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ed For Reftse 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00>A000800030014-2.~~ UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION A :1 NC`! R DEC 1. 8 1974 OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM FOR RAY PARDON Office of Soviet Union Affairs Department of State SUBJECT: Protocol of the Second meeting of the Clean Fuels Subgroup of the US/USSR Stationary Source Air Pollution Control Technology Working Group The enclosed subject Protocol is being transmitted to you for your information. The agreement is the result of the Clean Fuels Task Force meeting of the US/USSR Stationary Source Air Pollution Control Technology Working Group. Margaret J. Stasikowski Technical Assistant Air Pollution Control Division Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 Approved For Release 20N/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798AO0 0030014-2 u JAiv 1915 Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 p . se 2000108/.4.6.: CIA-tAP79-00 Q.0080003001roved.ForRe.I :4-2 P R...O.1 O' C 'o of the Second meeting of the Clean Fuels Subgroup of the US/USSR Stationary Source Air Pollution Control Technology Working Group. In accordance with the protocols of the second meeting of the US/USSR Working Group on Stationary Source Air. Pollution Control Technology signed in Washington, D. C. on April 25, 1974, and the protocol of the Particulate Abatement Technology and Process Modification and Improvement subgroups signed in Moscow on October 25, 1974, meetings were held in the USA between the US and USSR delegations during December 1-13, 1974. The U. S..delegation was headed by Mr. T. K. Janes, Chief of the Fuel Process Section, Control Systems Laboratory, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. The USSR delegation was headed by Mr. V. M. Mas.lennikov, Laboratory Chief, Institute of High Temperature, USSR Academy of Sciences. Participants of these discussions are listed in Appendix 1. The Soviet side was accorded an opportunity to visit several U. S. organizations working in the areas of Pollution Control of the environment by processes such as fuel gasification, liquefaction, fuel gas cleaning, oil demetallization, coal preparation, and advance systems for generating electrical energy from coal and oil. The Soviet delegation consisted of representatives from the USSR Academy of Sciences, USSR Ministry of Petroleum Refining Industry and USSR Ministry of Coal Industry. The air pollution impact and control technology topics under discussion were related to: Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 Approved For Re se 2000/09/06 : CIA-R P79-OONMAOOO8OOO3OO14-2 A-7 Demetallization Pretreatr:.ent, for Ilydroclesulfur.ization of Heavy Residual Oils yv' B-5 Gasification of Coal and, Oil and Cleaning of Fuel Gases for Power Generation B-6 Production of Liquid Fuels from Coal and Mixtures of Coal-Oil B-7 Improvement of Equipment and Technology for Coal Enrichment B-l0 Development of Cormnon Methodology for Comparing the Economics of Various Processes for Hydrodesulfurization of Heavy ? Petroleum Stock B-il Power generation plant with combined cycle based on gasification of Coal and 0.1 B-12 Gas Cleaning Systems for Coal and Oil Gasification Systems B-1 Design and. Operations of Industrial Coal and'Oil Combined, Cycle Plants. A list of facilities visited is attached in Appendix 2. The detailed schedule and work plan for project A-7 identified in the 2nd protocol for the "Demetallization Pretreatment for'llydrodesulfurization. of Heavy Residual Oils to Produce Low Sulfur, Low Ash Fuel Oils" were finalized during this meeting. Included in this discussion, would be methods to improve desulfurization of residual oil. The details are given in Appendix 3. After successful completion of the Project, as outlined in the work plan, both sides agreed to discuss prior to the end of 1975 the possibility of additional programs in this area. Approved For Release 2000/09/06: CIA-RDP79-00798AO00800030014-2 -Approved For Reuse 2000/09/06..: CIA-RD.P79-O'98AQQ0.8:0003001:4=2~, The B category projects B-7, B-10, B-11, B-12, and B-13 were reviewed, modified and finalized for submission to the work group for approval. The details of the modified projects are shown in. Appendix 4. The technologies covered under Projects B-5 and B-6 were discussed and the following was agreed. Both sides agreed that the technology covered in B-5 and B-6, gasification of coal and mixtures of coal and oil could not be discussed in detail. Additionally both sides recognized that other US/USSR groups are interested in these areas. however, LL L~, ai.0- that each group would be stressing different aspects of the technology. Details of these projects are shown in Appendix 5. The U. S. side expressed an interest in cooperation in the areas of identification and control of environmental impact from oil shale processing and? slurry. combustion. The U. S. side additionally felt that the situation is quite similar to the above situation on coal gasification and liquification and recommends a similar approach. Both sides recommend that each coordinate with the various groups and interested factors on necessity of having a meeting of experts meeting to further develop possibilities The subgroup recommends these topics be meeting in 1975. Both sides agree that status of work and agreed to the prior to the next working group for cooperation in these areas. discussed at the next working group to increase the. fruitfulness of the cooperation, at the conclusion of each meeting unresolved questions will be formulated and program outlined that would develop the necessary information for discussion at the next meeting. Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 MR. T. K. JANES Head of the U.S. Delegation in the Working Group Chief, Fuel Process Section U. S. Environmental Protection Both sides noted the meetings were conducted in the spirit of friendship, mutual understanding and cooperation. The protocol was signed on December 13, 1974, in Washington, D. C., in Russian and English, both texts being equally authentic. For the U.S.S.R. Delegation Agency .:4. W.. DEURBROUCK Research Supervisor U. S. Bureau of Mines F. ~'. C1~IORA Vice President, Institute of Gas Technology , Senior Research Worker of VNIINP, USSR Ministry of Petroleum Chemistry and Petroleum Refining Industries MR YU. K. VAYL Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 MR. V. M. MASLENNIKOV Head of the USSR Delegation in the Working Group Laboratory Chief of IVT of the USSR Academy of Sciences 4S.,' YE.GORCOV...;. Deputy Director of IOTT, USSR Ministry of Coal Industries Approved FQr elease 2000/09% 6' :'CIA-RDP7 )798A0008,0QQ,30O14-2 . Approved For .Reese 2000109/06.:. CL -RDP79-00`1"A0p:0800'0.30014-2 APPENDIX I Delegates and experts, participants of the 4th working meetings of the US/USSR subgroup on subjects of Clean Fuels U. S. S. R. MR. V. H. MASLEI''INIKOV MR. N.' S." YEGOROV 112- Y..-U..K VAYL U. S. A. MR. T. K. JANES MR. A#, W..DEURI3ROUCK MR. FRANK SCHORA DR. DAVID ARCHER DR. FRED ROBSON DR. R. A. MEYERS MR. G. R. SMITHSON DR. CLARENCE JOHNSON MR. W. J. RHODES Laboratory Chief of IVT of the Academy of Sciences Deputy Director of IOTT of the Ministry of Coal Industries Senior Researcher of VNIINP of the Ministry of Petroleum Industries Chief, Fuel Process Section, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Research `Supervisor p?i ttsburgh "'Research Center, U. '' S. Bu're6u 'of:Miines' Vice President, Institute of Gas Technology Manager of Chemical Engineering, Westinghouse Research Laboratories Chief, Utility Power System, United Aircraft Research Laboratories Manager of Coal Desulfurization, TRW Systems and Energy Manager, Environmental Programs, Battelle Columbus Laboratories Senior Vice President, Hydrocarbon Research, Inc. Project Engineer, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 MR. JAMES KTJ-C,ROC MR. LLOYD LORENZI MR. J. NOTARY MIEZ. J. DRAPER 14R. E. CARROL MR. R. BUZONAS MR. E.t SARAPUKA DR. KAMM DR. B. L. CRYNESS Project Engineer, U. S. Environmental Agency Project Engineer, U. S. Environmental Agency Vice President Heyl, and Patterson' Superintendent, Warwick Preparation Plant Drevo Corporation Superintendent, Banning Preparation Plant Scientist, Illinois Geological Survey President, Oklahoma State University Professor of Chemical Engineering Oklahoma State University Professor of. Enoinoeri.. Oklahoma State University Professor of Mechanical Engineering Oklahoma State University DR. H. J..ALLI.SON DR. R. J. SCHOEPPEL Mrs. Catherine Guilsher - Interpreter Mr. Vladimir Storojen - Interpreter Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 Approved- For Release. 2000/09/06 CIA-RDP79-00798A00080003:0014-2 Facilities Visited by the USSR Delegation 1. Westinghouse Research Laboratories, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2. Bituminous Coal. Research, Inc., Monroeville, Pennsylvania 3. U. S. Bureau of Mines, Morgantown, Pennsylvania 4. U. S. Bureau of Mines, Briceton, Pennsylvania 5. Hydrocarbon Research, Inc., Trenton, New Jersey 6.." Heyl and Patterson, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 7. Duquensne Light Co., Warwick Coal Preparation Plant, Greensboro, Pennsylvania 8. Republic Steel Company, Banning No. 4 Coal Preparation Plant, Van Meter, Pennsylvania 9. Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, Illinois 10. UOP, Des Plaines, Illinois 11. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma 12. City Service Refinery, Lake Charles, Louisiana 13. EPA, Waterside Mall, Washington, D. C. Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 Apprpved.For Rase 2000/09106 GIA-IRDP79-0t 8Ap00800:0300.14-2 Apj~endi x 3 Project A-7: Demetallization Pretreatment for Hydrodesulfurization of Heavy Residual Oils to Produce Low Sulfur, Low Ash Fuel Oils At the meeting, tests and schedules have been discussed for Project A-7. Both sides have agreed that two types of dem6tallization runs will be con- -ducted. The first type is called screening tests and the second type is called long duration runs. The tests to be performed in the United States are shown in Table 1. The tests to be performed in the USSR are shown in Table 2. Also shown are other pertinent data. The conditions are shown in Table 3. The main purpose of the screening tests is to determine if results already available in each Country can be reasonably well reproduced in the other. Country. This will indicate that differences in test equipment,' procedures, and other undefined differences do or do not affect the results. Additionally, these tests provide a relatively inexpensive and timely way of evaluating materials, test and analytical procedures, test conditions, etc., that are unfamiliar to each side. These tests will also provide some background data for use in subsequent long duration tests. The long duration tests are designed to provide sufficient demetallization data on catalyst and oils so that each Country will have a good knowledge of the state-of-the-art in the other Country and the relative advantages and disadvantages of each test combination. The length of the tests was selected with this in mind. Also, the test duration will produce sufficient demetallized feed to allow subsequent desulfurization tests of 20 to 25 days, if the data deinctallization is satisfactory. Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 roves.ror Kelease zvvyiuyiub :'c:iH=KUI-Itl-UUI AUUUt$UUUJUU 14-1 The test run conditions were selected on the basis of each Country's experience with the respective oils. If during screening tests or long duration tests either Country finds that these conditions are unsatisfactory, they will, notify the other Country of the situation and an attempt to arrive at more acceptable test conditions will be made. Upon completion of the screening tests, the results will be exchanged and, if no problems were encountered, only a minimum of data review time will be utilized. After the review, the long duration runs will be initiated. The target test schedules are shown in Table 4 with the actual starting date being mainly determined by receipt of all necessary materials. For each run that is conducted a?series of analyses will be performed as shown in Table 5 and demetallized product samples exchanged. All materials to be exchanged are shown in Tables 6 and 7. After completion of these tests and exchange of data, a final report, that is co-authored by both sides will be prepared. This report will describe the work and results of these investigations. Either during or after the long duration tests further communications regarding additional tests will be entered into. Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 pp;rou~d :F ::R,el a 0OjQB/4f . GjA-.QP-7 .. ,7-_ Tests in the United States I. Screening tests - 100 to 150 hours duration II.' Long Duration Tests Catalyst Oil U.S.S.R. (2% MoO3) U.S.S.R. atmospheric resid 500 hours duration Run No. Catalyst Oil '1 U.S.S.R. (2% t"1o03) U.S.S.R. atmospheric resid 2 U.S.S.R. vacuum resid 3 U.S.A. vacuum resid (Tia Juana) 4 U.S.A. (1% Mo) U.S.S.R. atmospheric resid 5 U.S.S.R. vacuum resid Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 i pr.Qved',FG Re! se OQO/0 /06 CI -RDP79 OO7'9 AO0{~80OO3QO14- : P- W, I.? Screening Tests - 100 to 150 hours duration II. Long Duration Tests Run No. Catalyst Oil U.S.A. (1% Mo) U.S.A. vacuum resid (Tia Juana) U.S.A.-vacuum resid (Gach Saran) - 500 hours duration Cata,l yst Oil U.S.A. (1% MMo) U.S.A. vacuum resid (Tia Juana) It U.S.S.R. vacuum resid U.S.S.R. (2% MoO3) U.S.A. vacuum resid (Tia Juana) U.S.A. (0% Mo) U.S.S.R. atmospheric resid U.S.S.R. (2% MoO3) U.S.A. vacuum resid (each Saran) Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798AO00800030014-2 ;CIA-RDP79-QO A000~00030014= . proved...For Rel s.e 2000/.09/06 Target Test Conditions For aWospheriic: f'esid: Temperature = 400?C Space Velocity = 1.0 Hydrogen partial pressure = 2000 psig (2050 psig total) For vacuum resid: Temperature = 422?C Space Velocity = 0.75 Hydrogen partial pressure = 2000 psig (2050 psig total) Test Equipment: Each Country to use their respective equipment corresponding to approximatej'y a 200 cc reactor Volume of catalyst Approved For Release 2000/09/0,6 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 Approved. For Re se 2000109/06: CIA-RQP79-00 A000800030014-2 Target Schedules Tasks ype of Activity. 1. Transfer of all necessary materials, shipping date 2. Complete screening tests 3. Exchange information on screening "tests 4. Long term tests Duration 'and/or Date January 31, 1975, shipping date 1 month after actual item 1 date 1/2 month after actual item 2 completion After cormpl eti on of it,,-,m 3 initiate approximately 1 test per month. However, July 31 , 1975, is a target completion 5. Complete and exchange draft report 6. Meeting in the U.S.S.R. to discuss drafts, outline of final report and responsibilities In its preparation, and discuss additional tests 7. Prepare final drafts and exchange them 8. Meeting in U.S.A. to prepare co-authored final report and possible articles for publication 9. Conduct communications regarding additional work (demetallization, desulfurization or other tests). 1 month after actual completion .of item 4 1 month after draft exchange of item 5 1 month after meeting of -item 6 1 month after exchange of Final drafts Initiate during or after long term tests depending on test results. Approved For Release 2000/09/06: CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 Approved For ReMse- 2000/09/06 CIA-RDP79-00MA000800030014-2 Table 5 Samples and Analyses I. For All Test Runs I. Samples A. Feed material B. Detnetail.ized product at 50 hours into test run C. Demetallized product at end of test run D. Used catalyst 2. Analyses on oils from 1 above A. Specific gravity B. Metal content (V and Ni) C. Sulfur analysis of liquid products, C4+ D. Sulfur analysis on vacuum distillation fraction IP - 500?C 500?C 3. Analyses on used catalyst A. C % B. S % C. V ppm D. Ni ppm Additional Analyses for Long Duration Tests Bulk density, surface area, pore volume, and pore size distribution on used catalyst and on fresh catalyst Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 Approved For.Rele'e'2000/09/06 :: CIA-RDP79'-007 000800030014-2 U.S.A. Materials to. be sent to the U.S.S.R. I. Screening Tests A. Supply for the runs 1. one drum (55 gallon) of Tia Juana vacuum resl,d 2. one-.half drum of Gach Saran vacuum resid -3. one liter of promoted catalyst (1% Mo) B. Obtained from the tests 1. 20 grams of used catalyst (USSR 2% MoO3) from screening tests 2. one-half liter of dcmetallized product at 50 hours 3. one-half liter of dcmetallized product at end of run II. Long Duration Tests A. Supply for the' runs 1. three drums (55 gallons each) of U.S.A. vacuum resid (Tia Juana) 2. two liters of promoted catalyst (1% Mo) 3. one liter of unpromoted catalyst (0% Mo) 4. one-half drum of U.S.A. vacuum resid (Gash Saran) 5. one drum of U.S.A. vacuum resid (Tia Juana if available alternate Bachaquero) B. 1. 20 grams of used catalyst from each run 2. one-half liter of demetallized product at 50 hours 3. one-half drum of U.S.A. vacuum resid (Cach Saran) Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 Table 7 U.S.S.R. Materials, to be sent to the U.S.A. A. Supply for all runs (total for screening and long duration) 1. three drums (200 liters each) of USSR atmospheric Tesid 2. three drums (200 liters each) of USSR vacuum resid 3. two liters of USSR catalyst (2% MoO3) sized to 20X50 mesh. B. Obtained from the tests 1. 20 grams of used catalyst from each run 2. one-half liter of Cdemiietallized product at 50 hours for each run 3. one-half liter of demetallized product at the end of each run. Approved,For R? ase 200G/O9/06 : *C.IA-RDP79 O 8A00080Y0030Crl4-2. Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 Appro"ved For Rase 2000/09/06 :CIA-RDP7.9-0 98 AOQ0$.0003.00,14:-2 Project B-7: l.mprovC,flent of Ec;uipmcnL and Technology for. Coal Erin ichic::%rit 1. Background In USSR and USA the flotation of coal. is widely developed. However, the trends in development of equipment and technology in both countries have nut been analogous, Research on the desulfurizartion of coal by flotation is also ongoing in both countries. As a result, the flowsheets, equipment, the quality of the finished pro- ducts,'and methods of handling the flotation concentrates and tailings are different in the two countries. 2. Objective i Development of optimum methods for the design of equipment and improved technology of desulfurization of coal. by flotation processes. 3. Scope of Work The following tasks will be performed to achieve the above objectives. .Task I: Exchange of detailed information on the following:, a) Results of research on desulfurization of coal. by flotation. b) Flowsheets, equipment, and quality and quantity indicators of the desulfurizati.on of coal by flotation products including characteristics of raw coal., anxiliary equipment, flotation reagents and methods for handling flotation products. c) Results of research on optimization of flotation equipment. The information and data to be exchanged will be transmitted in the form of concise written reports on flotation equipment design and technology of coal desulfur.i.zation by flotation. Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 Approve Expert, from both countries will meet for evaluation of the inforr;ahi.on received and development of the program for further cooperation. Task III: Experts from both countries will meet to develop a methodology for joint studies and exchange samples of coal, flotation reagents, and technical schemes for desulfurization of coal by froth flotation. 1E. Task I - July 1975 Task II - Third quarter of 1975 we will meet in the USSR Task III - Fourth quarter of 1975 we will meet in the USA Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 Approved, For' P, We se 2000/09/06: C1A-RDP79-0Q7 8A000800030014-2. B-10: Development of Common Methodology for Comparing the Economics of Various Processes for Hydrodcsulffuriza'Lion of Heavy Petroleum Stock 1. Background Discussions were held at VNII NP to define specific opportunities for cooperation in the field of economic evaluation of approaches to sulfur oxide control which are not affected by the proprietary nature of information in the economics of petroleum refining in the U.S. Reports illustrating the general nature of work in respective countries were exchanged. 2. Objective To develop methods for comparing SO2 control process econowd cs i n the US and the USSR. 3.. . Scppe of Wo,r k Task I Both sides will review materials supplied and consider possibilities for joint work. Both sides are to make a discussion and transmit the answer. Task II If cooperative possibilities are identified a meeting between experts from the US and the USSR will take place in the US. If agreement is reached experts will prepare a proposed project for consideration at the Working Group at its next meeting in the first quarter of 1975. 4. Schedule: Task I - January 15, 1974 .Task II Prior to Working Group meeting, Moscow, April 1975. Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 13-?1.1: Power generation plant with combined cycle based on gasi_ficati.on:i ". Apia roved F.or'Re ase 2000/0'9/06.':. CIA-RDP79-00 AOOn*80OO300144-2 I. Background Oil and coal combined--cycle power generation systems are at interest to both the US and the USSR. The purification) of the products of gasification and combustion is of major importance to both long-teem operation of the poser generation system and for environmental protection. ? 2. Objective It is the objective of this effort to jointly select the best integrated gasification, clean up and combined-cycle power plant system and to prepare preliminary designs of these selected combinations which would form the basis for additional effort that could result in the design of a full scale plant. I. Scope of Work Task I Information will be exchanged that would present the best power generation with,combined cycle'concepts in both countries. This information should be concise and conceptual in technical details and will 'include the following: -- Cycle configurations, coal/oil gasification, fuel gas clean up and power generation consisting of flow diagrams, operating parameters and material balances. Configurations will bc identified as either base, intermediate on peak loading type operation s. -- The basis and philosophy behind the design selection will be discussed -- Cost of the electrical and thermal. energy will be presented and consideration will be given to, effects of variations in configuration and in plant capacity on the cost. Since the technology being Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 Approved For Re1ase?2000/09/06 , CIA-RDP79-0d 8A0p0800.03001'4-2'-' presented i s coneenl.ual and prcl. i m:rinary In nature the cost: comparison should be made by iocii.cating effects by percentage decrease or increase in the cost of electrical and thermal energy instead of absolute values. --- To provide for a basis of comparison both sides will present a cost analysis of a conventional coal/oil fired power plant. This plant should include emission control and consist of five (5), 500 megawatts steam power units (540OC, 1.60 atm). -- A concise the-state-of-art of the integrated combined cycle power generation technology in both countries will be prepared. Included will be a list of all combined cycle installations. Task II One month ;after the. exchange of information described in Task. I has been completed, a meeting will be held to discuss the exchanged information. The proceeding discussions and results of this meeting will be presented in a report jointly prepared by both sides and will be published in both countries. Task III Based on the results, information and program defined in Task II, on the best conceptual designs of an integrated oil and coal gasification,'clean up and combined cycle power plants, both sides will conduct engineering studies of these selected (1 or 2 configurations by.each side). The studies would address the technology, economics and operating conditions to a level that would be a basis for an engineering design of a commercial operations. The results of these studies will be exchanged by both sides. Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 One month after the exchanged material has been received, both sides will meet to discuss and review the, information. The result of the enginecr~. evaluation (Task IV) will be used' to identify the best one or two designs for a comnmercial. integrated coal and oil. gasification, clean up and combined cycle power plant. During this meeting , f%irther cooperative effort and programs will be determined. The results of this meeting will be jointly written summarizing the results and recommendations of the group and included in the results from Task I through Task IV. The results of the parametric studies will he used to identify the best one or two conceptual designs for integrated oil gasification, clean up and combined--cycle power plants and the best one or two conceptual designs for integrated coal gasification, clean up and combined cycle plants which would be used as the basis for study for future cooperation. The report will define future work which would fulfill the intent of this project which is to result in the best design of a commercial plant. At that time, the working group will define the future program. 3. Schedule Experts from the US and USSR will meet in the U. S. prior to the third working group meeting. If the project is finalized and approved by the working group, the following tentative schedule is projected: Task I - 4 months Task II - 6 months Task III - 12 months Task IV - 14 months Approved For Re ease-.2000/09106 .: CIA-RDP79-00 8A00080-0.0-30014-2 Task IV,.. Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 Approved For Rel se 2000/09/06: CIA-RDP79-001 Ab008-0003O01'4-2 Both sides feel Lha1_ Task I and 'Cask 17: could be co;;plcted in the first half of 1975, since this work is already being conducted. AddiCion 11y, the develof>;ncnt of the joint reports will. be done concurrently with tl:C studies. Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 pproved. Fnr?-Rel se-2GOQIO9/d6.~. CIA-RDP79-QO AOMiRn 3OO14-2.. 6-12: Gas Cleaning Systems for Coal and Oil Gasific,:i:ion Systems Gas Cleaning Systems for the Coal and the Oil Gasification used in Power Generation Plants. 1. Background Both the US and the USSR are develo;:ing gas cleaning = des ulfun atien and particle removal - systems adapted to use in fuel gasification for power generation plants. These systems produce a clean gaseous fuel either for a steam boiler or for a gas turbine combustor. Various processes produce the fuel gas at temperatures from 500 ?C (900?F) to 1500?C (2700?F) and at pressures from 1 atm to 30 atm. Similarly, various gas cleaning processes operate at temperatures from 60?C (150?F) to 1000?C (1800?F) and at pressures from 1 atm to 30 atm. If a low temperature cleaning system is employed, a meads for cooling the fuel gas is required; means for recovering its thermal energy may also be required. Practical low temperature gas cleaning systems are based on scrubbing with aqueous solutions. High temperature desulfurization based on solid sorbents limestone/dolimite, iron oxide, manganese oxide, etc. - and departicularization based on cyclones and granular filters have been studied in both the US and the USSR. 2. Objectives The objective of the work is to identify the most promising gas cleaning systems for fuel gasification power generation plants and to recommend a program which will complete the development and first full scale operation of such systems. Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 Approved. FQr Rd Vase 2000/09106.:- CIA-RDP79.-00 .8A000,800030014=2. 3. Scope of Work Task I Data to be used jr, the wort; will be asSCMblcd by responsible organizations in the US and the. USSR. Information exchmigcd describing the systems -- flow diagrams operating conditions, material and energy balances, performance, and the state of develop!-,cont., The advantages and d:LS~:I.J nt:~ ges of each system will be discussed. Data would also address the relative economics of each concept. Task II One month after exchanged material has been received, a meeting will be held to discuss the exchanged material. All. material. must be received from both sides one month prior to the meeting. Task III Selection of z preferred or best gas cleaning systems - one for' operation at low temperature and-one for operation at high temperature will be made by the US and by the USSR. These selctions will be made based on estimates of performance and economics. The data and methods for evaluating the systems will be shared, unless previously established proprietary rights prevent such sharing. Both the technology and philosophy of the evaluation process will be discussed. Task IV The results of the work will be presented in a joint final report. This document will not only summarize work accomplished results achieved, and conclusions, reached, it will recommend further studies, laboratory work, pilot plant investigations and demonstration efforts to achieve successful cleaning systems for fuel gasification power plants. Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 pproved.-F.0 r, I p( as ..2000109106.:.:. CIA,-F P79,OO AO0080003001, -2. At the *nc_eting, ha:.,ed on the best high and low temperature cl.e?ui.t. , systems as chosen by each side, the technology, engineering design, economics, measurement technique and status of work will be discussed. Based on the discussions, recommendations will. be made as to further project work. 4. Schedule If project is finalized and approved by the Working Group the following schedule is projected. Task I - 2nd Q 75 Task II - 4th Q 75 Task III 2nd Q 76 Task IV - 4th Q 76 Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800030014-2 Approved For RbWase 2000/09/06 CIA-RDP79-O J8A000800030014-2 `iL 13 t 1 , ) , . ti a l l Opel?'c:i, of : . Ca .l.' or '01.A.- C as ient:.i~I : or ' 1. Background At the present time utility application of coal and oi.l gasification for power generation plants are being considered by investigators in the US and USSR. These plants are now being designed without the aid of mutual couper: