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December 9, 2016
Document Release Date:
July 19, 2000
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Publication Date:
July 10, 1973
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CIA-RDP79-00798A000300020027-4.pdf | 117.25 KB |
Approved For Release-2000/08/31 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300.Q20027-4
~~ r nl 1
Ulrich Mort-,
i:r I S r ICES DEPERrb?F I,t
.1111Y 10, 1973
Professor 0. V. Krylov
Institute of Chemical Physics
Academy of Sciences, USSR
Vorobjevskoye Shaussee, 2-B
Moscow, 117334, USSR
P. 0. Drawer 203B
Pittsburgh, PA 15230
) I , r~- ~,6& , e),$ I
Dear Oleg
-1,; 1:0 acknow1ecdC;cv r?ecc'ipt of your 1Mtler of June 22, 1973
win ch I rec(,i.vrd From Prof c:;;:rlr 1fr111)crn today. frc:;vnt y, 1 ttm tryln}, to
vonLael: my coil cai;ytvs to (I c:L erinf nn wllcLivr H10
d.'I Lc E; sut ltc r;t c cl (;1(i ~11rf;u t
L02 ;;c>pl. c'?ml,cr) rirc feasible. Iii is I.; provin?:, clif[ic?rtl I. as M. Itoudart is
not in thy IIS, and others are on ,vacat i,on. I will. write you again at the
earliest possible date, hopefully to confirm these datcs.
cc: Johyr D. I1,aldcscliwiel. cr
Thomas DeWitt
George Keulks
John Turkevich
Richard Kokes
Michel Boudart_
We Keith I1a1.1.
Since'rcly yours,
W. Kei.LII IIrr11
State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file
Approved For Release 2000/08/31 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300020027-4
With kindest personal regards, `f am
Approved For Release 2000/0101311 C1P RIDP79-0U798AQ 0300020027-4
I i)"1111 hiii COB UT [10
Kit fiiJI 1 3~'
11f)Lt CCICI(1111 \11,11 k1ICI) ICXIR)J1U1'II'I&'CkII?i II (7)IIOJI0FII?ICCI lix? liayii.
A1orx11;,, 111M, Jlr,i,uu?,cni'i
Iii,m,r,yr opr,umri,c.,ui1 xu+,r,, All (":I'll
I '?'_r _,' Z____.
Dear Dr. 11011,
19/7 _j e,
:L received your l.e: L for of 'j ]flay 1 9'J3 with a b:ig delay.
At: the present time I comrrrun:Lcatud with the poosible 'oviet
participants of the program. Your proposal concerning a
meeting in the end of August or in the beginning of Septeml
is suitable for,most of the participants. The most conveni?
time for the arrival of the American scientists is the woes
before the Con1'e1rk.ncc on molecular sieves in Zurich, i. e. ,
from 2(3 August; to 2 3e'pt;orrkbc r. Professors Boreskov, Kazans
blinachov, Griaznov, Gor?okhovatskii and others promised to
at this time in Moscow. At the same time it. will be possib
to visit some laboratories in Moscow.
I think, that if all the American scientists mentione
by you will come, we can come to an agreement concerning
all the details of the joint program, including exchange o
samples, number_ of students and duration and dates of mutu
forms of exchaxnf;e of rnat rials.
The most probable time of my sullener vacations is from
20 July till 25 August. 'T'herefore I should be very gratefu
to you if you would reply to me before this time.
With my best regards.
-An 11,6
Hpprovea i-or rceieasF zuuuiutsizi : c:IA-KUrry-UUfyt$AUUUJUyU.1UU1/-4