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ed?For Release 20/09/06: CIA-RDP79-00798A0005001 &3-7 Department o State Date: June 12, 1974 PAr.E 01 MOSCOW 01460 05113OZ AC, "ION VOE.~U TNFO OCT-0 EUR f 6, 1SO-00 CIAE-00 FBIEwOO TNSE-00 "AE-00 USTAw15 SCI-06 CU-04 NSF-k.14 NAS-01 /037 r _ .._...._.__ _t R 05092,17 JUN 74 FM AMLMbASSY MOSCOW TU SECSTATE WASHOC 9454 checks have Fang 11652 N/A TAr;Sl CVIS UP SURJv VISAS; 60VIETS TO INDUSTRIAL SCIENCk POLICY CONFERENCE SKLYAROV GROUP VISAS DONKEY DOTS CHIPMUNK SPLEX, It TD JUNE 16. S.1'AY 12 DAYS, 7, TO SOVIET-AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON PROBLEMS OF INDUSTRIAL SC's" NCE POLICY, AT INVITATION INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ?NSTITUTE, INC., 100 PARK AVE,, SUITE 2209, NYP 10017, TEL. P242) 683-7626, HERBERT I. VU FELD. 3. CtfEREMKHTNA, NAILA RUS T AMOVNA, 25 NOV 1934, BAKU,. SR. FNnINEEK OF STATE COMMITTEE OF USSR COUNCIL OF MINISTERS ON SCIENCE ANn TECHNOLOGY. 4, FILATUV, OLEG VEASSILIYEVICH, 7 JAN 1926, LENINGRAD, GENERAL, rIPEC1`CK OF LENINGRAD ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MAKING COMBINE SVt i LANA, 5o LARICHEV, OLG IVANOVICH, 20 SEPT 1934, 8RYANSK. CHIEF OF LAPS, OF MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS INST OF USSR MINISTRY DF INSTRUM-'ri T MAKINGS AUTOMATION AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, A. MASLENNIKOV, VLADIMIR IVANOVICH, 14 DEC 1929, KIROVOGRAO, SR,,' RESt.;.ARCHEI OF LISA INSTF, OF USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 7, NFMCHTNOV, SERGEY VALENTINOVICH, 11 MARCH 19228 VORONEZH9 DEPUTY CHIEF OF SCIENTIFIC-ORGANIZATIONAL SECT. OF PR SIJUM UL US: P State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file Approved For Release 2000/09/0% ,,9 Allis[ P (0798A00050O120003-7 -APpTh\edFor Release 00/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000500~003-7 AFB ~Q--~,~~;11 (~,,~~ l .? d{~? (I on V eT-_--- ^! P UNCLASSIFIED Department of State PARE 02 MOSCOW 08460 ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. R4 SKLYAROV, YEVGINIY IVANOVICHP CEPTQ CHIEF OF STATE COMMITTEE OF ON SCIENCk AND TECHNOLOGY, 22 AUG 1910, USSR COUNCIL ORUZHONIKX02 OF MjNIS T E;;S 9.6 YEFIMUVp KONSTANTIN ALEKSEYEVICH, IJUNE 19129 KOLOMMAe, LHXfr OF USSR STATE PLANNING COMMITTEE. STnESSEL 1.0. E. New York or Washington D. C. During, Stay: June /July 12 days Sponsor See para 2 or National Science Foundation, Dr. Hy Lyon, 29793 Note; Preliminary Itinerary attached `STATI NTL Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000500120003-7 UNCLASSIFIED n,+C.~iI iS rte, v+nrsa, +nw. T - ~gnp~ Ne OFFI @# 183 PROHIBITED RSON/UNIT NOTIFIEDApproyed For Rel ~06/(J9/d6 ACIA-I~DF~79j-0B7~8A~0illij01f 0rcnrwVrs i RF. FILE VR 5J TION # F ~ 0 f C (2 24 I"IG 3/ i /CG~3 T 166727 EIA330 TOR=052044i JUN 74 P 0516061 JUN 74 FM AMEMBASSY MOSCOW TO SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 9494 BT C 0 N F I D E N T I A L LIMITED OFFICIAL USE MOSCOW 8525 REF; STATE if/j;915 FOR SCI E,0, 11652: N/A TAGSg TGEN UP SUBJo S&T AGPEEMENT8 SCIENCE POLICY 1e VISAS CABLL SENT RODAY FOR SKLYAROV GROUP, 21 CHEREMKINA OF SCSI TOLD US INFORMALLY THAT DELAY IN TRANSIMTTING SOVIET PROPOSALS IN FOUR TOPICS IN FIELD OF SCIENCE POLICY IS RESULT OF EXTENSIVE REVNEW Or SOVET PROPOSALS THAT WAS UNDERTAKEN ON MASTS OF UIeSo PROPOSALS ALREADY RECEIVED, ALTHOUGH IILIPPOV AND OTHER MATERIAL WAS READY 6ARLIUR, AFTER ~~ECEIVING U,S0 PORPOSALS SKLYAROV DECIDED NOTHING SHOULD BE SENT UNTIL U0S. PROPOSALS HAD DEENEXAMINED AND TAXEN INTO ACCOUNT IN SOVIET PROPOSALS AS NECESSARY, THIS SCENARIO AGAIN POINTS UP DESIRABILITY OF ARRANGING SIMULTANEOUS, REEL CIPROCAL EXCANGE OF SUCH DOCUMENTS WHENEVER POSSIBLE IN ORDER TO HEAD OFF EXTENDED DELAYS. 3o CHEREMKINA JUNE 5 TOLD US THAT SOVIET MATERIAL WILL PROBABLY BE READY BY JUNE 7, AT SAME TIME, SHE ENQUIRED WHETHER PROGRAM OF VISIT OF SKLYAROV GROUP HAD BEEN FIRMED UP WITH RESPECT TO SPECIFIC ITINERARY AND FACULITY VSITS, (SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR SITE VISIYS WERE INCLUDED IN SKLYAROV?FUSFELD TELEX OF MAY 23,) IF DETAILED PROGRAM OF VISIT IS AVAILABLE, WE WOULD APPRECIATE BET%u INFORMED BEFORE JUNE 7 SO THAT WE MIGHT TRANSMTT PROGRAM TO SCSI AT SAME TIME WE RECEIVE MATERIAL FOR BECKLER,STOESSEL C O N F I D E N T I A L Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000500120003-7 RESEARCH lNrl~P,Fo . INC. ~"'' Telephone: (222) 633-7626 09/0 C - DP79-00798A00050012&3-7 Cable : IRINYINC NEW YOi Founded 1938 a Under Auspices of National Research Council April 24, 1974 RD OF DIRECTORS nidcnt 1973.74 F,RBERT I. I'USFELD rector of Research nnecott Copper Corporation (or Vice President BRUCE HANNAY cc Pres., Res. and Patents ell Laboratories President 1THUR M. BUECHE ce President, Res. and Dev. Hera! Electric Company arI President ALTER L. ABEL Ice Pres. and Dir. of Res. S 1.1 Corporation BLICKWEDE Pres. and Dir. of Res. lebem Steel Corporation ? IRED E. BROWN Ident snese Research Company II, F. CIIENEA Pres., Res. Labs oral Motors Corporation ERT P. e=RI.BER Pros. & Dir. R&D Div. General Tire & Rubber Co. :1:s 11. -11 4CI:FT'r President, Tech. Dir. as-111inois, Inc. L V. HAKAL A ident Research & Eng. Company NK H. IIEALEY President Ices. and Dev. r Brother's Company RGE Ii.. rmm,.S President, Res. & Dec. Gates Rubber Company RED H. NISSAN Pres. and Corp. Res. Dir. tvaco Corporation L M. PITTS, JR. Pres. & Mgr. Res. & Eng. O Chemical Company ON M. SAI,SBUItY ctor, Chem. Res. Div. rlcan Cyanamid Company -TE C. TIIRODAHL President, Technology Santo Company AS Dr. E. Sklyarov Head, Science Management Dept. State Committee for Science & Technology 11 Groky Street Moscow, U.S.S.R. Dear Mr. Sklyarov, I was pleased to receive yourletter of April 12 and I would like to review some of the points in it in more detail. First let' me recommend an itinerary that will accommodate your .several interests. Since you and your delegation will be arriving in New York on June 16, we will make arrangements for visits to laboratories of interest to you in the New York area. These visits will be arranged for June 17 and June 18. The delegation will then go to Washington on June 19 for any discussion you may wish to have there with the U.. S. members of the Science Policy Study. Our two day conference will then take place in Washington on June 20 and June 21. You could plan to travel to California on Saturday, June 22. Your letter requested visits to both TRW and to Stanford University. As you know, TRW is near Los Angeles while Stanford University is near San Francisco. We can certainly make the arrangements but it would mean additional travel on your part. You could leave Califor-. nia (either Los Angeles or San Francisco) on June 25 at about 4:00 P1'I and arrive in New York shortly after midnight.. This would permit you to leave New York on the evening of June 26 for your flight to the Soviet Union If you feel that visits to both Los Angeles and San Francisco might be too tiring, we would arrange for visits to both Stanford University and some industrial laboratories in the San Francisco area and omit Los Angeles. However, we will certainly be pleased to try to make the arrangeme ris you request. if the extra travelling will not be too much. oS 1 CG ('-he subject matters you suggested for our conference are certainly O?.4?' Se, acceptable. We will, therefore, have four sessions, one for each --640- e.R--S of the three subjects you had suggested, and then a final session for ,ctary-Trrasurer' IRON W. MCI.RIDE native Director, 1.R.I. Park Avenue. Suite 2Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-60798A000500120003-7 cork, New York 10017 Approved For Release 209/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A0005001 03-7 review and consideration of other topics. It is our intention to have speakers from the U. S. present one or two case examples in each of the three subject areas. I assume that members of your delegation will be prepared to do the same. I suggest that the U. S. and the U.S.S.R. 's formal presentations both be relatively short, with each' .side limited to two examples of about twenty minutes each. This would mean that the formal presentation at each session would last for approximately an hour and a half. There would then be an addi- tional hour and a half for questions and discussion on the subject matter for that session. The fourth session would summarize the preceding discussion in order to determine which case studies would be most appropriate for inclusion into the work of the Science Policy Study Group. This fourth session would also consider other subject areas that might be of additional interest for your Study Group. Presumably the results of the two day conference would be to agree on specific case studies, either from those presentations at the conference or from others that may be recommended during the conference, which will be the basis for the work of the subcommittee headed by yourself and Dr. Heffner. I assume that Mr. Gurkin will be arranging your hotel reservation in New York. If you need any help .in reservations anywhere else, either Washington or California., please let us know. I look forward to seeing you shortly. Best regards. Sincerely, .ii Herbert I. Fusfeld cc: D. Beckler bc: H. Pollack P.C. White H. Heffner J. Tech T. R. Hopkins G. Gurkin O.H..Ganley J.K.. Bragg G. W. McBride on Approved For Release 2000/"H".: C - 9-00798A00 5 N.C. 120 -Ir Robertson R. Drew I'OCYj1,APCTBEHHbTH KOMHTET STATE COMMITTEE COBETA M4If1I2CTPOB CCCP OF USSR COUNCIL OF MINISTERS . r -,o fo\wc i}. gase 209/06: CIA-RDP79-00798AOWRO FJ AND TECHNOLOGY 11, GORKY STREET, MOSCOW. TEL. 229-22-36 Dr. Herbert Ib Fusfeld Director of Research Kennecott Copper Corporation 161 East 42-nd Street New York, N.Y. 10017 Dear Dr. Fusfeld: RECEIVED APR 2;& 1974 H. 1. F. April; I , 1974 I must begin this with regrets for the delay in writing. It took time to agree the topics for the conference with the speakers. We would suggest the topics for presentation as follows: 1. Increasing productivity of R & D 2. Transfer of research from academic institutions to ministries in USSR or from universities to industry in U.S. 3. Transfer of research from laboratories to production Furthermore we could discuss procedures for coordinating large R & D programs informally. I am planning to lead our delegation of seven membersp their names will be provided in the nearest future.. As to specific requests we would be interested to visit R 8: D centers of such companies as Bell Telephone Laboratories, RCA, TRW Systems and Stanford University. I am certain any itine- rary you prerare will be most informative and fruitful. In accord with your suggestion we plan to arrive in New York, Sunday, June 16, 1974 so that we could start our sessions in Washington on June 18.Our visit is scheduled for ten days-;till June 26. I will contact you immediately after all the. details of our visit have been clarified Looking forward to our visit, and to seeing you again. With best regards, Sincerely, Approved For Release 2000/09/06: CIA-RDP79-00798A0005001200031? S1L1 yathe ead of the Sc-!ce janagement Deparftm e1 Approved ADMIN INTERNA-C-US ?_ F FILE ~-'i~l OC/l f S xi bb I (sa-s 2- N F ONe ()2g (Z I& I L C 0 REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN ISSUING OPPI$E IS PROHIBITED STATE MESSAGE