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.Approved For Releaso2000/09/06 : Cl May 19, 1975 1 4ORANDUM. FOR Dr. Richard W. Roberts Director Through, Dr. Z. Ambler Deputy Director From: Edward L. Brady C 13 Associate Director for Xnformation Programs J/! Jack L. Tech 15~ rdationai Bureau of >andard Washington. D.C. 20234 Optical Physics Division Subjects Exchange Visits'with the Soviet Union The general picture that emerges as a result of a'survey conducted among NBS staff members involved in cooperative activities with the USSR under several intergovernmental agreements is that (a) the program is a healthy one with an increasing pace of implementation, (b) the projects are.largely regarded as having medium to very high priority, and (c) individual N:PS project coordinators are generally able to fund the cooperation from other agency support or from their own section funds, except for certain visits that are still highly tentative and that may not be implemented. The total cost of 14 projects currently agreed or foreseen (see attachment) is estimated to be $40,500. This figure includes the cost of visits by 19 NBS staff members to the USSR and by 10 Soviets to NITS over roug,hi.y the next fiscal year. This sum can be broken down into the following categories: Visits by NBS staff to USSR. $13)500 Visits by NBS staff supported by outside agencies. 12,000 .Visits by Soviets to NBS, if on receiving side pays basis. Subtotal 500 $29, 000 More or less agreed visits by NBS staff... Cannot be 4,000 supported by own project funds. For those visits by NESS staff mr,mbers that are not yet agreed upon but that are considered mildly by own possible. Cannot be supported by own projects. *DOC Waiver Letter In ERU. File* 1,-907PA.,VA994,9WW':0 COMMERCE 72 500 X-f 5()0 Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800020003-5 Approved For Relewre 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-0079000800020003-5 page 2 Since outside agencies are paying $12,000 in support of NBS participation, the total cost to NBS for foreseen projects amounts to $28,500. This figure should probably be raised by about 25% for planning purposes: in order to accommodate desirable activities that may be proposed later by new NBS or Soviet initiatives. This sum does not include such items as salaries that would be paid anyway. There are two important items that are not included in the above figure. If NBS enters into a direct exchange relationship with the USSR Academy of Sciences, the cost of perhaps fOSovi~ nptersonnelpattNBby NBS S wouldehao~netQ in the USSR and a similar quota, be factored in. Assuming a receiving side pays basis, this would amount' to roughly an additional $20,000. (So far, 13 NBS staff members have expressed an interest in working for a short term at a Soviet institute.) Also) HUD has indicated a desire to involve NBS expertise in implementing the Agreement on Cooperation in the Fields of Housing and other Construc- tion. It is to be expected, however, that HUD would provide most of the funding for such involvement, just as ERDA now does for NBS participation in-the Energy Agreement. . . As a ballpark figure, therefore, the total cost to NBS for its involve- ment in joint activities with the USSR will almost certainly not exceed $50,000 per year. cc: A. 0. McCoubrey H. S. Peiser B. W. Birmingham Executive Board ,JLTech/dea/May 21; 1975 Coordinated with Dr. Brady Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800020003-5