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February 11, 1974
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*DOC Exemption Letter In ERU File*
February 11, 1974
TO : Dr. Wilmot N. Hess, Chairman, Working Group VIII
(Influence of Environmental Changes on Climate) of the
US-USSR Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Environ-
mental Protection of May 23, 1972
FROM : J.O. Fletcher, Chairman
Subgroup 3 (Cooperation in Polar Research)
SUBJECT: Summary of Activity
The"Memorandum of the Second Meeting of the US-USSR Joint Committee
on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection, Washington,
D.C., November 13-16, 1973", signed on November 16, 1973 by Russell E.
Train and E.K. Fedorov, includes the following statement of program
plans for 1974 (page 15):
"VIII - Influence of Environmental Changes on Climate
--3. Joint studies of the meteorology and air-sea interaction
of polar regions in both hemispheres as they affect the
climate of the planet.
It is noted the joint U.S.-USSR programs in the
polar regions, such as POLEX and AIDJEX, are at the same
time part of other international agreements such as The
Global Atmospheric Research Program. Activities in this
area would be carried out consistent with the framework
of these international programs. The detailed program of
cooperation on all aspects of this area will be agreed and
adopted at the working group meeting which will be held on
June 10-21, 1974 in the USSR."
Also approved by both sides is a "First Report on the Implementation
of the US-USSR Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental
Protection of May 23, 1972." Area VIII is reported as follows (Page 12):
"Area VIII: Influence of Environmental Changes on Climate
A preliminary meeting of this working group was held
August 27-29, 1973, in Washington, D.C. The Soviet side
was represented by Professor Ye. P. Borisenkov (Director,
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Geophysical Observatory), who met with the U.S. working
group headed by Dr. Wilmot N. Hess (Director, Environmental
Research Laboratories, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration). It was agreed that the first full meeting
of the working group would be held in Leningrad in June 1974,
with literature on the subjects to be discussed to be exchanged
prior to the meeting.
At the preliminary meeting it was agreed to formulate
several main directions for cooperative research activities,
which are: the effect of changing levels of atmospheric
constituents on climate; monitoring atmospheric constituents
that might modify climate; climate modeling; cooperation in
polar research; effects of contamination of the upper atmosphere
on climate; recording of long-range climatic changes due to
natural causes; and solar influences on climate variations.
The parties agreed on the desirability of exchanging
individual scientists for periods of three to twelve months.
These exchanges are to start in the first quarter of 1974. A
final decision on the structure of the area, the basic directions
of joint research, the detailed program, and other joint under-
takings, will be reached after all organizational questions have
been examined during the meeting of the working group in June
POLEX-AIDJEX Planning Activity:
September 1972 (Leningrad). - Initial planning meeting under
auspices of International Commission for Polar Meteorology.
November 1972 (San Francisco) - Symposium on Ocean-Atmosphere
Interaction in Polar Regions. Formation of U.S. National
Academy of Sciences POLEX Panel under U.S. GARP Committee/
Committee on Polar Research/ Committee on Atmospheric
Sciences/Ocean Affairs Board.
June 1973 (Boulder)-Working Meeting of POLEX Panel.
August 1973 (Fairbanks) - Symposium on Arctic Climate and
discussions between Professor Borisenkov and U.S. POLEX Panel.
November'19731(Tucson) - Adoption by POLEX Panel of draft scientific
plan for POLEX North (discussion of POLEX South draft).
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December 1973 (Leningrad) - GARP-JOC sponsored meeting to develop
an approved international plan for POLEX North.
January 1974 (Melbourne) - IAMAP and GARP-JOC sponsored meeting to
develop an approved international plan for POLEX South.
June 1974 (Leningrad) - Review of POLEX Plans at meeting of
US-USSR Working Group for Area VIII to Identify "detailed
program of cooperation".
July 1974 (Stockholm) - Submit POLEX plans to GARP-JOC planning
conference on GARP-2 "physical basis of climate".
1975-76 - AIDJEX Field Program '
May 1973 - Visit of Soviet specialists to U.S. polar research
centers. (Invitation extended by Russell Train during visit
to Yakutsk in September 1972).
Andre Kapitsa, President Far East Division, Academy of Sciences
I.P. Melnikov, Director, Permafrost Research Institute, Yakutsk
F.E. Are, Assistant Director, Permafrost Research Institute,
August 1973 - Visit by Professor E.P. Borisenkov to Climate
Conference in Alaska and U.S. polar research centers.
September 1973 (Leningrad) - Planning meeting for
International Antarctic Glaciological Project.
December 1973 - Start of US-Soviet cooperative program in
Antarctic meteorology with Phase I: Comparison of U.S.
radiation instruments with Soviet equipment at Vostok
February-December 1973 - Antarctic Winter over scientists:
Meteorologist Dr. Leonid Zhdanov at McMurdo and geologist
Ed Grew at Molodezhnaya.
February - December 1974 - Geologist Dr. Sergei Abakumov at McMurdo
and Robert Flint at Vostok.
December 1973 - Three week visit to McMurdo area by 4 Soviet
scientists from Vostok (transport by U.S. LC-130 in
connection with delivery of U.S. exchange scientist
and equipment).
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February 1974 - Preparation of U.S. aircraft fuel cache at
Vostok for later use in IAGP.
December, January, February,
March, April (annually) - Relay of U.S. satellite ice
observations to Soviet antarctic resupply ships.
Proposed Cooperation during First Half 1974
15 April - 15 July - First Working Visit of U.S. polar specialist
(S.M. Olenicoff to Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Research
Institute, Leningrad).
? ? - First Working Visit of Soviet polar specialist
( to AIDJEX Project, University of Washington,
71osepf 0. Fletcher
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6.: CIA-RDP79'-00798A001000$y0019-0
A'Sz 1:1-M GTCN-
To :
Amembassy Moscow (Dr. Tech)
For transmission to Hydromet as
promised in Train--Fedorov letter
on Climate project. ,.
cc: CEQ: Dr. Talbot
EPA: Mr. Strother
DOI: Mr. Baysinger
Dr. Skoog
State: Mr. Kulick
L,.-?"Mr. . Pardon
Jack Perry
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