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^ . UN?LA S FI EDAppro W F (K .4 se 2002/05/02 : CIA 6460070006- ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: EXTENSION NO. DDP/ Publ ica t io ns 1-A-14 Headquarters 7275 DATE 26 October 1964 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and buildin ) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom g RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) SSA DDS 7-D-14 H9 25X This xer ee? Book _ ~------ 2. Dispatch 4564. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. A v%r2.mrj Pr%r P LIpmqp 9 ~0910511111 ~ - r.IA-R~ 12;E9-nnct'IgAnnnlnnn;toooG a FORM 610 USEDITIONSUS CONFIDENTIAL ^ USE E ONLY ^ UNCLASSIFIED 3-62 uIN L~CSSIFIED - - - SECRET CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS I Exec Asst to D/Pers ,~-Ll- 2 /J.t - -r aa' ; y J Jam' 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: y~ln~iG~GG"ri/ &6S7 FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE V 1119 N 01 (40) U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1961 0-587282 WILLIAM S. HULTS COMMISSIONER ELLIS T. RIKER ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR August 21, 1964 Mr. Emmett D. Echols, Director of Personnel, Central Intelligence Agency, Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Echols : ARNOLD W. WISE COUNSEL This is in reply to your recent letter concerning in-transit permits. The statute providing for such permits became effective on July 1, 1964. These permits must be applied for, in person, by the owner of the vehicle or some one having a power of attorney from him. Normally, only about ten minutes should be required to obtain a permit. Additional information that you requested will be found, I believe, in the following annexed material: 1. A copy of the form which is used in obtaining the permit; 2. A pamphlet concerning the importing of cars; and 3. A press release which deals, in part, with in- transit permits. Very truly yours, WILLIAM S. HULTS Commissioner of Motor Vehicles By Arnold W. Wise Counsel Approv 'For Release 0 /Q ': W [ 639A000100070006-0 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES OFFICE OF THE COUNSEL 504 CENTRAL AVE., ALBANY, N. Y. 12206 Albany T.I 438-4521 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100070006-0 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100070006-0 IN-TRANSIT TEMPORARY VEHICLE DIESEL E HO. YEAR STATE one accident. (3) No previovs.application has Seen made for an In-Transit PERMIT NO. 0000 EMPLOY EUSINE55 ADDRE55 USE BLUE OR BLACK INK MALE FEMALE C3 11 MALE FEMALE o o WEIGHT PARE 2 IN-TRAJSIPT' TEMPORARY VEHICLE PERMIT l orn~r, give titb Siva-tome in fu11. If "Ad. EXPIRES 30 DAYS F M DATE ISSUED PERMIT NO. 0000 STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES Do Not Write in Above Space PART 3 NO. 4C) DATE E. ISSUED ~ I"yIVR USE ON A VEHICLE DELIVERED IN NEW YORK STATE FOR TRANSPORTATION TO A JURISDICTION OTHER THAN NEW YORK STATE EXPIRES 30 DAYS FROM DATE ISSUED STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES IN-TRANSIT TEMPiRY -VEHICLE PERMIT Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100070006-0 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100070006-0 HOW TO MAKE PAYMENT Make fee payable to the "Commissioner of Motor Vehicles". Postage stamps are NOT acceptable. SIGNATURE 1. Parts I and 2 of this application must be signed. 2. A married woman must sign her own first name. 3. If vehicle is owned by a corporation,. the ? application must be signed by an officer of fhe corporation or a person authorized by a power of attorney. 4. It the business is operated under an assumed or trade name, this name should not be shown on the application, only the name of the owner(s) should be shown. INSTRUCTIONS LUIREMENTS FOR PERMIT 'INSURANCE '? ' Yoe are raalehed to hate a liability policy of insurance or bond in effect in the amounts of at least $10,000-$20,000 for injury or death and $3,000 for damage to property in any one accident for the described vehicle in order to avoid the possibfiity of any acf:on relative to your privilege of operating and/or operation of motor vehicle in this state. PURPOSE I. Application form completed and signed. 2. Fee payable to the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, 3. Proof of ownership for the vehicle as in- dicated below, which is to be returned to applicant. o. New York State registration renewal stub properly executed by former' owner. b. New York State Dealer's Certificate of Sale (Form MV-S0). c. Notarized Bill of Sale from out-of-state dealer with certification of the dealer by the Motor Vehicle authority of that state. d. Any other acceptable proof of owner- ship. THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRANSPORTING VEHICLE 4TSCRIBED TO A JURISDICTION OTHER THAN THIS STATE POE REGISTRATION. WARNING THE OPERATION OF THE VEHICLE DE- SCRIBED ON THE REVERSE SIDE WITHOUT ADEQUATE LIABILITY INSURANCE WILL SUBJECT THE OWNER AND/OR OPERA- TOR TO THE COMPULSORY INSURANCE STATUTE BY REVOCATION OF THE PRIVI- LEGE OF OPERATING AND/OR OPERA. TION FOR A ONE YEAR PERIOD. 1. PERMIT MLk BE DISPLAYED BY TAPING ON INSIDE OF REAR WINDOW, AND SUCH DISPLAY IS HEREBY AUTHOR- IZED. 2. IF VEHICLE HAS NO REAR WINDOW, PERMIT MAY BE DISPLAYED ON WINDOW OF DRIVER'S SIDE. 3. PERMIT MUST NOT BE DISPLAYED ON WINDSHIELD. 4. THIS PERMIT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AS PROOF OF OWNER- SHIP OF THE VEHICLE FOR REGISTRATION PURPOSES AND IS NOT RENEWABLE OR TRANSFERABLE. William S. Hults Commissioner Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100070006-0 Approve'or Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-0 39A000100070006-0 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES Wi 1 am S. Hults, Commissioner From: Office of Public Information (39) William R. Eckhof, Director Phone: Code 518, 43.8-4521, Ext. 303 Release in morning newspapers of Monday, June 15, 1964......... Albany, June 15.-- Two new laws, one dealing with vehicle registration and the other with television in automobiles, become effective July 1, Motor Vehicle Commissioner William S. Hults reminded motorists today. The registration change is designed to assist out-of-state motorists who buy cars in New York or overseas and must drive over New. York State highways to take them home and register them. Beginning July 1, Motor Vehicle offices throughout the state will offer them "in-transit permits" at a $5 fee. This allows an. out-of-state. owner to drive the car up to 30 days enroute to the state where the vehicle is to be regularly registered. Many other states have such systemso This change in the law, Commissioner Hults said, has long been sought and will overcome many difficulties and inconveniences encountered up to now. The law is especially beneficial, he said, to people who bring foreign cars back to the United States and want to take them, for instance, to Minnesota to register them. In the past, they would have had,; #uake arrangements far in advance with authorities in Minnesota so their plates would be waiting for them in New York. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100070006-0 Approvecor Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-039A000100070006-0 _2- The permit takes the physical form of a three by four- and-a-half inch sticker and a certificate. The sticker, on which large numbers are printed, is to be attached inside the rear window of the car, but no registration plate is then necessary. Another change in the Vehicle and Traffic Law permits installation of television sets in automobiles provided the screen is not visible to the driver. Previously, television sets had been banned completely in automobiles. The new law conforms to nationally- recommended standards. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 CIA-RDP79-00639A000100070006-0 1 Approved For Release;2002105/02 : CIA-RDP,". 639A0001-0007006-0 C~Jv R- v t E 1 O I a,R IRCH.A,~E ::-1g1n o ~.e I1L _ CLU'C`. I, or a prey c1s rigils r,o:i:iri 011.:1:l_ Le. For =1 a st-ria.nt.d c&i- 1 , , , , t .ir }...,, 1c ''T-1 -d c1', - a;iI - (' t ~ I t rn t1 al f eg1 tr ii: i `.iiuc)e VOL N111 OCed e r jf i,,I._: 1-c ir:[n,cnl ~_( OTCs tkof ' oil (:,I t) all do-uinent clinr'orilu,g? the n uke t',pe, u,e'-tti cii.. )n 111Ln1')er e1C'.. of file IIIJI)+t al III V"?)UI' (7 1011 111G 1101 t'LL ,e t.i Jil a till tit- cal 'vFle it is in d J Si.t. This inicarmation is L. ue recoirect on the ;tluplioa:i~_~n ,I-;d i ' t l)L1 ;:l r,ait lirt.,,al of the vehicle t lbtain it, you Iraq experience delay. The plate transaction, if you come properl% prepared with these documents and information, slxould take only a few ii notes and. with the pa",rnerlt of the registration fee, yet lye ceuablc~d to drive the car away. Many .~merican tourists, l1aonlllg on a l.ri` iilg 'holiday over- seas, make arrangements with representatives of foreign car manu- tacturers in the United States to purchase c?Irs and take, delivery at their point of debarkation. Many companies will re-purchase the cars a~: the conclusion of' the tourist's stay. Others lease vehicles for that period of time. But many of the purchasers ship their cars hack 'io the Lnited States. This pamphlet is designed to explain therocedure those own- ers must follow when their cars arrive at the Port of New York or when they, are driven into or thrcugh the State from Canadian seaports. NEW YORK STATE RESIDENTS If you are a resident of mot-, you crust obtain New York 3 registration and number platy s an_!. install them before you are dr' e the car from the pier Jr enter the State. iv -11 d t RESIDENTS OF OTHER STATES o owe :foreign number (also known as license) plates are not legal you reside in a State other than New York, you must instal in New York unless the owner is a bona fide resident of the country =istration plates on your vehicle before you leave the pier ix which issued the plates here on a visit just as you were while rrter the State. European plates are not valid here unless you arc: touring overseas. a permanent resident of Europe here on a visit. There are five offices of the Department of Motor Vehicles in There are two courses you may follow: New York City wh:;re the plates are easily obtainable: 15o Worth 1 - You may attach a number plate from your home State, or k lvtt ,t iMark'+a ~i a.: Af+nr tali 1. 1c ,4; v ni mtiv- cihtHia- tin, i41 pi it and ca c l,Sanhatfar; (1 Rrtrvr+?rrhnrn S+r Br Place, St. George, Staten Island; 2265 East Tremont Avenue, The number plate from New York State. ~orlaut+''`1 le t e t t f th ... .?,.,,,., - u. pe 1?1,. e 111-wannsi Bronx; and 89-01 Sutphin D1vU ^1 [11!, aic a. !'ppl icat1.VIt..i or In applying for the plates, you must present at least two docu- offices of this Department in New York City (se '_4 ^^^~~"- merits along with the application. One provides proof of ownership or from county clerks elsewhere in the State. The permit, d t t h i o en o n and the other is what is known as an FS-1 form from a broker indi-- issued at a cost of $5, is issued only to owners w cating that the vehicle is insured for the minimum coverage of drive their cars through this State to another jurisdiction where it is 11 l/ 1l LU 1 Ilt X11 U, ? -?- u- - _ _ Y,ult,tl t11e ,Ei11TE iii ty Vert co. tI'1 app..) .--~ following: a biii of sale Issue 1 i1y the 111aiufacturel, d Lertilluat(- .1, C Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP70-00639A000100070006-0 Approved For Release' 2,002105/02 : CIA-RDP7D-09639A0001000700 -0 or infcfmatRu, aI~ t for e S at , ii= ~ea~_e ar ne o" ge tr -Iter ' 1~ 1 lc. ac ant ri. tiELW11 ork des not an/excise /tas, on the purcViaie N GENERAL l^ny purchasers of fc,reigi-. ,cars ayo inrac,et therii to this coiLrt.rv are of the mistaken impression that \cr.v Fork Stat, a11o,,Ns a t riad. of grace during which the owner : fl y dri,, e his car under its fore. igl registration and plates. This is definitely not true and such a vehicle is considered to be un-registered -- a violatiovv c,f New York's Vesicle aced ('traffic Law There is only one exception to the rule. Fnite l Stases military personnel who bring their persoiial. Eeh+cles bearing .\rmecl Forces plates back to this country are allowed three days to travel in Niely York State to either their place o: residence +nr their new point of dut- During the three days, :lion; tine date c;,r .u'rioa", they may con- t.iir,ac~ to display plates issued h the_Armed Forces STATE OF NEW YORK NELSON A. ROCKEFELLER, Governor DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES WILLIAM S. HULTS, Commissioner ' [j! State of New York DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES P-3- 4/64) Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100070006-0 Approved F ,Release 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP79-00&N,A000100070006-0 AUTOMOBILES Foreign (passenger-type) automobiles imported into the United States are dutiable at the rate of-2 per cent of the appraised value. kf,% JV (cs Trucks valued at $1,000 or more (each) and motor busses designed for the carriage of more than 10 persons are dutiable at 11 per cent of the appraised value. These rates apply to all countries except certain countries in the Soviet bloc. Everything normally attached to the imported automobile is considered a part of the automobile. However, if a person imports an extra set of parts, such as additional spark plugs, etc., the additional parts would be subject to duty. Extra automobile parts (except those of glass and tires) are subject to a duty of 11 per cent. The only exception is inner tubes, dutiable at 12J per cent. This tax, known as the manufacturers excise tax, is im- posed only at the time of sale of an automobile in the United States and applies to domestic cars as well as to imported ones. Whether an imported vehicle is new or used is immaterial. The tax is 10 per cent of the wholesale price of the automobile and is paid by the importer, producer, or manufacturer after the sale is made. Cars imported for the personal use of the owner are not subject to the tax. The owner may turn in such an imported vehicle on a new car (for his personal use) without payment of the excise tax. Detailed information on the manufacturers excise tax is available from the Office of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Washington 25, D. C. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100070006-0 Approved For DP79-00639ASW100070006-0 The customs value of a used automobile imported into the United States is arrived at from an actual examination of the individual car. Since used automobiles reflect different degrees of wear and tear there are no estab- lished allowances for use or depreciation. The appraisement of a used car depends solely upon the examination; the "cost of production" value for a new car of identical year, make, and model being reduced as the mileage, condition of body, engine, interior, wear on tires, and the like, warrants. The selling price in the country of exportation would be taken into consideration by the appraiser but would not coincide necessarily with the customs appraised value. The prospective selling price in the United States has no bearing on the matter. MECHANICAL AND SAFETY STANDARDS It is not necessary for imported automobiles to meet standards as to safety features, mechanical condition, etc., so far as United States Cus- toms is concerned. A returning resident may import an automobile for his personal or household use if he acquired the car abroad as an incident of the journey from which he is returning. His customs exemption (paragraph l7_3 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended) will not apply if the automobile was ordered by him while in the United States, to be delivered to him in a foreign country, even though he paid for it after his arrival in the foreign country. Such an automobile is dutiable on its entire value at the time of his return. The resident must declare the automobile on his customs baggage declaration at the time of his return to. the United States and may claim either or both of the $200 and $300 exemptions in full. Also, members of his family traveling with him (re- lated by blood, marriage, or adoption), who resided in the same household at their last permanent address in the United States, may apply their ex- emptions toward the car. For example, a father, mother, and two children (each entitled to $200 and $300 exemptions) could apply their aggregate exemptions of $2,000, Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100070006-0 Approved F,QpRelease 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP79-OOb000100070006-0 or a part of this, toward the entry free of duty of the imported automo- bile. The privilege of group exemptions does not apply to persons living in the same household and not related by blood, marriage, or adoption. The automobile must be declared on the customs baggage declaration at its actual purchase price. Due adjustment is made by the customs of- ficer when the purchase price or value differs from the customs value due to depreciation by reason of wear and use. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES RETURNING FROM ASSIGNMENTS ABROAD Under Public Law 126 (84th Congress), any Government employee (or person in the service of the United States) returning home upon the ter- mination of his assignment to extended duty at a post or station outside the customs territory of the United States may be allowed free entry of his personal and household effects, including his automobile. Members of his family residing with him at his foreign post or station also are entitled to free entry of their effects. A person must. be returning from duty of at least 140 days continuous duration to be considered returning from an extended duty assignment. A copy of the Government orders issued prior to the shipment of the effects, showing the person. is returning because of termination of an extended-duty assignment, should be presented to Customs when claim for free entry is made. If a copy of the orders is not avail- able, other evidence must be furnished to establish the requirements of the law. An automobile purchased abroad and sent home be- fore your Government orders are issued, or a car purchased and not in your possession before you leave (merely ordered but not delivered to you) will not be entitled to free entry as a household or personal effect under Pub- lic Law 126. However, you may apply your $200 and $300 customs tourist exemptions (including the exemptions of members of your family traveling with you) to the value of the car, provided you did not order the automo- bile before you left the United States. An automobile may be imported free of duty by a nonresident for his Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100070006-0 Approved For Ralmse 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00639A8QQ00070006-0 personal use, including the transportation of his family and guests. Free entry is allowed whether the nonresident has arrived for a tempo- rary stay or is to remain indefinitely. If the automobile is sold within one year after the date of its arrival, customs duties at the rate in effect at the time of importation must be paid to the collector of customs at the port through which the car was imported. An automobile and its usual equipment may be brought into the United States by a nonresident for a temporary stay to take part in races or other specific contests. If the contests are for other than money purses, the car may be admitted without formal entry or bond for exportation if the collector is satisfied as to the importer's identity and good faith. A certificate identifying the automobile will be issued to the importer by the collector. This form must be delivered with the vehicle to the United States customs officer at the port of departure from the country. Unless the automobile is exported or a bond is given within 90 days after the date of importation, it becomes subject to forfeiture. The bond is taken in the amount of 1-1/4 times the estimated duty of the automobile. Cash may be deposited in lieu of surety on the bond and will he refunded if the vehicle is exported with- in the time limit and under customs supervision. If the automobile is brought in for sale or for sale on approval, entry under bond will not be accepted. TEMPORARY IMPORTATION BOND. An automobile may be brought in under a regular temporary importation bond for alterations or repairs; as a sample for taking orders; for experimental testing, review or study purposes; by illustrators and photographers for use solely as models in their own establishments and as professional equipment, tools of trade, and camping equipment imported for use of nonresidents so- journing temporarily in this country. The length of stay is limited to a total of not to exceed 3 years from the date of importation. A visitor to the United States from a foreign country arriving with an automobile may continue to use his foreign license tag if he has an International Drivers License and the International Emblem Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100070006-0 Approved Foc.2elease 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-006300100070006-0 is attached to the license plate. The International Drivers License is issued for one year and may be renewed while in the United States. Cars brought into the United States by foreign nationals employed in the United States are required to use license tags from the State in the United States in which the owner resides. Ile may use his foreign license tags from the port of arrival in the United States on route to his destination. SHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS Arrangements for shipping the car are made by the importer. He (or his agent for customs purposes) must arrange to be notified by the ship- per or carrier of the date it will arrive at the first port of entry in the United States, in order that he may complete customs clearance under his baggage declaration. Customs officers are prohibited by law from acting as agent or making entries for an importer. Commercial brokers, known as customs brokers, are usually employed by persons who find it impractical. to clear their own shipments or who are unfamiliar with customs procedure. A fee is charged for this purpose. I SALE CF IMPORTED AUTOMOBILE Any person (including a tourist, whether a resident or nonresident) bringing a foreign automobile into the United States with the intention of selling it after arrival must pay a customs duty on the car. A nonresident entering an automobile (Par. 1798(b)(2) TA 1930) may not sell it within one year from the date of its importation without in- curring the obligation to pay duty. A returning resident importing an automobile under his $300 customs exemption (Par. 1798(c)(2)(A) and (B) may not sell the car within 3 years from the date of importation without incurring the obligation to pay duty on the part or value covered by the $300 exemption. There is no restric- tion on the sale of an automobile imported under the $200 customs exemp- tion (Par. 1798). Bureau of Customs Washington, D. C. November 1957 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100070006-0