom I have greater af- fection than CARL HAYDEN. Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that a statement by the Vice President relating to the 50 years of service in Congress of the Pres- ident pro tempore of the Senate, the senior Senator from Arizona [Mr. HAY- DEN], be printed in the RECORD at that point where the testimonials and com- mendatory statements by Senators were being made. There being no objection, the state- ment was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: STATEMENT BY VICE PRESIDENT JOHNSON The event celebrated today is of such his- torical. significance to the country, and of such personal significance, that the Chair desires to join with those who have already spoken in paying tribute to the great senior Senator from Arizona. It is entirely true that the Congress and the country have profited by Senator HAY- DEN's half-century of service in the legisla- tive branch. But the Chair would remind Members that there has been a mutuality of benefit between the country and the Sena- tor from Arizona. For it is given to few men to devote a long lifetime to the better- ment of their fellow men; to exert every ef- fort of will and reason toward the enrich- ment of public life; and, finally, to be so respected by their neighbors and colleagues that they are entrusted with the power to make their exertions effective. Such men- few in number in any society-are them- selves enriched by their experience, beyond all measure of counting. Mr. CHAVEZ. Mr. President, on this unique occasion, which marks the 50th anniversary of Senator CARL HAYDEN'S illustrious service in Congress to his State of Arizona and his country, it is my privilege to join with my colleagues to remark on this occasion, which, my neighbor, friend, and mentor, CARL HAY DEN, has made unique. I add my words to any and all others which may be said, in complete humility; knowing beforehand, that nothing I or anyone else may say now or in the future can add or detract from the actuality of the monumental work and untiring devotion and service which Senator CARL HAYDEN has given and continues to give to his State and country. Let us say that his public life is made up of many chapters, say 50 chapters- one for each of his years in Congress. Each, or any of these chapters alone, would stand out as a complete book of accomplishment and greatness for any man. His knowledge, his superior judgment, and sheer hard and persevering work have backed his sage advice and efforts and influence on more legislation than any other Congressman or Senator in history. Thus, surely, he has affected and bene- fited every man, woman, and child in this country for many years. And will affect and benefit all of us for years to come. But, aside from the permanent and material benefits which his able and un- tiring efforts in legislation have made possible to his State of Arizona and his country, and these are numberless, CARL HAYDEN has lived a life of singular de- votion to public office. In fact, CARL HAYDEN has written a new and gloriously shining chapter, solely on keeping the faith as a public servant. He has written this glowing chapter simply by the acts of his own faith and high purpose and true accom- plishment through hard work. Few men in the future will even be able to hope to equal Senator HAYDEN'S number of years of accomplishment in the Congress or even in the Senate. However, all men can hope and try to benefit from the example he has set in living his life of service. In the years ahead, his exemplary life may well overshadow the great and last- ing material benefits which he has been able to provide for his State and Nation. His vision and foresight and ability have provided unnumbered valuable Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 2208 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R@02800230002=7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE ' February 1- public benefactions, including dams, public roads and other public works. But, his humaneness, integrity, and humility-the core of his greatness- may overshadow all his other great ac- complishments in the Years to come. This basic pattern of his life, through inspiration available to all men, in all walks of life, may give benefits beyond price to him who chooses to be guided in daily endeavors by the example of a great American, a great Senator, and my friend, CARL HAYDEN. Mr. BEALL. Mr. President, it is cer- tainly a privilege for me to join in hon- oring our colleague from Arizona, Sen- ator CARL HAYDEN, on this golden anni- versary of his coming to the Congress. For half a century, Senator HAYDEN has willingly deferred to the more lo- quacious Members of the House and the Senate to handle the oratory associated with most legislation while he himself has accepted the less glamorous but highly effective role of a worker. His success is known to each of us and to a grateful Nation. In fact, an article on the front page of today's New York Times states factually that few individuals in the history of the Congress "have done so much with so little talk." On a personal basis, I would like to say that one of the greatest rewards of my public life has been the opportu- nity to form friendships with some of the outstanding leaders of our Nation, and I surely share the universally accepted fact that CARL HAYDEN is in the fore- front of this group. His reputation as a great American and as a true statesman has been well earned, and he can take justifiable pride in it. Mr. LONG of Missouri. Mr. President, it is a great privilege to join with my col- leagues in expressing our respect and admiration for, and our gratitude to, the senior Senator from Arizona on this day which marks his completion of 50 years of dedicated service to the people of the United States in the Congress. No Member of Congress had done more for the Nation and his State than Sen- ator CARL HAYDEN. Yet he has managed to do his work without fanfare. He has labored long and hard doing the most difficult jobs facing Congress. Whatever the cause, if it has his support, you know it is wise and serves the best interest of the people. Mr. President, the thing which has impressed me the most concerning the senior Senator from Arizona is his shar- ing of his experience and wisdom with new Members of the Senate. Even though he carries the heavy responsibil- ities of President pro tempore and chair- man of the Appropriations Committee, he always has time to give a helping hand to freshmen Members of the Sen- ate. During my 18 months in the Sen- ate, much of my education has been re- ceived from Senator HAYDEN. When- ever I have a question concerning legis- lation, Senate procedure or any other matter, I always know where I can find help in reaching an answer. He is never so busy that he will not share his valu- able time and wealth of knowledge. He is truly a great teacher and a great leader. Mr. PROUTY. Mr. President, to know CARL HAYDEN and to serve with him in the Senate is not a unique experience. Several thousands of Members of both Houses of the Congress can be numbered among those who have shared our per- sonal good fortune. But the hundreds of millions of American citizens who have lived during his congressional career should realize the great bounty which has come to us as a nation as a result of Senator HAYDEN's tenure of office. . Fifty years is a very long time. And for the full length of that time CARL HAYDEN has devoted himself completely to the interests of the people of Arizona and of this entire Nation. Even more than that, however, Senator HAYDEN's career of public service extends to 1904- a grand total of 58 years. I commend' the people of Arizona for having recog- nized so early the extraordinary abilities of this man. Their wise choice has been nobly rewarded. Senator HAYDEN is without peer in this Nation's history with respect to length of congressional service. He must also be numbered among a very select few in our entire history about whom it could be said that the course which the United States has pursued through time was due largely to their efforts. Mr. President, I have found Senator HAYDEN to be a good friend, and an able Senator. But more than that, I have been impressed most forcefully by his almost unique effort to disregard the limelight as he has exercised his very considerable talent and ability to the full. Cicero said it this way: "The higher we are placed, the more humbly should we walk." CARL HAYDEN is that kind of Senator. I am happy to join with my colleagues in paying tribute to this truly remark- able man, and to wish him good health and happiness in the years ahead. Mr. EASTLAND. Mr. President, it is a deep personal satisfaction to extend to CARL HAYDEN my warm and heartfelt congratulations on this 50th anniversary of his membership in the U.S. Congress. His combined record of service in both the House of Representatives and the Senate is one that has never been dupli- cated in the past and will probably never be surpassed in the future. It is also most gratifying to know that CARL will add many more years to this golden an- niversary. To catalog CARL HAYDEN's accomplish- ments as a devoted and capable public servant would require volumes. His ten- ure in public life has spanned the most critical years in the life of our Republic; years marked by our greatest period of growth and development and our great- est periods of supreme trials and tribula- tions in the course of three great-wars and the great depression. In spite of this span of years, there is no Member of this body today who works harder in the present and looks forward more zest- fully to the future than does our be- loved colleague. The people of Arizona whom he has served so faithfully and so well since the day the State was admitted to the Union deserve the thanks of all the people in this country for having made this great man available to look after the welfare and interests of all the people of these United States. Every Member of this body likewise owes CARL HAYDEN a last- ing debt for the advice and guidance that he has given to each of us, not only when we entered upon our duties as U.S. Senators, but continuing throughout whatever period that each of us may have served. While we pause today to pay our trib- ute to 50 full and satisfactory years of unequaled service and devotion, it is even more gratifying to know that this day is just another milepost in the remark- able career of a man still yet far from reaching fulfillment. Mrs. SMITH of Maine. Mr. President, I wish to join my colleagues in paying tribute to the senior Senator from Arizona. I wish also to gratefully ac- knowledge his many kindnesses to me as a Member of the Senate and as a mem- ber of his Appropriations Committee. It was my pleasure to serve on the Senate Rules and Administration Com- mittee when Senator HAYDEN was chair- man and he was most considerate and kind as well as being an excellent chair- man. I salute him on his tremendous ac- complishment and wish 50 more years of happiness for him. Mr. BURDICK. Mr. President, Sen- ator HAYDEN, from one of the youngest in terms of Senate service, to you, one of the youngest in heart, come these greet- ings and congratulations. The devotion shown by your many years of service to your State and country serves as an un- paralleled example for the rest of us. Please accept my best wishes to you for many full and satisfactory years yet to come. Mr. KEATING. W. President, it is with the warmest sense of pleasure that I join in the richly earned tribute to CARL HAYDEN on the occasion of his com- pletion of a half-century of service to his State and to his Nation in the Con- gress of the United States. The dedication of CARL'S outstanding talents to the manifold duties and re- sponsibilities of his career spans a period of great progress, of tremendous signifi- cance in the history of our country. He has contributed notably to that progress by his own spirit and intellect and en- ergy. CARL has won a secure place in the esteem and affection of all of us privi- leged to serve with him in the Congress of the United States. I extend to him the most heartfelt congratulations and best wishes on this epochal day in his personal history, and in the history of his State and Nation. Mr. METCALF. Mr. President, I wish to associate myself with my colleagues in commending the distinguished Presi- dent pro tempore on this 50th anniver- sary of his installation as the 1st U.S. Representative from the 48th State, Arizona. CARL HAYDEN's long tenure in the Con- gress, his seniority, if you like, is not the principal reason for his ability to get things done for his State and the Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 r .Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 6,' o " - ` CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE Nation. The main reason why Arizona's I salute CARL HAYDEN, a great Ameri- it a distinct privilege to have had the senior Senator get things done is that can and a great human being. honor to serve in this body with Senator he does not ask for the impossible, only Mr. HICKEY. Mr. President, today a HAYDEN. his colleagues on both sides of .the aisle ator from Wyoming, to give testimony know that if CARL HAYDEN is for a meas- to the success of the great American idre, it is good legislation. governmental philosophies as exempli- Long ago CARL HAYDEN mastered the fied in the life an individual who con- art of getting along with his fellow men. tinues to serve his State and his Na- He first demonstrated this ability over tion. 50 years ago, when during 5' years The story of a young man who became as sheriff of the brawling western county a member of the Tempe Town Council in which he was born he never had to in 1902 and who now occupies the posi- use his pistol to keep law and order. tion of the senior Senator in the U.S. As one of the junior members of this Senate is the story of an individual who body, of which he is the dean, I can has given unselfishly of himself to the testify that Senator HAYDEN is consist- justification of making the experiment ently considerate of new Members, and in self-government work. The record of his counsel'and guidance are invaluable. a man who began as a youngster to exer- It is doubtful that any other man will cise the freeman's prerogative of par- ever equal the 50-year record estab- ticipating in his government at the mu- lished here today. It is certain that the nicipal level and who quickly moved U.S. Senate will never again know such along in government service through the a dedicated, self-effacing Member. county establishment as county treas- Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, I am urer and county sheriff, to the Congress pleased to join with my colleagues today of the United States, constitutes a trib- in paying tribute to the distinguished ute to the American way of life and an senior Senator from Arizona. Senator incentive to the young people Of Amer- CARL HAYDEN is the oldest Member of ica. It is a true life example from which this body. I am the youngest. In def- the world about us can and will profit. erence to the fact that many of you have CARL HAYDEN's devotion to a political had the privilege of working with Sen- party dates further back than his st- ator HAYDEN through the years, I am not tendance at the national Democratic po- going to take a great deal of time to ex- litical convention in 1904, and it -has con- press my tribute to this wonderful man. tinued through a lifetime of exemplary Senator HAYDEN, the people of New service in that party. This alone is justi- Hampshire extend to you their good fication enough to the young people of wishes and congratulations. New Hamp- America to adopt one of the two major shire, traditionally a Republican State, political parties and adhere to its princi- still recognizes the greatness of men pies with loyalty and perseverance. such as yourself in the Democratic Serving his country not only 'as an out- .Party. Your service to the State of Ari- standing public servant but also in the zona since it joined the Union in 1912 Armed Forces as a major of Infantry has been marked by your personal cour- in the U.S. Army during World War I, age and integrity. You have been a ded- CARL HAYDEN has truly given the full icated. Congressman and Senator, and all measure of dedication to the cause of America is better because of your serv- freedom in his country, which he con- ice here. tinues to serve as the senior Senator of Mr. ENGLE. Mr. President, it is a the United States of America, the Sen- pleasure and a privilege to unite with my ator from the State of Arizona. colleagues today in paying tribute to Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, it CARL HAYDEN on his 50 years in the U.S. gives me a great deal of pleasure to have Congress. the opportunity to pay tribute to the In the half century that CARL HAYDEN Honorable CARL HAYDEN on this, the oc- has been a Member of the House of Rep- casion of his 50th anniversary in the resentatives and the U.S. Senate he has Congress of the United States of Amer- endeared himself to the countless num- ica. No other man has had the distinc- bers who have come and gone through tion of serving this long in Congress, the Halls of Congress. He has endeared and I venture to say it will be a long himself especially to the young freshman time before another does. This occasion Members, who have found him always marks a milestone which is befitting a patient, never patronizing, and ever man of such high character, and one ready to listen and counsel. who has so well worn the mantle of CARL HAYDEN has brought to the U.S. responsibility which the people of Ari- Congress a rare blend of commonsense, zona have had the wisdom to place upon compassion, and dedication. him from the 'date of admission of that As chairman of the Senate Appropria- State to the Union until now. tions Committee, he has one of the most Probably Senator HAYDEN's remarks in difficult assignments in Congress. The the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD consume less problems that come before this commit- space than that of any other Senator; tee are touchy and complex. Yet, under however this is by no means an indica- circumstances that would try most men, tion of his powerful influence or his ac- CARL HAYDEN consistently maintains a cumulation of knowledge over the years. gentle spirit and a ,fair and reasonable I can say without fear of contradiction hand. that the senior Senator from Arizona is We in the Senate tend to overuse the one of the most effective men in the Sen- word "distinguished," but CARL HAYDEN ate today. has the qualities of mind and character His customary smile and his unfailing that make him in the real sense a dis- courtesy are traits which all of his col- the article, has given us a warm account tinguished Senator. leagues could well emulate. I consider of Senator HAYDEN's contributions over Mr. CARROLL. Mr. President, I rise to salute the senior Senator from Ari- zona, CARL HAYDEN, on the 50th anni- versary of his service in the Congress. To several generations of House and Senate Members, CARL HAYDEN has been counselor, friend, and guide, and this is especially %rue of those of us from the Western States whose problems he knows so well. On countless occasions his wisdom has saved his colleagues and the people of this country from a trying situation. One incident that particularly comes to mind is the dispute last year over the transmission lines for the Upper Colo- rado River Basin. Tremendous and con- flicting pressures were brought to bear in that dispute. But CARL HAYDEN's keen mind, his stability and his integrity were a beacon that guided many others. In the end, Senator HAYDEN's formula was the one which was accepted, and the people of the West are only beginning to learn how much it will benefit them for decades to come. This episode was only one of many which our friend from Arizona has handled in his characteristic quiet and effective way. Perhaps no one is quite so much the target of pressures, of threats and blandishments and pleas, as is the chairman of the Appropriations Committee. Everybody wants some- thing from him, or wants him to deny something to someone else. Through all this our friend from Arizona has re- mained fair and firm to all. 'Arizona and the West and our coun- try and the world have changed in the last 50 years in ways that could not have been imagined when CARL HAYDEN began his service in the Congress. CARL has never looked back. Unlike some younger men, he knows that our world is changing, willy-nilly, and that we have to keep running just to stay where we are. His voice is seldom heard in debate, but his influence is felt, and felt deeply, in every important action taken by this body. He is a Senator's Senator. It is almost impossible for me to imag- ine a Senate Appropriations Committee headed by anyone else, or indeed a U.S. Senate without CARL HAYDEN. May he be with us to share his wisdom and wit, his vision and courage for many, many more years to come. Mr. WILLIAMS of New Jersey. Mr. President, today we here join in tribute to a colleague who has achieved an un- precedented record of service in the Sen- ate of the United States. His work in Congress has embraced the entire period of statehood for Arizona; he has exerted many forms of service for his State and for the Nation. It is a privilege to join in the comments made today for Senator CARL HAYDEN, but I think one of the best tributes paid to him was made in the February-March 1962 issue of Arizona Highways previously made a part of the RECORD by Senator YARBOROUGH. Mr. Charles Franklin Parker, the author of Approved For Release 200/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 Approved For Release 2003/01/29.: CIA-RDP80B0f676R@0280023000227 -v 2210 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE r ` February 110- the years; he reports that: "CARL HAY- DEN escapes the usual formula. He is honored by all-partisan or not. He is an Arizonian without peer, an American statesman unique in his position." I know that all those who have been priv- ileged to serve as his colleagues will unanimously ? agree. Mr. CANNON. Mr. President, it is a great pleasure for me to add. my voice to the many that are heard today in tribute to the 50 years of congressional service of our esteemed colleague, Sen- ator CARL HAYDEN, of Arizona. Senator HAYDEN has been a vital part in the growth and development of Ari- zona since the admission of that great State to the Union. His entire life con- tains the record of the development of the State which gave him birth and for which he has labored so unfailingly. But his record in the Congress and in the Senate has been without equal in the Nation's history. His voice has been a vibrant and progressive one through the modern developments of the United States. I am particularly grateful for the warmth of his friendship and the coop- eration which he has always given to me and to the younger Senators who came to Washington lacking the experience which he so greatly possesses. I think it fitting that the Nation and particularly the Senate commend him at this event- ful moment in his life and in the life of the State of Arizona, which CARL HAY- DEN has represented so well and so faith- fully for half a century. Thank you Mr. President. Mr. SMITH of Massachusetts. Mr. President, it is a privilege for me to be able to join in the tribute to the sen- ior Senator from Arizona. Senator HAY- DEN began his service in Congress be- fore many of us in this Chamber were born. His career here spans a half cen- tury, during which our country devel- oped into the most modern of nations and the leader of the world. It is impossible to estimate how much of our Nation's growth is due to him. Every Senator in this Chamber has ben- efited from his kind counsel and pa- tient wisdom. Every State in the Union has benefited from his hard work and dedication. Every person in America benefits from the skill with which he supervises the affairs of the Appropria- tion Committee. Truly it can be said Of CARL HAYDEN that if he would seek a monument he should look about him-at his col- leagues who revere him, at a people who respect him and at a Nation which has been enriched beyond measure by the fruits of his labors. I congratulate him on this anniversary and I sincerely hope he will be able to continue his service for a long time to come. Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I should like to identify myself with the many congratulations which have been ex- tended today to Senator HAYDEN, and the respects which have been so properly paid to one of our very distinguished Senators, on the great record he has set in the Senate, during the long and fruit- ful life he has lived. I wish also to ex- press my pleasure at the alertness and the capacity with which,he handles his responsibility as chairman of the Com- mittee on Appropriations;' and the great pleasure which all of us have in seeing how the years of his service in this great- est of all deliberative bodies wear so well upon one of our Members who has been through so many legislative struggles that Senator HAYDEN has. I join my colleagues in bespeaking for him many years of continued good health and valuable service to the Nation and to the free world. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, on behalf of the distinguished Senator from Maine [Mr. MusKIEI, who is absent be- cause of illness, I ask unanimous consent to have printed in the RECORD at this point a statement prepared by him in tribute to the senior Senator from Ari- zona [Mr. HAYDEN]. There being no objection, the state- ment was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: TRIBUTE BY SENATOR EDMUND S. MUSKIE Few men in. the history of our country have matched the record of service achieved by our beloved President pro tempore, Sena- tor HAYDEN. I doubt that many' will in the future. If his contribution as a Member of Con- gress were measured simply in terms of his length of service it would be impressive enough. He was first elected as a Member of the House of Representatives when Ari- zona became a State. I am'not a little awed when I reflect that he was sworn in as a Member of the House 2 years before I was born. He came to the Senate when I was a student in the eighth grade. But Senator HAYDEN does not rank first in the Senate simply because of his longevity. He is honored for the devotion he has given to the service of his State and Nation, for his steadfast dedication to the principles of democracy, and for the wisdom he has brought to the councils of government in peacg and war. I shall always be honored to say that I have served with Senator HAYDEN in the Sen- ate of the United States. It is a privilege and a challenge to be counted one of his colleagues. I salute him and the State which he represents. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to Senate Reso- lution 296, submitted by the Senator from Montana [Mr. MANSFIELD] and the Senator from Illinois [Mr. DIRKSEN7. The resolution was unanimously agreed to. The preamble was agreed to. LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, for the information of the Senate I wish to state that tomorrow a motion will be made to discharge the Committee on Government Operations from further consideration of Reorganization Plan No. 1, which is the Department of Urban Affairs proposal. It is my understand- ing that when the motion is made, de- bate will be limited to 1 hour, and that a vote will be taken on the motion, if one is desired. In the form of a parliamentary in- quiry, is that statement correct? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The statement is correct. One hour of de- bate is permitted on a motion to dis- charge the committee. ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that when the Senate concludes its deliberations today it stand in adjournment to meet.at 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. It The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered. AMENDMENT OF ACT ESTABLISH- ING CODE OF LAW FOR THE DIS- TRICT OF COLUMBIA The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair lays before the Senate the unfin- ished business, which will be stated by title. The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. A bill (H.R. 5143) to amend section 801 of the act entitled "An act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia," ap- proved March 3, 1901. PROPOSED DEPARTMENT OF URBAN AFFAIRS Mr. MUNDT. Mr. President, we have heard the announcement by the ma- jority leader as to the schedule tomor- row, which means that at 12 o'clock or soon thereafter there will be a motion to discharge the committee. I presume, if the motion is successful, there will be a move to consider immediately the reorganization proposal of the President. Mr. MANSFIELD. The Senator is correct. Mr. MUNDT. While I am against the motion to discharge the committee, that is not my primary purpose for taking the floor this afternoon. I wish to say, however, in the presence of the chairman 'of our committee, I think the diligence which the Senator from Arkansas [Mr. MCCLELLAN] and our committe have devoted to this problem really does not justify the Senate taking such precipi- tate action to discharge the committee. We have held hearings even during the annual slowdown period of the Lin- coln Day recess. The committee was in session and held hearings. The hearings are not yet printed and available to the Members of the Senate, through no fault of the committee, but solely because during the course of the hearings some requests were made for additional information from the Bureau of the Budget, which the Bureau of the Budget agreed to supply, which it has not yet been able to compile and provide so that the hearings can be completed and printed. I submit, for the general consideration of the Senate in guiding the course of action tomorrow, when Senators will be called upon to vote, that the Senate should not discharge a committee which has been diligently endeavoring to get down to the facts, which has been hold- ing hearings which will be invaluable to the Members of the Senate in helping them to arrive at a sound and appropri- ate conclusion, before the hearings can be printed and the information made available. First, it seems to me to do so would be unduly attempting to destroy the committee function and the respon- sibility of the committee system; and, second, it would sort of make a trav- Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7 MEMORANDUM FOR: FORM 54 I()l RELACES FORM 10.101 -- BE USED. DA- i 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800230002-7