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July 14, 1972
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000120003-1 j
Approved For Release'WOO/09/06 : CIA-,RDP79-00798AFU
14 1y 19?2.
of Soviet Air Pollution Delegation 7-25 June 1972
AGENCY Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
REPORT ONs US Visit under US-USSR Cultural Exchange Program
Vladimir B Grinioff, Escortinterpreter, State LSD
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The visit of four highranking Soviet specialists
on pollution was a continuation of such exchanges started some
years ago, but the present one took on particular significance
because of the Nixon-Podgorny agreement on collaboration
on pollution, signed with much publicity last May in Moscow.
The purpose of the visit was thus not only to exchange
technical information but also to identify areas of possible
joint research effort. This purpose was accomplished. The
delegates after a coast-to-coast trip of some 20 days,
were quite favorably impressed with the scope, vigor aiid
financing of the anti-pollution drive and realized that it would
be to their advantage to join hands with the US since their
own effort seems to be a less vigorous one. At the wrap-up
meetings with EPA officials on 22-23 June, Dr. IZRAEL, the
head of the delegation, outlined three broad "directions if ,]
l w t. a c~ `L p./, ~ct Lwt~C~ ( air P AI)
as he put it, where collaboration might bZ fruitful. They
were (1) standards setting (2) back-up research (3)
techniques and methods, The US side accepted this broad
formul.s,tion ( here condensed) with the UnrIersta.ndinp that
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enountered during the trip which ?rooeeded smoothly.
Approved For Release MO/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798ADW000120003-1
However the oft->revi sed trip was revised again at the ha] Tway
mark to accomodate the SovietoZ he trip was lengthened by
four days, And for one day the Delegation was split?, two
delegates returning to Washington and two proceeding to
South Bend Ind. Each of the groups was always accompanied
by a Government official. The amenities during the trip were
excellent save in California where the meetings were limited to business
The Sovdel notably avoided any critique of the US.
B,. The Delee atea
Prz# _ xuriy Antonovieh IzraelHead of the delegation
Deputy Chief, Main Administration of Hydrorneteorological
Mr. Aleksandr Sergeyevich Zaitsev
Chief, Main Geophysical Observatory
(Chief of instruments group in Leningrad)
Mr. Anatoliy Aleksandrovich Pomin
Chief, Laboratory of Toxicology of Agents
(Control technology laboratory for toxic vehicle
emissions), USSR Ministry of Tractor and Agricultural
Machine Building
Mr. Vladislav Aleksandrovich Anikiev
Chief, All-Union. Association for Purification of
Gas and Dust, USSR Ministry of Oil Refinery and
Petrochemical Industry
Drs Izrael, had visited the US before, and speaks excellent
scientific English. Mr. Zaitsev also speaks English. Both are
active meteorologists, but Izrael had the broader administrative
problems at heart. Fomin, at 51 the oldest of the group is a
much honored engineer, a designer of internal combustion
engines now " undoing the harm I have done". He was of course
the efforts of the Ford company in QQmbatting _ pollution.
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1. 8-9 June, Washington D.C. Substative and organizational
top officials
briefing by EPA/on their effort in administering the Act of 1970:
the responibilities of US government, states and counties. ( Hard
on the Soviets whose society is much different) Trip to
enormous computer center of Nat. Meteorology Center of NOA
early warning system,
in Suitland - modelling,/control of weather satellites etc.
2. 12 June,Boston- visit to a demonstration facility of the
"wet" method of removal of sulfur pollution from electric power
station stacks. (Note= Boston inner city is in a state of recon-
struction and presents a sad spectacle and the hippies have
taken over the famous Commons)
3. 13-14 June Raleigh N.C. at the EPA "Re march Triangle"
This was probably the high-point of the trip. Our host was
Deputy Director Dr. Thompson, and co-host was Dr. McCormick
an ex-US delegate well known to the Soviets who scored a
personal and professional triumph. The research program of EPA
is vary extensive and some of iti highly advanced ( particle
acceleration). Sovdelegates highly impressed. When Fomin dissented
and said (in Russian) that the effort was too great and costly,
Izrael answered at once" No government - not theirs or ours- will
ever pass laws changing industrial methods until the need has been
scientifically demonstrated. The Americans have taken the correct
path and we should follow". My attempts to fan this discussion
were not successful. We also met an exRussian PhD chemist who
was delighted with the Sovdel and they with him. I think they were
t it
*Broadly speaking the program dealt with mathematical
asuremen o air po u ion.
Approved For Releas00/09/06: CIA-RDP79-00798A901000120003-1
4. 15 dune, Pittsburgh Pa. US Bureau of Mines Energy
Research Lab ( Dr. Wender chief; Dr. Schlesinger, staff
coordinator) This was another highlight showing US government
research work in developing the "dry" method of combatting
sulfur pollution from stacks. Other work dealt with advanced
and "clean" method of energy production such as gassification
and magnetohydrodynamics( electricity from ionized gases with
no moving parts) Again the much underrated government
scientists showed their exciting work and ,left artery
favorable impression on Sovdel. Leter we visited the
Allegany County Health Department, Bureau of Air Pollution
control and saw at first hand how the system operated and
was enforced. The Pittsburgh visit in killing heat and
humidity, concluded with a stop at School of Public
Health(Graduate) at University of Pittsburgh. Fine reports
were given by PHD candidates on their pollution experiments
and the meeting produced a r..;r.l American maverick.. one
Dr. Hery Smith, (retired) and an ex-US delegate to USSR
on pollution. He thought the EPA program was excessive and
we were "not wise to fight evolution which is going on all
all but
around us all the time" iF'+.e (invited us to join the
extinct carrier pidgeon. Perhaps some of his points ,we-j%
valid, but the extreme presentation was counterproductive.
Yet no one could doubt that US has free speech ( at a price).
The Soviets disagreed with Dr. Smith to a marl.
Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798AO01000120003-1
16 June San Francisco ( regional EPA Office) There wau
-ol4Foa. iebse A0)G9M&z(>- A P ,9rW7xMAd glagO@t-.fie ct or,-,
and his cooperative staff. The information covered the entire
work of the office from budgeting to early warning systems and
scientific research grants to outside institutions. As with
all other delegations, San Francisco produced a memorable
impression and the weather was perfect.
6. 18-19 June Los Angeles. We visited Disntiand. Nuff said.
The Los Angeles County Air Pollution Board gave an excellent
account of its work- as the pioneer organization fighting
air pollution. There were many questions on air sampling
techniques and the like on the part of the Soviets and much
printed data was given to them.
7. 20-21 Dearborf and Ann Arbor, Michigan. The visit to
the Ford JIotor Co ( company particularly admired by the Soviets)
with Mr. Simpson of Ford International as program coordinator,
entailed some very technical engineering papers on Ford work
in producing an engine which meets Federal emission standards
The fact that Ford was having-trouble on this very point was
not a significant factor and the Sovdel, especially Fomin,were
quite captivated by the data both oral and printed. The
amenities were thoseof a wealthy great company. The Ford
Museum was highly appreciated although our time there was short.
The Ann Arbor EPA Motur Vehicle Emissions Laboratory ( Mr. John
Brogan was our principal host) much: like the Ford laboratory
impressed the Soviets who indicated they would like to buy
some of the sc ..r'nti fie rn a.;1urirr.F?" o nnnrat1urs f?rt'ca#' irli 1 v t c
corr. cr.iics Vog apps made by T'e a s Instrumaritis Go arid
A~oD%tl 8'i 19%19 IdM0?)b: A t)P4WOOP68AO 1 OO42ACR3wlith
which he would like to carry out joint research projects.
A myi (Fe 4 JgW99A9 v R v ~iOcQeZt l~ c~ 093-1
attempts to develop the clean power plant,-- we even took
rides in the Chrysler turbine powered autos.
8. 22 June South Bend Ind and Washington.
Because, Mr. Ruckelshaus, the EPA Ad.r..lnistrator, just back
in the US from the Stockholm meeting, could only receive
Dr Izrael on Thursday, ( Dr. Izrael also had pressing
meetings at the SovEmbassy) a decision was made to split the
delegation. ON the 21st, Izrael,Zaitsev accompanited by
EPA"8 Stanton Coerr ( tour manager who made the entire
trip save the last leg to New York City) returned to
Washington and met with both Mr. Ruckelshaus and Dr. White
of NOA. Meantime, Fomin and Anikeiv,accompnied by myself
after one more night in Dearbornon the 22rr flew for oz:-day
to South Bend Ind. to visit the Wheelabrator Co. makers
among other things of dust ;eliminating equipment. Our main
hosts were Mr. George Chane. group vice-president, and Mr.
Jo--.;;;!, Condom,' Preside:at, Wheelabrator International.
The company was genial, allowed a complete tour of main
facilities and gave samples of material from which bags are
made. The Soviets had bought some of this equipment in
Europe from some firm, not realizing it was a licensee of
Wheelabrator-- so it was the parent"s firm equipment that
they were using. Anikiev was well pleased with the visit
and expressed a desire . to purchase _ some of the klroducts
-- presumably technical data. Both sides were w-1-31 pleased with
one-day visit.
Mr. Condon spoke excellent Russian having spent some time
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9. 23 June, Washingtor 1).C. These were 7
wrap-up r stings
Apt1 rov Fort Release X00/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798Af000120003-1
at wnichLr. zrael gavein writing the three main areas in
which he deemed collaboration with US was possible. Hurricane
Agnes put a very considerable damper on planned festivities
for that evening.
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10. 24-25 June New York City. Outwitting the effects of the .'
.0 0sq
flood thanks to EPA's Holmberg 's
station wagon and Mrine
.,-i 0
Corps spirit, we made it to the National airport and arrived o 0 a
10 Vq 04 Cd -1
in New lark. The time was spent in shopping and in Museum
,-4 C
visitingi Guggenheiem and Metropolitan. We were also treated to
an eight block long parade of t)Gay Liberation Front carrying ;N
such banners as " A Lesbian in Every Bed". The Soviets showed
remarkable restraint in thier comments. I was unable to contact any-tP
eroflot despite-frantic: phoning-- no officials were in sight
when we arrived at Kennedy. There was a two hour defy. The
plane was overbooked. The confusion and lack of consideration
for passengers was maddening. Coerr and I always smoothly pre-
boarded the visitors on the US iii es, but here even Izrael's
status arid diplomatic passport were ignored. The delegation
was unceremoniously pushed and shoved into line where they stood
for an hour and there I left them at 11 I'M among the howling
4iv F
children and exhausted mothers. Dr. Izrael had a first class ticket P
D. Spvi lTi ~!w of KPec}~ Order
It is hard to imagine a more appropriate to the sovdel
Mr. Rucke'? shaus' color photoes of the ceremony in Moscow
when Nixon and Yodgorny signed the collaboration agreement.
This broup-ht on discussion
of 4iew of say xkosygin, ~odgorny or rezhnev executing a
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even ano ambassador could sign for thn US ~AVI?Ynrnm.n+ __
ApptAAed3 - Re I g QriolCog R-PRI% P 798 j t40,003-1
felt that Kosygin's signature would be the lowest. He is
a prime minister. Podgorny would come next, as head of the
State. The Delegation was proud that he had committed the
government to collaboration with the US- and not Kosygin.
The Delegation regarded the SALT agreement signed by Brezhnev
as very significant because he as CP head signed it. The Party
dictates to the government they explained. SALT agreement
signified a very meaningful shift in the "Party's long
range philosophy". Without the Party's committment, the
SALT agreement would not meal; .o much in their opinion.
.- EP.ra
The Soviets were deeply appreciative of the personal
in washy tan
attention given them/ - partie at homes of Dr. Middletlbnu.,
Mr. Robert Fri( Deputy EPA Administrator), Mr. Fuller's and
They also noted the efforts of Mr. Doerr in endlessly
ImW= FencReiea~~er2 /~~14i6 alEdAksR qQ?p$A'1Q1990 X9003-1
met. by i:'err and myself in New York when
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and little visible chore fell on Coerr