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Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000Z001100 DI ` Upa is~q
File L
DD/A 76-1775
8 April 1976
FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
John F. Blake
Deputy Director for Administration
DCI Appearances in CT -Sponsored
Courses and Programs
1. The Office of Training recently submitted to
me a list of courses and programs to which the Director
is normally invited to appear.
2. Your time, as I view it, in the next few months
is going to be extremely valuable. Accordingly, I have
annotated the list with the simple word "Yes" or "No".
That annotation is my recommendation to you. If you
accept the advice, I will so inform the Office of Training
and it will be only to the "Yes" entries that your
presence will be sought.
F,, 6
John F. Blake
Original - DCI
1 _ ER
- DID/A. Subject
'~ - DD/A. Chrono
1 JFB Chrono
DD/A:JFBlake:der (8 April 1976)
Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000700110034-5
Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000700110034-5
19 MAR 197hh
03'R Regis
MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Officer, DDA
Deputy Director of Training
SUBJECT DCI Appearances in OTR-Sponsored
Courses and Programs
Attached is a list of courses and programs in which the
Director is normally invited to appear. We have also listed
two courses and two programs in which we believe his appear-
ance would be appropriate. The number of times each course
and program recurs annually is indkcated next' to the event.
y- .I
Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000700110034-5
Approved For Release 2002/05/01 CIA-RDP79-00498A000700110034-5
I. Internal Courses (numbers of runnings) j'Z-~``Llk-
Advanced Intelligence Seminar (3 or 4)
CIA Senior Seminar (2)
CIA: Today and Tomorrow (3)
COS Seminar (3)
Management Seminar (6)
Midcareer Course (5)
Operations Course (2)
Senior Operations Course (4)
II. Recurring External Programs
Foreign Area Officers Course from Ft. Bragg (2)
Visits by National War College, Military
Service College or Industrial College
of the Armed Forces (1)
JCS-DIA Orientation (2)
Junior Foreign Service Officers Course (6)
DIS: Military Attache Course (2)
NSA: National Senior Cryptologic Course (2)
White House Fellows (1)
Senior Seminar in Foreign Policy (1)
Special Orientation of State Department
Employees (ad hoc)
III. * Guest Speaker Program (8)
The Director sometimes meets with the speaker
prior to the presentation in the Auditorium.
Ad hoc it -- I will advise
I. Internal Courses
Intelligence in World Affairs (6)
(Videotaped presentation either in his office
or at a live presentation in one of the
runnings; the tape would then be used in
subsequent runnings of this course and
possibly other basic courses.)
Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000700110034-5
Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000700110034-5
Introduction to CIA and to intelligence as a career
for all new professional employees and for those
advancing from sub-professional to professional
status. Normally limited to 40 students generally
in grades GS-05 to GS-13.
Intelligence Process Course (4) No
Designed to give new professionals a basic
knowledge of the intelligence process and the
interaction between requirements, collection,
analysis and presentation. Special emphasis
on research and presentation methods that make
finished intelligence meaningful to policy
makers. Limited to 20 students, usually in grades
GS-08 to GS-12.
II. External Programs
Brookings Conference for Business Executives *No
on Federal Government Operations (10)
A one-week series of sessions for high-level
executives from all parts of the U.S. The
last event of each Conference is a visit to
the Agency for a luncheon and a briefing.
The briefing has been handled in the past
by one of the Deputy Directors, assisted by
a panel of one senior representative from
each Directorate. The Director might wish
to appear occasionally at the luncheon,
given the relatively high level of the guests.
The group usually consists of 31-32 conferees.
Foreign Service Institute course: "Intelligence No
an Foreign Policy" (1)
Members come from State, AID, USIA, and
occasionally such departments of government
as Library of Congress and General Accounting
Office. We give them a 2-day briefing, the
second day on operations. Mr. Colby has not
met with this group in the recent past but
Mr. Bush may wish to do so. The group
usually consists of about 30 officers.
*Proctor or Duckett handle very well.
Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000700110034-5
Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000700110034-5
DD/A 76-1102
/A Rev" y
File r.t
6 March 1976
MEMORANDUM FOR: :DDA Office Directors
FROM John F. Blake
Deputy Director for Administration
1. As a matter of practice I have been meeting with
DDA attendees of the Midcareer Course subsequent to their
return to duty for the purposes of both getting feedback
on how DDA presentations are received and, additionally,
to elicit any comments made by non-DDA attendees concerning
their perceptions of this Directorate.
2. In general all presentations by DDA officers appear
to be well received. In meeting with the -group that
attended the last Midcareer Course the following points were
a. The class was not particularly
looking forward to the presentations of
Messrs. Yale and Malanick, thinking the
subjects were rather dry and, therefore,
they anticipated a mundane presentation.
The class was proved wrong and both men
were very well received. I have had
similar comments from other groups.
b. The group felt that
did a good job on a very complex subject,
APP and PDP, but admitted to a rather col-
lective lack of interest by the class in
the subject matter. They also felt some
additional time should be given to the other
responsibilities of the Office of Personnel
as opposed to so much time to APP and PDP. STATINTL
c. M:r. I represented the
Office of Security and the class particularly
commented on the uniqueness of the "show and
tell" aspects, i.e., showing the various
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Approved For ReCease 2002/05/01: CIA-RDP79-00498A000700110034-5
d. The Office of Medical Services panel
was well received. Several in the group felt
the words on multiphasic examinations could be
somewhat expanded and, additionally, felt a bit
more on the physical aspects as opposed to the
psychological aspects of the Office of Medical
Services could be developed.
The absence of comments here on other Offices is not to be mis-
interpreted. The group had no specific comments to make.
3. For the benefit of the Office of Training, I record
the following. The group felt consideration might be given
to sending to nominated class members, prior to the course
starting, selected reading material that is now given out and
read during the course. I pointed out that much of this
material is classified and would have to be read on duty time
which might present a problem. I have no particular feelings
one way or the other. I did ask if included in the reading
material was the DDA monograph on history and functions. It
was not made available. I would suggest that maybe it should
be and prior to the DDA presentations. I should think the
presentations would be more meaningful if the booklet had been
read and, perhaps, would allow for the development of more and
better questions by the students.
Original - D/OC
1 - D/OF
1 - D/OJCS
1 - D/OL
1 - D/OMS
1 - D/OP
1 - D/OS
1 - D/OTR
DD/A Subject
1 - DD/A Chrono
1 - JFB Chrono
DD/A:JFBlake:der (6 March 1976)
John F. Blake
Approved For Release 2002/05/01':2 IA-RDP79-00498A000700110034-5
Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA- OA44 700110034-5
M IDRAND M FOR: Deputy Director for Administration
SUBJECT . Request for Approval of Cost of Training
dated 13 December 1972
1. Attached are Requests for Training at a -Agency Facility
for Messrs, to attend the STATINTL
Data Base and Administration course, IBhM, New Ycri, N. Y. from
22 March through 2 April 1976. The estimated cost of the course,
including travel and per diem, is $1,645.00 per employee. Attendance
at this course will provide Messrs. with tec hnicaaTATINTL
training in data base design and administration and enable them to
develop a capability in the development and analysis of data base
2. Although the cost of the training course is in excess of
1,000, we consider this training necessary and in the best i
of the Agency and reconnd your approval in accordance with the
d r
rai 273
ation. 11 appzroved, a Continued Service A reement STATINTL
be 273) will be completed by Messrs.
Director of Joint Computer Support
STATINTL Attachment: a/s
~~' ~'u Y reetc~
DeOuty-Director or n stration
Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000700110034-5
Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000700110034-5
OJCS 230-76
SUBJECT: Messrs. Request
for Approval ot raining
Original - Addrpsec (to be returned to OJCS)
2 - O/D/OJCS
1 - OJCS Admin
1 - OJCS Registry
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