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Document Creation Date: 
December 20, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 16, 2007
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Publication Date: 
June 1, 1963
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R002800020012-9.pdf66.99 KB
Approved For Relea~e:2007/O6/\17, c IA-RDP80BO1 ~ L llG u MEMORANDUM FOR CHAIRMAN SEABORC~ "DOE REVIEW COMPLETED" COMMISSIONER HAWORTH COMMISSIONER PALFREY COMMISSIONER RAMEY COMMISSIONER WILSON THROUGH GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: REPORTED FRANCO-GERMAN COOPERATION IN DEVELOP- MENT OF FRENCH GASEOUS DIFFUSION EFFORTS At the conclusion of the meeting with Minister Hans Lenz and his delegation on June 4, 1963, the Minister said that he --wanted to make some remarks in a very serious vein. He said that the Germans, Euratom and the French had discussed the possibility of constructing a plant to process irradiated plutonium fuel elements at the German Karlsruhe Research Center. Under the proposal, Euratom could contribute one-third of the capital cost of the plant. He then implied that this proposal quite likely had resulted in re- ports that Germany might be undertaking a cooperative program with France in the development of their gaseous diffusion plant at Pierrelatte. In order that there would be no misunderstanding concerning Germany's attitudes toward the French efforts, he wished to advise us that the Chan- cellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and his Cabinet had often re- peated that it was their desire to abide by the Treaties of 1955, under which the Federal Republic of Germany would refrain from the development of an independent military nuclear force. It was his desire to assure the Com- mission that Germany would not initiate any action to develop the military applications of atomic energy. It was also his desire to inform us that Germany would not take any action which would strengthen the French ef- forts in the development of a weapons capability and, accordingly, Germany had nothing to do with the Pierrelatte plant. These remarks were completely voluntary and unrelated to any subject dis- cussed up to that time. We responded that his remarks were appreciated and would be conveyed to appropriate officials. We also observed that re- processing of irradiated fuel elements was a logical part of a program of civilian nuclear power. Myron B. Kratzer, Deputy Director Division. of International Affairs