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Document Release Date: 
April 25, 2000
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Publication Date: 
June 25, 1952
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79-00434A000300090002-7.pdf83.3 KB
OV &AEfiC Approved For Rele2rs~ 2000/06/ DP79-00434A-000300a9.0002r7 -SECURITY INFORMATION CO FIDENTIAL SUBJECT: Recommendation of the Personnel Policy Board - Revised REFERENCE: Memo, Same Subject, dated 6 June 1952 MEKORANDUM FOR: C/ TS The following additions or corrections to the reference memo are submitted as the definite PPB recommendations. It is recommended that: 1. C/PCD continue the development of the career training program, 2. C/MS attempt to establish new field grades as recommended by DC/MS. Promotions in the field will be subject to the sti'nu- 1 t 25X1A s i gnments l l b vidual's qualifications and available o sm"in e sa a.. P, E determined by the PPB,. 25X1A a Zon that the being promoted will not be ruaraut;eed 3. slots will be considered head- quarters slots for purposes of rotation. 4. All male employees, excluding physicians and dentist: at Headquarters, be frozen at their present grades until proposed increases in field grades are established. Headquarters promotions can then be made to an equivalent level, not to exceed existing number and level of field positions. 5. Promotions above a GS-9 will require overseas duty as a prerequisite. 6. In cases of original appointment to a position above a GS-9, preference will be given to employees who have had previous service with the Agency. 7. In specific cases where grievances or special recommendations exist, the individual may appear before the PPB for disposition Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP7.9-00434AQ00300 Approved For Relee 2000/ WEJA-RDP79-0043000300090002-7 SECURITY INFORMATION 8. Category III under Rotation as presented by C/ASD was revised as follows: "Any aggregate tours totaling twelve months generally TDY or specific detailed assignment". 25X1A9a Acting Chief, Personnel Policy Board SSD/SLA,/nkk Attachment Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addressee 2 - SSD (file) Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00434A000300090002-7 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00434A000300090002-7 MISSING PAGE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT MISSING PAGE(S): Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00434A000300090002-7