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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-009W409,000040001-1
Not to be released within a period
of 1 year after the publication
date of the study without prior
approval of SR/6G.
; Cias3. Ehzhe etffa: T,S
1A+Oxf Aevbeki Pt:
Ater. HR-7P--3
5 September 1956
77,77 tr-t,
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For Rele-ase : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
This material contains information affecting
tr e National Defense of the United States
w thin the meaning of the espionage laws,
Title 18, USC, Secs. 793 and 794, the trans-
mission or revelation of which in any manner
to an unautholized person is prohibited by law.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved Fo
Copy No. 2
5. September 1956
Office of Research am/ Reports
Sanitized Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved FortiRgig2W7t1A-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
NOUS]. Summary of the Area
ftsical Features
Soil Conditions and Overland Trafficability
Surface Winda
Visibility and Cloud Cover
Settlement and Economy
Population Density, Distribution, and Ethnic
Agricultural Activity
Settlements and Local Industries
The Breet-Moseow Trunkline
a. Trackage and Roadbed
b. Rails, Ties, and Signaling System
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c. Bridges and Culverts 28
d. Branch Lines and Spurs 29
e. Adjacent Telegraph and Telephone Lines 32
lo Railroad Stations and Maintenance Facilities . . . 33
g. Railroad Traffic 36
2. The Brest-Bobruysk-Moscow HigPway. ....... ? a 38
3. Secondary Reads Along the Brest-Moscow Trunkline . . 40
G. Military Activity and Devolopmept ....... . . . ? ? 41
1. Military Installations and Movements 41
2, Partisan Resistance 46
3.:Soviet Order of Battle for the Belorussian SSR . 47
Source References
Selected List of Secret Documents ?
Maps and Atlases
Air Photography
Foliolias page
Fiatre. 1. Drainage and lowland of the type commonly
found in the Tovii-Ivatsevichi Area. . .? ? ? 4
Figyre 2 . A swampy forest Characteristic of southern
Belorussia 4
S -C -R
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Figure 3.
Flood-plain swamp like those along the Yeselida
and MukWavets Rivers
Piprc .
Swampland with its Characteristic vegetation
of brush, trees, and marsh grass . . . . 41 ?
Figure 5.
Draining swampland in Brestekaya Oblast'
Figure 6.
Typical rural scene during the flood season. .
Figure 7.
Mixed forest with heavy growth of brush and
Figure 8.
Pine forest, typical of the higher, dried land
in the area
Figure 9.
Patch of birth trees in a vet forest
Figure 10.
Lumbering activity in a pine forest
Figure 11.
Heavily vegetated swamp area
Figure 12.
Farmer harvesting marah grass
Figure 13.
Marsh grass stacked along the Thserda River
Figure 14.
Transporting marsh grass by boat ......
Figure 15.
Farmer poling horse and plow across a amp. ?
Figure 16:
Farm surrounded by flood waters ....... . 0 ?
Figure /7.
Swamp and flood land of this type can be crossed
by boat only
Figure 18.
Typical vegetation along river banks
Figure 19.
Method of fidhing practiced in most of the swamps
of Belorussia
Figure 20.
A Strassendorf village of the type seen tbroagnout
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Sanitized - Approved For Re;fedSSIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Figure 21.
Figure 22.
Figure 23.
Figure 24.
Figure 25.
Figure 26.
Figure 27.
Village located on high ground above Yaseleda
rollowine; page
White Rusaian farmhouse of rough-hewn logs with
re,.1d-thatched roof
Former Polish farmstead with traditional well
Fast train on the Brest-Moscow trunkline
Narrow-gauge railroad of the type used in the
study area
Locomotive water tower at the Bereza*Kartuakaya
Unimproved dirt road of the type commonly seen
throughout Breatakaya Oblast'
4 Vertical Photographic Measles with Overlays
9 Area Location Maps at 1:25,000
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
The purpose of this study is to evaluste those ph:, caltural,
and social features along the Tevli-Ivatsevichi se2tor 4be Brest-
Moscow. rairoad 25X1C
The railroad sector extends for 89 kilom)ter,3 (55 miles)
along the trunkline from Tevli to Ivatsevichl. The st:213 area covers
a strip 2 hilometers (1.2 miles) wide on each side of -.74c, railroad.
Administratively, it falls within the territorial of Tobrinskiy.
Pruzhanskiy, Berezovskiy, and Evetsevichskiy Rayom of Siestslmya
Oblast'. According to a recent report by a Westeni diplomat, however,
some of the land adjacent to the railroad -- or even a ,i511.,:e of the
sector itself -- may be returned to Poland as pari; of proposed
territorial exchange with the Soviet Union. The p opc,oai caLLs ;Tor
the return to Poland of a strip of Soviet territo'y, incluoiag the
rayon centers of Kamenets and Pruzhana, in exchsnle fly rQiish terri-
tory around the at center of AugustOw on the 1Z1:1111-aian border.
This move may have been motivated by the Soviet desire o eatablish a
direct railroad connection from Grodno to Kalirind c,tross Soviet
The study is a geographic analysis of the area, i.h particular
emphasis on transportation facilities and minter- instaliations.
The information presented is based ondata obtained from .arge-scale
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For Fkeiei dIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
eolish and Soviet naps, PN reports. Gem-an eneeeraphy
%eRee tiering the latter part of World War II fate), eeceet 25X1C
travel reports. Detai1ee4 evaluations of physical, culturaL, gnd
Talitarv feateree in the area are based on analysis of Gacimist photoaranhy
ev the Photo Ineerpretation Division, The '!evce.eal photo-
. phec mosaics at large scale are provided vith everre identif?,
in etail the phweicel and cultural features of the ar,-.2a
B. General S1211M17`,r of tae Area
The Tevii-:vetsevichi Area is part of a glacial oth plein,
general:4 referrec as a transition area between the Voikevysk Uplands
of the Ridge to the vtorth and the vett sotetheee lowland
and flood plain centered around the basin of the Pripyat Rieeer, The
nearly level surface contains numerous shallow depressfx':3 le-.ere water
lollects, forming swamps or ponds. As a whole, the area let ina6equate1y
drained by its smell sluggish meandering streams aed the sem-elementary
drainage ditches. Much of it is subject to seasenal feoed;ug. Soils
e ry from sandy and clayey in the cultivated areas to OUC77r in the
ewamps Large blocks of carefully tended forest covu.-r thf, higher
areas where the soil is coarser. In the somewhat low reas the
2orests first grade off into scrub and brush aed then inTo .71Ass and
nwamp. The climate of the area is transitional. During iae ummer the
maritiev climate of the Baltic Sea Area prevail, and during the wintef
the continental climate of European USSR is more pronounced. Small
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For Release CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
linear settlements, mostly- railroad-station occupir the
better drained and open sites along the Brest-Moscow Lrm3:line and
hilhway. The towns of Berea and Ivatsevichi are the lervest settle-
ments within the rai3roari area. Farming is the econohtic va-alstay of
the area. At Bereza and Ivatsevichi and at the Isrge? rieoad-station
villages, there are some industrial plants, such as brick-
yards, grain mills-, railroad repair shops, and otIr 1ii rocessing
Considerslle military activity is evident alonF wuca of the rail-
road sector. Knowninstallations within the limitt, of the study area
Include a large ananunition dump, a fair sized military airfield, and
two tank and mobile artillery training and garrison aroas, Groups of
soldiers have also been seen 1.orkinq along stretn1-1(-1 the _railroad
line, particularly in the vicinity of the settlenerts nt tinanchitsy,
13luden*. Bereza, and Ivatsevichi. Within the are thC gPie1 %Transpor-
tation artery is the strategically impOrtant and hvzeied
Brest-Moscow trunkline. This da.ible-track line rrier; 77p.t of the
freight and militsry traffic betweer. Dijon and
the East European satellites. Several rarrow-garr,- brnc 1Y_nes
serve either military installations or peet-extmotinp areas _ rail-
roads are supplemented by a number of hard-surfaced ond
rural roads, mostly former Polish post and truck 4-Daes, The moFst
important, however, is the newly reconstructed Brst-Bobruysk-Roslev11-
Moscow highway, which parallels the railroad between Lereva and Ivatsevichi.
- 3 -
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Sanitized - Approved For Release7C4A-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
C. Physical Features
1. Terrain
The landscape of the Tevli-Ivatsevichi area 'is genereLey flat. The
surface slopes gently toward the south and southeest. 0herecteriatic
features of the landscape are washed-out remnants of tfx-ItarAl moraines
and fluvioglacial deposits, lowland areas interrupted by emttered
swamps and ponds, and boggy areas along rivers and rivulets (Figure 1).
As e whole, the area is part of the transition zone betweee the
Volkovysk Hei.3bts of the Belorussian Upland and the vast southern lowlend
centered on the Pripyat River Basin. Local differences in elevation
are notably small. The maximum elevations are less than 200 feet above
the surrounding plain and occur in the heavily forested area sandwiched
between the Yaseltda and Zhegulyanka Rivers. Absolute elevations rise
gradually from 489 feet (149 meters) above sea level near the village
of Smolyarka to 623 feet (190 meters) above sea level nevx Bronna Gera
The Bronna (lora is the most prominent hill formation ithin the entire
Tevli-Ivatsevicht area. To the west, toward Tevli, slopes are gentle
and elevations range between 476 feet (145 meters) and 52:; feet (162
meters) above sea level. Eastward from Bronna Gore, elevations decline
gradually to 439 feet (149 meters) at the Zhegulyanka iiver and then rise
again sloptly to approximately 512 feet (156 meters) near Ivatsevichi.
Terrain immediately adjacent to the Brest-Moscow railroad trunkline
is in general slightly higher than the adjacent land and fairly well
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For Release': C1A-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Irigure 1. DralimR,.; arAi louland
t. the type commorly 5i). the
Figure 2. A awanpy forest charszteristic of southern Belorussia
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For Release: CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
or: it ,e.
v,he ra7t1road. is boretr,xed RUPIMS. 17i0g13, nune of
he wet areas 41r4'.* 'ic hIri the forests are Taom:
Aionfe the ,.,pitey'n of vra Tho oross
art:- in a nor.",,Ilt-soptist direction. Sunitra
:;eners-1.1 y o.' the loielend or flood-plain type (Fixre ? =5Tr;)
`v r 1evel3 of tr.?. icrrn-banked river generall,- r41, 7 i(-) feet
;2 to :4 meters) and flood much of the surround5n7 -8neause of
.2oor ra;;oral and artffi drainage, water remtens n1form3ng
57gnmpt, r1.0 hoIrs that Pre more or less a year-round felF.tur,,1 of the
Much of the ;imp land iG covered with swax,(.--, 'et
X1OBEee nnd a poor grovth of brush or trees (Figure 4). SQMP. of the un-
drained areas are novered with nools and have ro tree gro4-0x. these
Lo population as galoe. DL-)
swamps and bogs frequently freeze over. The dept'. of' ice dependent
on the thickness of snow cover during the period 07 -inten$e freezing.
A heavy snow cover causes uneven freezing of the water slxrtee and
freuently results in. breaks In. the tee. Recently tho72e kere been
indications that the Soviets are stepping up tbef_r rectsrAtion. program
and are draining large sections of the swap and hog arenfr farudng
(Figure 5). Notable progres has been reported 'oun th own of
Bereza on the Yasel'dn River.
- 5 -
S-E- -R-E-T
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
FT' 1iks those al brig
? .4 t R-t1+ wmosts
figure h. Swarrcland with its charactortatic
yogiatatioL of bmsh, trees, and marsh fr:7ass..
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For Relea,se,,:c.14.-JDP79-00945A000100010001-1
rf.grts 5. DINA intng swampland
?./1 MS twika,%r3, nblast 1 4
f 'LIM 6. l'..771:1,3e3 7. S enn 3 ell
oa le)
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For Release-itIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
2. Soil Conditions and Overland TrafficabilUy
Except for the moors and the alluvial soils of river osneys, the
lolls of the area developed m$.iniy through the disintegration of glacial
The soils of the area are of three general types: ti) fairly goo4-;
clayey soil developed through the disintegration of mineral-rich ground
moraines; (2) generally poor soils consisting of gravel oAd sand
deposited as glacial outwash plain; and (3) moor soils. Tho soils range
fror various podsolic types to pure peat. The more fertile candy and
sanov-ooly podsols, are predominant at the nigher levels d along the
edges of IMICr'3 and bogs. Immedkitel:tr southwest of the PArharets River
clay e podsola predominate for a distance of some 12 nL1. 1 2Okilometcrs).
Oandy podsols over the remainder of the sector except io 'eas of poor
drainage, where soils are predominantly or the moor or pectoposit type.
The principal obstacles to off-road movement are swamps along
the rivers. la some sections, these areas are completely lopessable
to vehicles and can be crossed on foot only during the drier parts of
the year and during the vinter months) when they are frozea. Such swamp
areas are found along the Shebnya River near Tevli, alonfL the Mukhavetk:,
River southwest of Stantsiya Oranchttsy, near the settlemli, of
Kutnevichi, along the /aseltda' River at Berem, and alon:Lo the Zhegulyanka
River near Ivatsevichi.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For Release:CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Between 'arch aid early May, the swamps are c .:tcy impasnable
to both vehicles and persons on foot, except along occasInnn: trails
'Figure 6). In &ct, algost ell the river valleys and other low areas
are impassable dnring this period. Vrom Nay to December the swamos maz:
i)e negotiated with caution after reconnoitering. During the heavy rainn
of late summer ann early fall, secondary flooding occuns but it is not
a serious ainbralce to cross-country movement. between uecember and
Narch the swaps are frozen over to a depth of 10 to 35 1.nchcs and so
are easily pnesable on foot.
TE,en:--pt the swamps, traffilability in the Tevli-Tvatsevichi are
peaerally good.. The terrain eonsists of very gentle slopes. The
rivers are shallow and can be crossed at numerous fords eAring the dry
.eason, In wooded are the nvdergrawth is not dense enc.ugh to create
24ucb of e hindrance to cross-country movement.
J. ifwetation
Vegetation in the Tevli-ivatsentichi area is of three principal
4pes: woodland, brush and scrub, and as and bog. Forest covers
mate than half the area and is located generally on the higher elevations,
erhere the soil is coarse and sandy, ;0-though mixed stands are not
common (Figure 7): coniferous ',;reor$ predominate thronghout the area.
7.)ine and spruce are most =maroon (Figure 8). Deciduous vnrieties
Include alder, birch (Figure 9), and maple. Along the edges of swamps,
born, and ponds the common trees are vf.11ows, poplars, dwarf birches,
and water oaks and alders.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For Release ? A-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Figure d? Pine forest, typical
of :he dricr land
i;a6 ama.
Kgqrat to!v4ot with hegl
r'roolll of sh an r=iss.,
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For Relepser,:-,p FRDP79-00945A000100010001-1
- A
Apara 9 -?atoh of birch trees in a wet foreot.
10 ')..1mberinr activity in a pine f3ras:L.
-E -C -E -T
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For-Release'rCIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Tile larger stank s of foroet appear liko i 2. rJ osorrounds.,...;
by far and Scrub land or suaar. The forests art,: nut 5.ii order
to insure continuous growth and annus,1 crops of trees :P71.61v.'e 10).
Smaller woodlands *.vre merely togged over. Porest atands corw,iderable
jze aro found in the follouing area:
CO a tec1 h kill:meters 04
lailes long between TeU. nd '1,:;h4r'Zti; (2) a stretch 5 kilometers(3mi7 EA;
long. west cd* the klukhavets 111--ier7: l3) a stretch 12 kilom.eters
long. between Berea and the Zhegat,ranka River es4.:;t of:6n.:?:n.y,s, Gore.
to be a forest resorvej;
tch 6 kilometer:7, 41 &Alec, long
between nekhachevo and the Ivatsevichi vie ixt1ty.
Slopes Immediately below the forest are covered h
growth of SCrli") and brush vegetation ri.s ar C: also the strips
7,4ithin the forests. Closely associated '11-th forest; aufc scrub vegetation
;.s a considerable underyowth of particularly at .i.wer
In areas- are the yea::.. round, i;liert?.. is a iftri-?";:: variety of
marsh and bog; 1?egetat1on. ennron varieties are graSt5;.. sedge.,
vush,willow3 argl t71 rich assori.Awn-; of swamp plants 4:1,1.gLf 11). iAarsh
,!..rielki3 of coarse texture and flat fom OWS to a Aeighi:, Eie%Teral feel:-
7a pvivides fair CI Onemei -paY't cuir1y just b.3*.f.'ore it Is 'aarvested
summer f2md early autumn ,,11,10,re 32). Cut Inurshgzaz..,s is usually'
stacked along the banks of rivers or ponds unti'linter (.11..g-ure 13).
Some of it,? novever, i srried by boat to neighboring ';15.:...itate.r4 or
kolkhoses (Fiq.ure 10. Driedrsh. fp,S.SS furnishes 11,11,di,..1 ftxr farm.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For Releas.91:194,1RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
T.Igure 11. Heavily vegebated wane aroa.
e 12. Farmor harves'Ayr marsh grass.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For Release4?R-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
' re 134 Farsh grass tacked along, the 1:asel da River.
Figura 14. Trannpo mare). 6,racs 7,-y- boat,.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For Releas;e-!-CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
animals and also Is fr&queutly used Cor thatch inc; The t:41.s of willo,Y
trees are used for basket weavirg, or fencing farms id, and in
constructing micter causeways across SVIUMpS,
4- :4Yqr?e,AY
The rivers that cross the Tevli-Ivatsevichi area are tributary to
three major river systems -- the Bug, Pripyat, ard Bemen. The Mullhavets
River, tributary to the Bug River, has two tributariee wIthin the area --
the Shebnya and the Gorodechna. The former intersects the railroad
about 3 kilometets (2 rAles) sout of Tevli, the :kAtter near Khareki
to the northeast. The Yasel'a Riv?r, which flos -oast Dereya, and
the Zheleguiyanka, which joins the Yasel'da 6 ki3omatei...s C4 miles
southwest of Nekhachevo, are tributary to the Pripyat. The Shchara
River flows into the Newen; its tri"cutary, the Gryvda, crosses the
railroad immndiatel asst of Ivabse-vichL and agair 4I'althar Y.o the
None of the six streams is navigable by boats 7.Krax-4r than small
rowboats, -?ole boats, f.,d motorboats (Figure 1.5). The rivers freeze
over every winter, usually durirw, November but sometimes as early as
late October or as late as the first navt of December. Tbaving
usually 0122/Ars in the lutter nart o March, but it :gay be ar late as
the thlrd week of April.
?artimlarly severe flooding occurs during the spring thaws, when
villages and settlements located on the alirffitly higher ground become
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For Releas,e,, A-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Figur3 15. Farmer poling home
and plow across a swamp.
Figure 16. Farm surrounded by flood waters.
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Sanitized - Approved ForR-elease.!:CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
..solated islands t2igurc 16). 1.1ate-c levels ms,J re frar ( to IC) feet
to 3 meters) and remain at that :;_evel fa:" 1 or 21;,,azdti. i-;efore receding.
If the thaw occurs graduallj, flood conditions Inv persist for several
months. At food stage it is tapossible to cross the ares by foot
(Figure 17). Since all strear3s in the area are borderld by swampland,
they are difficult to cross by foot at any see.sor? exctipt during the few
-Anter months when they are frozen over.
The Muktimrets River :Is crossed by the railroad some miles
(2-1/2 kilometers) southwest of Station Uranchitsy. the river
-varies in depth from 3 to 16 feet to 5 meters) and is &bout 33 feet
1,0 meters The current is slow, and the flat Walks are swamp-
mid peat-covered.
The railroad crosses the Yaseli'da R:Lver, which is 59 fiiiies (95
kilometers) long, approximately 1 mile (1.6 kilomaters) northeast of
Bereya. Al; this point, the river is between 100 w,ct iu i. e (30 to
1!.0 meters) wide and from 0 -Go 4 to L.5 mete..s ot The
velocity averages from 1.5 to 3 ret.,t (0.5 to ,'7L9 :netc..-rsi 7.)er second.
The bottom consists of both sand and silt and. conains m. :y potholes.
he riverbed 5.ti winaing, with numerous stisrp turn3, 1-2,:ex,,:k.;:_.te channels
and tributaries, and sandbanks. The banks are from tact 10.5
1A3 1.5 rasters'; hign and are covere< with reeds vith some brush
(Figure 18). Despite its swezvy natum, large SeetiOnS ot: the wide
valley are planted in potatoes, p.ain, and fruit trees. Approximately
Sanitized - Approved For Release: CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For ReleAsgc:_c*FDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Figure 17. Swamp and flood land of this
type can be crossed by boat only.
Figure 18. Tyoioal vegetation along river banks.
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Sanitized - Approved For Release: CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
ki.loncters) va:i_roaC, bridge
?!-,he Yaset'da Jiver sranhad bl a ,gr.mcrete hilhvav bridv. ?
The raihroa6. crosses the Za-,:g,2Lyauka Elver, which flout; in a
:?;outheasterly diree;ion Into Ozeo kilometers)
;outhwest of Ilekhachevo. Within tht.-, ,),trriy area, t:I'.se the rive-i'
7ar1e3 from 39 to 66 feet (B.:?, to 20 m..;7,ers). The vall,:w is 2 to 2-1/2
to Itilomete;" vide _and extreTely SiJampy..
The Gryvda Elver acne :?.f7-.7011 the i-l.erthvest; byonO the railroad
T:rossizi;.:, at T.,)-atse,gict It swias north and is CV017,8 Ly the ralirea
second timz some 4.5 mileL; kilometers) to the rortheLst. At
T.r.vatse'vichli the Ch7v64-3, River i3 7;:'elOrtetily aballt. 100 faet (..,",0 meters)
'ide and 16 to 20 feet 0 to 6 Teters) deep. Justsot:17,b. of the railmJ
ridm the river is crossed `o,g a hlgaway bridge.; 1/3 rr..le 1t2 icAlometr)
,ort h of the railroad is a seconda-road t:Adize.
'.",j1cri1i-Ivatsoriehi area is part of a transitic;:.:, Zone 'between
;?.;he contineataL climate of &tr000an Plassia and the Imerit.17.i",-'2 clinate of
t,he Baltic Sea are. Continental influences are fait F,trongly
nter 'which is character. *ty fairly cold 'desther
:q..-nterrupte0 occasionally- by railder Vc.athr. Aver xge t,:-)D;crstatures are
?:en.e:ca11.7:nt below freezing); from. :!locember through rearnarr., but below-
i'reezing temceratures mur extend frcr fievember arcb T1 3pells
WarTrieX' 'Weather ir, winter are e.ccollpanied. by fo and tha;-;', doiring
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gnics tcte accumulL.ted ice and no cover oc:conslly 'le:Its away
completely. The :%nfLucnce of marittle climate i most noticeable
luring '?;he summeP months from May through August, Summer temperatures
auctuate fr,,m warm to hot, and the heat especially uncomfortable
cause of the high humidity. Spring and faLl are transition periods.
3pring, lasting from early March to about the niodle of May, is mild
and extremely vet. The general rise of spring temperatures is interrupted
by occasional frosts, which occur chiefly at nit. The outstanding
characteristic of soring is the wideupread flooding of the land caused
mainly by the excessive rise of river waterc FE1l usually begins in
SepteMber and is marked by cool, wet days.
The average annual temperature in the area is about 5?F. January
is the t-olaent month, with a mean temperature of 240F. The absolute
January extremes are -20.9?F and 48.20F. Freezing weather usually
begins about the end of November and it rougWy 130 days, Thawing
3enerally sets in at the end of March, although E,hort thaws may occur
throughout the winter.
Spring temperatures average from 320 to 60?D but occasional cold
spells bring frosts and thermometer readings of /4 or 5 degrees below
Summer daytime temperatures may risa vhove 9C7A? July and August,
but cooler nights with temperatures of 50?-59?F are common. In summer,
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there are about 100 da: z dur:kn which the erxperivureL do not fall
below 599F.
Fall weather is consiaerablv cooler, with temperatures ranging
between 599 and 459F during the day and dropping to between 409 and
329F at night,
Average monthly and yearly temperatures recorded at Brest and
Pinsk, the two weather stations located nearest the study area, are
as follows:
.A.verae Monthly ,and Yearly Terveratures
de9rees Fahrenheit)
26 33.3
2. Pree-;nitation
Precilgtation within the Tevii-Xvatsevichi area ix aeuerally
abundant during the summr Ylonth:t but somewhat scant during the winter,
Yearly precipitation for the area averages 22 to 24 inches. June, July,
and August are the wettest mont4s, with precipitation averaging 3 to 4
inches per month. Sumalr rains are short and heavy and create local
floods in sobe areas, especially in late July and August. Precipitation
is lowest between january and Alrea, amounting to approximately 1 inch
per month.
During the wiater the snow cover of the area is intermittent because
of frequent thaws. The first snowfall usually occurs about the middle
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of November and the last about the middle of liamh. (';. tile average,
the ground is snow covered between 70 to 90 days a year, anc maximum
snow cover may exceed 4 to 5 inches in depth in some places Only
during ertreme r severe winters does the snow cover become sufficiently
deep to require removal.
The following tables provide data on precipitation ad snow cover
as recorded at the nearby weather stations of Brest and. Pinsk
Monthly and Yearly Precixitation
_ -
Tin inches)
vi_ !L'
3.00 3.76
1.12 1.76
Arr_ 2L Yearly.
1.72 1.52 1.24 23.04
1.80 1.60 1.20 23.32
i) cf Snow Cover by Months
(2easured in incnes over three 10-day perio,k)
I 11 .11
0 0 -39
3.12 3.12 2.66
0 .n .78
3.90 4.68 4.68
41_ I H III
3.31 3.51
.78 0 0 0
4.68 5.46
1,56 .39 0 )
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), Surface Wlnds
Northwesterly windr4 DrT. hrorghcut the Tevii-Ivatsvichi area
during the summer, bring and moisture fa the Baltic Sea- areas
Cyclonic storms_ vith wind veloite of 20 to 30 miles an hour frequently
pass over the area. On bamy aunl7r ,.5pys, local breezes -.'rom the
swampy areas to the more hetet. e!!..,y-lexd areas blow regularly between
10 a.m. ana p.m- :013ring the :int months, winds range from the
south through northeast.
4 and Gloud
In. summer, msair.aur . cloudirs or!cturs at night or early morning
and in the aftenoon. Night or r1y rning skies frequently have a
cover of low stratus coud 1d c. c=ften form continuous sheets. After-
noon clouds are usually of the cumulus type. Cloudiness, mainly of low
stratus type, is extensfLve in rinter,
Ground fog can be observei in the early morning and late evening
hours, particularly during spring axle, fall. MUch of ft iz of local
character and results from the preseAce of swamps and bogs. Morning
fog usually lifts between 9 and 10 a,,m. Tn winter, visibility is
poorest during the occssional thaws, when fog may blanket the whole
area for 2 or 3 days at a time.
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E. Settlement end Economy
1. :PopulationDensit,,?_Distributlona_and,Eteuic
In. comparieon with the rest of the Belorussian SrSa tne population
density. between Tevli and Bronna Gora is fairly "aigh to 90
persons per square miles (21-23 per square kilometer). hoa Bronna
Gora eastward to (vetsevehi the density drops te less tban 25 persons
per square mile (fever than 6.5 per square kilometer). A small per-
centage of the people lives in the Larger settlements, but the great
majority lives in small, widely scattered villages. The villages
are the centers of kolkhozes anfJ, average less than 300 in population.
For goods and services they rely on market towns, such as Fruzhane,
KObrin, and Bereza, which have populations of 5,000 or more. Individual
dwellings on separate plots of land are uncommon,
The rural population is extremely poor, liw1ng for the most part by
farming, lumberin, lil.restcch rnioing, peat cutti'Ag, and fishing (Figure
19). None of these occupations y)..elds more than a bare livelihood. Low
sanitary standardo an extrerely poor living quaters contribute to
the spread of contagious diseases in addition, lice, fleas, flies,
and other insects are numerous, and the water is generally polluted.
Malaria is widespread tbrou,ghout the swamplands. Other common diseases
are dysentery, typhus, spotted fever, asiatic Cholera, smallpox, typhoid
fever, scarlet fever, ague, and horse fly plague,
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Figure 19, Method of fishing practiced in
most of the swamps of Belorussia?
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. Five ethnic groupo live in Brestkaya Oblast', and presumably all
of these are representef;. within the study area, Belorussians comprise
the overwhelmlng majority; with Poles, Great Russians, Jews, and
Ukrainians forming small minorities, A few Tatars may also live in the
The Belorussians, constituting 31 percent of the population, differ
only slightly fron the Great Russians in origin, lanue, religion, and
culture. There is little feeLing of distinctiveness or of hostility
between the two groups. This fact, combined with the general political
apathy of the Belorusslans makes it unlikely' that they would participate
to any great extent in overt acts of resistance to the Soviet regime.
As a group the Belorussian are backward. Culturally) politically,
and economically, they have been dominated almost continually by the
Russian, Jewish, or Polish minorities. Most of the Belorussians are
rural dwellers, and they comprise only a minority of the population in
the larger tams like Berea. Those who move into towns tend to lose
their distinctive characteristics and to become Eussifled or Polonized,
The Poles, about 6 percent of the population, are distinct in
culture, religion, and language from both the Great Russians and the
Belorussians. Because of these differences the Poles are likely to be
hostile to Soviet rule and often become leaders of resistance groups.
Great Russians number only some 2 to 3 percent of the population;
but they hold many of the top administrative and technical posts. Their
- 17 -
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icv4.- to the 17.-:ovie ragine ls a?ssu:re bthe:1r tioninant position and
by their etblc Laentf.ty with the Russian of Eoviet Union-
Jeos form a small minoty tht live ahAost..ix.clasively in
the larger towns. $ince they are someNhat bette edneats:d than the
other ethnic groups, they play ar. important role n ci.ty life, especially'
in Puniness activ1.ties.
The Ukrainians differ from the Great Russians to a (Tr.eater extent
than do the .2elorussiars, and they also possess greater political
,-XVISCiCUSTIOSS,. The Ukrainians therA.ore, are wIre likely to take part
in active resistance to the Soviet regime.
Agricultural Activiq
Because much of the Tevli-Ivatsevichi area Is covered by swamp
aad marSA, only about a third of the total ls cultivated or used for
z-wwing, At the eastern and western ends of the study area -- between
Tevii and Granch!,tey tiuld between. Benilza and Ivatevichi. -- lees than
JO percent of the land t farmed, In the middle eetion between
Orarchitsy and Bereza, Yhere land is famed, 35 to 0 Dements
flecently the amount of land suitAble for cultivation hae -nem. increased.
,onlewbat through drainage proects.
The. cool, damp climate and sandy to loamy soil provide
conditions favorable for the growth of winter rye, oats, summer barley,
potatoes, fodder, flax, and hemp, Rcry vegetahles (chiefly cabbages,
arrots, and beets) and melons are grown in sufficient quantities for
local needs.
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paeticulqrly horses, are used in lnege numbers. The
cattle raised iu the area are Holsteins. Sheep and goats are pastured
with thc. cattle., chickens, ducks, and geese are raised on mpst
of the farms and form ;.he main meat supply of the people. is e; dotained from shallow wells 6.5 to 13 feet
2 to I. meters) deep, with well-sweeps in the form of a long pole
balanced in the crotch of a forked tree.
Lecause drainae, is poor throughout the area and the soil is et
end cotL, spriag crops are yellow rather than green. The shallow surface
ele;chee 6up: nt regular intervals of 30 to 60 feet (9 to 18 meters
nake the cultieation of row crops difficult. One-horse plows are in
1Yenera1 use, avid harrows are made entirely of wood, even the pointed
ror the most part the rural settlements are self-sufficient. Flax
is-woven by the women, and large bundles of it can be soon drying
:prighe; against the wails. Sheep supply both wool for homespun winter
clothing and sheepskin for coats and. hats. Rye straw and marsh grass
are pilee to dry in barn enclosures or in the fields usually in round
:tacke raised feet (I meter) off the ground on wooden piles.
, .
3, eecelevlents and Local Industries
The, morA common tepe of settlement in the Tevli-ivatsevichi area
Is the linear eillage (Stras_sendorf), strung out along a fairly wlde
Jirt road (Figure 20). The villa-es of Tevli, Khartki, Sosnuvka,
renchf.tsy, liabaki, and Elude& axe good examples of Strassendorf
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Figure 20, A Strassendorf village of the type seen throughout
Figure 21. Village located on high ground above Yaseltda River.
Note the stack of marfth grass resting on stilts,
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eetiellleatr., Some or i.hee villaaes are as much as 1.5 miles (2J1.
ktlometere) in length. Throachout most of the study area, villages
vev s7aecod reaghly 1.5 to 5 miles (2.4 to 8 kilometers) apart. Distanceap
heaever, eary considerably, depending on such factors as available
earicelteva land, drainage, and aegetation. Villages are commonly
Wit c better drained sites above the high-water level, notably on
tie eleveced banks of rivers (Figure 21). The population averages
i),:tween 900 and 1,'7,00 inhabitants per village.
or the vellages are supplied with electricity. Houses are
eiregle-staaied and of wood construction. Many have thatched roofs,
o la aowe aee roofed with tile or sheet iron. Hollow-etegmed reads,
Cibt marsh grass, and rye straw are used for thatching. This creates
a Ate deeaer, and ladders or long poles to aid in fire fighting can
away be aeen near tae building Figure 22). Houses eeldom have
ewe thae a,To rooms, each with a small wood-framed windoa. Moat
''lrohousea bave a fenced-in garden plot about 1/8 acre in size,
aesueabar Yor vegetables. Isolated farmsteads, dating back to the
Aeish adniuietration of the area, are relatively few and are ueually
-,!eompanied with the traditional aueep well (Figure 23).
:eeveaa: of the settlements in the area are built along the ma:1n
urkriin o) around railroad stations or sidings. Many are closely
e4soc-kateje aith rallroad activities. Such settlements are generally
eeferaea ra) as railroad-station villages or towns. Ivatsevicai,
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Figure no White Russian farmhouse of rough-
hewn logs with reed-thatched roof? Note the
wooden poles used for fire fighting?
Figure 23. Former Foliah farmstead with
traditional well sweep,
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Jekhae?,evo: Kossovo-PoleaskOye Bronna Gwa, and Linovo are examples of
ii type. The rayon center of Bereza, the largest commnity in the
area, is the only real example of a cluster-type settlement.
Detailed information on towns is available only on the main
eettlernta of the area -- Bereza and Ivatsevichi. Frapoentary
,eforma'cion is also available for some of the less important settlements.
BP:RMA, classified by the Soviets as a city (prod) has a population
roughly ertimated at 6,000 to 8,000 inhabitants. Most of the many Poles
who oree lived here have been evacuated to Poland. The et,y which is
i market place for the surrounding villages, is centered around two
nearly parallel roads crossed at right angles by several side stieets.
te ceuter of the city is densely built up with one- and two-story
ef the blockhouse type, some brick end others wood. Outside
ee.e centev of the city, the houses are mostly of wood. They are widely
spaced. each surrounded by its own small garden. These houses have no
eundatione eald are thatched with straw or roofed with shmet metal or
A -&Y3g? of the main streets are paved with cobblestones, but most
se unpeered. They vary from 20 to 33 feet (6 to 10 meters) in width
ad, excep'c. for the main streets, have no sidewalks. There is no street
Most, if not all, of the houses have electricity, supplied by a
power plant on the Yasei'da River northeast of the city. A steam-cperated
- 21 -
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iatortrorb s locatel north of the railroad bridge and 165 feet (50
eters) rest of the river, but vater is actually piped into very few
leuildinge,, The Bereza fire department hes an observation tower 50 to
fact (15 to 20 meters) high. Other buildings in the city include a
?harreer,,, a motion-picture theater; a post, telephone, and telegraph
effice; 1-eld a church.
Uereza contains
eperate& oawmill and
Jection of the city.
'wick smokeetack and
several industrial establishments. A steam-
a brick factory are located in the western
The brick factory has an 82-foot (25-meter)
two kilns. In the center of town is a flour
Dill End on the northern outskirts an unidentified factory. Among the
ither eneuetries are a linen textile mill and a cement plant A
;rack-repair plant just south of the brickyard formerly performed major
Igerhenle, buL it reportedly vas moved out of the city in 1949.
'h estiwated 15 percent of Bereza was damaged or destroyed during
7or1d 'Tee 71, but practically all of it has been reconstructed.
;VAT3EIICHI, classified by the Soviets as a city-type settlement
2,,op31/EprodArtgettle-0, is a railroad town, with a population of
eoproxerateLy 3,000. Houses are widely spaced and are generally one-
tory vo-a or orick buildings with low gable roofs thatched with straw
coverea with sheet iron. The streets vary from 33 to 39 feet (10
,o 12 mecere) in width and, except for the cobblestoned highway, are
uapavee, The town has no sidewalke, street lighting, or drainage.
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fla sappjled with electricity but water is drawn from wells. There
is a post and telegraph office in the town.
a alajor industrial plant of Ivatsevichi is the alcohol factory,
which uses potatoes as raw material and has its own power plant. Of the
four eawmills in town, three arc powered by steam and one by gasoline
motors. Attached to one of the sawmills is an MUD woodworking factory,
producing windows, doors, and simple furniture. Worth of the highway
is a track-repair shop. At the southwest edge of town are 10 gasoline
storage tanks. A small machine shop is also located in 7.vatsevichi.
Tna is a Strassendorf-type village stretching for about a mile
(1.6 kilometers)along an unimproved dirt road that intersects the Brest-
oscow Its houses are one-story wood buildings with low
gable :vofs thatched with stray or marsh grass. Houses extend along
koth sicles of the small railroad station. Near the eastern end of the
vi .1 1ag are a church, a cemetery and chapel, and a windmill A short
;aLatavae south of the station is a post and telegraph office. The consists of some 800-1,000 White Russian and Polish peasants.
11GVO is divided into two sections. The larger, which is a
1 iaearataae settlement, is located about 1 mile (1.6 kilometers)
=oathwesa of Oranchitsy station. It is referred to on Soviet naps
N. 14,714)VO. The second section of the settlement is considerably
smallez, being associated mainly with the Oranchitsy railroad station.
Alear the railroad settlement are several army barracks and a storage
area for ail, petroleum, and lubricants.
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LOBUDKA is a small village 3 miles (5 kilometers) north of
Oeinchltsv station, Although it lies outside the Unita of the study
area, it is important because of the significant military activity nearby.
The village is square in shape, with houses loosely spaced along four
dAet roads that cross at right angles. All the houses are of wood, and
several have become quite dilapidated. The few newly constructed
buildings are mostly barracke, believed to be occupied by Red Army
po:Nr,onno.l. A car-repair plant is reportedly located in the village.
In -Ile eastern part of the settlement is a narrow-gauge railroad
:WDZMi is a combination Stras,endorf and railroad-station village.
It extends for roughly 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) from the Bereza
Karh,uskaya station westward along the railroad. It consists of some
50 te ei.) wooden houses strung along two parallel dirt roads. The only
industrial activity is associated with the extensive railroad facilities
In 9,110 station area. The village population is estimated at 800-1,000
7ARECEVYE is located or the east side of the Yaseltda River,
_ _ _ ea-
-eately beyond the railroad-bridge crossing. It consists of a
group of houses loosely arranged along a dirt road that parallels the
raearoad. Each of the 80-odd dwellings has a 1/2-acre plot for truck
gare,ening. The western edge of the village borders a swampy area of
the Yaserda floodpplain and Is exposed to frequent flooding.
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itIOANA GORA i8 a railroad village of some 4c) to JO wooden houses.
its population coneists of 500-1,000 farmers, reportedly White Russiene.
Most of the houses are loosely spaced along two intersecting dirt roads.
They are mostly one-story buildings with gable roofs thatched with
maree grass or slate covered. Each house has its awn fenced-in garden
nlot. In the northern outskirts, there is a small sawmill that
produces furniture for local use. 'Former PW barracks are located near
Q-ke, ee.Uroad station. The village probably billets some of the
,1111ary personnel connected with the nearby ammunition dump.
Tg& CHEVO is a farming settlement strung along he railroad and
main hJAhwav west of the Kossovo-Polesskoye station. It consists of
sou:. 50 single-story wooden buildings and has an estimated population
of L,500. The village has electricity and a community water lien.
OSSOV0-POLESSIXOYE is a small railroad-station vellage located
.sama4 own, *a
jus.,-; cast of Nekhachevo. The single-story wooden houses are focused
ereenn a road intersection north of the railroad station. The village
population, which is reported to be someuhat larger than that of
tiek::7eehevo, is primarily engaged in lumbering and potto raradmg.
Le backbone of the Tevli-Ivatsevichi railroad sector is the
internationally strategic Brest-Moscow trunkline. Apert from being
the main transportation artery of the sector, it is the keystone of
all economic and military activity in the area. A secon&wy but
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nevertheless important transportation route is the recently improved
Brest-BobruyskaMoscow Highway. This road, which crosses the eastern
part of the study area, roughly parallels the railroad from Bereza to
Tvetsevichi. With the repair of wartime damages, the road Is becoming
increasingly important for local and interregional traffic. Other
means of transportation in the area include several narrow-gauge branch
lives and a number of improved and unimproved dirt roads that intersect
the in railroad at several points.
t, TheBrest-Moscow Trunkline
? a ?
?he section of railroad between Tevli and Ivatsevichi is part of
the men double-track trunklinc connecting Brest with Moscow. This
steaaa-merated railroad is by far the most important an Belorussia
and ole of the primary trunklines in the Soviet Union. It provides the
shortest connection between the central industrial region around
Moseow and the manufacturing and marketing centers of Central and
Westca Europe. It also provides an important military link between
Moseow, Warsaw, and East Berlin. During World War II r it was the main
suppla route of the Germans in their thrust toward Moscow.
the following paragraphs the Tevli-Ivatsevichi section of the
trunkline is described in detail. The information provided on features
such as mils, signals, trackage, and traffic, however, pertains also
to the Brest-Moscow trunkline as a whole.
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a. Trackage and Roadbed
The trunkline was badly damaged during World War II particularly
in the areas around Bereza and Ivatsevichi. Until 1947, it operated
as a single-track line because of the many temporary repairs being
made on the roadbed and bridge crossings. By the fall of 1947, however,
Red Army engineers had completely regraded the roadbed, replaced rails
and ties, and double tracked the entire line. The new road,ad
appears to be well maintained, is approximately 20 feet wide, and is
predominantly sandy. Short stretches of the line, however, have a
crushed-rock and gravel ballast (Figure 24). Since the railroad crosses
generally flat terrain, it has no sharp curves or steep grades. The
maximum curvature radius is 1,640 feet (500 meters). In the vicinity
of Bronna Gera, the ruling grade is 0.96 percent (ascending) over a
distance of about 1,300 feet (400 meters).
b. 11.212-s1.?a?ISP.2_234.4.111.1-MIMIt51
The entire Brest-Moscow trunkline is provided with type Is heavy-
duty rails. Ties are of wood and are well treated against deterioration.
They are spaced at the rate of 1,440 ties per 3,281 feet (1,000 meters)
or track. Hand switches and block-type signals are used in railroad
stations and yards. The semiautomatic block system was reportedly
supplied by the German firm of Siemens and Halske. Electric semaphores
are installed at the stations of Bereza-Kartuskays, Ivatsevichi, and
Oranchitsy. Much of the signaling, however, seems to be done by hand.
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Figure 24.. Fast train on the Bre5t44oacow trutkline, Note the
gravel ballast.
Figure 25. Narrow-gauge railroad of the type used in the
study area,
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A common sight is an old man or woman standing outside a hut holding a
rolled yellow flag as a signal that the train can proceed with safety.
0. LIVA022and Culverts
Along the Tevli-Ivatsevichi section of the railroad, there are 5
fairly large and 9 smaller railroad bridges and 13 or more culverts.
The larger bridges cross the Corodechna, Mukhavets, YaselIda,
Zhegul'yanka, and Gryvda Rivers. All the bridges were destroyed during
World War II, and at first makeshift wooden structures were used as
substitutes. All the wooden bridges have now been replaced by
permanent installations. The smaller secondary bridges span tributary
streams and larger drainage ditches. Culverts, usually of concrete
construction, are located chiefly in areas that are poorly drained
or subject to floods.
The railroad bridges across the Gorodechna and Mukhavets Rivers
are located about 5 and 13 miles (8 and 21 kilometers) northeast of
Tevli, respectively. Both are single-span steel structures approximately
65 feet (20 meters) long. The estimated width between abutments is 45
feet (14 meters), and the height above water level is about 12 feet
(4 meters).
The bridge across the Yasel'da River is located 4 miles (6
kilometers) east of the Rereza-Kartuskaya station and aperextlatele
1.5 miles (2.1i kilometer4northemstof the town of Bereza. The most
significant railroad bridge in the study area, it consists of a
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single-span steel truss approximately 165 feet (50 meters) long. The
bridge is built on two reinforced-concrete piers and has a 16-foot
(5-meter) clearance above mean water level. Prior to 1944 the Yasel'da
bridge was of a through-truss type, having 2 single-span super-
structures on common abutments.
A deck-type bridge of plate girder construction crosses the
Zhegul'yanka River some 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) east of Bronna Gore.
According to reports, two single-track superstructures are built on
common abutments. The span length is estimated at 72 to 82 feet
(22 to 28 meters) and the height above mean water level at 11 feet
(3.5 meters).
A recently completed railroad bridge crosses the Gryvda River
approximately 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) northeast of the Ivatsevichd
railroad station. The single-span steel structure replaces a wooden
bridge located some 50 feet (15 meters) to the south. The new bridge
has reinforced-concrete abutments, and a reinforced-concrete pier in
the middle of the stream. According to reports the bridge has an
overall length of 187 feet (57 meters) and a width of 20 to 2(..) feet
(6 to 8 meters); the height above mean water level is some 20 feet
(6 meters).
d. Ltean.stRalea_a*,_p_ndSurs
Narrow-gauge branch lines lead northward from the main line at
Oranchitsy, Bereza-Martuskaya, Bronna Gore, and Nekhachevo stations.
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At Ivatsevichi, a narrow-gauge line branches off in a southerly direction.
Most of the branches are of 3'6" gauge and are used primarily for
industrial or military traffic. Because of poor roadbeds, in many cases
laid across swampy ground; traffic on these lines is light and trains
consist of only 4 to 6 cars pulled by obsolete steam or diesel engines.
Narrow-gauge rails are generally spiked to wooden ties that are spaced
1.5 feet (50 centimeters) apart. In a few stretches the rails are
screwed to iron ties. Much of the industrial freight carried consists
of lumber and peat (Figure 25). Military shipments include stores;
ammunition, some motorized equipment and spare parts, and unspecified
numbers of troops.
A steam-operated narrow-gauge line leads from Oranchitsy station
northward to Slubuaka and Pruzhana. The line is 7.5 miles (13 kilometers)
long and serves primarily the needs of Red Army installations located
at Slobudka and Fruzhana. Some sources indicate that the line may have
been improved to meet increased traffic demands. A short broad-gauge
spur leads to the oil-storage area near Oranchitsy station.
According to early postwar information, a narrow-gauge line leading
in a north-northwesterly direction connected with the trunkline at
Bereza-Kartuskaya station. It was about 20 miles (32 kilometers) long
and terminated in a peat and forest area near the improved road con-
necting Pruzhana and Slonim. Stops were made at the small settlements
of Selets and Mikhalin. Since no activity has been reported on this
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line in recent years, it may quite possibly have been abandoned. An
unconfirmed report, indicates that a newly constructed single-track
branch line leaves the trunkline some 9 miles (15 kilometers) west
of Bluden? and leads in a northwesterly direction.
According to Soviet maps at the scale of lt500,0001 a narrow-gauge
siding about 2 miles (3.2 kilometerilong also leads eastward from
Oranchitsy station. This spur reporteely runs to a sandpit in the
western suburbs of Bereza.
At Bronna Gora a small spur branches off to a local sawmill.
About 1.8 miles (3 kilometers) northeast, of the settlement is another
narrow uge branch line that leads to the large ammunition dump north
of Bronna Oars. This line, which is some 4.4 miles (7.3 kilometers)
long, is used solely for military traffic. Recent reports seem to
indicate that this branch is being converted to broad. gauge.
Before 1945, a steam-operated narrow-gauge lino led northwest from
Hassovo-Polesskoye station for a distance of abaft 11 miles (17
kilometers) and terminated near a glass factory northeast of the settlement
of Ylikhalin. According to PW reports, wartime dannges along the line
(particularly destroyed bridges) have not been repaired, and the line
may have been abandoned or dismantled.
At /vatsevichi? the trunkline connects with a sizable network of
narrow-gauge lines. A light railroad leads from Ivatsevichi southwest-
ward to Ivanovo on the Brest-Pinsk-Luninets trunkline. Two freight
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trains a day travel the entire distance of some 60 miles (96 kilometers)
in each direction. Each train reportedly consists of 4 to 6 low-side
gondola cars pulled by a steam or diesel-type engine. Branching off
this narrow-gauge line are spurs leading to various settlements on the
Oginskiy Canal. The most important of these is the spur leading to the
town of Telekhany.
e. Adjaseptalz!Nop and Telv_at_hotrlain_es
An opemawire line roughly parallels the railroad between Tevli
and Oranchitsy. It originates at Brest and is believed to be a
telegraph line. In the vicinity of Tevli the line runs on the north
side of the track. Some 6 miles (10 kilometers) farther to the east,
it crosses the railroad and then follows the south side of the track
for an estimated 4 miles (6 kilometers). After recrossing the railroad,
it continues along the north side, gradually veering off to the north-
west in the direction of Baranovichi and Minsk. According to eyewitness
reports, the telegraph line has single wooden poles about 26 feet (8
meters) high and spaced about 130 feet (40 meters) apart. The single
crossbars are of Wood, and there are no spare insulators. Reports
also indicate that an underground telecommunications cable closely
follows the route of the open-wire line.
A second open-wire line (also referred to as a telephone line)
enters the study srea from the southwest at Bereza. It, too, originates
at Brest and leads to Slutsk and Mogilev. This line consists of 12
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wires strung on wooden poles 26 feet (8 meters) high and some 140 feet
(43 meters) apart. It roughly follows the south side of the railroad to
a point near Ivatsevichi? where it turns off to the northeast.
f. Railroad Stations and Maintenance Patilities
The official Soviet Railroad Timetable for 1956 lists 11 railroad
stations and flag stops within the study area. From west to east, they
are Tevli, Lyasy, Kanarskiy, Orarchitsy, Pavlovichi Polessklye,
Peschankal Bereza Kartuskaya, Zarechlye, Bronna Gora, Kossovo-
Polesskoye, and Ivatsevichi. Of these, Bereza Kartuskaye is the largest
and best equipped station. It is the only stop for fast trains within
the area and trains stop for a period of 15 minutes. Kanarskiy, Peschanka,
and Zarech'ye are flag stops only. The remaining stations are used only
by slow passenger and freight trains. The stopping time for passenger
trains averages 3 to 7 minutes. Railroad maintenance and traffic
facilities at individual stations are as follows:
(1) Small station building
(2) Loading ran with freight shed
(3) Water tower
(4) Small repair shop and forge
(5) Small yard consisting of 3-4 terminal tracks
2 sidings 650 and 980 feet (200 and 300 meters) long
(1) Small station or loading ramp
(2) 2 sidings
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(1) Flag stop only; located a short distance west of Oranchitsy
(1) large station area with storage buildings and huts; western
part of station handles mainly passenger traffic; eastern
part used for freight traffic
(2) Railroad yard consisting of k or 5 terminal tracks,
8 sidings, and a track scale
Water tower
Junction facilities for narrow-gauge line leading to
Pavlovichi Polesskiye
(1) (Wartime information indicated that 2 sidings, 8 switches, and
2 signal and control towers were destrayed in 194. .They may
possibly have been replaced)
(1) Flag stop only
(1) Single-story brick station on north side of main track .at
northern outskirts of settlement of Bludent.
(2) Large railroad yard at eastern end of the station; includes
'1" track and switching area, with room for as many as 50
parked cars; engine house with turntable and repair shops
accommodating 10-15 locomotives; open storage area and ash
pit; coaling area, with storage space for 1,000-2,000 tons
of coal; large water tower (Figure 26); and stone loading
ramp with several storage buildings and grain sheds.
(3) Storage area with loading ramps at western end of station
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Figure 26, Locomotive water tower at the Bereza-
Kartuskaya station. Note coal pile along track.
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(4) Set of 8 sidings running lengthwise across station area
(5) Electric power plant
(6) Servicing facilities for narrow-gauge railroad traffic
(l) Flag stop only
Bronna Gora
(1) Single-story brick railroad station on south side of track
(2) 2 terminal tracks 2,300 and 2,600 feet (700 and 800 meters)
(3) 2 running sidings
(4) Small number of storage sheds
(5) Spur to sawmill
(6) Possibly a servicing stop for narrow-gauge traffic leading
toward ammunition dump
Loading ramps on 3 or 4 terminal tracks; used for shipping
timber and potatoes
2 or 3 running sidings
Railroad station, water tank, and repair shops(destroyed but
reportedly replaced)
Junction for narrow-gauge line (now believed abandoned)
(1) (Reportedly one of the largest timber-loading stations in
(2) Brick railroad station on south side of track
(3) Emergency wooden station on opposite side of track
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(4) Several loading ramps on 3 terminal tracks
(5) Mater tank and pumping station
(6) 14. running sidings
(7) Narrow-gauge station and railroad transshipment yard
g. Railroad Traffic
Railroad traffic between Tavli and Ivatseviehi in extremely heavy.
To a large degree, it is part of the heavy international traffic moving
between Moscow, Warsaw, and Berlin. West-moving traffic includes Soviet
raw materials, coal, iron ore, and foodstuffs shipped to Poland and
East Germany. Return traffic to the Soviet Union includes mainly war-
reparation materials, prefabricated homes, building materials, manu-
factured products of all types, and sizable shipments of uranium. Uranium
traffic has special priority along the entire Brest-Moscow trunkline.
Ore shipments move at the rate of 2 or more trains per week, with an
estimated total of about 150 cars. Each car carries approximately 15
to 20 tons of uranium ore, Which is shipped in paper bags or tin
In addition to the international freight traffic, there is a fair
amount of local freight mevemont within the study area. It consists
primarily of agricultural products, lumber and lumber products, and raw
materials shipped to Minsk for processing by its limited industrial
On the basis of postwar observations, one-way freight traffic
appears to range fraa 15 to 30 trainn a day. Freight trains vary from
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30 to 60 cars in length and consist of 4-axle-type gondolas, boxcars,
flatcars, tank cars, and refrigerator cars. The average speed of
freight trains does not exceed 25 miles (39 kilometers) per hour.
Passenger and military trains account for approximately one-fifth
of the overall railroad traffic in the area. Six passenger trains
cross the area daily in each direction. Two of these are fast trains,
and the other four are slower local trains. One of the fast trains,
known as the "Blue Angel" or "Blue Express," was put into operation in
the spring of 1955. It operates between Moscow, Brest, and Berlin,
covering the trip in 52 hours without transferring. The other fast
train provides direct service between Brest and Moscow. Both these
trains usually consist of 10 cars -- a baggage car, 6 coaches Chard
and soft), a dining car, and an international car for foreign nationals.
The slower passenger trains generally consist of about 16 cars.
Passengers are predominantly military: roughly 60 percent officers. At
times, 50 to 100 soldiers have been observed on a single train. Much
of the military traffic goes to military units stationed at Baranavichi,
Berets, Pruzhana, or Bram Gora, but some continues westward to Bed
Army installations in Poland and East Germany.
The maximum rated traffic capacity of the Brest-Moscow trunkline,
including both freight and passenger movement, baa been estimated at
120 pairs of trains each day.
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2. The Brest-j_Lobmakjos_cey Highwax
The best available approach route from the west into the USSR north
of the Pripet Marshes is the important Brest7Bdbruysk-Moscoe Highway.
Although badly damaged during World War II, the road underwent intensive
reconstruction during the period 1946-48. Since being reopened to
traffic, it has been used both for interregional trucking and for
sustained military traffic, including tank movements.
Originally the highway connected Brest with Moscow, via Karin,
Bereza, IvatseVichi, Slutsk, Bobvuysk, and Roslavli. Postwar information,.
however, indicates that a paved shortcut leading from Ivatsevichi via
Beranovichi to Minsk:vas under construction in the late 1940's. At
Minsk, the road was to connect with the Soviet Autobahn to Moscow.
It is quite prdtbable.that)this shortcut has been completed and is now in
The highway is an all-weather, (gravel-surfaced) 2-lane road capable
of handling sustained commercial and military traffic. Its overall
width is estimated at 26 feet (8 meters) and its travel surface at 20
feet (6 meters). Although several PW reports claim that much of the
road has an asphalt surface, most of it appears to hive only an improved
gravel surface with short stretches of asphalt in the larger urban
The highway enters the study area from the southwest at Berezal and
from there parallels the Brest-Moscow trunkline to Ivatsevichi. Along
this stretch of the road, much of the roadbed has been built up above the
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surrounding marshland. Road shoulders are of graded earth or gravel and
vary in height from 3 to 6 feet.
Within the city limits of Bereza the highway has been surfaced with
asphalt and serves as the main thoroughfare. It has also been widened to 39
feet (12 meters). Just beyond the northwestern outskirts of town the
road crosses the Yaseltds River over a bridge of postwar construction
that was opened for traffic in Nay 1948. Before that, traffic moved
over a provisional wooden bridge just southeast of the new structure.
The new bridge his a single span and reinforced-concrete girders. It
is 394 feet (120 meters) long, and has an overall width of 30 feet (9
meters). The footpaths on, both sides are about 3.5 feet (1 meter)
Between Bereza and Nekbachevo station the highway runs along the
eastern side of the railroad at distances varying from a few hundred
feet to approximately 1.2 miles (2 kilometers). A single-span concrete
bridge 82 feet (25 meters) long crosses the Zhegulyanka River.
Near the southeastern outskirts of Nekhachevo the highway crosses
the railroad by an overpass of early postwar construction. The overpass,
opened for traffic in 1945, replaces a former level crossing. It is
a concrete structure supported by 6 reinforced piers and is about 66
feet (20 meters) long and 26 feet (8 meters) vide. Beyond this point
the highway hugs the vest side of the railroad all the way to Ivatsevichi.
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Just beyond Ivatsevichi, it recrosses the railroad over another recently
completed overpass. After crossing the Gryvda River east of Ivateevichi,
the rcad gradually veers to the southeast.
Road traffic between Bereza and Ivatsevichi is fairly heavy,
consisting mainly of truck and military vehicles. A regularly scheduled
busline also operates daily between Brest and Baranovichi.
3. Secondary Roads Along_the Brest-Mbscov Trumkline
Throughout the study area, numerous secondary roads, trails, and
footpaths lead to or intersect the railroad. Among these are three hard-
surfaced all-wather roads capable of carrying 2-lane traffic. The roads
lead (a) northward and southward through Linovo, (b) northward from
Bludent, and (c) northwestward from Nekhachevo. In addition, there are
a few improved gravel country roads, which were formerly used by the
Polish postal service. These rrads lead (a) from Tevli northeast to
Pruzhana, (b) from Tevli northwest to Shcherchevo, (c) from Kara:a
northeast to Bereza, (d) from Henna Kartuskaya station southeast to
Bereza? and (e) from Bereza northwest to Selets. Three improved roads
also cross the railrosd between Bereza and Bronna Gore, and two more lead
off from Ivatsevichi.
Ail others are seasonal roads with unimproved surfaces. Most of
them intersect the railroad at level crossings, and the average
distance between roads is approxikeetely 1., milea (2.4 kilometers). Al].
the unimproved dirt roads are of poor quality (Figure 27) and are impassable
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Figure 27. Unimproved dirt road of the type commonly seen
throughout Brestskaya Oblast'.
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during spring thsws and after heavy fall rains. People generally use
stout one-horse wagons drawn by animals of a stocky breed; frequently
long distances are covered on foot. A number of tracks and trails run
through forests and along fence lines.
G. Rilitsatizity_an_dt?Deelent
1. y.a.installat_ionsanLMovements
Along the Tevli-Ivatsevichi sector of the railroad, military'
activity is far more pronounced at Oranchitsy and to the east than
farther west. From Oranchitsy eastward to Ivatsevichi, soldiers eem
frequently be seen working in large groups along the railroad, stock-
piling ludber or guarding military installations.
A gesoline storage area is located near Orenchitsy? on a knoll
immediately south of the railroad and west of the Prushana-Zaprudy Highway.
Eighteen above-ground storage tanks have been observed, each of which is
about 30 feet (9 meters) long and 10 to 16 feet (3 to 5 meters) in
diazeter. The tanks lie with their axes parallel to the surface of the
ground. Gasoline is brought by rail in 90-ton tank cars, which are
shunted onto a siding equipped with permanent pipes leading to the
storage tanks. It can be assumed that the underground storage capacity
is even greater than that above ground. The entire area is surrounded
by two barbed-wire fences and is guarded by soldiers, some in watch
towers and others on foot patrolling the area between the fences.
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In light weds just west of the storage area is another restricted
area surrounded by barbed wire and guarded by troops. Nearby are three
barracks occupied by infantry soldiers.
An army tank and automaile repair plant is located north of
-. just east of the Pruihana-Oranchitsy road near the
village of SlObudka. Four or five two-story gray buildings, perhaps
used in part as barracks, lie 330 to 500 feet (100 to 150 meters)
east of the repair plant. South of the plant and 115 feet (35 meters)
east of the highway are two wooden bunkers, probably used as living
quarters for soldiers. They are built partly underground and are 115
to 130 feet (35 to 40 meters) long. Two similar buildings are located
some 230 feet (70 meters) east of the bunker.
A tank and armored-car proving ground and training field lies less
than a mile southeast of the repair plant. Training exercises have
included 4 to 6 T-34 tanks 3 or h times a week.
Pruzhana is the headquarters of a local garrison. Both officers and
enlisted men are billeted in private homes.
The greatest concentration of military strength along the railroad
sector is at and near Bereza. In this vicinity are a POL storage dump,
an airfield, a tank-maneuver field, and numerous barracks.
The military headquarters in Berema is located in the north section
of the city. Soldiers of this command are reported to year gray-green
uniforms with blue epaulets. Tank unite in the vicinity, however, wear
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brava uniforms with black epaulets and collar tabs. Three or four
three-story brick barracks have been built just beyond the southwest
outskirts of Berea and are reportedly occupied by an air-force unit.
The buildings are 100 to 130 feet (30 to 40 meters) long and 50 feet
(15 meters) wide and have gabled tile roofs and windows with wooden
A tank-corps barracks is located at the west edge of town on the
north side of the highway. /t is a 3- or 4-story red-brick building
that measures about 250 by 65 by 50 feet (75 by 20 by 15 meters) and
has a law-pitched hip roof covered with red ti/e. The barracks area,
which is 1,000 feet by 330 feet (300 by 100 meters) in extent, is
surrounded by a wood picket fence topped with barbed wire and is
guarded by soldiers. Within the enclosure are 2 garages, which have
roam for about 35 tanks, as well as a military POL dump, which lies
immediately north of the barracks and is camouflaged by the woods.
A military signal unit is stationed just west of the tank-corps barracks.
On the east side of Soviet Street in the settlement of Bereza? there
is a militia station, 40 by 26 feet (12 by 8 meters) in size.
Stretching south from the southwestern outskirts of Bereza is a
tank training ground. It includes an area of slightly rolling, partly
wooded country with sandy soil and much underbrush. The area is not
guarded but is off-limits for civilians. Frequent tank activity has
been Observed there, often at night, but no reports indicate that the
infantry has participated.
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At one time, some 150 tanks and self-propelled guns were reportedly
parked between the railroad and the road leading from the station into
Bereza. This group consisted principally of T-34's, T-85's, Stalin 2's,
aM JSV-122's.
About a mile north of Bludent and immediately east of the narrow-
gauge brandh railroad to Selets is an airfield that is reported to
have undergone recent expansion. It has at least two runways about 255
feet (78 meters) vide. A runway oriented NW-SE is some 6,600 feet
(2,000 meters) long; another, oriented NNE-SSW, is 3,600 feet (1,100
meters) long. Both have hard surfaces and unlimited extensibility.
IL-28's are reported to have been using this airfield in February 1955.
If the airfield has been sufficiently extended and improved, it is
quite possible that medium boabers (Beagle type) may now be stationed
At Bronna Gore, across the railroad from the station there are
two wooden barracks formerly used for PW a. Each measures about 80 by 30
by 13 feet (25 by 9 by 4 meters) and has a gabled tar paper roof.
Near Bronna Gore is an important ammunition and ordnance depot.
It is located in a nixed forest about 3 miles (5 kilometers) WW of the
railroad station and covers an area 2 to 2.5 miles (3 to 4 kilometers)
long and 1.2 miles (2 kilometers) wide. It is enclosed by a barbed-
wire fence 10 feet (3 meters) high, which is guarded by armed soldiers
every 650 feet (200 meters), who patrol the area with the aid of
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searchlights. The enclosure contains at least 10 buildings and is
served by both a railroad spur and by the secondary road between
Smol'ne and Nosuv. The depot is reportedly used as a storage area
for new artillery guns as well as ammunition.
North of Nekbachevo is a former PW camp, which may now be used
as a barracks for Soviet trocps. It is a one-story stone building
measuring about 82 by 40 by 20 feet (25 by 12 by 6 meters) and has
a gabled tin roof. It is surrounded by a barbe&wire fence with a
watchtower. At one time, some 600 PWG were quartered there while
they were constructing the highway.
A military patrol of two soldiers armed with submachineguns
has been reported along the railroad in the vicinity of Nekhadhevo.
The patrol was made daily but not at the same hour.
Ivatsevichi also is a major center of military activity.
Installations there include a POI. dump, a tank enclosure, and an
ammunition dump. The POL dump is reported to be the central one
for the entire Berea area. It is located north of the highway in
the middle of Ivatsevichl and consists of 6 to 8 concrete bunkers
protruding about 3 feet (1 meter) above the ground. Each bunker eantains
one storage tank. The dump is camouflaged by trees and enclosed by
a fence. The enclosure for army tanks is situated on a lov bill NNW of
Ivatsevichi. It is surrounded by a high board fence and is reported to
contain 50 to 100 medium tanks, possible JS-2's. There are also several
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long, low, wooden buildings within the enclosure. Soldiers seen there
wore olive-green uniforms with black epaulets and tank-corps insignia.
On the southwest edge of Ivatsevichi there is an ammunition dump
consisting of 4 revetted buildings and 5 other buildings.
2. Partisan Resistance
Partition activity has been reported at several points along and
near the Tevli-Ivatsevichi sector of the railroad, but much of the
activity apparently occurred during the period 1945-50. The partisan
resistance reflects opposition to the Soviet annexation of this
formerly Polish territory, to Soviet transfer of local residents to
other parts of the USSR, and to collectivization and military service.
Remnants of the partisan groups probably still persist in the more
isolated areas.
Near Kobryn'l 10 miles (16 kilometers) SSE of Tevli, partisans
mere active in 1947 and 1948. Some of them were deserters from the
Soviet Army. In the vicinity of Zhabinka, on the railroad 13 miles
(21 kilometers) southwest of Tevli, 9 incidents of resistance were
reported during the period 1951-53. Polish partisans belonging to the
WIN (Wolnose I Niepodlezlose -- Freedom and Independence Nbvement)
and Belorussian partisans were reportedly active in the Bereza area
until 1950. Between 1948 and 1950, 17 resistance incidents were
reported in the vicinity of Bereza, both north and south of the railroad,
and activity was even stronger in 1946-47. At that time, police raids
into the moods were carried out 2 or 3 times a month. From late
1945 with late 1948, there were many partisans hiding in the old
German pillboxes in the swamp near Ivatsevichi.
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3. Soviet Order of Battle for the Belorussian SSR
The following order of battle, while for the most part including
locations outside the area, is of direct importance in determining the
disposition of troops within the study area:
unItta ifeadlt2a_rters
Belorussian Mil Dist HQ Minsk
Twenty-eighth Army Grodno
=VIII Rifle Corps Brest
12th Gds MCZ Div Brest
(2 regts in Maya
50th Gds Rifle Div Brest
XX Rifle Corps Groduo
48th Gds Rifle Div Volkovysk
55th Gds Rifle Div Grodno
Fifth Gds Mecz Army Bdbruysk
10th Tank Div Borisov
29th Tank Div Slutsk
V/i Mem Div Osipovichi
Sdbordination Uncertain
6th Gds Rifle (MeczT) Div. Borisov
103rd Arbne Gds Rifle Div Vitebsk
220th Gds Rifle Div Minsk
Rend Tank Regt WV:150 Bereza
:sodweiv Forces (Jay t141.
226th MVD Regt Minsk
297th MVD Regt Vitebsk
432nd MVD ;1110 Minsk
16th Border. Detachment Belorussimn Border District
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For-RVib"htildA-RDP79-00945A000100010001-1
1. 2,119E221WISSR2 Politico-Administrativna Khrta (Belorussian
SSR, Political-Administrative Map); 1:600,000; GUM, Moscow, 1951, U.
2. Karts Lesov SSSR (Forest Map of the USSR); 1:2,500,000; OUGK0
3. Karts Nhrodov SSSR (Map of the Peoples of the USSR); 1:5,000,000;
4?dh."-gtE717-1?UGK?tioscow, 1953, U.
4. Karta Plotnost' Mass le SSSR (Map of Population Density of the
70311770,000,000; 1 sheets; MK, Moscow., 1953, U.
5. Ilimatic.1?mhlya_arta SSSR (Climatic Map of the USSR); 1:5,000,000;
Vsheets; MK, Moscow, 1953, U.
6. Pocbve Khrta SSSR (Soils Map of the USSR); 1:4,000,000; GUM,
Moscow, 19i, U.
7. Poland; 1:25,000; Wojskowy Instytut Geograficzny (Military
Geographical Institut); Sheets pas 27-s1up 410 and pas 38-ship
40 C, R, F, 0, 114 1929-31, U.
8.EsatEd; 1:1000000; Wojakowy Instytut Geograficzny (Military
Geographical Institut); Sheets pas 38?alup 390 40, 41 and pas
38, 39; 1926-32, U.
9. USSR- Generalinyy Shtab REKK (General Staff Red Army); 1:100,000;
Sheets N-35-111, 121, 122, 123, and 133; 1935-400 U.
10. USSR. 1:500,000; General'nyy Shtab Kraanoy Arnii (General Staff
Red Army); Sheet N-35-V; 1941, U.
11. gg2graficheskiy.,Atle; GUGK0 Moscow, 1954, U.
12. Atlas Mira (Atlas of the World); GUGK0 Moscow, 1954, U.
13. Atlas SSSR; GUGK, Moscow, 1955, U.
Air P._11.0to a
1. Air Photo Mosaic of German wartime Photography, OK 12375-B 2536/44
SK, enlarged to 1:25,000, S.
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Sanitized - Approved For Release: 5A000100010001-1
Sanitized - Approved For ReleaselF8M-014V00945A000100010001-1